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I did for a while and they paid on alternating weeks, which was nice. But wore me out so I

Posted By: quit one. nm on 2006-04-16
In Reply to: Anybody working at home, that - works more than 1 MT job at home?


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Friends tried hypnosis for smoking. It lasted for about 2 weeks then wore off. nm
We have to work alternating T'giving, Xmas, and New Years. sm
Other holidays, Mem Day, Lab Day, 07/04, don't seem to have scheduling issues so they don't dictate which of those, but we have to work 3 of 6 holidays per year.
This year I took off July 4th, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving, and work Memorial Day, Xmas, and New Years. Next year I'll work T'giving but have Xmas adn New Year's off, and the other 3 I haven't decided yet. And, we have to choose all of this in February, which is difficult.

For QA consulting I'm paid per hour; QA instructing (college) paid salary, QA editing paid per li
I am an IC and work for two different MTSOs as well as instruct at a business college.
I had them - GREAT! Wore them out in 3 years. nm
I once wore a hole in my spacebar...
I loved that keyboard. the letters were intact, just that figgind hole.
Did this for 2 years. Wore me out! Finally, gave one up.
I wore one, but by all means DO WHAT YOU WANT! Your comfort is what matters.:-) nm
I wore a Spanish mantilla - it stayed out of the way and was still fun.

I wore mine on a 900 mile drive

to florida. Didn't leak a bit.


I actually wore a hole in some of my keyboard letters... nm
oh yeah, at that wedding, the bridesmaids wore black, too sm
with dark red rose boquets.  It really was beautiful, at night, with candle light...ooh, I wanna get married again...
remember when nurses wore the little hats...hahaha
The only person that bothered me at my wedding was the one who wore a white dress. Black is fine.

How nice is this keyboard? Nice light touch?
I have a regular Microsoft ergonomic one now but I'm thinking I should probably get a replacement and use mine as a backup. 
if mt paid 9, editor paid 4 or 5...how can company charge 14 and make it..sm

I know the going rate in our area is 14 cents per line.  As MTs most companies here pay us 8 or 9 cents a line.  Now add in the Editor rate at 4 or 5 per line..you are paying OUT more than you can charge a line.  How would companies stay in biz?

Unless all work is sent by the company overseas at pennies per line, this would not pay for a company.

just curious how this works out

I was nice today, and people were nice to me.
If you steer away from the nastiness, there are a few nice and encouraging posts in there. 
But how much are the US EDs gonna be paid? Typically this work is paid at 2-3 cpl. nm
You don't get paid an hourly rate you get paid by line - sm
so because of how you are paid (not an hourly rate) you don't get OT, especially if you are an IC.
I would move on. I think it is so unfair not to be paid for spaces! I think we should get paid

per keystroke, but that'll never happen.  I just think that these national companies are going to keep finding ways to cheat us.  I found a job working for a hospital as an employee, paid hourly plus incentive, and they let us expand everything!  Somebody's gonna have to kill me to make me give up this job.  I will never go back to the national's again.

I feel for you though.  I know that for us MTs those good jobs are few and far between and some have little choice but to work for the nationals.  I just happened to luck into the job I have now.  I just applied at the right time. 

Good luck to you whatever you decide.

If those companies paid a fair wage, and paid more
all came out equal, people wouldn't feel the need to try to make up the deficit by going for the good stuff. I actually prefer the harder, juicier reports. But I can't make a living doing only that, because the pay is not commensurate with the difficulty. So even though I prefer not to, sometimes I have to pick up some of the easier, more boring 'line-o-matic' reports just to make ends meet. Tell your MTSO to make it work their while, and MTs will stop taking all the easy work away that you obviously would prefer to keep for yourself.
You wont show UE being paid because it is employer paid -
the employee will never have to pay this.
What you "should" be paid and what you "are" paid

sadly are two very different things.  Good luck on demanding more..because someone else will just come along and take it for what they offer and they know it. 

10$ late if invoice is not paid within 10 days. At day 15 work stops until invoice is paid. Hardly
Can't be V-day, most of us have been out for 2 weeks.
I got a second job 3 weeks ago to
help with our debt.  Hubby cannot work.  No children left at home. It is tiring, but I am hoping to get ahead. 
Going on 4 weeks.
I type with a headache and it is so wearing on me and my body. I cant get rid of it and it kills me. I went to the doctor and he said it was from my neck muscles strained and sinus both, so he put me on some medication. I am not sure it is taking it away though, since it has been a week with just little improvement. I have had my eyes checked and everything. What are rebound headaches exactly? I just wish I could get rid of myn as well.
Four weeks for me, sm
I went back at 4 weeks after having c-section because I was working at home.  My husband was not happy, but I only worked about 3-4 hours a day in the beginning because I had the baby, but it really was not that bad.  I would try to be most productive when the baby was sleeping. 
Yes, 4-6 weeks. nm
I just have one done this way 2 weeks ago - sm
no big deal. I did conscious sedation, though I did not have a choice, but I would think this is the safer way to go (cheaper too). I experienced no discomfort at all during or afterwards. Don't remember the colonoscopy at all. Last thing I remember is them injecting my IV, saying it would sting (it did), next thing I knew my kids and friend who brought me were standing in there looking at me. I was very groggy though, half slept on the drive home, came home and conked out for 2 hours. Awoke feeling much more alert and back to normal. Just make sure you follow the prep instructions to a "T". Got a copy of my report which said my prep was excellent!
I did after about 1-1/2 weeks

but I should have quit sooner (Medquist). They misrepresented (I'm being nice here) the type of work I would have. When there was work (constantly ran out), I spent most of my time looking up names of physicians for the demographics. It was a nightmare. After a few reports, I'd get the dreaded "There are no more reports. Please press...."  Then I'd call the office and if I was lucky, someone would return my call in an hour....Like I said, I didn't want to feel like a quitter either, but I finally figured that they weren't treating me like a valuable employee, why should I hang in there when no one would even return my calls?  My previous employer took me right back, and  thankfully hadn't found a permanent replacement for my accounts!  If I ever search again, I will try the new place out first part-time before jumping into the flame.

Every day for two weeks now, I was out of
work for months and thankfully, even right before Christmas, no doubt, I have a job now that keeps me busy, almost busier than I want to be, but I am making so much money right now, I don't care! It's feast or famine!
I wonder about this. Every few weeks
someone puts up a post that they just discovered this wonderful website. What is going on?????
A few weeks ago someone

on this forum was saying she bought 2003 with 2008 Works for 48.00 or so on E-Bay, from a seller in Arizona.  Another person wrote a message that it wasn't 2003 with 2008 Works but 2002, but the original poster said it was INDEED 2003 and she was using it!  You might try search?

I remember this post because it interested me in that I needed a copy of 2003 & was willing to buy it through E-Bay.  Luckily, my hubby works for computer manufacturer in testing division.  They had an unused copy of 2003 that they didn't really need or want as they said this was "old technology" & they let me have it!    Made my day!

No...not per week/2 weeks.....
Per PAYPERIOD which is 15-16 days.

Part-time IC .. 6000 per payperiod.
Usually in 2 weeks I know if it will work out or not. nm
I am starting a new Rad job in 2 weeks-$16.50/hr
I have only been at it for a couple of weeks..
Having several years experience, I thought I could step right in and nail it.  There are a variety of issues/concerns most importantly the accents, getting use to the different accounts (I have several) and unrealistic expectations I have set before myself.  It is a good thing I get paid by the hour because if I got paid by the line, I would be starving!!!  Some files are easy to zip through, others are are a real dragon!!!!  I am going to give it more time though.  I have wanted this position for a while and I don't give up easy!  Thanks for letting me vent.
This happens maybe once a week, once in two weeks sm

So not very often...just....It was just something that my dad never did with us and I don't like it. I've told him that but he just shrugs his shoulders about it and says it is no big deal, even when she points and says like, what's that?

 I don't know, am I a prude? I just don't think it is appropriate.

Are you using dial-up? The last 3 weeks
when I come to the main board I get a page loading message and it takes a minute to load.  I have high-speed cable, so if you have dial-up the connection may be timing out and you need to adjust settings.  l
About 4 weeks now - and still lingering
with some bronchitis with it. Can't shake it, even with antibiotics.
For WEEKS I had this. It's finally gone. nm
My son just had it 2 weeks ago, very nasty.
He was so sick that he ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor (worse than a bad hangover) with vomiting and diarrhea. It lasted almost 24 hours and he was horribly weak for the next day as well.
Well, there's 52 weeks in a year so that's not a bad sm
salary for what amounts to part time work, even considering self-employment tax - home office deductions, mileage, equipment, etc. It beats slapping burgers at McDs!
It has been so slow the last few weeks (sm)

And the hospitals have been busy lately, that's the funny thing! 

Does anybody know of a service that will let you work part-time a very minimal amount of hours, like 10 hours a week?  I haven't seen a service like that in a long time.  TIA

Did four hard weeks with them...
Worked night shift (11p-7a) and tried to sleep during the day while munchkin was away-- Sup, tech support (because you cannot get tech support worth a darn on the night shift), and benefits coordinator would call all day long and THEN send me an email. Last straw, at 11:08 pm night shift sup called my house to see if I was going to log in--- I was reading and responding to email!!! (since they were not calling me anymore, had lots of email). Not to mention they tried the ol' swithceroo on accounts with me... all the sudden in the middle of the night I started getting another hospital. Could not stand it.
I just started there a few weeks ago, and my second day there I ran out! NM
One of our MTs just went a couple weeks ago. nm
Everyone stays 6 to 8 weeks. sm
They usually quit when they realize they have to wait to get paid for work they did a month ago. Also, known to not pay employees their last check when they quit. I think anyone there after 8 weeks is long-term.LOL Few employees there who come here to defend them, but most posts about this place are thumbs down.
4 weeks' time

35 in 4 weeks!! Amazing!!
Thanks for the post.  I believe my weight will come off fairly quickly, as I said, I am a carb freak as of now.  I understand the incorporation of "good carbs" after the induction phase.  It is just that the induction phase is going to be tough!!!! I want to lose about 30 pounds, could really lose about 40 and would be happy wtih 20!!!
I'm going there in just a couple weeks.
I'm going to Sedona to check out Valley Verde School for my son. Are you familiar with it?