I also live in an apt complex and plan to deduct
Posted By: the square footage, plus - sm on 2008-02-03
In Reply to: From what I am finding - Rosie
75% of my ISP, 100% of my ULD and I am considering 50% of my utilities (haven't decided on that one yet).
The reason I won't file for paying taxes is this. I live in a large apartment complex. Most of the complex is located within city limits, but I live in the back part which is actually located in what is considered as incorporated county. So, you can see that the property management pays a different tax rate for the majority of its property from the location of my apartment and because I cannot hand the IRS a statement showing I paid XXX amount in property tax, I will only claim the square footage...something I can prove in writing by printing out the floor plan, taking pictures of the office, and having a copy of the lease.
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I am not sure. I am chicken. I live in an apartment complex
I do walk around my house, but there is an elderly woman who lives below me and I get worried that she hears my foot steps pacing. I have a fan blowing on me, and keeping it cold to keep me awake. Maybe a cold glass of water and some sit ups. Problem with sit ups is I bet if I lie on the floor, I won't sit up, I'll fall asleep!!! Thanks for the idea, though. I wish I were not a chicken to go outside.
You're confusing the new QA plan with the new pay plan. New pay plan is still completely under wr
Complex question as others have
but obviously government policy has a direct impact on this. If you give tax cuts to billionaires while cutting basic services such as Medicaid, Headstart, etc., to the poorest what else can be expected?
Excerpt from article in link below:
"But after a decade of improvement in the 1990s, poverty in America is actually getting worse. A rising tide of economic growth is no longer lifting all boats. For the first time in half a century, the third year of a recovery (2004) also saw an increase in poverty. In a nation of nearly 300 million people, the number living below the poverty line ($14,680 for a family of three) recently hit 37 million, up more than a million in a year."
Met him in the apartment complex I lived in.
We were just friends for about a year and a half. I was newly divorced and not ready to have a relationship, but we became great friends. Here we are 11 years later - happy, happy, happy!!!!
At my apartment complex, our post boxes are
in a large mail kiosk and I can sort my mail right there, open everything and throw away all trash before ever getting back in my car or walking back to my apartment. Anything unnecessary never makes it to (1) my purse (used to be a bad habit of mine), (2) my car (used to be another bad habit of mine), or (3) my apartment. It really is amazing how much paper is wasted on advertisements that I'm not even interested in, envelopes, etc.
It can be very stressful to have all that stuff staring at you on the desk, demanding more of your time.
B6 complex. I would also recommend splinting at night.
I found that it really helps me not to bend my wrist and also not to put any pressure on it. I have had surgery for CT, but before surgery my orthopod recommended 15 minute soaks, hot, cold, hot. Try putting a standard size bed pillow in your lap and putting your keyboard on that. The pillow cushions so your wrist isn't taking such a banging with typing, plus it also gives you a cushion for your wrist instead of an edge on a wrist rest. I also find that I sit straighter with my back pressed against the chair typing this way which helps with stress on back and shoulders.
I seriously doubt that type of work is as complex as medical reports.
Heck, coding is complex, but definitely FINITE and physically non-demanding. sm
Typing can get to you, physically. And coding has SO many resources, catalogs, books, online resources. Once you understand the concepts and rules, it's kinda like playing a card game, and not that difficult. I think MT is way more demanding, mentally.
I am talking about the QA plan I dont know what the new pay plan is.
They want to deduct your salary from their
business expenses - so if they have NOT paid you, do not cooperate. Send them a registered letter stating simply the total $ owed, and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for their convenience - ha - and hold out signing any forms until YOU GET PAID!! What nerve they have!
Even when they deduct your entire (sm)
report if you make one error that QA doesn't catch and the hospital does?
Seems to me like QA should get dinged, not the MT.
TRS is your typical admin-heavy, treat the MT like a number company, made more offensive by their assumption that everyone in America is "Christian" and will adore prayer requests and other off-topic crap on the company email.
You can still deduct your MT expenses if your and IC - sm
regardless of taking the standard deduction. Your write offs for MT are on the Schedule C (not B). My husband and I take the standard deduction as we don't have enough on our Sch. B; then I write off all my IC deductions and report my income on the Sch. C.; putting the bottom line (income minus IC write-offs) on the 1040 line 12. So I am not quite clear on what you are talking about but I know how I do it is how most of us (if not all) do our deductions. You may want to do an amended return.
Yes you can deduct it. Employees get
the same deductions many ICs do particularly since so many companies do not pay for large office space any longer, power, etc. If you have any question at all about how to do it, ask your accountant but Turbo Tax walked me through it last year and this year too. It used to be that they did not ask, but now they do and you can deduct your office based on the size of it and the mortgage etc.
What many offices used to have now belongs to us that work at home and yes, we get that benefit because the offices definitely cannot legally deduct for this. Some companies reimburse for your internet. Oh whoopie. Less are providing equipment. So now we do get to do a whole lot as employees because the costs of these necessities for work have been placed on us by cheap employers who try to get by with as little expense as possible.
You can deduct many things when you are an IC - sm
Obviously since you were only an IC for 2 months in 2006, you can only make deductions for those 2 months, electricity for your home office, supplies, internet connection, phone, if you bought a computer for the IC job, use of your home office (a small fraction of your mortgage)---now if you are planning to move the smart thing to do is not take the home office deduction, it causes problems, a tax professional can explain all that. I take everything but the home office deduction as we have been saying for years were are going to move, and I figure if I finally do it, that will be when we finally do move, I'd probably be able to right off anohter $1k if I took it. So I end up writing off a percentage of my electricity and heat, phone line, internet, computer (took that deduction a few years ago), computer chair, printer supplies, reference books, programs, etc. You get the picture. Anything that pertains to your job you can write off basically. If you drive and pick up/deliver work, you can write off your mileage, just keep records. I have had both employee jobs and IC at the same time, best of both worlds in regards to taxes. I would have extra taxes taken out of the employee job to cover my IC taxes, though my DH has extra taken out and that has always covered my taxes so far. It is not hard to do, use a spreadsheet and let the computer do the work for you.
No, it's not. Poster says nothing about deduct.
You can deduct A LOT more than just office
What do you mean? They pay/deduct all but state taxes?
You can deduct your work stuff, i.e. all of above, but you will need a Sch. C - sm
I believe. I think you need that schedule (vs. the CEZ) in order to write all that off. The computer would be line 13 and you can take a section 179 deduction for the entire amount, for which you need form 4562 (lines 7-12 and 24a-29). It is not difficult to do. For your state taxes generally (presume every state is different though), you take line 36 off your 1040 (if you are using a 1040) and that amount will contain your reported income from the sch. C (which has your write-offs) - Good luck !
deduct for errors, infomatics
thatnks for your response. it's in the contract i got from them sat. i am supposed to start training tomorrow. my friend works for them and loves it. i'm a little bit more skeptical i guess. all type never called me back and that was me. i have applied to lots of cos. this weekend and will probably hear from some tomorrow. i had my own service and am technologically deprived. we had tapes and c phones, no internet voice. this is all new to me. infomatics does say they pay ins. now if you are full time.
deduct for errors, infomatics
Just curious but where did you obtain this information? I've heard there is another company, (who will deny it but the MTs swear it happens) who deducts for errors. I do not know this firsthand, however.
Did you take the job with Infomatics?
When I spoke with them about a year ago they were at 8 cpl and just in case - they do not have insurance coverage, which is something I must have.
Also, did you make a post earlier about a company All Type and the recruiter didn't call you back? If that is you, did they finally call you - would you consider working for them at this point?
I have always tried to research any company I think I would like to apply to, prior to applying. I even go so far as to check their Dunn & Bradstreet scores, because I want to know how financially stable they are or are not, if they pay bills on time, etc. But I'm a little OCD and AR...LOL
Well, I've rambled enough...BUT,,,,Please let us know what you decide and BEST OF LUCK :-)
Do all big co. deduct for less than 989% accuracy. They deduct 5% Really leary of this company and am supposed to train tomorrow. Seems it stays at 8 cents forever with no differentials or anything.
If married, have husband deduct more
You say you are married have your husband deduct more. They don't care who pays the taxes as long as they get paid. If you owe over a certain percentage they can put on a small fine but to me it didn't bother me and the few times I had to pay, I did it at year end. When married though just had my hubby do one less dependant or single instead of married and it worked and most of the time still got a few pennies back. But I keep a running spread sheet and on my Quick Books of what I am making, what my deductions are, etc. to keep ahead of the game. Am always budgeting for next month and next year.
each co. sets their own % to deduct, there is no standard
You would need to check the QA policy at your company to see what they deduct in points or percentage for each type of error. What Spheris does versus TTS or Medquist or whoever, it's all different.
MTSO will deduct for errors?
Hello everyone. I signed a contract that my company can deduct for a certain percentage of errors or too many blanks. Is this the norm? Please advise. I have 10 years of experience but I am still concerned.
Was told could deduct pet expenses. sm.
If it is a dog and is over 50 pounds, you can claim its food, vet bills, pet insurance, vaccinations all that as long as your business is run from your home. It applies as a guard dog. It does not matter which breed the dog is either. This is the state of Missouri, not sure about other states.
I am gonna try it as we shelled out alot of money over a period of time for a dog that was poisoned. Luckily, he lived.
why no, i don't live in snobville. did you think you knew me? i live in heritage hills a suburb
it takes a little longer to get to work and shopping but thank god i have some privacy and am away from the congestion. lovely trees and lakes all around. maybe about 20 minutes to a large shopping mall. but no, i don't even know where snobville is.
I tried to deduct price of deck by sitting out
No, SE means you pay part of your FICA and SS and state tax. They do not deduct it all.
Doesn't matter....they deduct 25% (or more) from your TOTAL lines - NM
Can an at home employee deduct a computer on taxes?
Can deduct portion of mortgage, utilities.Equip
deduct telephone, electric and portion of house payments.
Hope this helps!
why yes the quality of air where i live is quite different than where the city people live.
Lots of pollution. That's why everyone is moving away from the city and areas zoned for multiple housing units and low income housing and trailer parks. Population is dense and near manufacturing. So yes, the air is different but millions of people pay a little extra for the quality, the space and privacy afforded to those who move out of polluted crowded areas such as you defend. There is always a reason why some areas and housing is cheaper than others. Maybe it is the air and maybe it's something you can't quite put your finger on but you know you would prefer not to live in certain areas. You know what I mean or are you living in one of those areas? They tell after awhile you block out the sounds, the smells and get used to the pollution. I don't know. I didn't stay long enough to test the theory. My mental and physical health is way too important to me.
I know they live a long time, so if there is a chance they will out live you - sm
make sure you make provisions for them in your will. I have only had cockatiels and some finches, so don't really know anything about the bigger birds. I love African Grey's but they are very expensive.
deduct everything you can think of, electricity, phone, home office if you chose to, supplies, inter
you get the picture. I don't do the home office deduction though because we keep saying we are going to build on a lot we have and things get screwed up with taxes due to this, something with depreciation, not really sure, know someone who had this problem though, owed a lot back. When we do move, then I will take it since I know it won't be an issue then. I write off about $2-$3K a year which helps some. Was paying quartly but have not done it in 2 years as I usually don't owe more than $1200 and my husband has extra taken out of his pay, so that has always, so far, taken care of any taxes I have "owed". -- Check out the IRS website they have plenty of info on the subject.
Thwap the husband on the head, buy the keyboard, save the receipt, deduct it from your taxes.
I wouldn't even ask my husband for something like that, any more than he asks me if he can fill up his car with gas so he can get to work! Sheesh! What a prince of a guy you've got there.... You get your keyboard, girl!
I deduct all expenses that relate to my home office-% of utilities, taxes, repairs to that room, --s
mortgage (we do not plan to sell our house so this deduction will not affect us)as my office is used only for that purpose, internet, phone, I print out a daily schedule so paper/ink, computer repairs, pens, pencils, tape, staples, file cabinets, storge bins for tax recepts/tax returns,file folders. Anything/everything I use to do my job.
I was using mileage for another account where I pick up tapes every day, but found for me the time it took to keep track of the mileage, write it down, add it up was not worth the effort so I quit doing it this year.
Live and let live. Don't force your lifestyle on me.
I used to live in MN now I live in MS and they were both cold last night!
Will take MS cold over MN cold any day, and I don't miss the snow. I miss the Mall of America, though!
I live in PA, can I help? If they are close to where I live, I would go check them out for ya!
Where in PA is this company?
You must live where I live. I ran into the same sort of SM
situation when I was the president-elect of the local chapter and the VP-elect of the state chapter. I bailed out. There was no fighting it.
LOL! Don't live in NH. Live in ConnectiTAX. LOL NM
Can you live on 7.75 cpl or do you need 9.5 cpl. If I could live at the lower, that is what I
Each state has different laws. Where I live, if I have clients in the same state I live in, yes I ne
have clients from another state, no I do not need a license. Every state is different. I checked with my attorney and the State Business offices.
I plan to..
I knew they did that at the hospital I worked for at home but never imagined it would be done through an internet based company...that is ridiculous!!!!
Don't plan to either
THAT IS CRAZY!!!!! Those people should not even be allowed to have such access.
How is everyone doing with MQ's new QA plan?
What plan?
What QA? WTF?
That's the question. Plain and simple.
WE KNOW!! What IS the new QA plan?!?! nm
MQ new pay plan
It is based on a combination of your line count and QA scores, maintaining 98% or better. I've heard "mention" of it since I'm trying to get on full time, at the moment I am an IC. What he told me is you will get raises every six months if you produce a certain amount and maintain a good QA score. For example, right now you are required to do 12,000 lines per pay period. If you maintain above average, lets say you're right around 14,000 average for six months while maintaining 98% QA, your higher pay is locked in for the next six months. So its a combo of the two. He was very vague, didnt say how much, if it were half cent, a quarter cent or whatever, but he seemed to be thrilled to death about it. Now I noticed on this board that someone keeps posting about the new MQ pay plan and have we heard of it. Just spill the beans if you have more accurate information please? Thanks.