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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I don't think you could fairly penalize an MT for not understanding a word without (sm)

Posted By: IntrovertI on 2006-01-19
In Reply to: QA question - sm

without also penalizing the dictator for not being able to speak the word. 

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There are some out there that will penalize
you if you do not meet minimum production. Where I work, they don't cut your cpl, but you lose benefits until you are back up to the minimum.
The IRS will probably penalize you if you DON'T pay quarterly.
The first year it's usually tough to know what your quarterly payments should be; however, after that, the IRS will send you quarterly payment coupons so you're not the one to determine how often you pay--the IRS makes sure of that.
You MUST have 90% of your taxes paid by Dec 15 or they will penalize you.
My DH was having more taxes taken out of his pay to cover me but not enough and we were always getting penalized. Now he's smartened up and raised how much they can take. Hopefully this year will be better.
It would be just as arbitrary to penalize QA for not being able to fill in the blank. (sm)
The assumption is that all blanks are understandable.  They are not. 
I need some help fairly soon please. DH has
broken out in red blotches that are very itchy.  He took some Benadryl to relieve the itching, but what could this be?  Is it something he needs to see a dr for urgently?  TIA
I need some help fairly soon. sm
There's a rash on my hiney (referred to hereafter as DH -- dear hiney). It's getting splotchy. Can you tell me what it is? Also, do you think it was something I caught or do you think it was something I ate?

Should I call somebody? Do you think I need to take DH to see a doctor?

I think this is going to be urgent fairly soon so please let me know. Thank you.
Fairly new mom

Things not to buy -  When my son was born, we got 40-something blankets, 30-something burp cloths, and way too many 0-3 month outfits.  While I was extremely grateful for all the gifts, I had to spend a lot of time exchanging the multiples.  Amazingly, we had to exchange a lot of diapers, too, because the cheaper ones don't always work as well on little boys. 

Things I loved were anything homemade, personalized, etc.  Also, outfits, socks, and onesies in bigger sizes, 3-6 months and 6-9 months, were a lifesaver and money saver as he got bigger, which seemed to happen overnight.  You can never go wrong with wipes, shampoo, and other essentials.  My son is 1-1/2, and I have yet to buy any shampoo or lotion for him.

I am fairly new at this,
and I have made the mistake of using palpations before. I know the correct term, but I just made a mistake. As soon as I see that mistake corrected, I realize I messed up.

I do not see how someone with 20 years of experience could be making those mistakes and think they are correct. I have known those proper terms for a long time now. I just cannot see how they would make it this long and never once be corrected on them.

Here's one fairly easy
I was once a "head on a silver platter" - Got a big square box top, bought some cheap fabric enough to drape over the box, cut a slit and a hole in the box top enough so it would fit over my head. Then I also cut the fabric to drape around the box and decorated my face up  in white face paint with red lips to look like the blood had all drained out of my face. You can embellish it anyway you like. I made the platter out of a bid cheap silver tray like you get at Thanksgiving to put the turkey on and a I pasted plastic fruit around on the platter. The point is just to make your head from the shoulders up look like it has been cut off and put on a platter. Everyone liked it. I could email you a pic later if you would like. It was really fun.
Red splotches! Need help (fairly soon)! nm
I thought I was fairly good at them
got several that I absolutely could not understand 1/2 of what was being said. Made 100 lines in 3 hours!!!!
It's easy if you are already an MT, but you really need a fairly extensive...
knowledge of anatomy.  CT scans, PET scans, MRIs... Knowing your anatomy really helps you catch mistakes or know that you're not making mistakes by typing the name of a body structure that isn't even near the area of that particular scan.  At least where I work, if you make mistakes on x-rays the radiologists get REALLY TICKED!  They read them all and when they find the smallest error they're on the phone to the transcription manager, and we hear about it.  Doctors are making medical decisions based on the findings of these x-rays and scans, so you can't exactly be making errors.  But, if you have a good medical transcription background, you can be trained pretty fast.  I had never done them until recently but learned fast.
Me? I drive a fairly new car. so I'm not "carless." You? nm
Really!!! This is fairly common MT 'net community
can this go on?!!
Maybe my hospital is unique, but they require their MTs to be fairly
Nope, but I'm fairly familiar with the scriptures. Thank you anyway. nm
Had a fairly difficult time adjusting but,
I believe it is doing my hands and wrists some good. The keys seem more difficult to depress than previous keyboard, and it sounds like a rattle trap (plus the p sticks), but other than ALL THAT, I think I like it.
I ask for a raise fairly often. The worse I can be told is no and sometime I have gotten a yes.
I've been using Dragon fairly steadily

I have excellent results. Maybe one or two mistakes per page, if that much.

Any number of factors could be the reason for the problems you're having, starting with your soundcard, improper training, not dictating correctly, etc.

I would be proud if my records, with my name erased, could be used to help an MT be treated fairly.
That was my understanding, too.
I appreciate the information. This is exactly what my friend says is deducted from her SE check at MQ.

it is my understanding

The long gas lines were only in the north, i.e. NY, where I was living at the time and remember things vividly.

It's fun to get out of your car, ready to deliver, and there are about 50 cars ahead of you. People are like, "Get her to the front of the line, fast!!!" 

my understanding is this

If you work exclusively for *one* service, the IRS classifies you as a statutory employee (services pays employers share of your SS tax). If you have your own account, even one (i.e. local doctor), you are an independent contractor.

But as an independent contractor ... you call the shots. You can work for 20 services if you want. You work on "contract" rather than production. You're not locked into, say, 1200 lines per day. But the service can say, "You are responsible for meeting the 24-hour turnaround for St Katrina Hospital."

You can't go by the 20 questions ... too many variable, especially as it pertains to who has the element of control.

Best solution ... talk to someone at the Small Business Administration. These people are former business owners, and some have been also been connected with the IRS.

thank you for understanding...
That sounds more like my way of doing things.  It would be the best way, rather than just closing down and shutting her off.  You're right, it would sever our relationship completely, or kill her inside, if I were completely up front.  She is  dependent on this man, and she is so afraid of being alone.    Its a delicate subject better handled the way you suggested. 
my understanding
for many, MANY years is that the state abbreviations are two capital letters. These abbreviations are for postal services, so having it written otherwise on a job application may be okay. Unless the job is with the post office ;-)
And thank you for understanding ; ) nm
Thanks for understanding
Wow! You have been on that long? I still have several hours to go. Thanks for understanding. I love your icons, I agree with the thud specifically. Not to pun, but maybe today the "turkeys" dictate LOL. I could say something about us not being chicken to transcribe today but that would be too much! OK so, I am going loony, with these dictators who wouldn't! LOL.
it is my understanding
that noise-blocking headphones can actually block out dictation, esp if there is noise up close (ie, xrays flapping) that makes the dictation comparable to background sound.
If I am understanding
your post correctly, you just have your keyboard sitting on your desk. If that is correct, I would say you need a keyboard tray. When your hands are on your keys, your arms should be bent at the elbows and straight to your keys ... your forearms should not angled up or down.

I use a keyboard tray and, in fact, had to add spacers to lower it even more, as I am tall and have long arms. Just over an inch extra (lower) made all the difference in the world! I was having a lot of trouble with my right hand being weak and extensor muscle soreness, causing me to have trouble gripping my mouse (also phone and various other things).

A little bit can go a long way!
My understanding...

is that you need to determine which 3 categories your expenses fall under:  Direct, indirect, or unrelated.  If the expense is indirect, which I would consider Internet since it is used for purposes besides MT, then it would be deducted as a percentage based upon what I posted above.  If your Internet is used solely for your business, then it should be deducted differently, 100%.  OP, I think your best bet is to speak to a tax professional regarding this.  No one on this site can give you 100% reliable tax information for your particular situation.

Understanding VR/SR

Google front-end speech recognition and/or back-end speech recognition and it'll help you understand how some of this stuff works.  The site below was interesting and helpful to me. I found it by Googling back-end speech recognition.  One is when the Dr doesn't even know he/she is on a VR system and one is where the Dr does most of the training/editing.  The site name doesn't seem to be coming up as a valid site on my message but you don't need to put www in front of the name.  http://speechrecognition.wordpress.com/

Oooh "help fairly soon!" Hello, William Shatner, it's Rescue 911!
this has been around for years - although handheld is fairly new - was juust a computer in each room
Hunting Understanding II
Thank you to all ladies on this board that feed their families the OLD FASHION WAY! They don't just buy any old meat in the store with a label on it! HA!HA!HA!
totally not understanding
I am totally not understanding what you are looking for then. Avg line counts per hour depend on your own speed, but I know many places require 125-150 lines/hr.

MT work is ridiculous because there is no one standard for line counting - gross lines, 65 char w/sp, 65 char w/o sp, 55 char w/o sp, per report. Totally absurd!! So that all counts in factoring how many lines.
What are you not understanding about my post??....sm
I am not saying that all NM businesses are bad. For goodness sake, I'm talking about Quixtar and Quixtar ONLY, not the entire network marketing industry.
understanding jobs...
AMEN!!! Try telling that to my husband and family!! I work at home, but just because I am "at home" doesn't mean I am "home."

Understanding the basics.

First, it would help if you understood the basic terminology. Spend some time reading the Help file in Word. Simply put, you insert the information, give it a bookmark name, and then insert a reference to that bookmark in the correct location(s) throughout your document. Jumping between the fields is something that you do using a form; more info on that in the Word help files. There's just too much information to post here. Spend some time playing around with it before making your template. (There are a couple are other options that you may come across that may help to automate your work for you, like the ASK field.)

Also With A Non-Understanding Hubby
I understand completely! It took me a couple of years to start making good money, and it wasn't until recently when I jumped ship from the large MTSO that I was working for and joined a smaller, private company that I really started making the big $$. In first learning these new accounts, I was working 15- to 18-hour days, but now about 3 months later, I've got it down to an 8-hour day and I'm hitting right at $950 per week!

I think the key is finding the situation that works best for you. I have decided that the smaller companies work best for me. I started out with one and then went to a larger company for the increased benefits, but then I found that I actually worked less because of the 'motivation factor.' When there are 100 other people working on the same account as me, I tend to feel less important and I don't work as quickly. However, when I have my own accounts and I know that I'm the only one in charge of getting it done, then I find that I can sit here longer and work harder and faster, and I also don't get distracted as easily.

However, my husband does often complain about my hours. He's been used to me working from home for over 7 years now, and he doesn't like the idea of me working outside of the house. I know that may sound bad, but he's just used to knowing that I'm at home with the kids and we're all in one piece. (I think it's because he travels a lot and he likes to know that his family isn't also scattered around.)

He likes that I am able to work from home, but he would like it even better if I worked just from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and then still have my mornings and evenings to cook and clean and sew buttons on shirts...or whatever it is that he has in his head that a housewife does. I have to keep reminding him that I am a 'wife who works from the house,' but I am not a 'housewife.'

And although his paycheck nearly doubles mine, I still have to remind him from time to time that my paycheck is equally as important. It gives me my own personal confidence AND it provides for vacations, shopping trips, etc. In addition to being able to provide for extras, I’m also flexible for when his job relocates him (which has happened 3 times in the last 5 years). I’m waiting on his promotion that will take us to Florida—hopefully in about 3 more years. I’ve told him that if I didn’t have the job that I have, then we wouldn’t just be able to pick up and move whenever his job needed us to.

Anyway, don’t let his insecurities and disbeliefs discourage you! It won’t be long before you’ll be able to prove what you’re capable of. And even then, you’ll probably still have to remind him what it’s all for about once a year or so! I don’t think that argument will ever go away! Happy Holidays!!

I am not understanding- is that including
our changing, adding, etc. to get the finished report? in other words - if a VR report starts at 87 before our editing, and we have to put in say 3 extra lines, does it still stay at 87 when all is finished? Thanks.
I may not be understanding correctly but
If you want to go backwards with the jump code I think that is shift+F11. I never have been able to get that to work correctly, but I can hit F11 and go forward in the document just fine.
My understanding is that some can do exceptional
line rates on certain platforms.  My understanding is that Escription has speech compression technology that will allow the speech to be played at a faster rate without resorting to chipmonk voices.  I have heard of people doing 600-800 lph consistently with that platform, even 1200 on occasion if you get a good streak going.  I've not used Escription, the only VR experience I have is with Dictaphone's Turbo speech product and there are some who use that and produce 500 lph over a 40-hour week; however, they are not able to do that consistently.  My issue with speech is that you tend to get on autopilot and you don't have the same brain control as far as hearing the words and having them flow through your fingertips, making you in control of what is coming out.  It is way to easy to "think" that you are reading what you are hearing.  Also, it's much easier to rely on the speech to have put out the correct spelling on something you're not sure about.  Transcriptionists are much more likely to look up something that they don't know when the word is not already staring at them on the screen.  It can make us more productive, but it also compromises the integrity of the finished product.  However, it's really hard to put the worms back in the can after they have already been opened up.  What troubles me the most is that the organization that is supposed to promote and support our industry and it's workers seems much more interested in jumping into bed with the MTSOs and the employers than their members.  I am so consciencious about my work.  My knowledge is worth something.  Accurately delivering a timely quality document is worth much more to the revenue cycle than it is given credit for.  I have absolutely no doubt that I could much more easily be taught to code the finished report than a coder could be taught to accurately transcribe the report, yet they are given much more respect because they are ultimately responsible for the revenue.  However, without me doing my job to the best of my ability....there is nothing their for them to work from.  Okay....I'm off topic now.  Sorry about that.  The whole ASR/EMR (point and click) stuff has me ready to pull out my hair.  If you want to really see an ugly, inaccurate, and highly unprofessional report....look for one that a doctor, NP, or PA has created for themselves.  Nothing is capitalized, spelled correctly, or punctuated as it should be.  The whole dern thing process needs to be looked at, analyzed, and the MTs who don't have the skills need to be weeded out or have some retraining.  The knowledge and the understanding of what we do (for those who take pride in what goes out with their initials on it) needs to be recognized for the value that it adds to the revenue process AND we need to be compensated accordingly. 
Not understanding why you are working
because you are surely not making any money with only 700+ lines a day. Just to be at home when the kids get home? Who pays for their upkeep? A platform, good acct and good paying jobs will exclude people who are not able to be on course with the others out there. You have to be fast if nothing else working in this profession. I think you might have missed your calling at some other profession.
Starting pay is 6 cents a line, fairly good account stability.
I had lots of ESLs. Benefits are okay. They have a new, stricter QA policy in place with new compensation, hard to get a 98 or above as it is by the BOS. It was okay, but couldn't make any decent money. Need to be a super high producer.
Satellite users for MTing - it your connection fairly reliable- I cannot get DSL and about to give u
I am fairly new with my company and I tried the control Y one time, and it didn't work, so I thou
into the "global" normals, I will play with it again and give it a try. How long have you been doing transcription? Have you stayed with the same company for a long time? I worked at a clinic for 6 years, hospital for 8, and now this new national for 3 months.....I hate feeling new!
I have Vonage and love it so far. My understanding is sm

that as long as you cable or DSL access, you can hook up your modem anywhere and use it for your phone service.  You might give them a call and verify that this is correct, though, or check out their website at www.vonage.com.


Good luck!


thanks, Cookie, your understanding reply to my
(as another poster called it) "whining" what a great Christmas present. Empathy is a great gift.
I have a hard time understanding if this was so
wrong then why wouldn't anyone not even your own husband be on your side?  I don't know about this one.  Something doesn't sound right.  JMO.
You'd think a doctor's office would be more understanding - DUH!
Ever tried to do your transcription with bilateral ear infections?  Can't hear, running a fever, dizzy-can hardly sit upright, but still expected to do work that requires HEARING and sitting at a computer!  And, I can't win, because as soon as I get this work done (which is taking 2x as long), there are going to be so many mistakes I am going to get ragged about that as well! 
Thanks for your positivity, understanding and compassion!