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I couldn't resist, must be the evil spirits in the air.

Posted By: ain't this cute on 2005-10-27
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Ok, I couldn't resist. I dug through the old box and found it.
It's a Radio Shack Telephone Recording Control, model 43-228A.  It plugs into the telephone jack and then per instructions: 

Insert the Recording Control’s smaller Y-plug into the

recorder’s remote (REM) jack, then insert the other Yplug

into the microphone’s (MIC) jack.

Hope this helps.  It certainly took me way back, but I still have all the equipment to, even though I'll probably never use it again (but then one should never say never, right).

sorry, I just couldn't resist!!! *lolol*...nm

Uh, no.... evil is evil. Who's version of the truth are you talking about?
yours, mine, hers, theirs, WHO????
That is exactly what I meant. Evil for the sake of evil, not for the sake of satan
who is the essence of evil in Christianity. Call evil what you want it exists in every nation and every culture.

Having said that, did not the terrorists call America the Great Satan after their attack on 9/11?
I already do pray. But why not spirits? Animals are more sensitive, you know
Can't resist...
That's whomever you are.
Glad to see you keeping your spirits up. Gotta laugh to keep from crying, eh?

Discussion boards!! (can't resist, lol)

 and other distracting Internet surfing, neglected art projects on the desk behind me, sunny outside, new powder on ski hill, new German Shepherd pup....

So the truth is evil?? Whatever. nm
Evil Co-Worker
Anyone else have an evil co-worker or two?  I work at home but there's always one that still manages to find me.  I would ilke to slap this current one if I could reach her through my computer.  She thinks she's my supervisor.  I try to be respectful and polite, but that's not working.  All my other co-workers are wonderful.   I can't find anything in the company handbook about slapping not being appropriate, so that's my next plan of action.  I just have to figure out a way to do that through cyberspace.
Evil Co-Worker
I agree! Give her enough rope and evenutally she will hang herself. You are so not alone. I had to deal with one of these types for nearly 2 years. I would be trying to get my work done on my account and her IMs were poping up left and right. I even had my "Busy Working" sign up! She never did her work -- waited until the last minute. Most times I ended up doing her share because of it. Unfortunately, no one in charge seemed to notice or just did not care since I was picking up what she lacked. The money was good because I was getting a ton of extra lines, but it was killing me and destroying my marriage. She would go on and on about her family all the time. Like I cared! Her kids were sick every other day. She always had an excuse why she didn't get her work done. The kicker? Once I had to do her work last minute about an hour or so before it was all due -- I am pounding away on my keyboard she Knows I am doing her work! The IMs pop up telling me how she is helping her sister write a resume! Hello! She should have been doing her own work or at the very least leaving me alone so I could do it for her. I would type my buttock off to have an evening free -- guess what? She would suddenly have some sort of problem as soon as she saw my work was finished and she would then be unable to do her own. Guess what came next? Yep -- I got stuck working while she got away with it. I swear it was like she was stalking me on-line. Don't know how she knew, but seemed like the second I got up to use the bathroom or went to the kitchen for a soda the IMs would bing. Just the memories still drive me crazy. I can relate. It's not a fun club to belong to.
Wow, you are really evil to post this.
The only evil I find about smoking is. . .

How darn hard it is to quit.  I have tried everything.  Patches, gum, Wellbutrin, Zyban, cold turkey, etc.

Don't buy them by the pack anymore.  We (my husband and I) roll our own.  Buy a can of tobacco and have a little machine and thought that would deter us, but noooooooooo. $8 a week compared to over $8 a DAY.

We do keep trying so there is hope that someday, hopefully within the next 6 months, we can say see ya!  Yeah right.


Why is my evil mind keep saying SHILL?
tell your evil mind to hush up

I've been using Dragon NaturallySpeaking since November 2002, and it's possible for me to produce more lines dictating than using the keyboard.

LOL ... have to admit I get a bit of evil satisfaction from that too. :-) nm

Evil, deceiptful organization! nm
its not money that is root of all evil, it is
Taking the evil out of the world is one thing.

Sending a teenager (18) just out of high school to a country with acknowledged lower drinking age (18) is perhaps contributing to the vulnerability and adding a little evil into that life teens life.  No one thinks straight when they are drinking.  New drinkers + naive teens equals disaster.  Mix in a foreign country with different customs and laws.  What were these parents thinking?

Oh man,pure-dee evil stuff! "Worse" when you use

Another definition of satanic is a behavior that is evil , which I think may have been the original
poster's intended meaning.
They must be so frustrated. Gnashing their evil-doing teeth. Trying new bait, tossing out the line.
But we're not gonna BITE! Have I mentioned to you that rabbits bite? Some do, though I don't think they particularly mean it...
OK! I'm glad you're back down here. Now don't go back up there and read those evil posts ag
Okay? But I have to leave you now, sadly. Thousands of noble dictating doctors are anxiously awaiting my help with their "dictations"....They're all loading up on chips, drinking lots of soda so they can burp, and then have to go to the bathroom...You know the routine! Off I go to earn some pennies!! But, truly, I am thankful that I have a job!
Couldn't you just ask if this is appropriate?
Couldn't have said it better myself. nm
couldn't of said it better myself...nm

Couldn't have said it better, thank you, NM
I couldn't have said it better myself
Nuff said.  You said it all!!!!
Couldn't have said it better myself. nm
I couldn't have said it better myself.nm
I just had one who couldn't
pronounce the simplest word, like catheter. He does cardiac caths all day every day, and can't even pronounce the simplest terms for his specialty! They shouldn't be able to graduate like that.
Saw my name and couldn't help myself here...

I'm among the 200-odd people who visit every day but don't wanna post because, well, it just doesn't seem right.  But, seeing as I saw my name in black and white up on the screen, I just couldn't stop my fingers from typing. 

I wicked miss all the jibber jabber, work related and nonwork related.  I miss the usual faces, the usual arguments, the good times, the bad times, the times when I swore some people were on the rag...

I too got privately disciplined by the former MTStars staff for my potty mouth, got mean e-mails from people who called me a hick, and got awesome e-mails from some great people out there...and I miss it!  All of it!  The good, the bad, and the ugly. 

We had our little domain name "stolen" a few years ago when we didn't renew it in a timely manner, so I kinda know what it's like.  Except ours wasn't a business, just a place where friends and family that we left behind could see what we were up to.  The web host kept all our hard work and wouldn't relinquish it because they claimed it was technically theirs...I'm not 100% sure, as I'm not the technical person of the household, but I know that basically we had to start from scratch.  You kinda feel violated in a weird way. 

I'll keep checking for the "other" MTStars to see if it's back up and running, but for now I'll just hang out here and wait.  My personal stuff is all over cyberspace, so I'm not concerned about identity theft or anything like that.  Who in Sam Hain would want my life anyway?! 

you couldn't pay me enough.
I was offered a job managing an office that sent all the work to the Philippines. I couldn't bring myself to do it. The manager job from the other board (if that's the one you're referring to)sends their work to India. As tough as times are now, I could not bring myself to take jobs away from American MTs even if it meant a decent paying job for me. Still hoping Obama will tax the heck out of these companies that offshore, but not holding my breath.
I couldn't have written it better myself...
Those are exactly my thoughts. Didn't work for Spheris or Medquist, but did work for Heartland before MDI. I am so happy I came to MDI. I am sure they are not perfect, but I think they are better than a lot out there.
I couldn't get it friday either.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Yeah, I complain, too, but basically this is the best job I have ever had and I can't think of too many jobs where I would the freedom that I do now. I am most thankful for this job (even with all the junk that goes with it). Hope everybody has a good day!
You couldn't be more wrong!
Only one poster here, DP, and that's all!!!

I'm not harassing anyone. I'm responding to the posts I'm sick of seeing. They have a right to complain...and so do I. Their complaints are about MQ; mine are about the whiners complaining about MQ. My right as well.

Good for you, if you're happy and a good producer!

I'm not pathetic. I'm tired of hearing it.

What's funny is that you think you know something about ME! You couldn't be more wrong!!!

How funny is that?!! Ask Admin to verify if my IP address is different from "No Whining"!!! ASK!! They'll verify that! I'm NOT the same person at all.

So, in answer to your question, I'll still be DP tomorrow too!! I'll make just as much money, as well.

:) Enjoy yourself!
Couldn't agree with you more!
I agree with you 100% - Well put!
I couldn't stand it with a

I had a good deal too, free rent, worked at home, vacations to where ever and whenever I wanted, limos and NYC every weekend, could pack up and go back to work at my mom's for 1 or 2 months at a time for my "family" fix.  I just couldn't keep doing it.  I packed up, came home and last week my GD turned as she walked from my front door to look at me and say, "Bye, Nammy!  I Love You!"  I got a better deal after all

Oh, I believe you. I just couldn't find it. sm
And I didn't want to believe it. Thank you.
I couldn't agree with you more!!! (sm)
We better bust our butts while we can to prove ourselves against the looming competition, if you know what I mean.
It is, but it couldn't happen to a better guy

I also think there are disgruntled MTs who couldn't cut it,
or didn't live up to their end of the bargain.  It goes both ways.
Well said! I couldn't agree more! (nm)
Couldn't Agree More
I couldn't agree with you more. I posted above stating my views.
I couldn't imagine.....
...holding the baby while typing. I have 15-month-old twins and THANKFULLY neither gave me that problem. I think if they had I probably would have tried every different toy bar for the bouncy seat or swing until something worked. Something comfy for her to lay against maybe. If nothing works and you can't manage typing and holding her then adjusting your schedule for when your husband is there would be my only thought. Good luck. Mine are giving me CLIMBING issues at the moment, oh brother!!!!!
yeah, you GOT it - I couldn't believe she was..

in all caps.....

Doxielady, you need to get a life!  Docs don't think they are kings - that would be GWB and GHB....*lol*

I couldn't agree with you more.

I couldn't disagree more..sm
I've been doing this for 17 years, and I shouldn't have to have a knack for understanding what someone is trying to say just because they are too self-centered to realize they are accomplishing nothing in terms of saving time by talking so poorly and so fast that most people can't even understand what they are trying to say. The whole point of talking is to express thought and communicate. If you aren't going to take the time or make the effort to be understandable, what's the point in even opening your mouth? These doctors have no business sacrificing the efficacy of communication while dictating highly technical medical and legal documents that affect the health and welfare of the patient population. And speaking of rendering excellent care, providing accurate and intelligible documentation of the care that has been provided is part of that so-called excellence. It's part of the service patients are paying for and wouldn't be getting if it were simply left up to these inconsiderate physicians. If I could, I'd slap every one of them up side the head.
No offense, but couldn't you have used
of your own? You could get one from another company, I'm sure, but would it reflect the information you need to know?

For example, if you need orthopedic MTs versus ophthalmologic MTs, asking which is correct in Tenon versus tenon or sub-Tenon verus subtenon would be important and might not be on a test you pull from someone else.

I could be wrong, but I'm wondering if you haven't had to do much testing personally that you wouldn't know what you would want in your own test??
Couldn't agree with you more.