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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I currently type for a doctor who dictates with a digital handheld and sends the files via e-mail fo

Posted By: Wilson on 2009-04-28
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and wanted to be able to call me with his dictations.  What would be the best and cheapest way for me to go so that he can do his dictations without the handheld unit??  I don't want to invest in a lot because he does not forget very often.  This is the first time in three months.  Thanks for any suggestions you may have. 

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Buy handheld digital recorders.

Don't go cheap on those for several reasons. One, they higher-end recorders will be easier for the docs to backup and edit their recording. Also, they are better built and the sound quality is better.

Your basic needs are recorders, playback software, foot pedal to control playback and a secure, HIPAA-compliant method of transmitting files. There is so much information out there. Your best bet is to first get educated on how digital works. Try a Google search and also search this site since there have been many requests for the same information you're seeking.

If you want someone who will outline the steps, do set up and/or training, etc., you would do well to hire a consultant.

Instead of a call-in system, why not use a handheld digital recorder?
The sound quality is much better, the recorders are very affordable and you can use FTP to transfer files both directions.
You are supposed to transcribe exactly as the doctor dictates. sm
However, every "verbatim" account I have done, we are allowed to correct the doctor's spelling mistakes, especially with something like a drug. However, you must be sure of your drug. If there are two that are close, it is safer to use the doctor's spelling and use quotes or whatever the account allows.

Many of them will also allow you to correct a glaring grammar mistake, such as using "is" for "are," etc. If you're not sure, ask the account manager.
If the doctor dictates it, you transcribe it, in quotes, as this
is what the patient said.
Converting voice files to digital files

I have a Voice Solutions dictation system that will happily convert DS4000 voice files to digital when they are downloaded (wave files). However, it will not recognize any other files for conversion. I had a physician download .WAM files from his DS-30 and my dictation system would not convert it. Anyone have any suggestions?  I would greatly appreciate any input.


The ones that I hate are where the doctor dictates a full line or paragraph,
and says, "No, wait, go back, change that."  Then you have to delete everything you already typed and retype the new dictation.  Some of these newer doctors do that to nearly every sentence.  By the time you finish the report, you've typed and erased half the report.  Do we get paid for that?  NO.  I don't get it.  We still have to pay for doctor visits if they misdiagnose us, then we have to pay for the subsequent visit to fix what they didn't diagnose the first time.  We should get paid by them for typing what they said, erasing it and retyping what they meant to say.  They're getting our wallets coming and going.
If a doc dictates CHF, do you type s/m

CHF or expand into congestive heart failure; and for any other shortened word, do you expand.  The guidelines for my company state type what is dictated and only expand things in the diagnosis section.  Well, someone I know who works for the company said that they just always expand regardless.  That doesn't seem right to me.  I was just curious as to what anyone else does.


I use a little handheld digital timer from Pyrex (our oven timer doesn't work) - sm
and it's great, has two digital windows, clock on top, counter (which is what I use) on the bottem, then you can switch "modes" to a screen with 2 timers if that is what you want. Cost about $10. So I time myself more now since it helps me buckle down and I see who I am fastest at this way.....average anywhere from 12-18 minutes of dictation an hour doing this--- unfortunately I spend too much time looking up addresses but I hope my address directory will be to the point one day where I don't have to look up anymore (or at least not much). Have fun.
I use DVI and I download digital files via FTP

and then transcribe using a foot pedal connected to my computer.  There is also a transcribe station similar to a C-phone that can be used to access the system directly. 

Ask the company what equipment you'll use and then if they don't answer your questions google DVI. 

I only accept digital files.
I don't have time to courier tapes. I use Express Scribe to play back files. Doc upload to a commercial, secure website. Completed documents are uploaded to the same website to be downloaded by the docs. (I pay $30/month for this.) No software/licenses for the docs to buy but they do provide their own digital recorders, which I have found to work best since they take better care of things they have to pay for.

There are several websites available that offer FTP stores space (some FTP knowledge is required by the office staff) as well as other sites that allow for "drop and drag" upload/downloads. Some bill a flat fee per month, some bill according to the bandwidth used.
What is the best player for digital files?
I have used Express Scribe for years but ever since I restored my computer it will not play .dss files any more.  I have downloaded every codec out there, etc.  I have Gearplayer also but cannot stand it.  What does everyone else use? Thanks
playing digital files
I use Start/Stop.
Question about digital sound files

Hi everyone,

I am totally new to medical transcription and have a question. In doing transcription digitally, what are the most common sound file formats? I am about to take a test (both written & verbal) for a company and they sent me my test files as .wav files. The files are hard to understand at best  (the guy sounds like he's talking into a tin can ) and I am wondering why they didn't send them to me in a clearer form such as MP3. I am about to ask this same question to the person sending me the test but I thought I'd ask it here too. Is the .wav format the most common form of sound file for MT's? And if so, what's the best program to listen to these files in? I have Windows Media player, Real Player and WinAmp on my computer. Are there programs that MT's use to better hear these files? I hate to sound like a total dummy here but I'm new to this and when I went to school several years ago for MT, we only did tapes--not digital! If anyone can give me some info here, I'd really appreciate it!



Recommendatios for a TASP for digital files
I am thinking about getting my own clients and have only been able to Google 3 TASPs. DocShuttle, Medikin, and idigital. Are there others?
Why would you e-mail voice files to yourself. You'd have to have them
on your computer to do that and if you have that why e-mail them.   Unless you have encrpyted e-mail it would be a big no no as far as HIPAA. 
You can send files via e-mail....sm
I have had many files sent to me via e-mail; you can password protect them. If you want an FTP service, there are many. I use FTP Voyager which is very reasonably priced, I think, but there are lots others I have received files from.
My digital voice player converts files to be --sm
able to be played. it sounds like your voice player does not. Maybe either you or she needs to save the file as a wav file first, prior to playing. either that, or try downloading the express scribe player, which is free, and try to play it with that. If that plays, then it is your voice player which is not compatible with the files she is sending you. good luck.
Looking for Software to Organize Digital Voice Files


Anyone know of good software that can take my digital voice files and organize them so I can keep track of which worker is working on which doctor, keep an eye on turnaround time, etc. -- instead of making endless folders on the computer myself. Voice files are separate from the typed reports, which are done in Word. Thank you.


Conversion program for digital sound files - sm

A long time ago I saw a listing regarding a program that would convert sound files, ex. dss to wav; etc.  I need to convert a .dvf file to .wav.  Any ideas?

Any way to transfer microcasettes to digital voice files? (sm)

I'll be using a subcontractor and rather than picking up and delivering tapes, is there a way for me to transfer dictation from tapes to voice files that she can transcribe using express scribe?

Do they make such a machine?

Doc trying to go digital and having a heck of a time/can't open files. Please see message.
I am working with a doctor's office who has an Olympus recorder (I think it's the W-10).  She has been trying to send me a sound file.  She sent a sound file that was left in the recorder from about a year ago to see if it would work and it opened up just fine for me with my transcription player (Philips Executive SpeechMike kit). 


Since that time, she has tried to send many more test dictations that she just recorded herself to try and I am unable to open up any of them.  She says that when she downloads the sound file from the recorder to her computer it is a WAV file, but as soon as she tries to email it to me, it changes to a VAL file extension. 


This is quite frustrating for both of us and I am trying to find any reason at all that this is not working (since it did work on the first dictation that someone else had recorded previously but won't work since on anything else).  This makes me think it might be something she is doing while recording?  Is anyone able to tell me anything she might be doing wrong that might be causing this problem?  Or any suggestions on anything else we can do? 


I did download the voice software that came with her recorder.  I am able to play the files there, but not on my Philips transcription player, which I need to do to transcribe the files.  As I said before, the first file she sent did play on my transcription player, but none of the files she sent since then will work.  I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions you might have at all.   Thank you. 

I am looking for recommendations for a FTP site to retrieve digital voice files. sm
Can you tell me what site you use, how much it costs, etc.? Any info appreciated!
Anyone use Olympus player/pedal for work files- e-mail me nm
What type of equipment is needed to do digital?
Is there a big cost involved?
It sounds like your settings are off for the type of files sm
you are playing. Have you played with the special audio processes under the file tab? Check your playback tab settings, the sound device, check your vox/raw settings. What type files are they? You could also check and make sure your default sound didn't get changed to something like that. Sounds like maybe an equalizer on. I have an equalizer and can select it to sound that way. Did you rule out the headphones? Lastly, if none of the above work, can you do a restore on your computer to before you downloaded the new test files and see if that fixes it?
Speaking of tapes, I used to type for a doctor
that dictated from home every night. He had a 6 year old little girl whom I had met before, and on every tape when he finished, she would sing me a song and say Goodnight.... She was so sweet, and so was he. When he moved away, he gave me a 5000 check as a gift. Some docs can be wonderful.
maybe a doctor would try it, but I type 10x faster than I write
I think every ESL doctor I type for in this city says "full stop".

The thing that threw me for a loop one day was a patient having a wasowagal attack.  I was so lost in transcription that I had totally forgotten that Indians often confuse V and W sounds so vasovagal attack became wasowagal attack. 

I would not; most of the time those type files, although not usually hard medical terms, take lots l
to type and are very difficult as it is hard to hear with background noise, different speakers, usually no macros, etc. I think they are worth more pay, not less. I also get paid by the word at 0.008 and had figured mine to be about 0.09/line as well in the past. stick with where you are.
What type of doctor specializes in helping people gain weight?

I'm kind of baffled on what my mother should do, and I'm hoping that someone out there has typed a report on something like this. 

My mom weighs 78 pounds and cannot gain weight through diet.  She has seen several doctors, and they are not sure what she should do.  Is there a type of doctor that specializes in this? 

Her history is that she had a severe H. pylori infection.  When I was a kid it was so severe that her stomach ulcers hemorrhaged and she went into a coma for a while.  By the time H. pylori became an actual diagnosable condition, the infection had eaten away most of her stomach.  She went on antibiotics finally, but by that time she had to have the majority of her stomach, some of her intestines, and her gallbladder removed. 

She now eats quite a bit, but everything runs right through her.  She can't gain weight no matter how much she consumes.  She has tried all the protein drinks and even tried eating large quantities of trail mix with no results.  She can't gain weight no matter what she tries. 

She has seen several doctors and a dietician.  None have have offered any real solutions and all have questioned whether she is anorexic and just hiding it. 

Does anyone know of a clinic or hospital that specializes in this?  Are there any types of treatment for this? 

And here's where OSi sends low pay:
"Whether we think offshore labor is right or wrong, it has become a fact we cannot escape from. OSi will not actively pursue offshore labor contracts, but we have made the decision to experiment with using some offshore labor to save this large OSi client from going elsewhere. We believe this is the best decision for our employees assigned to this account and the company because this account is growing and we can assign the offshore part to the future increases and not have to reassign any OSi MTs. OSi is committed to continue using US MTs for the majority of their work and we will continue to resist going offshore."

I do tapes and digital. And I was told if I'm not logged into the digital system, they assume I&

BUT she wants me logged into the system by 9:30 a.m.  So I'm confused too.  I've decided that I may come back to her and just say I'm not going to do the tapes anymore.  I hate the tapes anyway.  The voice quality is horrible, it fades in and out.  It takes me twice as long to transcribe their tapes than the digital.

Handheld Device
My doctors switched over to the Olympus WS 110 digital recorder.  It's fantastic and reasonably priced.
The company I contract with always sends something....
MT week they usually give some thing cute with their logo, pens, note pads, mug, travel mug, a mouse pad, etc. Christmas most usually is a snack food in a tin, always yummy, cute and appreciated. :-)
One sends me work via Mydocsonline another - sm
just emails the sound files to me. Have access to FTP but they prefer to email it.
I have an Outstanding Olympus handheld
that does voice and conference that I'm considering selling :) It's the size of a cell phone.

Can upload to computer - DSS/WAV FILES.
Your still have to have software with the handheld unit

that allows upload to FTP.  Without that, FTPVoyager is useless.  Make sure you buy handheld units that have the software capability to upload to FTP otherwise you'll be stuck.

If you find that handheld units with the upload software is out of your price range, consider the EZ-Voice solution.

Good luck!

I have an outstanding Olympus handheld
Used and for sale! (hmmm maybe I'll post it on the Classified board)... in the meantime I highly recommend the brand. Phillips has a great reputation as well.
Any company that sends you a Form 1099 has also
reported that income to the IRS, so it will have to be claimed by you.  BUT, they only HAVE to issue a 1099 if they paid you more than $600.  However, the first company you worked for might issue a 1099 anyway because they would want to deduct that 'labor' as an expense on their side.  If you don't receive one from them by the end of the first week of Feb, I would call or email to find out if they are going to send one.  Also, since this is your first experience as an IC, I would consult an accountant.  There are so many more 'business' deductions that you can take to help eliminate some of that income.  I am self-employed and my husband is self-employed and I am "in love" with my accountant.  He works wonders!
Often it is the clerk who types up and sends emails. nm
Our church sends care packages....sm
Some of the things we send are:

Pretzels, chips like Pringles in a hard can, peppermint or hard candy, beef jerky, cheese crackers (the kind with cheese or peanut butter in them), the canisters of Oreos, Cheezits, etc.

If they have kitchen facilities or a microwave available to them: microwave popcorn, Ramen noodles in a cup, Cup of soup.

We also send word-search puzzle books, crossword puzzles, and perhaps some magazines that they might be interested in.

Hope this helps. :)
My hospital sends their work to a company
The reason this person is sticking up for the offshoring of American work is that she is one of the people taking our work away.
Request that they place a stop payment on the check, reissue, and mail priority or overnight mail
If they refuse or invent unbelievable excuses, you'll know you have a problem. If MY check was a week late, there are many months I would be in deep trouble.
I realize checks occasionally do get lost in the mail. If they are 100% sure it was mailed, then they shouldn't mind issuing another.

Be firm and be persistent.
They must be talking about the handheld computer device (sm)

they use in some hospitals to keep track of vitals, meds and patient information.

I know of one hospital that uses this and it is used in rehab.  They don't need transcriptionists at all.  

Need help with handheld recorder file transfer. sm
Doctor is using a unit that has a USB port. Need easy way for OM to copy files into a directory, preferably with the day's date. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Handheld unit software question. sm
Is there a software for the Olympus WS-100 and other units with USB ports that copy from the unit to FTP or designated site for file transfer, store a copy onto computer, and then delete from unit?

If so, please advise. Thanks.

love the art, sends heartbreaking message, still beautiful

No, corporate greed is what sends work overseas.
The only reason offshoring is alive is because our fellow Americans are too cheap to pay a living wage. They want their companies to show a greater profit and stock to go up.

I am an excellent MT. However, I can't make squat for money in this field because every single company I get on with sticks me with their lousiest accounts. I've learned seven new accounts in the past month between a small MTSO and a national. That's how it works. You do your best, QA scores reflect it, and they give you their garbage that nobody else will do.
Mine sends daily volume updates
My friend who works for them is having her mail go to her own account. She hates this new mail prog
In every company I have worked for that pays via mail, they mail the checks on payday. sm
Depending on the distance you can get them anywhere from 3-8 days later. Right now one takes 3 days, the other 3-5.