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I guess that depends on how many hours you work. sm

Posted By: CheriL on 2009-04-04
In Reply to: Yes, don't we all use RUE or LUE whatever - grasshopper

Do you save yourself 2 hours because of your Expander and then quit for the day? Or do you work more hours because your expansions allow you to = more on the paycheck?

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Pay depends on where you work, I guess.

I know if I have a midnight deadline, it's 4:00 a.m. my time because I'm on the east coast and my national is out of California.

Good luck with the 3rd shift.  I was thinking of that myself, but my husband has been doing 3rd shift for 7 years and I do first shift and we tell everyone that's why we get along so good.

P.S.  He usually tries to keep his all night routine on the weekends, (his shift is 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.M- Th) but sometimes he'll stay up on Friday morning and go to bed at 11:00, but it messes him up sometimes because his week starts Sundays with a 12 hour third shift from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.  You'll get used to it.  He loves it.  No alarm clocks. No morning rush.

I guess maybe it depends on who you work for...
All I know is my boss is well aware of every single report that I proof every single day. I have specific accounts that are my sole responsibility, so if an error like this drug mistake got through on one of my docs' reports, it would be easy to know who saw it last.
Okay, I guess I'm asking how can a company require you to work 8 hours a day, SM

require you to produce a certain amount of lines, but then only pay you for the lines?  My personal opinion is that we need to redefine this whole production pay thing because the MTs are getting screwed in the deal.  If we are paid on production, then we should be able to produce the minimum and then our work day is done unless we choose to work the entire 8 hours.  If they want us on the system for 8 hours a day, then they should pay us hourly plus incentive line rates.

I personally think that companies should pay all MTs a base hourly pay, like say $12 per hour and then 5 cpl on top of that or something to that effect.  Or say $12 an hour and you have to produce at least 1000 in an 8 hour period and anything above 1000 in that 8 hour period you get an extra cpl rate as incentive.  I would be working my tail feathers off if I was offered that.

I guess it depends on what company or client you work for. nm
For us slow pkes---my best would be 3 hours, worst 6 hours - just depends on the dictator ,
I have to look up (i.e. Dr. names, addresses)...I have to do a lot of that and it majorly slows me down, without all that and good not too horrible dicators, in 1 hour I can do anywhere from 15-20 minutes of dictation.
Depends. Usually 1 to 1-1/2 hours.

I guess it really depends on how much you
enjoy the "freedom" you have and how much you enjoy the job you do right now. I know from experience that sometimes it's better to take less money and be happy in your job than to take more and not be happy. It's a tough decision and I wish the best to you.
I guess it depends. Do you also do
Are you using ICs or hiring as employee status? That makes a difference, too. If IC, the turnover rate can be high with ICs (at least in my experience, even w/ good line rate/decent dictators) so it's quite literally a neverending process for some MTSOs.

Another factor is my first question, do you do some of the work yourself? It's really dependent on your personal goals. Do you want to free up your time to work or are you wanting to add more clients and build up your business? If the former, does having the help afford you the extra time necessary to do QA functions? If the latter, are you able to charge a high enough line rate to bear paying an MT and a QA person a decent rate and still earn enough of a profit to operate? How many ICs do you typically have on QA, how long, and how many QA people would you realistically need to handle the workload? I think those are all legitimate questions to ask yourself.

FWIW, I tried doing QA myself at one time and it was not a winning formula. My theory was pay the MT more of the line rate to attract quality help and they won't be on QA for long, but it didn't play out that way. I had a high turnover for various reasons, ICs going AWOL, not meeting TAT, too many errors, etc., and even with the really good MTs, you run the risk of losing them to bigger services that can pay more and/or offer benefits, or they simply find their own accounts. I was putting in very long hours in order to handle QA plus get my transcription done. It wasn't worth it for me, time wise or financially, so I gave it up. Again, it depends on your situation, your ultimate goal, and if you are able to find good reliable help. I just thought I'd share my personal experience with you, too. YMMV, of course!
depends on what you did I guess sm

Sometimes the less said, the better, but of course, only you know what you did and I don't think you should broadcast any personal info on here or the Web. You will have to decide for yourself, if you have the skills, maybe they will give you a chance; maybe they won't think it matters. Only you can decide. I can't give you advice and doubt anyone else on here would either. We're used to everything being confidential, etc., professional people here, at least most of us anyway! Good luck!


But in transcription, if you are good at what you do, you can do 8 hours of work in 4 hours. So eit

you slice it, both companies will still get 8 hours worth of work out of you.

That is the problem I've been having lately being an MT.  Companies want to pay us on production and they set minimum productivity standards, but want us timed in for 8 hours a day.  My thinking is, if they want 8 hours of work out of me, pay me hourly with production incentive.  If they want to pay me on production and tell how much I have to produce in an 8 hour period, then when I hit that mark, I should be able to call it a day even if I've only worked 4 hours.

Seems these companies want it both ways and it is simply not fair to us MTs.  JMO, tho.

I'd think 8 hours; depends how fast you type - sm
and how good the quality is of the dictation. If you have to break down multiple people talking I expect it will take you longer than 8 hours.
That depends on your company. You will need to ask your TL about that one, I guess. nm
Depends on where you live I guess. sm

My cats have been outdoor cats all of their lives.  One is 13 and the other is 10.  Where we live, they sleep in the street.  They're both neutered and up-to-date on shots.  They don't wander too far from home anymore as they get older.

We moved here from a farm on a dead end road and I tried to make them stay indoors at first, but they wouldn't have any part of it.

Like I said, it depends. 

Everyone in our tiny neighborhood knows them by name and dogs fear them. :)

(They're 15 lbs. each).

Guess it depends where you live. sm
Clerk didn't care if I would lose day(s) pay and also said I wouldn't get the $50 a day reimbursement as I was self-employed and had to pay myself. 
No, I guess it depends on where you live (sm)
Like I said above, I have heard it used in a derogatory way many times. I am definitely not the prejudiced one. Anyone can look at the term "ebonics" and see where the root word comes from.
I guess it depends where you live...
Some employers require or "prefer" certification, but I don't know whether that earns you any extra money or not. Most do not require certification, at least where I live, and do not come out and offer extra pay to be certified or encourage you to be certified. My opinion is that it is a waste of your time and money.
Depends on your account, I would guess.

Some accounts want a strict SOAP format, so you would disregard the other headings.

I personally work on verbatim accounts so we put in any headings they dictate.

I guess that depends if it is a verbatim account...
I think even so I would type feces....
I guess it depends where you live. Grocery
I don't know of anyone who shops at Walmart for groceries.  Not one.  No way I'd buy perishable stuff from Walmart.  I was desperate one night a few years ago and bought milk at Walmart and BLECH!  It wasn't past the expiration date but it tasted like it was nearing expiration and the coolers were lukewarm.
It depends what type of surgery, I guess. sm
Some are very easy and fast money, others are very detailed and long, nothing "normal" about them.

It all depends....Personally, they are my favorite and I specialize in doing only op reports, all specialties.

I guess it depends on which office you get switched to now doesnt it.
I guess it all depends on what part of the country you live.
I could not live on $2000 a month.  Our house payment is more than that, not including electric, cable, car, etc.  One day we will retire down south!!
I must say, I work long hours, sometimes 12-14 hours a day.
I thought it was important to mention that. However many hours it takes to get the work done is what I do. Some days 12 hours, other days 6 hours and sometimes 14 hours. So, I guess there really is no easy answer.
Guess it depends on how porous his skin is-- try cold cream maybe? - sm
My kids have done all sorts of stuff, usually the face cleans up except for red in my experience...fades over a week or so. But cold cream is good for make up so maybe it will work, if you don't have any handy maybe a thick moisturizer? Obviously the hands are not an issue since they won't be in the picture, you can always try a liquid make-up if it doesn't come off and if the make up does not look weird. Good luck.....you can always keep him home or arrange for him to do the make-up picture for kids who are sick...they always have a make up picture day...find out when it is and just do it then.
I guess it depends on if it was a long-term affair or a one-nighter sm
Probably would try to make it work because I love him and want my daughter to have her daddy around.
IC sets their own hours. As long as the work is done by the deadline, you decide when to work.

What hours do you work?
I am having a hard time setting a schedule.  I would like to work early mornings, but it is hard ot get motivated.
So how many hours a day do you work? nm
So-you work 13 hours a day?(sm)

I can't even get 8 in without falling asleep, most of the time between the hours of 7-9 a.m. My first 3 hours, I can do almost 200 lines an hour. After that, it's downhill.  I rarely hit 1,000 lines a day let alone what you do. Thick ESL account.

We are not allowed to work more than 8 hours a day. I use an expander, but I'm slow with it. Still have a lot of words that need to go in. The worse part of this is  remembering  that I have a short cut for the words!

Another problem I have is that I hate leaving blanks and I will take time to research and look things up.  I know I could cut the time a bit, but . . .I can't stand to do that. I freak out with an ESL if I have to leave 2 blanks.

It's the falling asleep I can't handle. Yet, we have to work our scheduled hours or suffer the consequences, so I'm stuck. I guess I'll be out the door soon.

I'm getting so-o-o depressed because of it. I left a job earning $1400 for 15 days for 1/3rd that I am getting now. Can't afford the health insurance, can't afford to save money. Heck, can't afford to pay my bills anymore.

I work about 5-1/2 hours a day, five...sm
days a week as an IC and make about $27,000/year contracting with a national at 0.0975/line.  I feel like I represent the norm, but I could be wrong.  Sounds like a lot of people on this board are doing a lot better, although I don't know of any personally. 
I work 24 hours
and make around $22-24,000. And I am NOT glued to my computer (because of small children). I could make $30-32,000 if I really tried.
How many hours do yo work a day
to get these lines? I would think it would take you more than eight. I would hate to spend more than eight hours working, but that is me.
I only work 35 hours and anything/ sm

over 35 hours is OT.  If I work before or after my scheduled shift on any day, I get OT pay.  This is before I have reached my 35 hours too.  Whenever I work when it is not my normally scheduled time, it is considered OT. 

No & if you work the same hours SM
and same production year after year, you will actually see a DEcrease in your income over time.  Isn't that nice?  The only way you can maintain or increase your income in this biz is to work longer and faster.
and work more than 40 hours/week you are due

compensation.  If your company requires you to work 7 days a week I'd find a new job.  They may ASK you to work extra as workload dictates but by no means should you be required too.  Many companies require 1 weekend/month or every other weekend, but there are off days during the week, unless you WANT to work.

If you are an IC you work what you commit to.  If a company can get you to work as an IC by holding over your head you dictate the hours you work, versus working a set schedule, why not.   With having to compete with companies offshoring they have to cut expenses where they can and cutting benefits, etc. is where they do it.  I don't like it, but in order to stay in business they have to, but they also can't require you to work 7 days/week either.  




Looking to pick up some prn work, about 10 hours per
week. I have Word 2000 and Transnet or can use FTP. Acute care or clinic. Email me for details if interested.
where do you work that you just do lines, not hours?- nm
I take a 5-10 min break every 2 hours I work ...
barring that, I try to have as close as possible productive hours during my shift.
A little over 1100 - 5 hours work. nm
Only work 8 hours a day?? (Anon)
I honestly don't know how you do it. After 17 years of doing MT, my C-spine is a mess, i.e. DDD, bulging disk, bone spur, cord compression, disk dessication, etc. Four hours of transcribing IMHO, considering the intensity of the work (eyes on screen, hands on keyboard, foot on pedal, headphones on, glued to chair) is equivalent to the 8 to 9 hours I used to put in daily as a medical secretary with the breaks at the water cooler, and just having different tasks to break up the day. An MT can't even listen to a radio while working. Four hours is my limit. Friends and family will comment on how lucky I am to only work a 4 hour day. If they only knew how much work I do in those 4 hours...
sorry, but some ICs have specific hours to work (nm)
I work 8 hours a day and average anywhere
between 1700 and 2000 with 65 character line, spaces included.
I'm with you! So I work the hours people don't want
to work. Much too stressful to fight for work. Life is too short for me to take the money I already earn to spend on a physician prescribing nerve pills.
I work 40 hours a week and more
if there is work and I don't slack off and barely take a break. I do acute care and seldom leave a blank. According to my Expander stats, I am saving myself 23 hours of work and do 22% of the total in expanders. My pay has actually gone down especially this year and I am using more Expanders every day. That's my story.
I currently work 70 hours a week and three jobs...
so it is physically possible to work that many hours. I am going down to 50 hours a week in two weeks, but you do what you have to do.
No one could pay me a big enough salary to work 80 hours per week

Also, if you can switch the hours you work, get up earlier,
and work after he goes to bed. Make the time for him while he's young. In about 3-5 years he'll be less worried about you working and wanting to spend time with you, so enjoy him while he's young cuz it doesn't last long. :)
Her point is that IF she gets her work (quota) done in 6 hours - sm
does she still have to work the full 8 hours she is scheduled for. She is not "stealing" unless she is paid hourly and is being paid for 8 hours but only working 6. As for knocking off early, it depends on the company, some don't care as long as you do your daily minimum, others want the full 8 hours regardless of how many lines over you go from the daily minimum (as long as you achieve it)--this means more $$ of course. I work for PT for 2 companies with no line minimums, which I love, and no set schedule to boot. This is hard to find though. I have a very wacky schedule and need this though, very hard for me to commit to a firm schedule due too many external factors here, every week is different, some crazy, some calm. So if you have a pretty set routine you should be able to handle a schedule....just find out beforehand if it is carved in stone or not (get it in writing). Good luck.
With regular dictation it would be at least 12.5 hours of work- sm
as I do not do radiology I don't know what that would mean in those terms. What is the average time for the radiology reports you do now? Take that # and divide it into 250 minutes and that will give you a ballpark idea on how many reports.
not stretching. I work about 12 hours a day and make--sm
on average of 3500 gross lines a day. disbelieve if you want, but my money is in the bank. It is possible if you want to do it badly enough. ppfffttt.
Disagree. I work 48 hours a week for $65K.
If you can't make a living, it probably isn't the job for you.

Not everyone can do this work successfully.