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I do QA at home and just kind of lucked into my current job but (sm)

Posted By: anony on 2006-05-29
In Reply to: QA at home - Kathie Neilson

I also check jobs ads frequently and even occasionally apply for other part-time work. Most I have seen want you to have very recent MT work in the basic 4 or currently working as an Editor for last last 1 year or so. Not in all cases but that's what I've seen.

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  • QA at home - Kathie Neilson
    • I do QA at home and just kind of lucked into my current job but (sm) - anony

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Can you cut your hours back at your current job and do MT at home PT? (sm)
This would be a way to break away some for your FT without actually giving it up and at the same time staying current in the outside world. Then if you had a PT or p.r.n. MT job at home, you could get a feel for how it would be.
Lucked out
Ad in newspaper to learn billing from a hospital. Three classes. Took two and while waiting for third class, answered ad in paper from another hospital for MT, no experience, willing to train, but needed to know medical terminology, which was my first class. They were desperate and hired me on the spot. $8.00 per hour. Wow!! That was great in 1988.
Many of us do in this kind of at-home, isolated job. Gets worse as you get older, too. nm
You lucked out is all if it was quiet....sm

But most MDs dictate near the unit stations where the nurses and other people are talking loud and seemingly don't care that there is an MD there trying to dictate.

I STILL work for MQ (only on weekends for 9 years and work privately during the week).  They quit the *cesspool* stuff and have given us all 3 accounts (possibly more for other people).  I sometimes do get a 4th account if all my 3 others are done.

Have a good one!!! 

At home, Melitta or any kind of hazelnut. Out of house, Green Mountain from the gas stationso or
Current says:
q.i.d. is fine
q.8 h. is preferred, for clarity and ease of reading the number.

Don't eliminate the periods, don't use dangerous abbreviations, and don't use illegal abbreviations such as q.a.m. because they are Latin and English mixed.

Does that help?
Yes put current job. If it is your first
job you will need to show the experience to get another job.  You don't have the give another company any particulars about why you are looking for another position/more work.  Most just want to know when can you start and the hours you can work. 
Nothing will ever be more current than SM
the Monthly Prescribing Reference.  Google it and the link comes up.  It's updated as soon as a drug is FDA approved.
My current favorite....
revises every sentence at least 3 times without fail. My first runner up dictates on a cell phone, drops every other call, and spells out every other word in case I don't know how to spell anything with more than 6 letters.
any other current nyers on here - I went to the

state board out of curiousity and there are very few.  Does New York have a shortage of transcriptionists??? 


Just curious - if there are NY'ers - where in NY do you live? 

What is your current screensaver?
Mine's a beautiful aquarium (XP Plus!) except I only have three fish - you have to pay for more and I just don't wanna.
are you current with your dues?
'Nuff said.
Not really. Why don't you ask for a raise at your current
employer if you're happy there? How long have you been there?
Current Breitner MTs.

Are there are any CURRENT Breitner MTs out there?  Would like to talk. Please reply.  Thanks.

Poll: Age/Sex of current MTs

My theory is that the majority of MTs working today are in their 40s or 50s and are female.


Am I correct? We shall see....

RE: Poll: Age/Sex of current MTs
Divorced, age 52, male, long-time Transcriptionist (>15 years)
Not with current gas prices ...
I wouldn't. And you are talking about a total of 4 hours of driving per day, 20 hours per week, that you don't get paid for. You don't say where you live, but do you get snow, ice, etc. in the winter? That would be a nightmare.

It's good money, but personally I don't think it's worth it.
I have current QA contractors.
It would be cheaper still yet to give them a good raise and let the offshore MTs do the work, or so it looks on paper.

Just weighs heavy on the mind.

Current Listings
Does anyone use these boards anymore?  The most current post I see is 3/22/07.
More yrs in than you & I get 8.5 w/current employer. Have gotten 9 cpl in
Probably so. And my current one. And past one, too.
They might as well - they don't seem to have anything more productive with the time they spend in their plush offices behind closed doors. Unless maybe it's napping.
With our current administration, just about anywhere
Except the middle east, of course. We shoulda' nuked it all off the map on 9/12/01.
Not me. I was actually intimidated by my current

company.  They haven't laid down a lot of the rules in writing, or even verbally, but several other MTs have told me how it is.   They are very strict and I got fussed out because I didn't respond to an IM immediately.  I'm still on probation for another 2 weeks and I'm curious if I'm doing what they except of me (my QA scores are great so I know I'm doing quality work) and they have nothing to say to me, or they are waiting until probation is over and then will lay everything on the line.

I think maybe most companies seem strict at first because they want you to understand you can't have 24 hour TAT.  Some companies allow a long TAT, most don't.  I know a lot of MTs who work for spending money and aren't interested in FT work, yet they take FT positions and then don't work a required schedule. 

I also think that if you produce a minimun line requirement, produce a good product, aren't constantly taking time off, etc. that the company will cut you some slack.   Good reliable MTs are scarce these days. 

Any current info on SS?

I read a lot of bad about SoftScript on here, but all of it was 2 or 3 years old. I'm wondering if anybody has any current information about the company they'd be willing to share. I've been talking to them about a job doing editing work and am curious to know if their reputation has improved at all. Thanks.

current pay scale
I am an IC with 30 years experience. I am currently making 12 cents a 65 character line with no benefits, no time off, no taxes taken out, which is nothing compared to what I used to make in the hospital with all benefits.

None of us make enough, nor are we appreciated for our speed, knowledge and hard work.

Good luck! I hope you get your raise. You deserve it.
My kids have suffered greatly from me working at home with them home. SM
I have been working at home as an MT since my two kids were born. They are now 4 and 5. In the first few years, I had no help whatsoever. Their father was a bum who didnt work or take care of them while I worked. Your children get neglected while you work basically. And babies and young children desperately need your attention while they are home with you.

My kids have so many behavioral problems right now because of their neglect. I would try to set them up with things to occupy themselves, like coloring or a movie, etc.

I finally put them in day care and things have improved, but there are still a lot of issues because of the damage that was done. They still try to seek attention by doing bad things and they dont listen to me because they are so used to me letting them get away with a lot of stuff because I was too busy typing to discipline them in their early years.

If I could do it all over again, I would definitely have put them into day care from the very beginning.

My advice would be to seek PT care for your baby. Maybe you can do some work around her schedule a little when she is home, like when she takes a nap, and then bang out a bunch of work while she is in day care.

I enjoy being alone at home, but I've got one home sick from school already.

One on one with a kid is nice, too.

This summer has been absolutely crazy.  I haven't had a moment to myself for three months because all of my kids were home traipsing their friends through the house and yard.  My husband switched his work schedule, too, so he's around more than usual.  However, I like not having to do two loads of dishes and four loads of laundry a day.  There are no toys or clutter dragged out everywhere.  I can clean the house first thing in the morning, and it stays clean until everyone gets home at night.

I even got to relax with a cup of coffee and watch TV for half an hour this morning, something I liked for a change instead of cartoons or kids' movies.  I signed up for an online class that I've been wanting to take.  I can exercise without being interrupted.  Yesterday, I went to the mall and spent all my saved up gift cards.  I got some clothes, books, bath stuff, and a new coffee mug.  My work gets done a lot faster, too.  Call me nuts, but I've never had the luxury of being alone in the house for 14 years.  It's kinda nice.  I love my family with all my heart, but I love having a few hours to myself each week, too.

Except now the cat and dogs have been acting weird since the kids went back to school.  They must think that I need someone or something to clean up after and correct behavior on.  They're getting into everything and racing around the house behind me.

my take is that she worked inhouse, not at home, and now wants to find out how to work at home. nm
Forget "per line." Your take-home pay should be taking home SM
roughly what it was before. If it is not, is it because your current pay rate for editing (which in many companies keeps changing as the VR system is developed) is too low or is it because your talents and skills are more for speed typing than speed editing?

If the first, discuss it with higherups, and go get a new job if you don't get the response you need. My last MTSO was secretly refiguring how production was counted to pay us less. I can accept hard reality, it was the secrecy that burned. Sometimes, though, it's just that the learning curves of individual editors and that of the system aren't in sync, and you end up temporarily making less.

If the second, though, recognize it as soon as possible and change to straight transcription work, in your company or a new one, for as long as you can find it.

As for why we aren't paid more for a higher skill, that's just the way the labor supply ball bounces. Best wishes.
Current screen saver
Mine is a black background with floating bananas...yes really, floating bananas. heehee
not at my current line rate nm

Axolotl? Any current employees?
Of course, I see mixed reviews on them.  Just looking for a good company for full-time bennies.
Q&A, editing - what is current pay rate for this?

Does your current company also have employees?
If so, no matter what, those people will get work first because of the benefits they receive as their total package. They want those people working first and foremost.

I have also been times without work, though not for weeks on end or anything. I used that time to clean, organize, run errands, that kind of thing. Sorry I cannot offer you anything else. It will hopefully pick up soon for you! :-)
My current transcriber I bought from
this site. It appeared brand new, and I paid about half of what a new one costs at an office supply store. I'm sure they are available on e-bay as well. Mine is a Panasonic minicassette, which is my brand of choice (more control over the dictation than some of the others I've tried), although I've seen it posted more than once on this site that Lanier is the best, but way more expensive.
For those who started a new job before leaving current job - sm
Any pointers on how you did this?  I'm sure the answer is plain as day, but I can't figure it out...do you call in sick on the first day of the new account training and see how it goes?  And if you're not sure after that, and keep working at the new account until you are sure, how do you handle both jobs?  I don't mean to be dense, but this has always been a puzzle to me how you do it.    Any tips?  TIA
Got that my very first day with current company. I'm not a newbie, though
had almost no experience with ESL dictators.  Samples help a bunch.  After having a sample to look at and listening to the dictation it was very clear and I couldn't believe I didn't get it before. 
The Amazon one appears to be a current

edition and the CD that comes with it is an outdated spellchecker and not the dictionary on CD-ROM.  The Stedman's one is just the CD and they are always more than the book.  The have more detailed info on the CD.  I have an older version of the book and I think I've used it 2 times in 10 years.   When I update my Stedman's now I buy the CD and I might use it more if I had it on CD versus the book, though with their CDs now you can only install it twice.  They also have the book, but it is about $50.  

Check the classified board here and check half.com.  You can most likely find it cheaper at either place. 

Current ADVANCE issue is MT pay

Cover story:  Are MTs Paid Fairly.  This story needs rebuttals.  (I don't know if I spelled that right -- too mad to look it up.)  There is another article about MTing as well as some good letters to the editor.  No, I didn't write them.  Not promoting self.

Look, this magazine wants feedback.  Controversy creates publicity which creates readership.  Please think about sending your own letters to the editor.  Write what you write here.  Let more people involved in our field know your thoughts whether they be MTs or not. 

No, I don't work for ADVANCE.  I'm just an MT just like most of you.  I just want our voices to be heard by more people who call the shots that affect us.  This is one venue.  Even if you don't like the publication, fight back and make your voices heard!!!  What a lot of you write here would be fantastic letters to the Editor which would reach a wider spectrum of our associates than this forum for MTs.  We've got to keep the topic of the MT situation HOT in the media.  You can submit articles to them as well.  Get busy, PLEASE!!

Ask if you can contact some current employees for
listing current employer
 You might be better off to put current job on resume.  Have been out of school for a long time, but was always told to be up front and list all jobs from present back a few years.  I think when asked for a reference, most places say,  "Yes, the person worked here", blah, blah, blah.  I have had four MT jobs, along with a time of being self-employed, and have had no trouble - did have one "suit" that I absolutely did not get along with, but listed the hospital anyway.  Go with the truth.  You can sleep with a clear conscience that way. 
Revealing current employer
I have always put my current employer on a resume and never had any problems.  
What I do is take off the current position and put a note there...sm
that says "current position information will be revealed at interview." That way if they call and want to know, we can discuss it. If not mentioned or get no call, then my information is lying around in somebody's messy and disorganized desk open to others' eyes.
Current Employees of CBAY?

I know that a lot of you guys are anti-CBay because they outsource but I've got to go where the money is instead of sitting here posting on forums while I wait for some work to come in.  My question is....Anyone currently working for Cbay as QA? I've done my interview and tests and the pay/benefits are very alluring.  I'm tired of MT work and want to move up/on without having to work 12 hours a day. I've read all the other posts "hating" on them but is there anyone out there that has had a positive experience??? Aside from sending work overseas, how are they really?

We stay current, never hear about TAT
so don�t think that is the reason, in fact here lately have been too caught up, have ran out of work some days.
My current employer insisted I buy BOS

Because the clients don't want to go by the BOS rules.  Therefore I am not going to bust a gut to memorize BOS rules if I'll just get scolded for using them because they go against account specifics!  My employer tells me an account is VERBATIM - but I have to use BOS rules.  OK, it can't be both - many clients are either not aware of or not interested in BOS rules.

In this industry they want us to know EVERYTHING, ALL the time, yet treat us and pay us like trained monkeys.  So go ahead and stuff the newbie's heads full of BOS rules, hire those newbies, then tell them to scrap the rules.  Makes sense - why?For each client you have new rules or just flat verbatim.  Just let us concentrate on our account specifics - please!

Ascend Current Information
Does anyone have current, up-to-date information on working at Ascend? Good company? Pay promptly?
Yes. My current employer and previous

I am a current MTSO and would be willing to share. sm
email me. I don't bite but don't want to be flamed. If you can keep it confidential, I am willing to mentor. I keep all work in the U.S., treat people fairly and have learned the ups and downs by trial and error. I would welcome another MTSO start up if you are U.S. only.
I don't have a current version of Word, so I don't know if -- sm
...there's an option in the settings there, but I'm assuming it's taking one of the standard Windows sounds for that "ding" you're hearing (perhaps the sound Microsoft calls "Asterisk"?).

There are probably other methods, but you could try going into your Control Panel, then Sounds and Audio Devices, then the Sounds tab and change that Asterisk (or whatever it turns out to be -- you can listen to the sounds on that tab) to something more to your liking, or to No Sound. (Of course, that may prevent Windows from alerting you in whatever programs or routines may use that same Asterisk sound, but it would get rid of it, anyway.)
What is the current pay rate per report for Rad?
I checked archeives, and in 2006 an average rate was $1.10....is this still the case?  That seems low.  What if the client does MRI, CT, PET, USD and Xrays.  Need help!  Thanks!!