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I go to Kroger's too, our store here does not do it - sm

Posted By: Laura E. on 2006-06-01
In Reply to: To Tip or Not to Tip??? - Grocery Shopper

though, at least I have never seen it there. Granted most of the time I do the self checkout but when I do go through a regular line I have not encountered it. I really like our Krogers too, I only wish their prices were a bit lower....my husband can easily drop $100-$200 when he goes shopping there.

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My hubs got one at the music store that he uses while playing guitar. Or maybe a furniture store. Or
I bought it at Kroger in Mableton.
Please consider another store, please
Please read about Walmart and how it destroys small town businesses, among other ethical considerations. PLEASE consider shopping elsewhere.
I don't have a store...

I do auctions.  I try to be very careful about what I list.  I love books and have in the thousands of them, mostly educational material.  I have been selling those on half.com for a long time, so my time listed as a member is about 6 years.  It has only been in the last couple of months that I really started trying to power sell--everything you can think of--collectibles, books, clothes, my felt sets, shoes, etc.  You just have to watch the market and know that what you list will sell (hopefully) so that you don't lose money in fees.  I am still learning, but so far I have been very lucky and have made some good sales.


The UPS Store only allows the automatic $100 if you pay
them to package your stuff. I learned that one trying to ship equipment back to my former employer. I wasn't about the shell out even more money for them to box up something that I put back in the company's original box.
as you are leaving the store...nm
You can store their reports, but sm
to give them access at their own free will is not the way I would go.  Of course, I charge my accounts when I have to search archives.  It is a flat rate even if I find the document or not.  If I find it, then it is faxed.  I have never really heard of letting your client search your files though.  In other words, they get a copy of the original report.  If they lose it, they get charged again.  Right or wrong, I don't know, but that is my method.
Almost any computer store will have them.
I bought a laptop about 5 months ago that has XP, but is Vista compatible.  I don't think everything has Vista on it right now because there are still too many problems with it.  If you went to any of the big box electronic stores they should have one with XP. 
I tell my hubby I have to run to the store,
and he said he would like to see that.....
I've never seen one in a store, certainly not
the chain stores. 
Look for a product in the store that...sm

the scout ants will carry back to their nest(?) and eradicate the entire colony.  What I used was a product that was a small, enclosed tin thing with a hole in top.  It held a poisonous gel.  I think there were 3 in a box.  Sorry, can't remember the name.  Anyway, I never saw ants in the house since using these. 

And, the meat in the grocery store comes
I believe that if you buy "beef" it comes from cows, an animal. I believe if you buy "chicken" it comes from chickens, an animal.
I was a cashier in a grocery store and
he came in to buy groceries for his mother. We were both 17 and married 1-1/2 years later, been married for almost 27-1/2 years now.
have you tried the library (if you still have one) or the grocery store...
like, lingering, you know? I have been approached many times by men like that...

how about friends, does anyone have a set-up for you, even just for some companionship?

how about volunteering for things, like a food pantry or wildlife center.

of coures, goes without saying to be cautious always when out in public these days...

also, laundromats I always see single guys...

anyone else?
Went there for paint. Brand new store. SM
I asked for specific color and the kid behind the counter starting mixing it. It seemed to be taking a long time, Home Depot takes second, all because he had an old fashioned paint machine where you had to manually put in the colors, not computerized like Home Depot. So why didn't I go to Home Depot? Good question.
Thanks fine for a warehouse store where they don't bag.
I would buy before you go, on-line, Disney Store - sm
The ticket lines were long at Disney, as for buying at a resort, I don't know, we have always bought in advance, granted not on this trip (comped by Make a Wish) Call a resort and ask. As for International Drive, if it is the road I think it is (Hwy 192) (we just got back ourselves) be prepared for tons of traffic on that road, ripped up for construction, and traffic lights every 1/4 mile it seemed too. Going to Disney was not a problem, it was driving back that took a bit extra time. Universal was pretty wild though, first time there for us. You will have a blast!
Put notices up at the grocery store,etc.

advertising homemade pies, cakes, breads etc.  A lot of the famous and rich people in this type of industry started off this way.  I think it isn't that big, at least not in the smaller cities, but we have people that come into your home, plan a menu with you and then cook so many meals a week.  There is also a business that just started near me where you go to their store, they have all the makings for 6 different meals and you just put them all together.   One place has cooking lessons for kids and also opens to kids cookie parties and he is doing very well.   Work with a caterer prn.   I live in a city of about 230,000 and we have events that are seasonal where caterers are hiring dozens of people, with June coming up they will be hiring to help with weddings.

I know lots of people with psychology degrees and none of them are working in their field because there just aren't any jobs. 

You don't mention a husband or kids, but if you are young and no responsibilities now is the time to go out on the limb. 

None of the above would require a huge time commitment or financial commitment and you could test the waters while still having a FT income.  If it took off you could scale back your hours, or try and do both for a while and get your debts paid off and then be in a position to jump in with both feet.

Our local community college has a culinary program.  I think it is still largely male dominated, but still lots of females too.   I don't know if this is a 1 year or 2 year program, though I think it does require a lot of hours.  You could do it during the day and work nights/weekends.  It wouldn't be easy, but nights/weekends usually pay more.

If you want it bad enough you'll find a way.  

Fisher Online Store
Hi! I invite on my site: www.total-store.info Best site for the fans of fishing!
Beauty Online Store
As in your guestbook to include support html?
In our regular grocery store.
My local store always takes them out. s/m
I've never thought to tip them, and I've never seen anyone else tip either.

By the way, I thought all grocery stores carried out the bags for you.
RadioShack has several sizes of these right in the store. nm
Go to a store like Best Buy and Circuit City.

They have several models and you can compare features and play around with them, and also ask questions.   One is about as good as the other.   Each brand has had lemons.  Most all have pretty much the same bells and whistles.  It just depends on what you want.

If you are going to use for leisure like downloading music, uploading pictures, are you going to use for work, etc. 

I need to store an ink jet printer and keep in case my others die-how do I
go about storing the cartriges so they don't dry out?  Can regular adhesive tape be put on the part where the ink shoots out (as they are when new?).  Thanks for any ideas.
Foot pedal - does any know of store
My pedal went out on my today, and I was wondering if anyone know of a store (like Office Max or Wal-Mart) that sells these instead of ordering one online and waiting for days for it to come....
Go to the store, get valerian. It is a natural way
to soothe. You may also try St. John's wort. Valerian is fast acting, St. John's takes 2 weeks to kick in. Only problem with valerian, is since it is made with flowers, it has a strong odor. But it will help.
Try to dissociate yourself from your notes. Pay attention to the words and the grammar and edit as you go along instead of paying attention to the stories. As with anything, cognitive therapy helps, but if you go to the library, there are plenty of books on this subject. If you get really anxious, you can take a benadryl now and then, however, this may be sedating, and you can do that if you are finished work for your full shift or until you come back later, so you can rest.
I suggest doing all of these things before addressing such a personal issue with your employer. As a professional, you can solve these things through training your mind, and through healthy remedies. If nothing else, you can always visit a walk-in clinic which is about 70.00 and they can prescribe something but the healthy remedies are just as good and not addictive, IMO. All the best to you! PS: Keep your chin up and thinking positive. You are not the people in the notes. You are you.
I was at the store one day when a family with young kids came out.

The kids were fooling around in the parking lot and chasing each other around.  One of the boys, who was approximately 10 years old, jumped up and ran across the hood of a parked car in his cowboy boots.  He totally scratched up and dinged the hood of the car.  The owner, a pastor at a local church, told the parents about it.  The father denied it, then he tried to hit the pastor.  The police were called.  I took the car license number and testified as a witness.  These people are just a prime example of the poor excuses for parents that our country is full of.  The parents should have been publicly caned.

My parents would have beat my butt with a leather belt if I had dared touch someone else's property.  They never had to, though, because they told us how to behave and enforced it.  I'm not saying I never got spanked with a hand when I was young, but I knew it was a potential consequence.  My own kids know if they dare to damage someone else's property, they will pay for the repairs and be punished.  They are too old to spank, however, especially since they're bigger than me!  LOL  My kids also know what it's like to have their property stolen or damaged by other people.

Store chicken doesn't even compare (nm)
There was a store where I used to live who did that. Apparenlty, it is legal for them to do.
So stupid. Not only do these checks display who they are but WHERE they live, their phone numbers, SS numbers, etc.
I get Monster drink from the corner store...

These really work for me--ingredients below

Carbonated water, sucrose, glucose, citric acid, taurine, natural flavors, sodium citrate, l-carnitine, panax ginseng root extract, ascorbic acid, caffeine, sodium chloride, niacinamide, riboflavin, guarana seed extract, inositol, glucuronalactone, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanobalmin.

LOLOL. Women obviously store more WATER than men.
And where exactly do you think that the meat in the grocery store comes from?? ANIMALS!
How long should you store reports on your computer?
As a subcontractor, what is the appropriate amount of time to store transcribed reports on your computer before deleting them?
Go to a beauty supply store in your area and ask them.
You can buy the professional stuff even if you're not a beautician. My SIL says not to use the box stuff. She buys tubes of coloring and uses two or three different shades to get more highlights and lowlights so it looks more natural instead of being unicolor. She's a licensed cosmetologist/beautician or whatever they're called nowadays.
Regarding Walmart vs grocery store prices

This got buried on the second page, but I pointed out that Bounty paper towels are more at Walmart than my local grocer.  Someone replied back saying that overall the grocery store is more.  Nope.  This is my reply:

The paper towel price increase is not a momentary thing.  I started comparing prices a few years ago between Walmart and the grocery store.  I used to buy food at the grocery store and everything else at Walmart.  Until Walmart got to be just as expensive or MORE expensive in some cases than the grocery store.  It is NOT just paper towels.  Same with Era detergent.  Same with a multitude of other products.  Walmart has gotten GREEDY.

Now I clip coupons for the paper goods, cleaners and what not and the grocery store doubles any coupons 50 cents or less (I don't use them if they don't double).  So with the prices being less than Walmart to begin with, plus using coupons, I come out WAY ahead.  So I don't even make a Walmart trip at all anymore.  Might as well just buy everything at the grocery store.  It's closer, more convenient, and CHEAPER.

I got a replacement spring at my hardware store .... sm
take your remaining spring as a sample for the gauge ... i had to buy one a foot long, irrc, and cut it with scissors but I think it cost under $2. you might call around to save time ... I used an "old time" amazing local hardware store but I suspect my local Ace hardware would have something too .. (but doubt home depot or Lowes would) ...

There are several reasons I have half a dozen "dead" keyboards in my shed ... and this is one ... I think later models weren't made with this "feature" (the spring under tension poppping out and impossible to find feature, that is) ;-)
Store brand regular ole coffee for me
It looks like I'm in the minority.
I found a computer at the thrift store for $40!
I just wanted to share in case anyone needed a backup/spare computer. I never thought about looking at the thrift store!
It's an OLD Gateway with P3 processor, 10GB, and 256 MB, and 450 MHZ. The thrift store had so many computers ranging from $15 to $100. They had outlets and a monitor/keybord/mouse set up to check the computers before purchasing. They also had monitors for $12 and keyboards for $2. :-)

? don't know, but check on line electronics store.
I should also say that DD #1 started out at a grocery store pharmacy
then went on to the hospital after 9 mos or so.
talk to brick and morter store
Sometimes they have phone numbers of people or provide on site or online service. They understand you have a business to run and if they won't provide same day on site (for a fee, but worthwhile to get it fixed!) service you need to find another computer provider. There are many small companies that are really just a couple of computer geeks doing what they love - and will provide you the best support you ever knew!

If you don't know any in your town - this sounds weird but it works - find a game or hobby store that hosts D&D or Magic tournaments. Visit the store and talk to the sales people to spread the word that you are looking for someone to help you per diem with technical support. Many of those people - when they aren't painting models or knocking down pizza and root beers over a D&D game - are on their computers editing wikipedia or something of the like. They always need more money and are always willing to help. Yes, I was one of these people; not my proudest memories but certainly the most fun!

Like I said, it sounds weird but it is true and I think you will be pleasantly surprised who you find. In my town we have a game store with an online forum - I just post a message and I have 10 people saying they'll be over in an hour to help! :)

Of course if you don't want some stranger in your house they would also know of any companies you might be more trusting of.
Dollar store reading glasses work for me.

Just bought 4 pair at a 2.25 magnification today, as the more I do this, the worse it gets.  Started with a 1.25 a year ago.

I knew it was time when I had to wear two pair of 1.75's on top of each other so I could thread my sewing machine needle.

Ahhh, the "golden years."

Those plastic container strawberries at the store always go moldy on me, too.

They must sit in a warehouse or truck where the plastic packages get really hot because the outside berries look great but the inside ones are moldy or mushy.  That's probably why they go on sale!  LOL  Open the plastic package in the store no matter how good they look and look at all the berries.  Wash them when you get them home and stick them in the fridge in a paper towel lined bowl.

I buy the huge crates or half crates of berries in the little green plastic baskets.  I cut most of them up, sprinkle with a small amount of sugar, let sit in the fridge overnight in plastic pint containers to "juice", then freeze.

I planted six dozen strawberry plants this spring, which your post reminded me that I need to go pick strawberries, zucchini, and green beans again.  Time to go find some unlocked cars and leave vegetables on the front seats.

I love the Dollar Store....lots of things there. nm
Atlanta medical book supply store?

I would so appreciate some help.  I just started an IC job.  I wasn't told I would need a word Expander and medical spellcheck.  Every other place I have worked for provided these.  I need to get something fast, i.e., in person now if possible!, as I am already working and not very productive without these two items.  There was a store I went to years ago in downtown Atlanta where I got some medical books near the Fox theater.  Does anyone know if it is still there and the name of it?  I don't have any yellow pages and I have not been able to pinpoint anything on Google.  Thanks so much!

Keep in mind that if gas supplies are low, how will trucks get their loads to the store.
It's a good idea to stock up now. We went to Sam's Club tonight. Bought 25 pounds of sugar, 10 pounds of flour, 10 pounds of beans, 4 large jars of peanut butter, canned tuna and chicken, powdered milk, etc. If those damaged pipelines aren't put back on line fast, there may be shortages.

Just be sure to buy things your family will actually eat. Don't forget to store water. Prep as if you're expecting to be off the grid for a month or more.

To learn more about prepping, Google "survival."
You can make the whole dish tonight and store in refrigerator!!
I do this all the time for church. Boil them, fill them and wrap good in wrap. Make sure you wrap them really good or your frig will smell like eggs! They will be fine for tomorrow!! In fact, I like them better!! Hope everything works out!
Gift certificate for the local mall or their fav store.
good luck
Hey, I got an idea. My sister works for a jewelry store.
And then there's my friend who works for Krogers. Maybe he shouldn't have to pay for groceries. My sister works for Target. She said she didn't get any free clothes or appliances, just 10% off purchase with her employee discount. I think Target should be boycotted because they don't give employees free stuff don't you.
Took my wrinkled poster to a framing store - Michael's
It was like a miracle! You can hardly even see where it was badly wrinkled.