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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I do believe this country is in for a rude awakening.

Posted By: I think you're right on 2006-01-28
In Reply to: Headline: Poor Funding of Rich Seen as Unsustainable. - I think we are in for a depression, folks.

US Trade and Budget Deficits, and the
Fall of the Dollar

Due to record high US trade and budget deficits and declining investor confidence in US bonds, stocks and currency, the dollar has been losing value, weakening its status as the world’s major currency. By 2005, the rest of the world was subsidizing the US economy at a rate of more than $50 billion per month. But the US administration has largely ignored the issue. Washington’s policy of “non-intervention” may prove to have dangerous consequences, not only for the US economy, but for the entire dollar-tied global economy.

After a decade of global currency crises, broad economic distress, and wrenching neo-liberal reorganization, the US crisis -- as well as that of ailing Japan -- may spell deeper international instability in the period ahead.

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nationals are a 'rude awakening', please do not feel so bad...

You have to get really tough skin, if you want to succeed with a national, and even then your livelihood can be jeopardized at any time.  There are not many laws to protect us; it is a very one-sided field, and very subjective.  Some companies care only about money, and if you are okay with that, you should at least know it up front. 

If you are hearing your quality is not good, but are not given any kind of help, education, instruction, advice on how to improve, you should probably look for employment elsewhere.  There are a lot of sadistic people in QA and management (I think they are trying to keep/justify their jobs, so not sure if that is something that can ever be changed). 

Even the worst US MT is probably not as lacking as the best India has to offer.  Yet, they thrive...(?) and have no threats of being fired or losing their income. 

Other than that, research, research on any company you are considering. 

In my opinion, if QA people or supervisors are more important than the MT, you are at high risk of being demoralized.  You want to find a company who is MT-friendly, and you can find this out by asking to speak to other people, other than the recruiters, when considering employment.  Ask right out about the QA and managers, and ask to speak to some of them.  Most of these companies have genuinely nice people as recruiters, trainers, support, etc.  Then you get the manager and you are in hell, haha! 

Women can treat other women worse than any man can, and if they can get away with it, they will. 

This country has....
more safety nets than almost anywhere else on earth.  There are food stamps, WIC, food pantries, missions, churches, etc.  I don't believe there are policies in place to purposely make sure children go to bed hungry.  There MUST be some personal responsibility here.  I don't hear much out of you along that line, just blame. CEOs, big corporations, blah blah blah
what right do we have to tell another country what to do?
What Country do you come from?
You don't sound like you come from the USA.
Isn't this the same country that
our young men gave their lives for back in the 60s and early 70s, in order to fight communism, and now is a communist country? These greedy companies would send work to a Taliban country if they thought they could save a buck! They are causing the downfall of the USA.
You have obviously never BEEN to a 3rd world country.
R we talking about the same country???
He's cut everything from education to welfare to finanal aid to.....and so on ad nauseum...read a paper now and then.
Most of the people in this country
Are way too dependent on the government to save them and are looking for a free handout. While I have sympathy for those whose homes have been destroyed, I agree that you should have some sort of a back-up plan of water, canned goods, etc., to prepare for an emergency. This is just common sense. We had really bad fires in Arizona this year and I was prepared and ready to leave if I had to and didn't wait around for somebody to come rescue me. People need to be more self reliant and not wait for somebody else to take care of them. The hurricane victims had plenty of time to stock up on canned goods, water, etc., before the hurricane hit. I have relatives in Florida and they had to evacuate, but they had planned ahead and had canned food and water ready for when they came back, as they knew there would be nothing available. I think Kennedy's quote of-- Ask not what your country can do for you-- would be very appropriate in this day and age when everybody stands around waiting for a free government handout. These people would never had made it as pioneers----.
Maybe someone else in another country is typing it?

Yes, the dumbing-down of our country.
the 5 freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment but can name all the characters of the Simpsons? We need to get off the couch, turn off the boob tube and read a book once in a while. I love my country, but we aren't doing ourselves any favors by being stupid.
Oh like she was fat! That's what's wrong with this country.
And I'm not an overweight angry person....just in case you want to bash. I am actually fit but I don't agree with the mentality about weight in this country. My niece is 15 and a little bit overweight so I'm sensitive to it. What are you, anorexic? Please!
Then we have a problem in THIS country because...

The statistics show that a full TEN PERCENT of American 10-year-old boys are on ADHD medications.  That isn't even counting the girls.  I think when you include the girls the percentage of kids on ADHD medications approaches 20%.  So if it's true that about 3% to 5% of people actually have ADHD (I can buy that), then we are over diagnosing and over medicating way too many kids.  More often than not when I type an office note about a kid on ADHD medications the doctor also mentions some kind of turmoil in the home, i.e. divorced parents, kids living with grandparents.  I once helped out on a field trip for my daughter when she was in 2nd grade and it was like a mobile hospital what with trying to keep up with which kid got what pill at what time throughout the day.  It was ridiculous.

What part of the country are you in?
I don't know what part of the country...
you live in, but around here you can hardly get into a restaurant, the malls are FULL of people so that it's hard to park, and the BIG trucks and SUV's just keep roaring past me.  Outsourcing has been going on for 30+ years... People adjust their careers, oro something else pops up that out does somebody else's idea.  Nothing stays the same, you gotta change with the times.  Many outsourced jobs are low skill jobs that Americans want to be paid big money to do... Well guess what, it isn't going to happen.  So get yourself another career.  I've had THREE of them myself.  I've been a nurse, a commercial lines insurance rater (that all went computerized), and now I'm an MT.  What good does it do to sit here in cyber space moaning and groaning about something that's been going on for decades and isn't going to stop no matter how much you complain. 
No, they are on the other side of the country
It's all about greed in this country. sm
We need to figure out how much in the way of tax revenue (from the reduced income of MTs and from the MTSOs) that is lost because of offshoring. That might get someone's attention. They obviously don't care about our privacy.
Has anyone ever moved to another country and kept their job? sm

I want to know this because my fiancee is in the military and will be going to the UK for a few months and I want to go with him but keep my job.  Is this even possible?


At least in this country the bad guys can be -
I guess that, as with everything else these days, something really BAD is going to have to happen as a result of offshoring personal info. before anyone will do anything about it.
Seems like everything in this country is for sale
nowadays. Property owned by people who aren't US citizens. Ancient west coast redwoods being cut up and sold to Japan for lumber. And of course good U.S. jobs. And the lesser jobs, the ones are taken by people who have sneaked over our borders. I wonder who is going to pay the country's taxes 20 years into the future.
If you get more per line in your own country, then
That doesn't make sense.
Our Jobs, Our Country
- Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery (or offshoring of jobs), I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.

Abraham Lincoln

- Business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life. Witness the fact that in the Lord's Prayer, the first petition is for daily bread. No one can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stomach.

- The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.

Woodrow Wilson

- Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country.

Theodore Roosevelt

- America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln

- Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.

Calvin Coolidge

- A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil.

Grover Cleveland

- It will be the duty of the Executive, with sufficient appropriations for the purpose, to prosecute unsparingly all who have been engaged in depriving citizens of the rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution.

Rutherford B. Hayes

- True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.

Clarence Darrow

- Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

- The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others.

Theodore Roosevelt

- There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses.

Andrew Jackson

- All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to ... remain silent.

Thomas Jefferson

- It is not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work -- work with us, not over us; stand by our side, not ride on our back. Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it.

Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981

- Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.

Ronald Reagan

- The ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas-a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish and the ideals to which we are dedicated.

Ronald Reagan
It depends on the country.
I worked for Club Med for a few years in the 80s and worked closely with the European-born French, Spanish/Mexican and Germans. The Spanish people are truly grateful when you merely attempt their language. The Germans are pretty helpful if you make a mistake but they all know English as it is required in school. The French, however, are very strict. I found this when I worked with the Club Med administration in the Caribbean, Mexico, and especially in Paris. I took four years of French in high school, know French diction pretty well, but was still corrected with Every mistake I made, and several times (in all countries) was told to not even try if I couldn't speak it perfectly. That is my experience, and I'm allowed my opinion as it has been proven in many countries. My point about the Indian MDs is that they were not trained here, or they would have been corrected in their use of some English. Some of it can also be legally misinterpreted. There was actually a "medical" school in St. Lucia in the Caribbean (next to Club Med). Many Americans attended it. They couldn't get into the mainland-based medical schools. It also used to be hard for foreign-trained doctors to practice here. My point was that it's a shame that we have to suffer with these doctors, not just us but those poor patients.
Good to see you too Country MT. I have OCD...

usually under pretty tight wraps, but today, not so much.  Going through a stressful time with a friend and, well, any sort of stress does me in.  So, whenever I have days when my name is all over the board, that's one of those days that I lose control of my OCD.  I'm hovering today, checking in often, just itching to say hello to someone, anyone, to help ease the mental and physical burden of what has transpired in the past few days.  Blech.  I hate it when I get like this, as I'm sure others do, but I can't help myself.  Could be worse I guess.  I could be like one of those poor people who cut or something. 

I'm sorry, what was the question now? 

My old country homes
In my home in Iowa, I have Hughes Net and seemed to do okay with it, although, as noted, lag times are a bit more than true broadband/high speed. At my SO's home in Missouri, it comes from some rinky-dink company called Midwest Data Center, although I'm sure they must get their feed from somewhere else. Again, for general surfing there is only a minimal lag time between page loads. However, when working via a VPN, I have had prolonged waits during anything that involves swapping data with the outlying mainframe. This would be cc's, demographics, and final saves on ExText and a couple other proprietary sites I've used. Being production oriented, if you get a lot of short 1-3 minute reports, the wait times really start to add up paycheck-wise. I'll also note that I've had very little trouble with audio files, although, again, a 25 minute report is going to take a bit longer to download than a DSL customer is used to. There have been a few VPNs over the years that I was not able to connect to at all and had to use my standby dialup; however, somehow they for the most part self-corrected in the last six months or so and now I can go pretty much anywhere I want to stick my little VPN. Hope this helps!
Which is why this country will lose its
What part of the country...?

if you do not mind my asking.  I live in an expensive part of the country myself on the west coast. 

I was asked to find comparable rates. 


Thanks again.

It is a free country here, you know!
Everyone here complains! So get over it!
s/l "Louiss" country?
Just getting back into MT after a 3 year break.  Seems to be the nonmedical terms that get me!  lol  This patient has lived in Thailand and is from "Louiss"  "ou" as in loud and "ss" as in kiss, accent on 1st syllable.  Any ideas?
yea we have it great in this country
just wait for the election and see how great it is after that
Working in another country?
Hi all, I've been an MT for over 5 years and hubby and I are casually throwing around the idea of spending a year or so overseas, ideally Scotland. Are there any companies out there that allow you to work from out of the country? I don't even know what all work visas, etc. I would have to get or if I could consider it more of an extended visit and still work for a US company, but didn't know if I would have to search for companies local to the country we'd be temporarily relocating to, or whether there were any that worked with outside of the US MTs that weren't in India. Any ideas on this?

Any info is appreciated. It may never happen, but I'd like to research it if I know where to start. Thanks!
I live out in the country and

I initially could only have satellite out here in BFE.  It cost me 60 bucks a month for mediocre service.  It was faster than dial-up but still not very fast.  You have to deal with the weather.  I went through Hughesnet and they have a broadband fair access thing where they only give you x amount of broadband per 24 hours and if you exceed that, your internet is so slow you might as well be on dial up and that lasts for 24 hours until your account rejuvinates itself.  It was such crap. 

We recently got AT&T out here.  We get local phone, unlimited long distance, and DSL internet including wireless throughout the house for like 65 bucks a month.  Way faster than Hughes.net ever was even on a sun shiny day with no clouds in the sky. 

We literally saved ourselves 50 bucks a month going through AT&T for our phone and internet services.

What part of the country
Just wondering. 
it really depends on where in the country you are located
if you are in NYC or Long Island, the amount is never less than $100. Further north of NY can go about $50. If it's a close relative you go higher in $$.
I'm not sure of anywhere else.
It's a free country. She can work where she wants UNLESS..SM
If there's some kind of contract that says she can't work anywhere else, then that might be a problem. Otherwise I just can't see anything legally wrong with it unless it can be proved she's sharing private information. I agree - I'd stay out of it completely.
what is this WE thing? this country is quickly
Run by a dictatorship, by religion and greed.  WE are not rich.  We live in a country run by the rich, who got that why taking money off of our labor.  Look at India, divided between rich and poor.  The rich have houses made of gold, the poor live off 15 dollars a month.  Our dictators do not have gold houses but they have deep green pockets.
Did you see Scarborough Country last night?
Joe was saying that they had organized a group of volunteers through faith-based organizations who also were turned away because they were not approved.  He was saying that not only was their help not approved, but that the federal government was intercepting truckloads of supplies provided by faith-based organizations and FEDERALIZING it under the new FEMA guidelines through DHS.  That means that the relief donated to churches will sit in warehouses until either more churches/organizations are approved or they give it to whom they chose when they chose.  He actually said that the federal organizations like Red Cross and FEMA were acting like rival gangs.  I've never heard him speak against the administration like this before.
This is a free country, Patti.
You are free to be as rich as you want to be or as poor as you want to be.

If it isn't good for business, management should change it. It IS business, you know.

The other poster replying to you is right on. You think that WE should forfeit OUR income so YOU can have more. Hahaha What a joke!

I'm not giving up a penny. I earn it. I'm not stealing it. I'm not being handed money on a donation. I'm earning every single penny.

That's what enterprising, motivated, goal-directed MTs do. They work - when they can, while they can, where they can. They make the money. It has always been that way.

Perhaps this isn't the job for those who cannot or WILL NOT keep up.

If you, as an MTSO, are trying to set hours for your "ICs" then YOU are committing a crime against federal regulatory conditions of ICs. ICs, dear, do not have to work a schedule. If you limit them in the amount of work they can produce - that is the ONLY way you can control an IC and I doubt seriously anyone IC would work for you.

Listening to this reasoning is the same as those who drag in at the end of the race complaining that others were in 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, etc. There are those who will be faster, smarter, more resourceful, more motivated, more discplined, more focused - in this work and every other line of work. That's not a crime legally nor morally.

God absolutely gave us all certain talents. If others are upset at those of us who can get ahead because of ours, isn't that a sin? I believe so. As well, I can personally attest to the fact that God opens doors and provides opportunity for those who love Him, seek Him, and trust Him. I know without doubt that is one reason I have had the successes I have experienced.

Your jealousy hurts no one but yourself. It is like battery acid. It harms the container it is stored in far more than anything it is applied to.
Mexico is a 3rd world country-- that's why all of them are here
And to think there is an entire country above Montana! No
I'm agnostic but I acknowledge that this country was
founded by Christians and that is our culture. If you have a problem with that, there are plenty of other places for you to live.
Two questions, please: What area of the country are you in?
Trying to scope out the highest the market will bear here.


What part of the country do you live?
That is really very, very low. The hospitals in California pay $17 to $25 an hour.
yep sings country well but Kelly is just NOT..nm
Kelly can sing Country and there are
probably more Country fans out there than the others. She has a strong fan base. I doubt she will be going home anytime soon. I tried calling for 2 hours last night and could not get through on her lines so ended up texting. She does play the dumb blonde a little to much for me though.
Country Music is an oxymoron. :)

Texas Hill Country
I second the suggestion of moving to the Hill Country.  It is beautiful!  My brother lives in Canyon Lake, about 30 miles north of San Antonio.  You have to like driving though, because to get anywhere you have to drive a lot.   From the house my brother lived in when we visited a few years ago he had to drive 15 miles to the grocery store, and that was considered "just around the corner."  He couldn't buy ice cream because it would melt on the way home!
The largest service in the country does
Of course client preference first, but AAMT second, which covers everything else ;)
the largest service in the country does not --sm
constitute even half of all the other services that are out there that do not hold with bos. and bos does not cover everything else. boy are you brainwashed.
believe me, outsourcing out of the country will be stopped soon. sm
Do you know how many U.S. doctors or clinics who contract with a US transcription co. who outsources actually know their patient's confidentiality records are leaving the country? ...very few. These docs are clueless, not by their own fault, but by the deceiving company who represents themself as a U.S. based co. (which may be true). However, they fail to "share the info. with the doc" informing them "by the way, we send your dictation to India". This info. IMO has just started to surface for access by physicians. If HIPAA passes the strict regulations on patient confidentiality, you don't think there's gonna be a big crack-down on this? U.S. MT's and honest US based transcription companies need to ride the bumps in the road now because things will get better for us. We are not talking about outsourcing work to China to sew shirts to bring back to the US dept. stores, we are talking about patient medical records. I was once a small MTSO, and I can say with 100% certainty, I would not take the legal chance of playing with patient medical records by sending them out of the country, not to mention taking jobs away from US MTs. If MTSOs were not outsourcing, our pay scale would go up and you could probably find better employees who were willing to work harder, thus reducing your costs for editing, etc.
Um, in this country!?!? lol Extremely common.
Poor grammar is everywhere, unfortunately, and ya can't fix what they don't know. ;)
AND if another country's economy fails
it will greatly affect us.