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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I am probably going to repeat SM

Posted By: not optimistic on 2008-07-20
In Reply to: seeking work - tryinghard

what a few other people have said.  You must prepare yourself in order to be successful in getting an at-home job.  You must have a headset, a pedal and books already.  How are you taking tests with no books?

You must also own a Book of Style if you are trying to get a job at one of the national companies.  You must know it before you test.

You must KNOW that you are going to be able to type at least 1200 lines per day and that DOES NOT include headers/footers and sometimes even spaces.  Do you know whether your current line count includes those?

You must be prepared, if you have this many years of experience, to put out your 1200 lines per day within a week or so.  If you are angry about something and your response is to drop your line count to 600 at a service, their answer to you will be see you later, have a nice life.

To be crying at work and not speaking to your manager is not a good thing, but you also should know that working from home is no cup of tea.  You will receive email with feedback you may not like, calls or email from an account supervisor that contain things that make you upset.  How will you handle that?

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Whatever u do, do not, I repeat
unless you like being taken for a total ride.  Lost wages, line stealing, lied to, work 7 days a week so their pockets can get fatter and yours gets thinner.  Just some friendly advice for job seekers. 
Might be a repeat but ..
did you try click on VIEW, TOOLBARS and make sure ADDRESS is checked. If it is then uncheck it and check it again and see if it reappears.

Also check on your standard toolbar where the front and back arrows, refresh, stop and home buttons are. I have accidentally drug mine onto that line before and it was a smaller version of it. If it is there you should be able to click and drag it down to it's own line.

I repeat.......
.. the company knowingly broke the law!  Nine years ago none of us knew anything about this subject.  She didn't complain because she didn't know any better, but she's still a victim.

It is NOT illegal to collect Social Security OR disability and still work.....I was just trying to find out how I could work and not make over the $900 a month I was allowed to earn. What is WRONG with you people?????

let me repeat what I said before

The element of control!

You got it, they don't.

The service (or client, if you call directly into it) has just so many lines and connections available. How will a service stay in business if they have 500 MTs and all of them want to work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.? So, they give the element of control to you ... "which time slot would you like to work?" There's nothing that says you can't bargain with them. I know you can, 'cause I have. I've had a problem with insomnia for years, so I'll work 2-3 hours until 5 -6 a.m. and then I go back to sleep for a while. When I get up again, I'll return to work for the rest of "the work day." That's one of the things I bring to the table. If the MTSO wants you badly enough, they'll negotiate on the times. If they won't, you don't work for them. You have the element of control.

As far as not knowing the law ... well, there's a very specific reason why you're told up front if you'll be an IC or not. And if you don't know what an "IC" is, you need to find out. If it applies to working and you get paid, go to the www.irs.gov website. No disrespect intended, but not doing that is as foolhearted (sp?) as taking a medication without knowing the side effects.

My temperament is such that there are some things I'm not willing to do. Work YOUR schedule (not you, personally) is one of them. I also won't work outside the home or learn a platform (i.e. DocScribe) ... no system is telling me how many lines I transcribed. That alone restricts my options of who I can work for. But, it's a risk I'm willing to take. So far, I've been lucky.

The bottom line is ... know what's expected of you BEFORE you apply for a job. But, don't apply for a position and when you're told that XYZ is "required," say "that's illegal by IRS laws." I've already been through it, and I'll tell you what the IRS told me:  "If you have the element of control, you're an IC."

And for the record ... an IC sets the line rate, not the service. They also determine the manner in which lines are counted (i.e. Sylcount, Abacus). People need to keep that in mind the next time they applying for a position.

I have said this before and will repeat again
I have worked on Escription now for the same hospital, outsourced and once again picked up working for the same hospital on Escription, same platform, nothing changed. DO NOT count on Escription taking over anyone's job. My dictators have for the most part remained the same. Escription started out as better than I would have expected and life was good. For whatever reason, it has gone to a lot of salad this day (mixed up mess) and it does things now it did not do in the first place such as not putting in periods at the end of a sentence and knowing the next word (which is capitalized) is start of new sentence, does not insert physician's names when said (and if it does incorrect such as Dr. Brown), does not number in sequence (it did when I first started on the same system) so when you say VR will eventually take over, I see every day where it has a long way to go. It is so irritating to me now because of what I knew it could do when I started about 4 or 5 years ago and now such a mess. It is not because of the dictators and I have no idea why. I sometimes have numbering going from 1 to 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 and then 1 and so on, well you get the picture. Thank your lucky stars if you have Escription that works HALFWAY right because mine has gone to the dogs.
I repeat, the price of everything, the value of nothing.nm
Do NOT get Vista. I repeat - DO NOT!
Better to buy a system at Best Buy and load your own software (i.e., XP Home Edition).

I repeat - and YOU have never had a typo?
repeat offenders
I used to transcribe dictation from this one guy who was a chronic um-er and and uh-er and paper shuffler. Just for the heck of it, once I counted how many times he said "um" or
"uh" in a three-minute dictation, and it was something like 45 times! OMG, ridiculous! I've always thought that a good punishment for terrible dictators would be that they have to transcribe their own dictation for awhile!
Know this is probably repeat question but...
What are you using for a computer? I think in the past you said a laptop but I am not sure. Also, if it is a laptop, did you have to add extra memory, etc., to load all the software programs you need? I am very interested in what works as I have such back problems I had to let a lot of business go and am sorry with all this economy stuff, had I had your brain and done it your way, it would have been worth the investment. I just worry some won't accept a laptop, etc. Appreciate your comments, you are truly a "helping" person, that was the reason I chose this profession but not too many want to part with help. Kudos to you.
Repeat after me,,,,, I love that movie.
My calendar says it's repeat the same sentence over-n-over day
Hey, it took us over 8, I repeat 8 weeks to sign my FIL up for cable TV.
US-based call center, talked to a different ENGLISH-speaking person....and they still didn't get it right for 8 weeks, 10 phone calls, no joke. It's not all the fault of the offshore workers, it's right here on our own soil. Go figure!
Dont mean this situation. Mean repeat blanks,
You step on someone's foot to get them to repeat what they said if you didn't hear them the

first time. 

LOL...this IS fun

Guess you missed the part about deleted posts. Sorry, can't repeat again
Computer techs - I want to add undo, redo, and repeat to my IE toolbar which are not listed as an


Yes--it airs at noon in the Pacific time zone after a repeat of last week's show. nm
Poor dictators that stumble over something and do not repeat the sentence to clarify, choose to mumb
At ease, soldier! This isn't a medical document. I repeat, this isn't a medical document. nm
Repeat after me: I love my job, I love my job. :) nm