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I agree - easier to read and understand, looks more professional to me

Posted By: Lynn on 2006-08-02
In Reply to: if there's more than 1 med, I'd list... - just cause it looks so much better...nm


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it does get easier and eventually things make sense to you even when you can't understand -
I was doing a Irish doctor, I could understand the medical terms pretty well, it was the easier, more normal words, I had trouble with.  Because of the lilting and very fast way he said it "three arteries and a vein" nearly drove me insane. 
You're likely to make more money on the lower rate because easier to understand and can probably
faster and need less time to look things up, etc. Just my 2 cents.
I agree that boys are not any easier.
I have raised 2 girls and am now raising a 13-yo boy and 2 11-yo girls. I think boys are worse, although the girls are no picnic.
I agree with the below poster...here is an easier way to deal with it...
I work from home and I am the volunteer coordinator for the school. Therefore, I am there before and after and sometimes during school. I grade papers and do many, many things...this way, I KNOW exactly what is going on with my kids!!!
I agree, easier but I worked on production years ago
as I think the original poster Patti also did and I was, shall we say threatened 1 time for being cutoff from production and having to do paper work because of the fact I out typed the other transcriptionists there- it can be done, I have done it working on production, now is more simple time and I also like using goggle, etc. When working like that years ago I never took the time to read over each report- waste of time- do not do that now. I have been in the situation 2 times in my career of being told how much I make, etc and most did not like. One hospital I worked for in the 80s only had 2 transcriptions for the entire 300+ bed- we never used outside work, kept things up and yet told look what we make! I see lots of people who only do this job so they can stay at home. I stand by my original posting.
do you understand what you read?

Of course we WILL be hit again!  I said that before!!  No, of course I'm not him...what does that mean? That I should walk a mile in his shoes?  Give me a break!  HE is president for Pete's sake.. He is supposed to be leading our country, and he led us right into a HUGE MESS that didn't need to be, that he doesn't have a clue on how to manage!  Those are the FACTS, not just heresay, and not BASHING. You follow him around like a puppy with no thought of your own, just that he is president and he should be respected.  Well I don't have respect for anyone who runs this country in the ground for so-called "spreading freedom around the world."  What kind of rhetoric is that!?  If you believe that, then you're dumber than he is!  There have been at least four reasons for us to go into Iraq, none of which that makes any sense or warrants invading a country that had nothing to do with us getting hit. 

have read the help, but don't understand a lot of it.
It just seems very confusing.  But I plan on reading it again.  Thanks everyone for all your help on these boards re shorthand.  Merry Christmas to all.
They understand what they read and they aren't going to....
That's the whole problem.  They believe what they want to believe and NOTHING is going to dissuade them, not even the facts.  It has been documented over and over again that our President is out of touch with the facts of the world situation, the Iraq war is a mess and is inciting the terrorists even more, and Iraq was never who we needed to "go after" as far as "getting the terrorists." 
Read carefully to understand ...
I work at MQ and Spheris both. Work PT at each.

Spheris: I make 10.67 cpl...BECAUSE I make my base of 8.67 cpl; I work at night and get 0.5 cpl shift diff; I produce more than 7000 lines a week and get 1.5 cpl production incentive.

MQ: I make 10.75 cpl...BECAUSE I make my base of 8.75 cpl; I do my weekend requirement to QUALIFY for produc incentive; I reach the minumum for the highest produc of 16,000 lines/pp giving me 2.0 cpl extra.

HINT: Spheris offers base rates up to 10 cpl but it is really difficult and challenging work and I don't want to work that hard! LOL

MY OPINION: Stop pitying yourself for your base rate...it's average and above compared to many. You will make your money with high production, high QA, and working evenings/weekends.

You need to read this website to understand.

It has to do with expanded memory.

Here's a quote: "A small percentage of Windows 2000-based and XP-based computers (including some popular Dell models) do not support Expanded (EMS) Memory even after you follow the procedures for enabling EMS described elsewhere on this site. On such machines, abbreviation-expander software like Smartype and PRD+ will not load and function correctly, and WPDOS 5.1 will have less memory to work with than it needs. With some (probably not all) of these computers, you can enable EMS by making changes in the BIOS ("firmware") of your computer. The BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) settings are the hardware settings that control the way Windows works with your machine; the settings cannot be changed from inside Windows, but must be accessed during bootup by pressing a key that opens up a special BIOS menu."

Oops, meant they DON'T understand what they read....nm
Read the WHOLE THREAD, from the begnning,then you'll understand!...sm
It is very wrong to jump in right in the middle of a thread!
You have to read what lead to this particular comment.
I agree with and understand your

reasoning about why and how.  My hesitancy arises from a QA team that seems to thrive on busting people for a misplacing a COMMA, and I'm not anxious to give them a word to chew on that can't be confirmed in ANY dictionary. 

What you're saying makes perfect sense.  I just wish certain employers out there would adopt your theory.

I understand what you mean and agree...sm
but there are doctors like that and my company said make the client happy. So we do it because otherwise they go elsewhere. Also there is an PA who dictates gravida 1 para 1 and he demands that you put the numbers in subscript. The company has told him over and over this is NOT correct. It should not be done in subscript but he insists his reports be done that way. I get annoyed because he doesn't know what he is talking about. It isn't right but that is the way I am told to do it so I want to keep my job so I do.
Oh okay, I understand what you are saying and I agree...
not only is that unprofessional to call out the MT in front of everyone but it also demoralizes them...how embarrasing...
Robin, I so agree and understand...sm
with what you are saying, but Robin, think of these hard times we are in. I am in such a financial bind right now, on the verge of eviction because I truly believed the company I was with would supply me with enough work as a full time employee...i hung on too long with this particular company. I have moved on, but a day late and a dollar short as it takes time to build up a good check with a new company.

I got lucky tho because things are working out. But think of all the MTs in this situation. I have been noticing lately, that MTs are taking what they can get at this point. This is not a recession we are in folks, but a depression, but the government will never admit to it being a depression.

God helps us all.
I do not agree with deduction for errors, don't do it and don't understand why other MTSO do i

I agree with Patty on this. You read

any other material besides medical records, like a book, if it is under 10, it is written out.  That organization has too much power.  I cannot think of one thing they are good for.


LOLOLOL, I agree. I read the first one and thought *what*....
I agree Patti, I thought so too when I read--sm
the OP in the very beginning. She just took bits and pieces from the previous posts on this board and put it all into her own, just to see what and who would respond. I thought alot of the posters below really got sucked in. Guess they cannot tell Kikki is at it again, like we can.
I agree..."me" should read those posts. very negative. NM.
You sound like a "professional" with an attitude. Maybe you had better seek some therapy or meditation. What ever happened to "judge not, lest ye be judged" and treating others like you would like to be treated? Like I said before, maybe it was just an honest mistake. Apparently he has some degree of professionalism to have been approached by two different doctors. Take a look at his work before you pass judgement.
No, this isn't religion 101, it is LIFE 101. If you treat everyone you know the way you treat most of the people on this board, I would expect that you will be losing your professional position, as well, real soon. My error rate is quite fine, thank you, but I do have the heart to forgive others "their" mistakes, too. Maybe you need to find another place to work for. MQ does not seem to be agreeing with you. You also have too much time to be responding to job boards. I wonder how much work you get done in a day. HMMMM???? The truth of your anger was in your last post...."maybe you are one of those recruiters that will hire just about anyone, including illiterate people, TO TAKE MORE OR OUR JOBS AWAY." your insecurity is showing. Don't take it out on innocent people. Deal with your own issues first. Good luck to you. Life is tough. Suck it up.
OLD TIMEY MT eh?!! Here's how a professional would have written the ad:

Seeking a well-seasoned medical transcripitonist with a vast fund of medical knowledge, and who has experience with computers, transcription software, FTP, expanders, and reference software for the transcription industry. Seeking an individual comfortable with computer technology and willing to learn our proprietary software.

...that's it, that's all she needed to post. If that person was professional, the first rule is to state what you are looking for, NOT what you don't want. Be clear and specific, not make negative statements because it only reflects on the person writing the ad and the company. Shame, shame.

This is major. Seek a professiong, I live in the South and still see Blue Hairs and Pink Hairs. How it comes out depends on the texture of your hair, your base color and many other factors. That's why its costs. I would be leary of anyone who did it under $125.00
As a professional...
I expect the same courtesy I give. The doctors want clear, easy to understand reports; I want clear, easy to understand dictation. I don't care if it is ESL or English or poor communicator in general: if you want someone to type what you say, say it clearly. I think it would be unprofessional to accept substandard quality; that's part of what has gotten this profession into the jam that we're in as it is.
What?! We look non-professional just because we work at home? Ridiculous! Professional depends on the person, not the location. And you mentioned doctors working at home... Most docs in the past worked at home and they were very professional. And have you not seen Cosby? ha Professional is an attitude, a person's demeanor, not a location. Who wants to work in an office with all the politics and garbage when there is a perfectly good, honest, respectable, AND PROFESSIONAL option to work at home? I have been in business over 15 years AT HOME and have never had anyone tell me I was unprofessional. I think it is very honorable and a blessing from God to be able to be with my kids, and I support anyone trying to do the same.
Not very professional to
transcribe a report on somebody you know personally. Would you want one of your family members or friends to look at your medical records, especially if there were things you wanted kept private? I am shocked that any MT would do this and call themselves a professional. There may not be a law, I don't know, but it would certainly make a valid lawsuit if it ever came out and rightfully so.
You say you are being professional

But then you are saying you will do it on the side like a hobby for extra cash. What's the difference?  You are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Yes I have kids and I am no less of a professional than you and I do a good job.  No I couldn't take my kids to work, so I telecommuted for the hospital 3 days a week.  My kids are school age.  I've been doing this for 19 years.  So don't tell me that it's not professional to work from your home. 

But, there was a lady with a sick bird and the boss let her bring it in and kept in her office so she could feed it!  HA!  No kids, but birds were allowed.  Well, there was one girl that was allowed to have her kid there while she worked, but she wasn't an MT, she was a secretary. 

Now you see why I left to come home to my safe haven where I am making almost twice as much as I did at the hospital.   No, this will never be my side gig.  This is my main professional career and I'm darned good at it and I'm glad to help sick people and professionals in the healthcare industry document medical records.  I'm not afraid to research anything and don't care how long it takes either.  I'll get the answer!  And no, I have no desire to be QA because I'm an MT and that's what I'll be God Willing and the creek don't rise!

I think you should MYOB also. If she is a professional,
she is simply doing her job without getting personally involved in the particulars and as long as she is doing it on her own time and using her own equipment, then I do not see a problem.
dream on, Ms. Professional...sm
profession is defined as, "a
calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic
preparation." Hardly MT work.
Professional flyers

I do flyers and they are very "professional" and so what if they offer a free car wash.  I found that most office managers just want to "look" to see what it offers and I feel opening a letter is sometimes takes "too much time" while at a flyer they can just turn over and read immediately what it is about. Again, I think whether letter or flyers if you are at the right place at the right time, you can nab an account.   And yes, have gotten several accounts that way and one has been with me for 18 years.  So probably either works, I just prefer the flyer.  But remember just like selling a house, it takes time and you have to put it out there to several hundred to get a bite.   And once I get a bite I then go in and talk to them taking cookies or something.  Also when I am looking for a new account I do several mailings about 6 - 10 weeks apart so I stay fresh in everyone's mind.  I also inform my present docs and their gals and offer a small bonus to anyone that helps me land a new account   I am sure that everyone has their way of soliciting for new accounts and it has worked for them and so they feel it is "the only way to go" but whatever route you take you have to get out there, be visible and that means to a lot of people as with that also you get word of mouth between offices. 

Good luck.


You are so right! So professional its totally
unbelievable. If I weren't living it, I would never believe it.
Why XP-Professional version?
Just wondering why companies require us to have XP-Pro now instead of home edition?
Very professional. Love it!
You just made my day!!! 
Why not consult with a professional on this?
You seem to have a lot of questions that would be better answered by a professional. Of course, that wouldn't be free, so maybe that's the rub.
better yet, imagine a MT who is professional!?
Either Professional or Medical v9.5 nm
I would never use a professional suffix unless it was a PhD.
I have my two-year associate's for transcription, CPhT from pharmacy certification, a bachelor's degree and am almost done with a master's degree. It's pretentious and silly to use any of them.
what Professional Writing is.....sm
It's writing for the business world, as opposed to "creative" writing such as fiction novels or poetry.

My classes are focused on things like science writing, technical writing, newspaper/magazine, financial writing, speech writing... So if I wanted to stay in healthcare, I could look for a job writing for a health magazine, or maybe writind/editing textbooks.

It also prepares me for jobs in marketing, copywriting, public relations, human resources (somebody has to compose that employee manual), etc. Every industry needs good communicators, and I've always had a knack for writing, plus I really enjoy it.
Define professional
Do you mean somebody that does a report accurately, with proper attention to detail, creating a report that serves as a helpful adjunct to patient care? Guess what, cupcake? Locking someone in a chamber of solitude does not guarantee that. Since we became predominantly home employees, the only way to judge our work is based on the finished product, and if you're good, you can do that anywhere.
Really need some professional advice

I am looking to talk to somebody that has been in the MT business for years and really need to know the "real deal" of this industry.  I have been MT'ing for almost 4 years now and feel like I am not getting anywhere.  I am not someone who needs to make 100K a year, but like most looking to make enough money to be able to have the essentials in life and be able to by my kids what they need with a little left over for savings.  I have worked in both ends of the spectrum as far as being an employee versus IC, both of which have pros and cons. 

Schools say that this is still one of the "fastest" growing industries and the need for MT's is still great, well, my question is where is the work and where is the decent pay.  I am at my wits end.  I have been looking into going back to college for cardiac cath tech, but unfortunately, my husband does not understand the nature of this business and before I jump ship was wondering if I am "missing" something. 

Any advice would be helpful. 


What if you don't have professional references?
Hi all!  I just applied for a job and the questionnaire asks for professional references.  I don't have any.    Working at home, I only had contact with immediate supervisors, and all the coworkers know each other only via chat forums.  How does one handle the professional references issue?  TIA.
Professional Liability INsurance?

Does anyone have this through AAMT?  If so, how much did you pay for it?  If not,  are there other options out there?   I'm looking into errors and omissions and I read about this, and think it would probably be just what I am looking for, but I am curious about the price before I pay for an AAMT membership! Thanks.

He is a professional couch potato..nm
(continued) - you need to speak to a professional
to make sure it's done properly and there are no surprises later!

Good luck!
This gave me my laugh for the day! :) Professional??
Windows XP Professional & Word

Searching Word help section I see where it is possible to email directly from Word and also encrypt the document. If anyone does this, I could use some direction in doing it.


Thank you.  bw

I have to disagree, verbatim is not professional
and this is supposed to be a profession and yes that means you have to edit a little bit to make it a professional appearing document. Verbatim = garbage.
It's time to get professional kiddo....sm
I transcribed for a psychiatric facility, was their only MT, did all their work in a 24 TAT. They would call constantly from the insurance dept, wanting me to do a STAT report on a certain patient so they could get insurance clearance for payment. This went on for several weeks until they were taking advantage of the situation. I couldn't just stop and look through 17 doctors' dictation, 8 counselors, and several social workers to get the report. I told the administrator if they wanted STAT work, there would be an extra charge for that as well as fax time.... I delivered their work printed out every day, same time, and they had the nerve to ask me to chart it on the floors.... so I said, that would be an extra charge for my time spent doing that.. the administrator acted as if that was my job. Medical Records was horribly ran, the people in insurance dept and administration didn't have a clue about transcription and TAT, just wanted it when they wanted it. So, I billed them for all the extras and the STAT requests came to almost a halt. After two years, the administrator thought he could get it done cheaper, so he went with an outside company up north at 5 cpl (gross line). One month later, they didn't have reports back....there was no such thing as STAT work, and when medical records called them looking for reports, all they would get was an answering machine...would call back 3 to 4 days later. It was a mess. So, administrator wanted me back. By then, I had moved on soooo far. He actualy had the medical records director ask me if I could clear reports still on their system and then pick up about 50 tapes to do, because they were so far behind. I told her no thanks, she gave him the message, and he called me, wanting to know what the big deal was, why I couldn't accept THEIR offer. When I told him the offers were made by me, offer to do work for xxxx amount of dollars, STATs extra, charting much extra, but that my plate was full, couldn't take them back. He called back offering to pay even more than I had previously set forth, but I wasn't getting into that mess again!!!

Get your services straightened out, details of what you will do and for what charge, and stick to it.
Plan B sounds more professional.

I think offering a price over the phone before really finding out what she needs might scare her off.  By detailing all of your services (i.e. courier, stats, printing, corrections), she'll be able to take that into consideration when deciding if she wants to hire you.  I think it also looks more professional.