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I don't think I'm stressed now, just not having much fun, kwim? I'm really sm

Posted By: OP on 2006-01-16
In Reply to: If you think you have stress now, wait until you are a teacher. - Married to a teacher. NM

a social services kind of gal at heart, so while this is somewhat in line with it, it's not directly involved enough to really be satisfying for me. I've got friends who are teachers though, so I know what you're saying!

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I'm stressed out
My periods have gotten longer and longer cycles this year (just turned 30), Since March about 5 weeks and now it's 7 weeks this month and no period yet.  I'm freakin out.  I took two pg tests and they were negative.  I don't know what's wrong, unless it's the stress.  I would say I've gained maybe 10 pounds this year also. 
Yes and I get them almost every day. I think too when I am stressed which is a lot I think that
might make them worse.
stressed out

I'm stressing and fretting over a whole bunch of little things.  I'm so tired and feel like I just need to hibernate for a month.

But as I "watch" the news as I work and see the devastation and how thousands of lives have just been turned upside-down, my little stressors and problems seem so insignificant.

Last year I was affected by 2 of the 4 hurricanes that hit Florida, going without power for about 2 days in each of them.  It was pretty miserable.  At least I had a house.  These poor people who evacuated don't even know if they have a place to call home anymore, nor do they even know when they might find out. 

...just feeling guilty about my insignificant pity party and figured writing about it would help.  Thanks for listening. 

Stressed out!

Can anyone recommend a company who has true IC status?  I work for a small company as an IC, and although I work a regular schedule 95% of the time, there are times when I cannot and yet I'm still expected to produce the same amount of work each day.  This is really stressing me out.  I have to work around my son's school schedule and my husband's work schedule and if that changes I have to make it up by working into the night when I'd just assume to forfeit the money.  Does true IC status even exist?  I got into this business thinking I would have a little more flexibility in a job.  I've been an IC now for three years and so far it all seems the same.  Thanks for any suggestions (and for letting me vent).

re: Stressed out

I was an IC for a small service in California (bought by the Q).  Here's how I did it.  We provided a calendar for the month on the days we were available and how many lines/minutes we would take.  We didn't have to do it at a certain time, but understood by our signed contracts and our account specifics what kind of turn-around-time the account needed, 6 hour, 12 hour, 24 hour, etc. based on work type.  We were then asked to never take more than 10 minutes at a time (at that time it was re-record or by C-phone - in 2000), but once we reached our agreed on minutes/lines, we could stop or keep going if we wished.  The reason for not taking more than 10 minutes at a time was if an emergency happened and you couldn't work then there wasn't more than a couple of jobs to get help with.  If we knew before our agreed-upon hours/days that we weren't going to be able to work it was our responsibility to let the service know.  If we were available on other days to make up lines or in a pinch, we also had that option, too. 

If an account was swamped, the service would send out an e-mail and ask if anyone was interested in helping out.  They ALWAYS thanked us and treated us like we were more than just someone at a computer.  In fact when I obtained my CMT, the owner of the service is the first person I called other than my mama!  If I started running out of work on my main account, then they would always find another for me to work on.  I never had less than 98% QA, and in fact most of the time had 100%!  I'm not perfect, I'm a perfectionist! hee hee. 

Anyway, I feel if you agree by contract to take work on, then it is your responsibility to do that work.  If you are unable to do the work, then don't take it! If you do not fulfill your obligations, then ultimately it is patient who does not receive their necessary care.


you may just be too stressed
or nervous to absorb everything new well. relax. Its not simple. it's maybe too simple. took me longer than i thought it would to really adapt well, but when it kicks in, you really start flying. Give yourself time and push the expectations aside. You'll do fine!
Well first of all I think you are so stressed...
that you are not reading these replies thoroughly...everyone on here just gave you advice yet you don't want to hear it...like another poster said, take a deep breath and hang in there...right now you are new and everything seems horrible but it does get better if you hang in there...good luck!!
Sounds like you are stressed and trying
to not be so rushed in the morning.  I've done it on occasion, but it does make the bread harder and drier. 
Anyone else stressed out by Thanksgiving?
It seems like there is always SOME sort of drama going on in my family whenever we get together - we're somewhat dysfunctional, LOL. I always find myself dreading the holidays and I hate that - I should be looking forward to being with my fam (mainly my four sisters). They seem to always be in a state of crisis or jealousy whenever I see them. ARGH. Anyone relate?
Dear Stressed:

I hear ya!  Believe me it seems to be the going deal.  Notice how not many hire Monday through Friday any longer.  Always includes a weekend day now too.  Everything we wanted to be able to work at home is being taken away.  Bout ready to look elsewhere.  Pay sucks and is only getting worse. 

Yes :( I'm totally stressed out in my own home. (nt)

Your posting sounds stressed out
Because you were on 1 subject, then another, then another. I find it very strange that a child would go in for an x-ray and a physician would just start talking to them about a shot for cervical cancer. Just does not make any sense to me at all. You did not go for that visit. When going to a physician now days I can hardly state the reason I came in the first place, they hardly have time to spend with you and then to be completely off the subject? Hmmmmm
I feel like that a lot. I get stressed out a lot and life just seems to overwhelm me.
Sometimes I feel like running away or something. I had two friends pass away during this time of year, plus I lost a baby right before Christmas. It seems like DH and I argue more this time of the year and the kids act up more. The finances stink, and there's so much pressure because of the holidays. No matter what plans we make for the holidays, somebody always has their nose out of joint over it. We don't have enough money for Christmas this year either. I've been trying to take on extra work. I didn't even see the kids all weekend because I was working.

Anyway, when I feel like this, it helps to vent even if it's just to my computer. I keep a password protected Word document for a diary. I listen to soothing music, take a long bath, bake something or read a book. I walk around the house and make a To Do list of everything that's adding to my stress, then I try to tackle one thing per day. Baby steps. If you try to do it all at once, it will overwhelm you. Sometimes I bribe my kids to help with the housework. They have daily chores, but we all pitch in together and get the "big chore list" done, then we can watch a movie together, play a board game, or eat at McDonald's.

What are you doing to take care of yourself? You need a little pampering, too. If I lived near you, I'd stop by and help you with your housework or watch your kids so you could nap. I'd bring you a gift bag full of bubble bath, stinky candles, herbal teas and chocolate. You sound like you could use a {{{{hug}}}}. Take care of yourself.
Haven't seen it. There was this one poster, "mt," who was stressed out
I just read some of the posts from the end of September, and boy oh boy, was she ever stressed out about her QA situation. She was so stressed out that she was out-and-out arguing with folks who were simply trying to offer her some good advice for what she was going through. She was on a rampage. She responded to those helpful posters with exclamation points and wtf's and @!% many times.

Now *that* was nasty, IMO, although she was stressed. I'm sure that after she calmed down and read that thread of hers a day or two later, she could probably have seen how disagreeable and unreasonable she was being to those who were only trying to help. A lot of displaced anger there, if you ask me.

Anyway, I think this board is very helpful (I found a GREAT job because of this board), and I certainly don't mind helpful advice nor do I mind disagreements and debates, as long as they're kept on an adult level and aren't lowered to the "wtf" (and other #@!) level....

I like this board just the way it is. My opinion.
Been dealing with banks all morning and majorly stressed.

Have you ever had a credit card and all the phone numbers they give you do not allow you to talk to a live person, but get an automated system, that is not capable of doing what you need?   Have you ever had a late charge because it took the bank 3 days to post an on-line payment?   I'm going to have to write a letter I guess and when the next statement comes I'm paying it off and cancelling, though I'm not sure how I'll do that - have to write another letter.  

Can you use a debit card on-line just like you can a credit card.  I know most places only accept 3 major credit cards and didn't know if I entered a Visa debit # if that would be the same.  I prefer Paypal cause I keep a little stash for on-line purchase, though most places don't take Paypal at least not yet.  I just know I've got to get rid of the credit cards - much too stressful.




Our school has good scores but my kids have never been stressed

Probably depends on the teachers and the corporate culture at your school.

I am feeling so stressed by changes at my company, holidays, friends dying,
not sure where to turn next.  I really feel like I need to dump my whole situation and start from the beginning by doing a job where I am around people during the day instead of the curt phone calls from the office, and not having enough time to even talk or go out of the house to do anything.   Why can't these companies have a little time to just say hello, thanks for a good job, or just something nice once in a while.  Everything in the communication is negative, negative, and more negative.  Team leaders are the pits, too.  It is jusd do more, do more;  they  don't care if you are sick, and it means nothing to them to pile on more stress and more demands so they look good.  They want you to work every day of the week, but they sure do take their days off, don't they. 
Poor baby! I feel stressed just reading your thread. SM
I doubt anyone realizes going in just how very long it's going to take to become competent (after all, only nuts would apply), and the very long hard haul to even decent earnings is gruelling enough on its own.

Then to have to deal with all that! If you can't fix it (try) and decide you can't live with it, don't quit the industry--take the experience you've already invested in and look for a small operation to train further with, either local or on-line. I started with a small office owned and run by two sisters, lovely sweet women who made the amazing experience of struggling to get good enough to bring in minimum wage (!) endurable. Best wishes!
When I stressed the important of having medical documents (legal documents)
on the patient's chart (there are outpatient exams done. Hospital is in the outpatient business), the woman said that if there is a serious finding on an exam, the radiologist will call the referring physician and tell him by phone!

This, my friends, is the result of hiring people who have no real background in the medical field (the lead MT never worked anywhere prior to this job, got on-the-job training and has, through a dominant personality, created a tight circle of workers which are marked up of friends from her life and church services over a 15 year period.
