I didn't know I need to post EVERY reason I got into MT...Good God! **rolling eyes***
Posted By: Frustrated on 2007-09-11
In Reply to: Your words- not mine- very first post you put on her - Professionals
I stand by my posts as well. YES I did say my children, but pardon me for not listing EVERY SINGLE REASON I got into MT. My children are always number one at the top of my priority list as they should be and that's why I mentioned them. And no, I'm having a good day, but I am astounded with the nastiness on these boards. I've never seen such unahppy people. Is this was MT does to a person?
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Trying to contact Rolling Eyes
I am trying to get an email address for someone who regularly posts at "Rolling Eyes" e.g. Rolling Eyes on Sun, etc. If have a question about a prior post and want to send a private email. Thanks
Didn't see your post but apparently we agree it is a good site! lol
No and I didn't and don't cross the eyes....sm
And I do it alone in front of a mirror in the bathroom...*lol* - not a pretty pose, you're right - but it WORKS for TMJ.....*S*
Have a nice day!!!!
Continuing the post from "bawling my eyes out"
I am sure your head is spinning with what to do and how to do it. You need to plan this out, but do not delay. I know from personal experience how expensive it is to be on your own, but consider this. He is not working right now, so he is more of a financial burden and liability than anything else. There are many ways to support yourself and your children. First and foremost, consider moving back home near your family. Family pitches in at times of need. I am sure they want you out of there. Do not be proud. ASK FAMILY FOR HELP. That is how I got my new start. Make an appointment immediately with legal aid and find out what your options are. Under no circumstances DO NOT LET HIM HAVE THE CHILDREN. You will never get them back if you do. He will say you abandoned them.
This jerk you are married to has brainwashed you to the point where you think you cannot survive financially without him. You are entitled to legal aid, and food stamps for your children until you get back on your feet no matter if you stay where you are or move closer to your family.
Ask yourself this question when in doubt...Is he your last hope? Of course he isn't. He is your road to a dead-end life. Sorry. I just hate men like him. Even though we are strangers to you, you need to listen to voices of experience. Some of us have been in your shoes. By the way, what state do you live in and how far is your family?
For some reason, it didn't work....sm
I will try link again but in case it doesn't work here it is......
I always got up for a minute. But if I didn't for some reason, it made him mad! nm
The same reason they post
what they had for dinner, what kind of pets they have, etc.
The reason for this post is what?
If you are no longer an MT, there's no reason to come here and be mean. Some of us are very happy being an MT. Some of us are making $50,000 (or making whatever our goal may be). Just because you couldn't make it doesn't mean others can't.
Glad you're gone. It leaves more work for me!!
To the service who posted a job ad on the Main board, the reason your post
was removed is because all job ads are to be posted on the Job Seeker's board. Any "well-deserving MT" knows to look at that forum for that "chance to work for an excellent company and make an excellent line rate". Feel free to post your ad there.
Thank you.
It could be any reason. You could be really good
in which case they're dumping all the garbage on you that nobody else can do. Or as some people on this board say, maybe they're trying to force you out. (I highly doubt that!) It's been my experience that if you show that you're eager to work and skilled, you'll get the stuff nobody else wants to do.
it's not my fault, the darn quote mark just doesn't post for some reason.
Okay, for some reason, the first quote at the front of qldc does not show up, but in the line autocorrect.entries.add name:=qldc" there needs to be a quote mark around each side of "qldc", not just at the end.
If you want to use this macro -- and find it won't work and are confused my instructions, please write me and I will e-mail the macro to you.
I really don't like the idea of people having to spend their meager pittance of a salary on expensive software to do such a simple thing.
I say she was screaming with good reason
If you don't want to work for her, then don't apply. It's a free country.
I can think of a good reason why...CYA and audit!!!!!!!!!! nm
Good reason to smack this doc...
She dictates diagnoses, giving three or four detailed diagnoses and then says, "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera"
OK, do I get to make up additional diagnoses for her? This is at the top of the report, so it's not like she's saying go back and copy admission diagnoses for discharge ones. (Not that THAT would be ok, either!) Am I supposed to read her mind? Or is this just a verbal tick that pops up whenever she's done dictating a list of diagnoses?
Of course it was - too many people still believe we went there for a good reason. nm
If you were that good, you would have no reason to complain about it. Maybe you should just ignore
it, but apparently YOU DO have a problem with editors. If you are that good, maybe you will become an editor and SEE exactly what we are talking about!!
Good for you. There is no reason any hard working MT should put up with that crap. nm
I do not get when "in a rush" became a good reason to not find your own answers..
better up my meds I guess.
No reason to feel good about it. Just showing that kids are going to get into trouble
So let them learn how to function in society rather than hide them from it.
A good neighbor is worth a million bucks, they say this for a reason
I purchased a house at a remarkably reduced price because of a neighbor who was a lunatic. First thing I will do the next time I buy is try to get familiar with the neighbors bordering my home. Thank GOD, he moved but for several years, I had to get a restraining order and even with that, he used foul language, sometimes directed at me, tapped into my utilities, had loud fights with four letter words. I could even hear them in the bedroom going at it (yes, i know)... What I say is don't make her angry or she could make your life REALLY miserable. There will be times when you will not be home...people like her resort to all sorts of behavior, I have a feeling.
Maybe that's a good thing - it's a reason for the Indian docs to GO HOME
Didn't the post say PT, 15,000? THAT's PT???nm
I didn't think she was being mean about my post.....was she?
I didn't take it that way.
Didn't know the other post was from you
and I do have a hard time believing $98K in just 30 hours a week, but anything is possible I suppose.
oh. I obviously didn't see the post below before.
I thought it was just like your existential scream for the day or something, heh.
Link didn't post
Try this
I didn't get any of what you said from the previous post
I think the poster was just saying that nationals do those things mentioned. Nowhere was it said in her post that nationals are crooks. Those are your words and you're trying to put them in her post because she she contradicted your theory.
Sorry, here it is..it didn't post correctly
The link didn't post - here it is again.
Link didn't post. Here it is again.
Me, too. I was going to post earlier, but didn't
have the energy. I had the twitching thumb first about a year ago, now aches and pains every week that move or migrate all over, too. Numb legs, butt that kills me - seriously, I nearly cry when I sit down or stand up. Then it moves to my neck, or shoulders, and then back to legs. It is horrible pain, and I'm getting really worried that I'm not going to hold up for this job much longer. Its so pathetic - sitting in a chair and falling apart. I was wondering if it could be fibromyalgia-type symptoms. Horrible. You are not alone! I have also bought so many ergonomic things - chair, keyboard, mouse "platform", and forget it. Oh yes, even lighting, and I still am in pain all over the second I sit down in this chair.
You need to reread the post. I didn't say
all the freebies were scams.
I didn't get your post either Rita.
Did he do the face lift or not? If he did the face lift and dictated it at a later date and predated the report then that goes on all of the time. When a doctor fails to dictate then it is is dictated at a later date but the date of the actual service or the study, etc. is performed usually does not change.
I didn't mention his gender in my post at all
as you so eloquently put, the fact he does not communicate with his patients.
Being an animal doctor hardly qualifies any person or any gender to run a government health program for any person of any gender.
Being smart and trustworthy are only part of what it takes to run such an agency. Maybe a little experience?
Never mind..I didn't see your post answering that sm
very question below.
Mea Culpa.
And sadly, I don't have the Spheris Expander to which you were referring.
duh, sorry, didn't read post below mine. NM
I didn't read your way-too-long post, but...
did you type all that out, or copy and paste from somewhere, cause if you typed it all out...you need to get a life and quick!
Oops, picture didn't post
You didn't read the post very carefully.
Link didn't work in last post
I didn't post that but if I had to make a guess...
I would guess the poster meant that newbies always feel they have a high accuracy.
Don't be offended....if that is what was meant.
Ask your QA or supervisor where you stand. At least you care !!!
Didn't post the question but I have the same problem
thanks for a great suggestion.
Two times mine didn't......but I think I saw a post
Sorry. Didn't read your post correctly
I don't use the compile feature, but build my glossaries as I go along. Never cared for the results I got with compiling.
ooops - SORRY! I didn't relize my first post
my apologies!
Doh! My EYES, EYES opened, lol.
She didn't put any names or even employment locations with her post --
she simply listed errors she sees. I would keep a list as well; could be very useful in training new MTs or orienting even experienced MTs about what they have had in the past, how easy it is for one to just "type what they hear" and not pay attention, etc.
She didn't do anything wrong.
Hey, no problem. I didn't post a name or initials, so you probably wouldn't have known it was
OK, chart didn't post correctly, but link will nm
well, excuuuuse me. I didn't realize it had been deleted till after my first post
I didn't assume since that post was on there before I started my shift at noon
...........and this post for help was posted only a couple of hours ago. I couldn't imagine leaving a note up for that long.
But, you are right, ya never know. :)