I am perfectly fine thank you very much!
Posted By: MTTOMANY on 2009-02-16
In Reply to: And does your state require an exam like that? - Totally nonbeliever
Sorry I ever posted. And for the last time --- yes it is required here!
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The speller works perfectly fine so if you are having problems contact me and I will
My email addy is admin@mtstars.com. Free or not, it's a great software, so perhaps you just need some assistance.
You said it perfectly........
It is very important. My son also worked part-time like so many other of his friends; he never felt different. He hung out with his friends, taught a local Bible study group through his church, played on the basketball team, and just enjoyed himself.
Actually, I am perfectly calm as well, but
people on this board seem rude and ready to jump on anyone for anything.... no wonder I rarely come here.
That fits perfectly
you go girl!!
Thanks much,
Perfectly suited to me
I love the medical field but am too squeamish to be there in person seeing the blood and guts. I am introverted and do not like interacting with most people. I work best alone with no distractions. I am a perfectionist and very detail oriented. I have excellent hand-eye coordination and can transcribe amazingly fast. I am very organized and enjoy using that skill to run my MTSO.
Being perfectly honest, I had my CMT and let it go because it
just did not make a difference in my pay. AAMT did nothing for me when I was a member and because they warmly encourge offshore transcription, I just can't have anything to do with them anymore. CMT and the new RMT are, in my opinion, a big waste of time. They do not really represent the US MT at all and I believe they're even changing their name to something that is as representative of America as what it once was.
Perfectly relaxed
Just spreading the truth. Have a good day!!
I know perfectly well that some of them are embarrassed about this sm
I can't tell you how many times I will get an ESL and they practically whisper into the phone when they speak to me, but seem normal volume if they break to talk to those around them.
I have to think that some of them are told...okay so you pick up the phone and some gal is listening on the other end...she'll help clean up your English for you, don't worry about it.
They are talking to a STRANGER who will help them out with their English...okay so a stranger is listening and will judge their English skills. I would be really embarrassed to be in another foreign country and think that someone I didn't know was listening and fixing me up to be acceptable. I think I'd mumble too.
I have had a couple of ESLs in a situation where I could ask my office manager to call over to the practice and ask that the ESL speak louder, not more clearly, just up the volume. If I can hear them, I can understand them better. The last time, I told the office manager to make it clear that I could not HEAR this fellow and NOT that I could not understand him. That would have been an insult to say that. Well, he started to speak up and was very pleased (he called in) to say that his reports suddenly started being so perfect. Yup, I could not hear you, but I could understand you.
This is not the only mumbler.
The only other thing that think we as MTs need to understand, and our employers with us, is that not all of us can do every ESL type. I can do an East Indian of most dialects, Arabs, English, German, Spanish, Mexican, but I don't do Asians well. Not all ESLs are created equal and not all of us ears for the same things. I think in the future there will have to more ways to route jobs with ESLs to MTs with the right ear for each of them.
So the aka name fits perfectly!
Her instructions are perfectly reasonable
If she doesn't want resumes submitted as attachments, that's her business and the applicants should just follow the instructions. Whether you think she should ask for pasted resumes instead of attachments is irrelevant. If you don't want to apply, then don't. But if you're going to apply, just follow the instructions. If you cannot or will not follow the instructions, that tells her pretty much everything she needs to know about you.
True, you understood me perfectly. (sm)
And some education in communication. Apparently, they are not looking at the whole picture and if they stepped out of the business they would be able to look at things from outside of the golden cuffs.
You have described perfectly my life with my husband -sm
I feel completely trapped. I'm the one supporting the family. I'm the one who takes the blame for everything that has ever gone wrong in his life, even when it comes to those things that happened to him long before I ever met him.
The only good thing he has ever done is give me two beautiful children. That's all.
Wish I could get the heck out too.
my original post was perfectly
non-attacking to anyone! But Albert, and a few others, spoke to me in an insulting, demeaning, condescending manner. So ya wanna call ME the big ol' "b" now? who cares? go right ahead! But all ya gotta do is scroll back and you'll see who started the b.s. Now guys I'm off to read the other nasty posts you guys made today. Have a good evening! xoxo
Cat, to be perfectly honest, which I think you requested, is..
I, as a MT, get the connotation. Unfortunately, I think there will be more misses than hits. Brilliant idea, but I would dig deep for another. Very best of luck to you in your new endeavor.
Perfectly rotten organization...sm
...that has prostituted themselves to the MTSOs, presiding over and encouraging the loss of jobs overseas using our dues to fund their trips and perks.
It's particularly ironic, in this setting, that the name of this pathetic organization mentions "document integrity", when their position regarding offshore transcription is the very antithesis of promoting integrity in American health documentation.
...and as for the Book of Style, words fail me.
What is your point? These folks have a perfectly good right to use
VR if they want to. People have been telling us for years the technology was improving. I don't see anything new here.
Great post! Perfectly worded! Thanks! nm
Millions may have learned it, but rarely perfectly.
And learning it and speaking it are two different things. Lyndia makes a great point.
A pet peeve of mine is American arrogance in the sense that most of us don't really know a second language. Maybe we had some in high school, but most of the people I know speak one language, American English, and that's it. So we don't know how it is but we bash others for not learning it perfectly.
I don't mind the ESLs who try hard to communicate. I get ticked at the ones who don't care, and I think most would agree that it's obvious who those are by their dictation and their patient rapport.
Works perfectly. Just keep it minimized while you're working. nm
Dont expect them to speak language perfectly.
In a perfect world, the mobile devices will work perfectly..
It will only take a few big money malpractive suits and lawsuits against hospitals for this standardized text and free text to be proven to be inadequate documentation. Do you honestly believe Joint Commission and insurance companies will relax their standards for health care documentation? I could be very wrong, but I'm not throwing in the towel yet.
Don't give dates. Just summarize your experience. I'm perfectly comfortable with this.
Heading out of town, you guys all have fun while I'm gone!
Yes, the Dynex is working perfectly and trust me I have tried many adapters and finally success.
I can now work on my laptop when I travel.
Looks fine to me.
That's fine, but...
statistically children do better and live in less poverty within a married committed relationship. It's no guarantee, but statistically chances are better if you create the proper nest beforehand. Kids deserve that stability, not a scary violent father who isn't committed to their mother. I'm not condemning you, just pointing out that there are better choices to be made. And I do know that my 17yo may up and do something stupid herself. Therefore by the grace of God go I.
I just tried, got in just fine. nm
Just fine, thanks
Always has been, always will be.
Which is fine, but they need to PAY someone for that. (nt)
I think it would be fine to say...
send monday to charity in lieu of gifts. I wouldn't give money to a couple who specifically requested it though. A wedding is a celebration of marriage, not getting money or gifts.
Thanks, I'm fine just...
my thumb itches this morning but that's it. The brown recluse is not the only spider to have violin shape. That's why we went to the ER. On my husbands preliminary look at him at home he saw the violin. But under a microscope, he saw that he did not have the eyes.
No I would not put up with it- now and then of course is fine - sm
I encourage my DH to go out and do things, though he gets upset when I do sort of similar things; mine involve driving 200 miles. I take the kids with me and I basically hang at friends houses for a day or two. He tends to get freaked when we are not home. Me, I'd be thrilled to have 2 days of freedom, but my DH is a freak to say the least. But if he were to go out a couple times (2) a month to a bar setting with friends I would not have an issue with it. But 3 x a week is a bit much, also expensive, and possibly dangerous if he is drinking and driving. If it bothered your friend you'd know, but since she has not brought it up she must be okay with it. Who knows maybe he is a real jerk at home and she is happy he is out 3 night a week, who knows. I would not worry about it, as you said it is not your business.
looks fine to me
"aggressively" treatment would be incorrect !
No. It's been fine for me.
Thanks! I'm fine...
Both legs were swollen. I just couldn't tell the left one was. It went up into my groin too. Apparently, I have pedal edema, a UTI and was a little dehydrated. So, no clot or anything. My legs were feeling tight and weird from the swelling I guess.
I guess better safe than sorry, huh?!
MQ is just fine now. sm
There is no need for panic. We are also getting paid downtime for the time the system was down. People aren't leaving Medquist because of this, at least I'm not. In my opinion, Medquist is still the best!
I have before and it was fine (nm)
It's fine!
There is no problem transcribing lectures that they have recorded or in typing or transcribing reports. As long as you are not actually providing the intellectual content, it's fine. In the days before computers, typing papers was an excellent way to earn money.
A lot of schools have writing clinics that help students with reports and assignments. They advise on writing style, grammar, etc. If they can do it, so can you. :)
You will be fine
There is really no "certification" that people look for in our industry. There is a CMT or RMT certification that you can pay lots of money to a group called AHDI (Association of Healthcare Documention, Inc - who USED to be calle the AMERICAN Association of Medical Transcription (AAMT). This group was originally formed to further the cause of MTs in America, but it has deteriorated to something unrecognizable and corrupt. Notice that they took any mention of the word "American" out of their name and also "MT" All they want is your money and will do nothing for you. You DO NOT need either an RMT nor a CMT to work in this business.
You have experience under your belt now, which is the main thing companies look for, not the credentials. I don't think you will have trouble finding another position. If you can't get hired on with any of the MTSOs right now, try getting your own accounts. I did this for years and it was very lucrative. Not much rest, but I had lots of work. That will give you more experience under your belt.
You are not foolish, my dear, you just fell for an old "scam" and I know exactly who you mean. They are the ones who should be ashamed - not you.
Good luck to you. :-)
you'll do fine
but yes, with anything there is the learning curve where your paycheck generally suffers a little. I love it tho. Hope i never have to learn another system. The expander part is quick and easy. I would not recommend trying to learn their preset shortcuts, just make your own. i developed my own quicker than remembering theirs; it is quick and easy to look them up if you foget 'em too.
aside from my above post, MQ Mon is fine!
no one bothers me, I always have work, albeit I am on DQS, as mentioned before, but other than that, I don't have any problems w/the office. Been with them for over four years! Good Luck!
It sounds fine to me.
The only thing I would do is get rid of the "she" in the "and she is out" part of it.
I use wireless and it is fine. (sm)
I don't think it is quite as fast as DSL, but it is definitely adequate.
As the poster below said, you have to be clear of trees to get a signal.
got the no-line...they were fine
then got the Acuvue bifocal contacts and I LOVE wearing them!
That would be all fine and dandy...
however, these days companies want that kind of expertise all for the honor of earning about 6 cents a line. That's the problem with this job... Whether you are fresh out of school or your butt looks like the seat of your computer share from sitting in it for the last 20 years, you get paid the same. Not always, but increasingly so.
Another fine cherrypicking day.
Man, would I love to go on all day about this company and the cherrypickers here. This is totally 100% unbelievable that they let people do this every single day.
fine line...
because he is your brother-in-law. then again, business is business. i probably wont go lower than 10 cpl. hope thats not being greedy either :)
"orthopedics" is just fine. nm
Your ad looks fine. Best of luck to you! nm
You'll be fine.....sm
It is a bit cooler today than it has been lately. We were at 80 yesterday. Today, 74. I think it will be fine to lay out, but I don't know about going into the water. lol :)
I think you are handling it fine - see msg
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I can relate to your grieving and missing someone who has died. I lost my best friend that I had since sixth grade last January and my father-in-law last March and I still miss both of them terribly. I was still grieving over my friend when my father-in-law died, which made it almost worse in a way. There is no set grieving schedule, per se. I still cry over my lost loved ones. I still want to call my friend and I have to stop myself. It sounds like you are functioning normally in your daily life, with only intermittent times of grief, which I think is totally normal. If your grieving was getting in the way of your normal daily activities, then I would worry, but that does not seem to be the case. The pain never goes away, but it lessens somewhat with time. It's been a year for me and I still cry when something reminds me of them, but the crying jags are getting further apart, so there has been some healing. I don't know if you are a religious person, but prayer helped me through my toughest times. I know that I felt better afterwards and I knew that they were fine where they were and that they were happy. Keep doing what you're doing and don't worry about the time factor. We all grieve in our own way and on our own time schedule.
If you have excellent QA to help - you will be fine.
Meaning - transcribe the reports, leave blanks of anything you are unsure of, and with great QA feedback, you will learn in no time.
You can do it - don't be afraid.
On the other hand, if you do not have a great QA department to help you with your blanks and accuracy of your reports, I would say stay with the what you know for now.
You can learn it. Maybe you can just do a 5 or 10 reports a day along with your clinic work to start with or without great QA help.
Good luck to you!