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I believe that was the Hell's Angels, - sm

Posted By: XXX on 2006-06-17
In Reply to: incident involved Rolling Stones concert...NM - Helter Skelter incident at Altamonte Calif...nm

Helter Skelter is a Beatles song, obviously inspired by Charles Manson and the Sharon Tate murder, and the other murders there out in CA near Death Valley.

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you are one of those angels who live among us. May a little of you rub off on us all.NM
Guardian Angels for Houston
Houston wants to get some of the NY Guardian Angels because of the increased crime in the city with all the Katrina evacuees.  Schools are having increased violence also because the N.O. kids want to take over the school with the attitude, "You made us come here, so now it's our school."  Letting them into my home.  I think not.  Wonder how many Oprah took in to her homes with all her preaching about us helping them.  Right.
I call mine angels and appreciate their support
why subject little angels to the willey years ahead of time
The hairy thing might scare her. At that age, they are fugly.

Tell papa not to take ANY chances that could screw up her delicate psyche. If he continues, make an appt with a therapist and get an expert's advice.
Please click on Santa's House for Christmas Angels above to donate and help

for Christmas.  MTStars is matching your donation, dollar for dollar, and on Dec. 1 everyone who has donated will be able to pull a gift from Santa's Bag!

Thank you!


neat web site 'chemo angels'. Help cancer patients
And there are Christmas Angels in about every mall & dept. store, but people have
always donated through MTStars Santa's House.  As well, we are doing prize giveaways with donations. We encourage everyone to give in any way that they wish.  This is an easy option for WAH folks. 
Not only no but HELL NO!!!!!
hell no
How will one improve on her sklls if her errors are not pointed out. I would inform her in writing that you are starting a new policy effective ---- that weekly, you will randomly check 10 reports which must be at 99.5% quality. OMG - these are psch reports. I used to have nagging mistakes of stuff I just learned wrong or that was wrong in the spellcheck - like mmhG, so I made macros for them, and like hte = the everytime I time it. Stuff she types a million times should be macro'd. Tell her the doc is stricter on you, so you have to be stricter or her.
Who the hell's Laurie?
See, you don't know everything. Thanks for the belly laugh! You have no idea who I am.
The software is from HELL and goes down quite often.
There are so many ifs, ands or buts in the accounts to get an IM is a good thing but no one was ever on IM who could actually help on the ifs, ands or buts.  Then if the software froze or became "corrupted", you need to get a tech to download it again or check your computer to see what's up.  Techs do not work after 5 so you needed to "write a ticket" requesting tech support to call you and hope that they would get back with you the next day so you could work again.  Sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't.  That's a pretty bad way to earn a living if you are dependent on OSI income.
Your going straight to hell.
I wouldn't stand near you in a lightning storm for anything. You are amazingly cruel, bordering on evil.
First of all, what the hell does your post say!? LOL
Second of all, no matter how many MQ complaints there are on HERE, they are not getting filed on the employee complaint form, you nitwit.

Everyone's too chicken to actually do something about it. Just a handful of us are brave enough to do it.

File it or shut it!
tell them to go to hell, its none of their bees wax
Then say "just kidding"  then use that uncomfortable silence to come up with a good answer.
depressed as hell
Lost my in-house job...outsourcing...trying to find something at home. It's really rough....
depressed as hell
thanks...will do...
Being single is reason enough to go to Hell?
Hell, I didn't let my kids out of my sight in the 1980s!
Freaks and loonies didn't just crawl out of the woodwork recently.
She can start with the control freak from hell board
I feel so sorry for anyone who has to live with this woman on a daily basis.
Is anyone watching Hell's Kitchen? If you think MT is hard, watch this show. The abuse of the
wannabe chefs is second only to MT abuse by the nationals.  Really, to work in a kitchen in a restaurant seems the hardest job ever pressure-wise.  I say this after watching "The Restaurant" and "Hell's Kitchen" reality TV.  I wonder what the pay is to subject yourself to this agony and pressure.