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I don't think they did (sm)

Posted By: but anything's possible on 2006-06-30
In Reply to: Who do U think killed JonBenet Ramsey? - MTSleuth

I believe it is CourtTV that is running a documentary about the entire investigation.

There is actually no evidence, circumstantial or otherwise that implicates the parents.

Writing experts say no one in the home wrote the ransom note.

They could not find any duct tape in the house, nor evidence that the family ever purchased any.

Both parents passed polygraphs on questions regarding their participation in the murder and if they knew who did it. I know polygraphs are not 100% reliable, but just another thing to consider.

There are some other things I don't recall right now, but an independent, nonbiased investigator from another state was brought in and his conclusion was that it was not the parents.

I guess anything is possible, but I've always felt so badly for the parents, losing their child in such a horrible way and being submitted to accusations and suspicion for years because the police focused only on them. They had all their eggs in one basket and once they realized these people might not have killed their child, it was too late to pursue any other suspects. Too embarrassing to admit they might be wrong and even more reason to relentlessly pursue the parents.

You should try to catch that show on CourtTV next time it airs. Very possible you still will think the parents did it, but you'd probably find it interesting.

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