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I hate to be picky but it is "advice" not "advise". Come on now, we are supposed to be

Posted By: language specialists. nm on 2007-09-14
In Reply to: Advise needed - TiredOTyping


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Love psych notes. HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE,
HATE ER notes.
No, sorry, I guess I didn't explain myself clearly.    I would be working on a per-line basis-only....not hourly....But I would only be doing their work /no other hospitals.   However, in reference to my prior message posted, does what they have now said about cost et cetera ring true....as related to the Lanier desktop and technically setting up at home to integrate with their system    ???  T.Y. 
I was offered payment "per-line"only.....not hourly. But thanks for the insight as to the technical setting up at home. I don't see where they came up with a figure $2300 to get me rolling at home?? They also mentioned something about an MT that they were planning to "terminate" who had "her own" equipment and had "the license". I am clueless. Unless maybe they "think" the Desktop Lanier device is what costs that much??!! Any thoughts?
Tx. :)
"ADVICE needed"
I've replied via email.
I hate DocQSribe, I hate DocQScribe, I hate DocQScrbe, I hate DocQScribe, I hate DocQSribe.
Love cardiology, hate podiatry. Hate discharges, but
What kind of pickiness?  Was it for style-related issues or things like type-o's?  Do they give you account guidelines to follow? 
Same here too. They are VERY VERY picky...
that every single word of radiology is done just so.  Even if WE mess up a word, they rads catch it and bring it to our attention.  They'd never be happy with VR. 
Nit picky
I was doing some subcontracting when business was a little slow about 3-4 years ago and the gal would send me back little corrections circled in red and on the margin was the correction -- it was like a teacher but she would get me for not putting  punctuation in the address, (which the post office wanted no punctuation)  abbreviations for Ave or street or really pickly things that did not make sense and did not change the meaning of the sentence.  But to her defense I also noticed that I had been getting sloppy, like driving a care for 20 years and then taking a driving test, and some things that she brought to my attention I did appreciate but some were just ridiculous.  So after a while when business picked back up I could give her up.  A learning lession for me. 
If you are so picky about the pay, then
As long as there is work and you do it, 8 cpl adds up quickly.
I was always picky about what I ate
but I have learned to eat a better variety than I did as a child. Chitlins haven't made it to my list though. Used to hate, hate, hate cabbage too but I love them now! Who knows, maybe I'll be brave and try chitlins one day. Umm, probably not. What made you finally give in and give them a try?
Picky, picky, picky, picky, picky, picky!

I hate those but I hate trauma notes on children even more sm
I used to work for a large hospital that saw a lot of children for various horrible things.

The very last one I did was a 12yo boy who had hung himself while his mother was at work. She thought he was in school. The doctor cried, I cried (as I usually did) and I just couldn't handle that anymore. That was the longest report I swear. Short in lines but the length was almost an hour. The doc didn't pause the machine, she cried, horrible gut wrenching sobs, and I did too, right along with her.
I have a picky little kid who doesn't like

it when the bread gets soggy from the PB&J.  I make sandwiches ahead of time and use hamburger buns, which are inexpensive at the thrift bread store.  The buns are more dense than bread, so they don't get soggy.  You can also make the PB&Js ahead of time on bread and freeze them, although I've never tried it.  Or put a light layer of peanut butter on both pieces of bread, then spread the jelly.  The jelly won't soak into the bread through the peanut butter. 

I do like the other Mom's advice about prebagging things like cookies and chips.  I prebag carrot sticks and celery in the fridge.  We use a lot of yogurt and applesauce cups, granola bars, fruit bars, juice boxes, and that type of thing.  It does add up and costs as much as a hot lunch, but the kids don't like hot lunch.  It takes me maybe two minutes to do a lunchbox. 

Some accounts are picky and
some are not so, just depends.  It sounds to me like you are frustrated and are not feeling appreciated.  Do they also give you positive feedback?  I personally would love to get some QA back, especially on correct style.  If you are unhappy with them, there are a a lot of job openings.  I would try looking around with someone you might be happier with. Better yet, get your own accounts. 
Picky eaters

Dealing with picky eaters is really hard.  I have 2 kids, and their dad is really picky, and my kids inherited his pickiness.  My daughter is 10, and she has never, ever had any type of beef before.  She only likes cheese and bread and can't stand anything wet, such as salad dressings, or ketsup.  She hates any type of fruit, vegetable, pizza or meat but will eat tofu and soybeans. 

The way that I deal with it is this.  I make a normal dinner, but I make sure there is 1 side dish that my kids will eat.  They have to try at least one bite of everything if they want desert, but I never force them to eat anything. 

I also have my kids each pick out 3 TV dinners each week.  (Even that is hard, since they frequently have a hard time finding a TV dinner that they will eat).  If they absolutely cannot stomach what I've made, they are allowed to make themselves a TV dinner instead.  They know that if they ask for more that they have exceeded their "pickiness allowance" and that they have to eat what I make or starve. 

picky eaters
My daughter is 9 and fairly picky. I agree with M, I always try to make sure there is a side dish that my daughter will eat, and if there is something in the main course (i.e. onions, tomatoes,) she is allowed to pick them out and eat the rest of the meal. However, if I make something new she has to try one bite of it. Many times she ends up liking them, although since your boyfriends kids are older that may not be easy for you.

My husband thinks the kids should eat whatever I make, regardless of if they like it, but I disagree somewhat. I think that we should all be allowed our taste buds, and that it is normal for one person to like what another doesn't. He has learned to come around to my way of thinking. LOL

Good luck to you!
I'm gonna seem picky here...
Anybody have any ideas for appetizers that are simple, quick, and relatively cheap?  I know I'm particular, but I'm not a good cook, don't have much time or money!!  This is just for a card game, so I don't want anything extravagant anyway.  Thanks bunches!
It's a very picky platform
That's an issue they need to address big time. However, they do have adapters for that kind of stuff. I had to get a USB-to-Serial adapter for my food pedal when I used EditScript.
Picky vets
You're right, landroverlady, the vets are incredibly picky about their reports, yet they are far from perfect themselves.  It is a relatively new trend that the veterinarian offices are turning to "professional" transcription services to have their reports typed, so they have no clue what the "norm" is in transcription.  If they weren't so darned picky, it would make my job a lot easier in hiring and training.  Any time someone makes even the smallest mistake, I am sure to get a phone call or email from an unhappy doctor!  Life would be sooo much easier if they read their reports in the same manner that they dictated! 
Depends on how picky they are (verbatim)....
I personally would prefer to type "cillin"-type medications or something like that. Maybe check with your QA point person. If you have never been told who he/she is (would not surprise me), his/her e-mail should be listed near the top of the client profile.
It's kind of like with picky little kids.
You have to serve them certain things at least 10 times before they get used to them enough to eat them. And always serve the vegetables first so you eat them when you're the most hungry. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do try to make at least half my plate at each meal vegetables or fruit. There are some veggies I won't eat cooked, but they're great raw. There are some veggies that taste better fresh and steamed than canned and reheated. I finally like onions and red peppers but it took forever to adjust my tastes.

I'm waiting for hubby to make some Italian veggie omelettes right now. Spinach, tomatoes, onions, peppers, fresh garlic with eggs, Italian seasoning, low fat mozzarella and a sprinkle of parmesan. 12-grain toast, cantaloupe and Italian dark roast coffee on the side.
My picky eaters were all told sm
as soon as they were 15 and working that if they didn't like what I put on the table, they could cook their own or order out. My oldest boy, 29, always ate anything and everything. He still does.  My second boy, 22, only liked pizza (minus the cheese, go figure),chicken nuggets, popcorn, tomato soup with bacon bits, apples with peanut butter, and cereal. He has a girfriend now and eats more of a variety, like Chinese food. My third boy, 20, eats only freshly cooked food. He hates leftovers.  Would rather go hungry than eat leftovers. He gets a lot at Subway or Burger King or he orders from the restaurant. My hubby was picky at one time, too, but not after 26 years of marriage. I always tried to keep whatever they liked on hand but that is as far as it went. I cooked the main meal. If they didn't like it, oh well. I told them I was not a chef in a restaurant. That solved a lot of problems. Sounds mean but I came from a family of 7 that had only 1 income and we ate what was put on the table and if we complained too much then we had liver and spinach the next night. We learned in a big hurry.
Picky is the name of the game IMHO. Either it's right or it's not.
AND they are trying to throw in more nit-picky things about what this doc wants...
and this doctor always needs to go to QA and this resident needs an extra signature line and make sure the visit you selected was at the right place and be sure to change this worktype for this doctor because we cannot teach him to do it and we can't tell this doctor that worktype 800 is really not an EEG because we don't think he'll get it and no we can't get the software to recognize a visit ID when its entered and no you cannot start the audio in the document information screen so you can verify the patient and please automatically know when the doctor gives one name at the beginning of the dictation and a different one at the end who he is really typing about and take the following VR sentence and make it a lucid part of a medical report - CT scan guided biopsy performed February refills banding is without mucus brain which is negative.

My VR plan is quickly shaping up like this...take a 20-hour a week job at the local nursing home for full health insurance benefits and find an IC job doing transcription for supplemental income and repeat year after year until ready to be in nursing home.
Any advice for dealing with picky eaters?

OK, I'll try to explain this the best I can.  My boyfriend has two children...one is a girl who just turned 18.  The other is a boy who is 15.  These two children will not eat ANYTHING!  The girl is pickier than the boy, but still he is bad enough on his own.  I have an 8-year-old son who will eat more of a variety than these two put together. 

I am really getting tired of eating the same old thing every week.  They will eat chicken, pork chops, burgers, hot dogs, pizza, and steak.  It gets very old.  My boyfriend and I love italian food, but if we make it we have to cook something separate for the kids (not including mine) to eat!

The girl doesn't like ham.  OH, but she will eat ham that you put on a sandwich...but if you cook a ham, she turns her nose up?!?!?  She likes baked potatoes, but not mashed?!?!?  The boy would live on pizza ANYTHING if you let him.

I know that since they are older there isn't much I can do about it.  Plus, they aren't my children, so I feel strange saying much about it.  Their dad tries to get them to try new things, but they won't do it.  In my opinion, he doesn't really try hard enough.  My son has always been made to try at least a bite of something new...if he really doesn't like it he doesn't have to eat it, but most of the time he thinks it's good.

I just am sick and tired of the dinner menu choices being so limited.  My boyfriend is a great cook (I am a good cook too, but he loves to cook, so he does most of the cooking).  I'll ask what's for dinner and then almost feel sick to my stomach when it's chicken AGAIN!!

If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.  I think I needed to vent about it more than anything.

QA that is so picky it makes you go back and relisten to the whole thing.
when it causes people to live in fear of losing their jobs because they get a major error from doing a new specialty, you wish you weren't helping out on the new specialty, and tend to turn off the computer.
I don't hate AAMT at all, ks. I don't hate
their book. In fact, I love the BOS2. It is not a regular grammar book at all - there are hundreds of issues in it that are point specific to MTing and medical field. I have dozens of regular grammar books, too, for other purposes, and they are not similar at all. I purchased the BOS2 when out job interviewing for a few months. Every single employer wanted me to have my own company, and they all tested off of it. Several used it in their daily work, and I have found it priceless over all. I think its even on sale now, but $89 is not a lot for a professional tool that we should use if required, or if a newbie. MTs who don't like to buy books are not very wise in the big picture. Its like shooting yourself in the foot.
Yes, they are supposed to, but
and it is our responsibility to do the VERY best we can with what we are given. I KNOW there are crappy dictators;I do way more than my share 'cause cherrypickers don't get called on the carpet(but that's another story). I don't earn much at this and it stinks, but I just can't believe that you think we do not contribute to patient care and are merely "typists". No wonder we can't get any respect in the form of better pay, etc. Just because the doctors make the big bucks we should do sloppy work? I don't think so. Don't you want your records or your family's to be accurate? I would hope so.
wow! are we supposed to be seeing this?
Well, how are they supposed to get the
they don't know where to send them? Considering that a lot of these people are refusing donations of clothing, food, toys, personal necessities, etc., because they just want the money, I'm sure they'll stay put somewhere for two weeks.
What's that supposed to mean? nm
What was it supposed to be?
Well, that's supposed to say 70s up there......
Actually, I would just like them to sit where they are supposed to. sm
Since my kids and breastfeeding, they hang down to my bellybutton so to speak. I would just like them firmed ang tightened back up and sit on my chest where God put them and not hang so much. I even tried standing on my head for 5 minutes at a time 3x day - and that didn't help any!! LOL.

You are actually supposed to be doing that as an IC. SM
You almost must have a commercial line counter. I use Sylcount.
not supposed to put looking for job ads--sm
on the job seekers board...you are supposed to post your resume on the resume site. If you post looking for a job on the job board, they will remove it. just letting you know. That is for company's looking for employees, not employees looking for jobs.
That is supposed to be *Looks*. nm
What is that supposed to mean?
This is supposed to be 0, not whatever that
We are supposed to either have our
e-mail open or be signed in to IM while we are working so we can be contacted quickly.  It's very helpful because we can see who is available if we have a question that perhaps another MT can answer or if we have an addendum somebody can pick up, that kind of thing. 
If you don't know that MTs are supposed
to be accurate 100% of the time, then why are you doing this to start with? None of us are 100% accurate, however, most companies expect a 98% accuracy rate, some even higher. Either you are not using a spellcheck/grammar check or just being careless.

Editors/QA only check reports that are sent in because of questions unless you are on 100% QA, or if they are assigned to do audits. They are not there to do your job for you.
You are not supposed to ask for help when
Its actually supposed to be generalized all over or anywhere
in your abdominal area, and then you know you're in trouble when it "localizes" to the right lower quadrant. 
was that supposed to be coherent? nm
Darn it, was supposed to go under the
WHEN is this supposed to go into effect?
I have not received letter.. Is this everyone or just employees or just IC ??? Specific info would be lovely
MQ supposed miscalculation
I worked for MQ yeeeears ago, when they were new, so let me assure you they have been caught before making "miscalculations" in their pay before. This was before the new platform, of course, and they had to send me a check for over $700.

All-around it is supposed to be more efficient...
I understand all that, and I am all for whatever is best for the patient, but I am just hoping I can "hang on" until retirement, which will be in another 15 years or so (unless the government ups that to like 80 or something now!).

Unfortunately, even AAMT seems 'off the mark' - a little too late, with their trying to get everyone certified, etc. All that expense to the MT, and then for what - you will still be without a job.

From now on, I am going to try to figure out some other type of career, which come on, at the age of nearly 50, I do not know how realistic this is.

I appreciate the information someone posted about getting help as a "displaced worker" when jobs are replaced by either foreign countries or technology. Somewhere there will have to be assistance for us. They claim over 400,000 MTs. If you are an 'above average' MT and are willing to change, perhaps 1/4 of that will be able to work for the next 15 years?

Philips is one of the leaders in technology and has outsourcing overseas for a long time...
sorry - this was supposed to go under "Freakin out"
You are supposed to place
your terms questions on proper board. This is per instructions of Moderator. They may remove your post if it is not categorized correctly.