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I am a very social person and I entered this job at home because it paid more money

Posted By: Not in agreement on 2005-08-20
In Reply to: Well a social butterfly type wouldn't be attracted to this job in the first place - but this certainly compounds the

than the jobs in the office and I was a single parent. I just learned to balance my life outside the work environment with things that did allow me to use my social skills

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Yeah, money, that's it. I paid $20.00 for my dog. Money is NOT THE ISSUE
walk him daily, play ball daily, he sleeps in my office daily while I work. Yeah, I got a lot of money, NOT HARDLY. And, my dog is HORRIBLY HORRIBLY ABUSED because he wears a collar around his neck. It's people like you that make me sick. I am done defending my use of the shock collar. I am going to continue with it and my dog will continue to be pampered , educated, fed, kept warm, and love me for everything that I do for him even when I remind him that his barking needs to stop. So, with that said, I will not respond to any more of your CRAP in reference to the shock collar.
No social life. I now have a fear going out in public! Working from home for 8 years now will do t
Do you not want to make sure that YOUR money given to charity is going to the right person and
Enough already! I am a very caring person. I don't make a lot of money either.
I still have canned goods stocked up and I know how to wash out a plastic soda bottle or milk jug and fill it up with water when I'm told to do so. That has nothing to do with posttraumatic stress or FEMA. I never said anything about either of those, so quit jumping down my throat about things I never said. It's not about the people that NEED help because they lost everything. It's about the people in their Lincoln Town Cars who can obviously afford a jug of water and DID not do it. The ones who didn't bother to prepare are sucking up the resources that should be used for those people who lost everything and NEED the help. How can you disagree with that?
It's not a spambot, it is a person who has been posting to earn money, a program
on ForuMatrix where posters could earn money by posting, however, this person has taken the program out of context and not only will not be compensated, but the posts will be removed.  Our apologies for any inconvenience. 
This person wants to work at home and -sm
where we are there are few in-house positions let along at-home hospital positions. She has an ill husband (kidney disease) and needs to be there to take care of him, hence she wants to work at home. But $65K right out of school is definitely not the norm. Your SIL is very, very lucky and I am sure many here would agree with that.
Isn't tjat why we get paid so much money? :)


MTs with less skill s/b paid less with that money going to the best
I can do xxxx but it makes me sick when the slackers get the exact same pay as me. Please don't give me the xxxx story that I can make more by being more efficient.
NOPE, took a lot of money, dad paid,
bought, ran to meetings, everything to try to make it work. Multilevel just don't work for the little guy and that's the way they're set up. Try as you might to change the way people think about multilevel, it's possible that a lot of little people already got stung by that bee!
Actually, no, it's poor you! You're the one who paid all the money
It wasn't right in that I paid money up front
for a 3 part procedure. The physician performed 2 of those, ok. He FORGOT the face lift. I worked at the same hospital he was head of the plastic's department over. Got that so far? When I told him on my first followup visit he forgot he wrote me an IOU on his letter head office stationary. You following so far? After this time he did not want to take my calls about the money and I went to hospital mediation. He told them he would not be part of that. Hold on- there is more. He started calling me personally at my home in threatening manner. Eight (that is 8 in numerical) months after my original surgery he dictated my report and put in he did the face lift- He falsified a legal document on me and my hubby was always with me- I can not fight city hall- Hold on, we are getting to the end- I called lots of lawyers- all said no case. Elective surgery- not an emergency appendectomy, not brain tumor surgery - elective- are you there with me? I finally because I HAD TO HAVE A JOB, just let it go. I could not risk my job by going after this department head surgeon that worked at my hospital. I hope you understand this time and if not, can't explain any better.
I got into this because it paid more money and I didn't have daycare expenses.
I have more time for a social life now that I work at home.  I go to lunch or coffee with family and friends.  I used to run errands on my lunch half-hour at my old job and either pay my bills or balance my checkbook on my breaks.  I know all the other parents at the school now, so we get together on weekends or chitchat at the school.  When I used to work outside the home, I was so exhausted from dealing with crabby people all day long that I just wanted to isolate myself at home on evenings and weekends.  Now that I work at home, I actually seek out friends to keep from getting isolated.
Check with the school that you paid money to for MT training.
If they can't help you get a job afterwards, then you've been robbed.
Money talks & the smaller the amount paid out,
Disciplined at home=money. (nm)
Attn: At Home MTs; How do you get paid?
Hey Everyone,

I'm new to the board but not to MT. I used to work as a secretary/MT for a doctor in my hometown. However since having my baby I want to work from home. I've already got my headset and pedal ready and my former boss promised to send a little work my way. I was wondering how do your clients pay at home Mts? via credit? online? thanks so much!


proud new mom
I'm lucky because my home's a/c is paid...nm

How exactly are coders from home paid?
I always wondered how this worked. Thanks!
Check with your tax person for certainty but I have a room solely used for my home office and I even
Speaking of rip-offs, anyone have any advise on how to get back money paid for a product you never
received?  I needed a Dictaphone C-phone for my job (was using a loaner) and put a note on the equipment board pertaining to this back in May.  A woman contacted me stating she had one for $100 (I only needed the phone, power supply and phone cord).  She said she was going away for 3 weeks and to Western Union the money to her that night and she'd send it out the next day.  I did not like the high pressure and was still shopping around anyway so I told her I'd wait the 3 weeks and contact her then.  About a week later she emailed me stating she cut her trip short but was going away again that Friday (It was Tuesday), I had by this time decided to buy her phone.  I mailed out that day via Priority mail a M.O. for $100.  She was very anxious for the money, and thought I'd sent it Express Mail, which I of course informed her I did not.  She stated that it should be there by Friday and if she did not see her mail that day that she'd have her mom check the mail and then mail the C-phone to me.  After 2 weeks I emailed her as I had no phone as yet, no response.  A week later still no phone, emailed again, no response. Then I called her (looked it up) and she claimed her email was "broken" and she had not received my emails but would email me back as she was on her way out the door to a baseball game.  I asked her how can she email me back if it was broken??? So then she backpedaled and said she'd call me.... I held my breath at that point.  So the next day by some miracle I get an email from her stating her mother had mailed it regular mail, no way to track it, etc.  So supposedly it is lost.  I emailed her back which it appeared she did not get as she did not respond to my questions but she did email me again saying she'd return my money.....again I am holding my breath.  That was 8 days ago.  She is in OK, I am in VA.  If she sent me a refund promptly it would have been here by now.  Now when I call her, she does not pick up, and no answering machine either.  I am planning now to mail her a copy of her email and my response to getting my money back.  I am assuming at this point that I was taken for a sucker and was obviously too trusting.  Right now I don't have $100 to burn (who does?) with my drives to the hospital (60 miles round trip) for my daughter's chemo, doctor visits, etc, on top of only making about 1/2 what I used to make due to the changes in my life right now.  In the meantime I got kicked off the account for which I needed the C-phone for (add insult to injury here) due to problems at the company I was working for, so that does not sweeten my disposition any.  So does anyone have any idea how I can squeeze her and get my money back?  Contact the police there for fraud? Small claims court in OK?  I am a persistent pain in the butt and will keep at her until I get my money back, if it is fraud then she picked the wrong person to screw with, if it is on the up and up then it is unfortunate but she should have insured it to cover her own (and mine) butt, and sent in with a delivery confirmation too....but you know what they say about hindsight.  Any ideas???
I do not get extra money for typing and supervising.. I get paid salary which means

I get to type the stuff everyone else has rejected!

Wwwowoooweeeiiieee.. lucky me and my 3 dollars an hour!! 

We paid hourly with incentive for high production. So she's making money when she's just
sitting there.  I don't know if it is a habit or not because this is the first time I've really had to work with her for any length of time.  I usually only work a couple of hours a day with her when our shifts overlap.  I think I'm definitely going to ask the girl I'm filling in for what she thinks about her.
Wouldn't you bring home more money at 10 cpl? nm
I have to disagree. I make more money from home
The issue doesn't have anything to do with inhouse or outsourcing.

Some of us stay at home moms need the money too.
Just because I stay home with the kids, it doesn't mean I am working just for extra cash. My family is dependent on my income. I bring in the majority of our family's income with MT. Staying home for me is an added benefit since I am saving $1000 a month in childcare, which is money my family really needs rather than paying it out to someone else. Please, don't judge all SAHMs equally. Some of us do value our career choice and work hard to support our families.
Working at Home/Getting Paid Hourly

I sent in this info to an MT head hunter:

I am looking for a work-at-home MT position that is employee-based, not independent contractor, paying hourly instead of per line or per page, where I could work Tuesday through Friday, 32 hours a week, no weekends, no nights or holidays.

I was told this was a "TALL ORDER," and that I would never be able to find it.  I don't think that I am asking for too much, and that there has to be an MT company out there that is willing to pay highly skilled and experienced MTs what they are worth.  I know there are plenty of MTs out there who say, "Oh, if you work hard enough, you can make just as much per line as by hour,"   but it's been my experience, having worked three MT jobs from home, that that would entail cranking out btetween 1,500-2,000 lines per day...provided there is work available and provided you are getting paid more than 0.12 per line  I've been working 12 YEARS as an MT, but most companies still want to pay me between 0.05-0.12 cents per line.  FIVE CENTS A LINE FOR AN MT WITH 12 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS.  What is wrong with this picture???????? 

If there is a company willing to pay an experienced MT at least $16+ per hour to work at home, please e-mail me!

Re: Working At Home/Getting Paid Hourly
Perhaps. Don't get me wrong, I like where I work and how much I'm making, and this company acdtually has two MTs working at home; however, they are not offering this option to any other MTs at this time, if ever. The at-home MTs from this company are getting paid per hour and have full benefits, but that's only because they've been working in-house at the company for many years. *Sigh*....
Working at Home/Getting Paid Hourly
Sounds like nice work if ya can get it. :) I wouldn't mind picking up tapes, provided that the pick up/drop-off site wasn't too far.
Working at Home/Getting Paid Hourly
THAT SUCKS. You should be making FAR more than 9 cents a line. UGH. And there are still companies offering experienced MTs 5 cents a line.
I get paid hourly and I work at home
They expect me to work 7-1/2 hours a day and I do, but they do let me spread it out over the course of the day. I work four hours in the morning, two in the afternoon and the other one and a half in the evening. I can leave and go to an appointment and make that time up in the evenings also. But then again, when I don't have any work I still get paid.
I was just wondering if on-site MTs get paid more than at-home MTs?
I am just curious if MTs that work at hospitals make more since they would probably get paid per hour as opposed to cents per lines for a transcription company.  TIA!
Does anyone else earn extra money at home doing something along with MT work?
I need some ideas.  Fall is coming and I will have some extra time and getting burned out on MT.
Hospital job is "work-at-home" paid hourly
Thank you for well wishes.
I make very good money at home with a small MTSO

Have done both, and still prefer at home, making more money and setting my own hours. (sm)
In-house your required to meet a productivity of nothing less here on the east coast of 135 to 155 lines per hour, not to mention the QA's done weekly!! Yes, weekly, random 10 reports per MT!! I never had a problem with the QA's always between 99.6% and 99.8%. But, you work straight, no talking, in your little box (I call it). Yes, the benefits are a perk, but not that much and I worked 2nd shift always, so it was 18% of my base wage. I am still making more at home productivity wise and take a break when I want to. But, like you said circumstances change. Good luck!!
I do radiology now, paid by the hour, work from home, can it get any easier than that?

Sorry, don't post here often and not familiar. I was saying I make great money and stay at home w
Where do folks get these odd ideas?
That should highest paid work at home jobs...look at number 7 to see the pic and listing!
That picture sure made me laugh. :)
Quick question or poll - What does one consider "good money" for weekly bring home income? sm

 Would you consider $1000 a week, IC status, working 5 hours a day, 5 days a week "great money"?


What do you make a week and how many hours do you work?

This is for informational purposes only and not to belittle or degrade anyone or boast and put anyone on a soapbox about their income.

Thanks for your help!

Well by the looks of the class of people who have entered this
I think the majority of them actually are of an unskilled factory worker caliber. You see people on here with no respect for education and who resent others who do have degrees, you see people on here who are often at the doors of destitution and can't think outside the box to improve their quality of life, you see people living with relatives because they can't even afford a home of their own be it rented or owned, you see people on here who are bragging about their husbands making 10 dollars an hour as if that's really good money. Scary what's happened to the MT world. This used to be a respectable job, but not any more. It started going downhill when we left the hospitals and started working at home, which was good for us from a convenience standpoint, but it made a lot of people let themselves go physically since they didn't have to leave the house, it started attracting the socially inept because they didn't want to leave the house either, and the solitude of it all just made a lot of people miserable and angry. No thanks.

Back to school for me!
it is still being entered by people, and there will still be mistakes (NM)
Meditec??? I entered for that last week.
Sorry, just confused.
1099 ? Is the amount on the 1099 only the money paid to you in 2008. So if I did not receieve payme
than that $$ would be on my 1099 for 2009 not 2008??  I have to invoices that were due to be paid in 2008 but I never received the $$ until January of 2009.  Do I have to claim that money on my taxes this year or next???  Thanks in advance for your help.   
For QA consulting I'm paid per hour; QA instructing (college) paid salary, QA editing paid per li
I am an IC and work for two different MTSOs as well as instruct at a business college.
I think it was when PC's entered the scene. Then we were at the mercy of the programmers.NM)
Happened to me too -- won't let me post, even after I entered the address. I am clueless. :( n
I never heard of line counts until the MT services entered the picture.
We got our work done every day without being monitored or treated like children who needed to have their work checked.

Never heard of QA either.

Those were the days.
Money, money, money, mmonnneyyy. Singing the Apprentice song.
If you make a donation, you are entered for the Sees candy? Monitor should answer this.
How about a home health aide or an aide for Hospice? Get paid weekly, too. nm
I work for the person. I know. Very excellent person, personally and business-sense.
It is an INSULT to have QA hovering over seasoned MTs who know what they are doing. She trusts her MTs and again if there are questions there is one person, a trainer, who can answer them via phone, e-mail or instant message or you can send the whole report to them if you choose.