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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I had a horrible experience with HRBlock. sm

Posted By: Do it yourself. on 2006-01-31
In Reply to: Tax Preparation - Hazel

I figured I'd try their service over the internet to see if there was something I missed that I could deduct.  They charged me $200, they were difficult to get in touch with by phone, plus they made a mistake on my return that I had to catch before they submitted it.  Maybe the local offices are better.  A lot of services send the work to India to do.  You are better off buying the software or using an accountant.  $350 is not bad.  I paid that much for an accountant 12 years ago. 

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Horrible experience?

How so? 

The reason I am asking is we are terribly understaffed where I work.  I have worked at a mental health/behaviorall health facility for the past 14 years, where I have been the senior transcriptionist/coordinator/supervisor.  I have been very under-staffed for the past five years, with no one understanding my position and why we are unable to keep up with our workload.  There are four transcriptionists including myself, with one calling off all the time, and who is protected under FMLA.  We transcribe for 42 physicians/'therapists.. 

A few months ago we again inherited our inpatient unit, and we (transcriptionists) refused to work weekends as it was not in our job description and we work our butts off now.  So, administration hired Transcription Connection to handle the inpatient unit reports, which I totally understand with Medicaid requirements, etc..

I have since been out on surgical leave (major right foot surgery) since 04/10/07 and am not expected back to work until 07/16/07.  We are terribly behind with me being gone and this one Transcriptionist calling off all the time.  We basically have two transcriptionists at the current time working their butts off.  Rumor is that administration is going to turn everything over to Transcription Connection because we cannot keep up.  Now, I asked to hire another transcriptionist way before I went out on major surgical leave to get her trained, etc. to help with the workflow, but you know how that goes. 

Anyway, I was thinking if our reports are going to be turned over to this transcription service, we will be out of work.  I was wondering about them, as I am (was???) going to apply.

Any feedback is helpful.  Sorry if there are any typos, as I am basically blind and do not have my glasses on - - LOL!



But you are being negative! Your experience sounds horrible, but it wasn't like that
for a lot of us! I didn't have a horrible experience at all. I loved it and found working at home as an MT a breeze.  I didn't fork $$ into some bogus school. You make it sound like its the hardest most grueling thing to do, and that is just YOUR experience.  You've BTDT in so many things, and even your "name" sounds negative. It doesn't sound like a positive "been there/done that"...Its a negative attitude no matter what its applied to.  So its not fair to give your perceived horror struggle. You don't know anything more than 1 sentence about this girl.  Why not be open that she could be a whiz at this? A natural? And obviously one can't work for a "horrible national", and do it. But there are tons of companies who would work with her, or any other MT with little ones.  Happens all the time, every day. You just have to want to do it and be POSITIVE and find that great job.  You're squashing her dream before she finished dreaming it, and that's sad.  I'm sorry you had such a tough start, but you're not the majority, and you're not the only single mom either.  Why is it okay with you all the negative postings, but the positive ones aren't fair to you, and you have to jump in and give your horror version again. 
But you are being negative! Your experience sounds horrible, but it wasn't like that
for a lot of us! I didn't have a horrible experience at all. I loved it and found working at home as an MT a breeze.  I didn't fork $$ into some bogus school. You make it sound like its the hardest most grueling thing to do, and that is just YOUR experience.  You've BTDT in so many things, and even your "name" sounds negative. It doesn't sound like a positive "been there/done that"...Its a negative attitude no matter what its applied to.  So its not fair to give your perceived horror struggle. You don't know anything more than 1 sentence about this girl.  Why not be open that she could be a whiz at this? A natural? And obviously one can't work for a "horrible national", and do it. But there are tons of companies who would work with her, or any other MT with little ones.  Happens all the time, every day. You just have to want to do it and be POSITIVE and find that great job.  You're squashing her dream before she finished dreaming it, and that's sad.  I'm sorry you had such a tough start, but you're not the majority, and you're not the only single mom either.  Why is it okay with you all the negative postings, but the positive ones aren't fair to you, and you have to jump in and give your horror version again. 
Horrible experience with Wildblue ~ I would recommend Hughes sm
over Wildblue. I use AT&T wireless, much cheaper start up, about the same monthly, and much more reliable. If it will not work with wireless, I doubt it will work well with Satelite either.
Horrible, horrible place to work. nm
Horrible, horrible platform. Not
user friendly at all.  The best tip I can give you is don't do it. 
Experience on top, current experience first. Education second. Leave out ALL fluff.
Recruiters don't need your life story. They need to know if you can do the job. If you want, put your current employer, then state "I have 20 years in the profession doing....." Keep it simple; keep it clean. If you want to go into more detail, do it during the interview. A HUGE red flag is to see that you've worked for 10 different companies, for months at a time. I know that someone who has worked for the same company for 2 years or more is going to have some degree of loyalty and will work through issues rather than cut and run.
Yes, they are HORRIBLE
LIES, LIES, LIES. Line stealers, no help. There are plenty of other companies to work for. Please don't let Soft Script ruin you as an MT. Good luck.
They are horrible, horrible, horrible.
They advertise about how skilled their MTs are, yet they are recruiting MTs straight out of school.  You need to start somewhere to get training, but you'll be sorry if you work for this company.  They'll pay you peanuts and try to steal some of that, treat you like a dog and just leave you broken.  
This is horrible!
Wow that is insane! I worked in medical records while training in coding and transcription. I was responsible for mailing the reports out. I made sure I got them out daily. The girl before me would hold them and the girl after me did the same thing. I never understood it. Those doctors need those for patient care. This is besides the fact that it just causes more work as the doctors will end up calling for the reports and someone will have to fax it to them if they need it whereas if they were sent right away time would have been saved on this. I think this is horrible as it ultimately will affect patient care not to mention productivity. In my opinion there is no excuse for this!
I used to have 1 PA who was horrible. Every

report was 20 to 30 minutes because he was such a bad dictator and was very disorganized.  He always said "thank you for this dictation" at the end of every report.

I have several docs currently who say thank you at the end, some will say have a good weekend or happy holiday too. 


How horrible!
My prayers are with her and her son.. I have a 3 year old son and hearing this makes my heart break for them!
That's horrible!
I would definitly take these findings to the company. Your initials are on those reports, and it could come back on you, not to mention what could happen to the patients whose medical records are being changed. I wouldn't hesitate. What a sad way for people to act!
that's horrible!
Gosh, I cannot imagine working for even one week without being paid!  You surely have my sympathy.  Wish we could think of a way to REALLY get the word out about them - like a full page newspaper ad or something.  Wander if the Better Business Bureau would be appropriate?  Or at least the Labor Board? 
pay is horrible
That is funny cuz I had gotten an email stating that the starting pay is .5 cents a line 1-1200. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is not VR!!!
I do it too; it IS horrible nm
OMG, how horrible!
AHDI used to be AAMT, and it was my understanding that for what it's worth nowadays (IMO, zilch), the CMT credential was available only from AHDI (AAMT) after at least three years as a practitioner. This was a few years ago.

It's hard to believe that these unscrupulous places are victimizing those who don't know any better. One place to submit a complaint would be the Better Business Bureau.

This just sux. :(
OMG! How horrible! nm
It is a horrible shame
because I have loved my job at the hospital and I still do love my work there, but MQ has put us in a position where we really have little choice, but to take a tremendous cut in pay or leave and if we leave, our options are limited.... no benefits (IC) or less money with fewer benefits.
No work - it's horrible sm
I just finished doing my resume. There has to be something better than this out there. Today, I rotated through 6 or 7 accounts, one job at a time from each one. Had to keep checking the profiles and was so worried that I would mess something up.

I just got the Points review in the mail today, it was done back in July. I was doing 6 or 7 accounts at that time as well. I got BIG DEDUCTIONS for having a formatting error in an account that I almost never get to type.

I am so very very sad. I used to love MQ. Guess those days are in the past
Horrible place
I would not recommend it
That is horrible! I'm speechless. nm


That's horrible. I just read that over 35,000
Mine were horrible and now I only
have one day of crying for about an hour and then remember, oh, I must be having a period today! I was having them 17 days apart with breakthrough and heavy, I mean heavy cycles...2 pads changed every 45 minutes the first 2 days. The worst part was the emotional roller coaster. I would stand in the shower and cry all day on the day before, not knowing why, then understanding the next day.

I took my PMS cocktail. First I tried Tylenol. After an hour if no relief, I took Annaprox. After an hour if no relief, I took a 5 mg Valium. If after an hour if no relief, I stopped working and started drinking...heavily!

Now I don't know I even have them except for that one stupid hour of crying about every 2-1/2 weeks!
You have done all you can to protect others, then. It's really horrible. I'm so sorry.
That is horrible. I'm so sorry for your loss (sm)
Those animals should be outlawed as well as the people who train them to kill. We have a Golden Retriever who is the sweetest thing in the world and we love her and she wouldn't hurt a fly. I am an animal lover but I do not like pit bulls. I also have small children and I'm thankful no one in our neighborhood has a pit bull. Again, I'm so sorry for your horrible loss.
Yes, it was bad, but they can take an every horrible voice
and make it better in a recording. She does not have a horrible voice, just not the strong voice that she THINKS she has. It will be a lot better when released on a DVD, just watch and see.

Horrible Attitude
That's really a horrible thing to say....just because someone feels confident in their skills is not a negative thing...it's a good thing....more people need to be "in love" with themselves and maybe the world would be a better place!
Still having horrible hot flashes...sm
and had hysterectomy in 1999.  I am 53 now and still have horrible hot flashes.  It is so embarrassing.  I can be shopping or whatever and all of a sudden my face is beat red and sweat is DRIPPING off my forehead into my eyes, my mouth, just a real mess.  I finally stopped having the night sweats , thanks to Estroven DS, but it has not helped the horrible sweats during the day.  I truly wish you luck and hope you can find something to relieve your flashes.  I  call mine, my own personal summer.
That's horrible. An MT should get credit
for the finished product - that is what you are responsible for - and what  you should be paid for - anything less is crappola.
Paid by VBC - its horrible. Do you really think it
I currently have a job as an IC, getting paid 10 cpl, but only for visible black characters. My boss said this is the way it will be soon for all MTSOs in the country. Period. She really gave the take-it-or-leave it speech, as in leave the industry, as everyone is going to transition to VBC. I could see it if the MT pay rose accordingly, but 10 cpl as an IC and not getting paid for spaces is a huge pay cut. I gave it a month, but the difference is huge. Anybody have any feelings on if this is really going to be the way it is? The accounts are decent enough - If I were getting paid a normal rate for spaces I would be making decent money - $30 an hour range at least, but with the no spaces, honestly an lucky to average $10 an hour. Anybody have any experience with this? Plus, IC status - no bennies and taxes on my own. Does anyone really think all MTSOs are going to convert to this soon? Any comments appreciated.
On my acct are 2 drs. that all know are horrible.
to just do our best and email acct manager the job number so she can alert the facility.  Facility knows the work of those 2 are going to have more than the allowed amount of blanks and we just have to let them know when those jobs are coming through. 
Hourly was horrible for me.

worth production wise.  Did you know that hourly MTs make the median income of around 14.00 an hour?  I'm not sure what your thoughts are on this, but I can't make it on 14.00 an hour anymore.  I quit the in house job (it was outsourced within a month of my resignation) and I make more per hour now right here in my home even working at 8 cpl than I did hourly.  I was expected to work constantly even onsite without vacations or a holiday.  Whenever I took off work, the work was sitting there piled up for me when I got back.  And yes, the floors would hollar for reports and the physicians would hollar for reports. 

No way would I go back in house doing MT.  I'd rather poke my eyes with sticks.

It's horrible, all old records mean nothing sm
Our docs' private practice uses this now. As patients we asked where our old records were as no more charts and we both had very serious illnesses. Told they are in the basement should they have to refer but were asking questions they should have known the answers to. It was as if we never existed on the face of the earth to them after 18 years. I'm disgusted, it's like your past history means nothing to them. I would like to slap them but I can't. Jeesh, what next? The pharmacy now connects electronically to them and we were told not to call for Rx anymore, just call the pharmacy. The pharmacy said it could take up to a week. We have to call and remind them to check their computer as we are waiting for a refill okay. Robotic! Electronic supermarket checkouts, Rx's, digital phones, no people. Even the casino uses paper tickets now instead of money coming out. It sure goes in as money though! And if it ever does come out in a ticket, you have to go to another "machine" to get the money. Don't gamble but once or twice a year and just a sign of the times, everywhere you go, no people - just robotic machines. Surgery included! Detachment from people!
Horrible platform. There are different
versions. I have worked on Meditech and Meditech Magic and there are horrible.  Any platform that you need a manual for is pretty bad. 
99.99% of SS dictators are HORRIBLE and the sound

quality is bad on top of that.   Most any company will have ESL and I currently do roughly 80% ESL.  I have 20 years' experience.  I have NEVER had an ESL worse than I had with SS.  

no horrible is the when you do a report on a molestation.
When I get lied to, I have this horrible habit
They lied to me.  I am complaining.
I have heard they have a horrible reputation
and that they do offshore to India. I believe you may be able to find some posts or threads, check on MTNews as well, as to whether or not they offshore.

They do have a large turnover in transcriptionists, and that is not a good thing.
This job was able to get me out of a long, horrible marriage and I thank my
I agree, horrible ESL's on all accounts.....NM
You're not horrible - just smart
Your time is money, all the time you spent researching, designing, printing and distributing your flier was all time you spent and money out of your pocket.  Just because others may not want to do the hard work for themselves, doesn't obligate you to give away yours.  It is a business and you made a business decision.  You know pretty well that there are those who would try to short cut and just change your information for theirs.  Stick to your guns!
The last song Kat did was painfully horrible...sm
and if for some reason her daddy bought enough votes for her to win and that thing was recorded I would hope that no radio station would actually play it!
How horrible! No more big bucks for doctors?

But thank goodness they can keep their income up, thriving and growing by their savvy investments!!

I think I cried more than at my own dad's funeral!! Am I horrible?
I have about 90% horrible ESLs on my account
I try to get what they are saying, but I cannot spend all day on one report. I know from my experience if I cannot understand them in a few minutes then I never will. These guys are the worst I have ever heard in my life. Sometimes I think they revert to speaking their native tongue! Often QA will leave the same big fat blanks I did!
Dodgeball is a horrible game.
We had to play with the boys, and they could throw really hard. I weighed half what they did, and I was terrified.
It is horrible to see me "botch" up my own typing..
Spell check with it is HORRIBLE. Had to C&P into
One blank is not reasonable, what if it is a horrible ESL - sm
that you can only understand 1 word in 10? I have had those. Years ago worked for a company that only allowed about 1 blank every 10 reports or so, which was crazy especially since it was acute care and nothing but ESLs. If you went over your daily allotment you would be reamed via email. I understand trying to keep the blanks down but some are just unavoidable.
I've always said Meditech is horrible.
Thumbs down on Meditech - not transcription friendly at all.