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I've had a sniffler - blow your nose for heaven's sake!

Posted By: gmg on 2005-11-28
In Reply to: Help, I've been stuck with a gum chewer all morning!!!!! EEEWWWWW!!! - No gum please

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        I am about to lose my mind.  If this dictator could just blow her nose and stop sucking snot.  Can't help having a cold, but even my children would BLOW THEIR NOSE.  Then maybe she could stop choking on phlegm.  A little consideration, PLEASE!
Oh I have one of those too. I just want to say BLOW YOUR NOSE!!!

Oh, for Heaven's sake -
For heaven's sake! It's not THAT bad!
You can go to CareerStep, one of the "top 3" schools for about $1,600, and if you work at it you should be able to finish it in 9-12 months. As for purchasing equipment, you'll get a foot pedal with your course and Express Scribe (the software you'll use to actually transcribe) is free. You will have to buy a few reference books and some fairly cheap software--that all shouldn't run you more than $400-$500, tops. I'm assuming you already have a computer, or else how could you have posted this note?

Now, there are jobs being taken over by software and being outsourced to other countries. And there ARE doctors who dictate TERRIBLY. But there are still some decent jobs out there and decent doctors as well. If you work at it and sell yourself well, you should do okay. Good luck!
For Heaven's sake... don't do what I did!
I accepted a position with another company, turned in my resignation when I received the acceptance letter from the other company.  Friday will be my last day on the job, and I have not heard from the other company as to downloading software on computer and my first day is supposed to be Monday.  My employer has already hired someone in my place, so I can't ask for my old job back. The past several days I've sent out about 5 or so resume's to various companies.
And for heaven's sake....

don't dictate in the bathroom.  That's waaaaaay more than we want to hear!

For heaven's sake, where is your lawyer?
Your divorce is final in 2 weeks, and you're asking this super important question to MTs on a message board? PLEASE ask your lawyer.
Oh for heaven's sake...if she knew how to...
do that, she wouldn't have a question!  Anyway, what platform do you use?  Most of the time you will find a folder in the "My Documents" folder or in the hard drive (go to "My Computer" and click on your hard drive--usually C:) by the same name as your platform.  Inside that folder will be your templates.  When you get there, you can press Ctrl and F together.  A screen will come up asking what you want to search for.  Click "All files and folders".  Where it says "All of part of the file name:" put "*.dot" (without the quotes).  This will find all of the templates within that folder.  Hope this helps. 
Oh, for Heaven's sake - if you don't like it just don't reply. Grow up.
This doc keeps blowing wind/nose hairs/boogers out his nose - into the microsphone - and

sounds cool, huh?

I am physically nauseated!  3 hours of this.   gag

Add to that he can't say *our* alphabet so even though the hospital THINKS the docs are spelling the names, he wasted his time and mine. and when I get it wrong -- until I get the hospital to listen --- they will think I'm the *blank* one. (the board stopped me from posting/ said stup*d is not allowed here so you know what I'm saying - isn't that odd, I can't refer to my own self as that, hmmm)

He can't say NUMBERS.  Getting the drug doses is a joke.  Even the names of the drugs is like mystery science.

He says wrong months, days of the week.  If he's meaning to say May, he may say April.

If he's meaning to say 17 he may say 15.

You can hear the disdain in his voice when he dictates on women - I guess in his world there truly is no respect for women and you can really hear it when he's doing the dictation.

But the constant blowing - and clearing his throat - trying to dislodge that tickling nose hair I guess and slurping that yucky saliva has me just about ready to quit transcribing RIGHT NOW.  . 

Today I did make myself a promise.  I have been a good girl for 30+ years, held my anger deep in my ugly Wal-Mart pocketbooks.  When I retire in January and I know I will never have to turn on another computer or transcribe another medical dictation............I'm gonna go to the hospital ......maybe go sit in on GRAND ROUNDS FOR THE LAST TIME.......and BLAST THEM.  I'll do it or bust a gasket.  Just watch me.

That is exactly what I meant. Evil for the sake of evil, not for the sake of satan
who is the essence of evil in Christianity. Call evil what you want it exists in every nation and every culture.

Having said that, did not the terrorists call America the Great Satan after their attack on 9/11?
You blow me away....nobody was asking

your OPINION.  It was just a question. Gosh.  Nobody taking a pole on whether or not they want to answer a question either.  Start your own thread about what you want to gripe about....MAYBE there are some other "attitudes" waiting to jump and pounce and turn something simple into an "opinon" session.

Oh, I make about 27K thankyouverymuch.


GEEZ............ GET A LIFE


you hit it right on the nose. I was sm
doing MT when AAMT came to be. I remember at the time, they would "grandfather" you in if you had five years experience (I had only three I think) in any kind of transcription. There were folks being "certified" who had done nothing but radiology or pathology their whole careers. I haven't been in AAMT for years but don't they now have certification for just radiology separately or something? Anyway, these folks were going around with the "certified" stamp and could not do one iota of acute care transcription. I took the test to be certified. Kept the certification for about 12 years and dumped it. All it is, is a money making venture to benefit AAMT. They do nothing for MTs far as I am concerned. As far as hiring a "CMT" I would take a more experienced MT w/o certification before I would take someone with less experience with certification. I think AAMT needs to be buried too!
Number one, No, I did not know it would blow up

As I said, I had never encountered this situation before. How could I know what would happen when I posted this?

Number two, you don't see me posting the patient's name, do you, or even my own name so that this post could in any conceivable way be connected to the patient.

My only concern was the patient's privacy. I have worked in-house and I know how many people see x-ray reports, people that you hope are reliable and honest and follow HIPAA rules but I know for a fact not all of them do.

This is exactly why I would not go to the police or for medical help if I were raped unless I were practically dying.

Don't cut your nose off to spite your
Hey, didn't those things used 2 blow up?
When U got hit from behind??? My advice:  Dump it!
I would try a blow dryer to it on low and then wait a bit if you can. I had this (SM)
happen when I worked with Lanier years ago with a cup of coffee and after a good day of drying it out it worked. Other than that, I would say you probbaly have to look on the internet for one, as they are not usually carried in any of the stores, etc.

I really hope this helps and that is all it is. Sorry I can't help much more than that, but maybe if you post your location another MT in your area might be able to help with a loaner or something.
You can but you may blow up autocorrect because there is a limit
to how many entries you can put in autocorrect. The Productivity Talk forum has instructions.
You have a brown smudge on your nose you
You'll still pay through the nose for benefits

employee.  There are no such thing as raises in this industry.  It just doesn't happen.  Meanwhile, my husband's employer (not MT) told the managers not to expect a bonus this year.  So, it is not just this industry.

The American dream is to own your own company; be your own boss.  Why let the rates stand in your way?  If you are as good as you say you are, then you would find a way to have benefits and also make a decent living.  You don't need an employee position to do that.  Many people own businesses and still have health insurance.  It is out there for the taking.  Even as an employee you have to pay for your benefits.  No employer is going to give them away.

It is a shame you were underbid, but this happens every day in this profession, i.e., offshoring... 

I don’t brown nose anyone as I am not in charge
of how to tell physicians to dictate, just handle my end. I only wish, though.
I admire your ability to forgive and hopefully this will all blow over - however, that being said,

please make sure that Animal Control did not list this as an "incident" so that it may not be used against your dog in the future, even if no charges were filed.  A lot of states have a strict "no bite or 3 bite" policy and would not want this to count against your dog later in life.  My brother-in-law's dog bit a child when it got tangled up in her bicycle wheels (granted she should not have been that close to the child in the first place), so we've learned to be very careful about our animals. 

How ridiculous! Does ANYONE have that kind of money to blow? If I
PLENTY of other things to do with it!  Pay bills, go on vacation, put it in savings, pay my kids college tuition.
Can you blow a hairdryer on low on it or a space heater on low? Might help. nm
Same here, inside of nose freezes when breathing.nm
I hate the ones that suck their snot up through their nose! UGH!...NM
Vacuum it out or blow it out. I also would pick mine up and drop it from about
4 feet.  My boss at the time said she did the same thing.  
Maybe you should both get your nose out of the bible and live the life He gave you...

I just opened the post regarding Jen having an ugly nose and there was the OSi ad. No hunt here. I
the post about Jen's ugly nose lol

I guess they are enjoying their ad campaign on here though trying to drive the moderators nuts
Blowing nose, sniffing, hacking, spitting,,yuk!

I transcribed a doc and I swear he was sick all the time.  Really gross. 


Sticky 'note' ...not stone. All notes have an opportunity to blow away.

Let it go. 

blow up pools - does anyone know if there are permits required by the town you live in for these?
under HEENT: Nose - moderatly DEMONSTIMINATES more on the right than on the left, no erythema, sm

GARA discharge.

I cant make out these words at all.  I sloooooowed him all the way down.  Sped him up.  Took my earphones off.

I'm ready to take the bridge over here.  Any clues?  THANKS

ENT=Ears, nose and throat. HEENT=Head, eyes,
7th Heaven
I am really going to miss it too! I love 7th Heaven!
7th Heaven
Hard to find good shows the whole family can watch. We will miss it.
I would be in heaven
Lordy, I would be so thrilled if I could make 200 lines an hour! 
Why in heaven do you even have to "ask" him? - sm
This is a tool of your trade.  If your husband were a carpenter and needed a saw, would he ask you?  I can assure you he wouldnt. He would just run out and get one.   Just go get one for goodness sake.
Kevin is heaven?
If kevin is heaven then.....aw nevermind...lol

good voice but do we really want a nerd to represent America???

I'd rather just pay the money and go to heaven.

I would do it again for my kids' sake, but sm
not because I enjoy it. If I could ever figure out what else I could do at home as a professional of some sort (rather than selling something), I'd be back to school to do it.
Do you work in heaven?
Man, I'd love a job at home with full benefits. Not many of those around here (Los Angeles), if any at all. If the company I
previously worked for at home had those, I never would have gone back to the word-factory of in-house transcription! Consider yourself very blessed!
well for heaven sakes, huh FUN FUN FUN

I need to watch now, getting a bit weary of so many this-and-that contest though.  Awaiting return of Dancing with the Stars though. Loved it last time, so fun fun fun.  I've seen Alicia Keys on Leno, brought back two in quick time, she played piano and say.  She is good and so young, so many of them are so young and really have talent too not just a lot of loud hoopla of this-and-that. 

How exciting for you both.  

for sanity's sake
I have been an MT/homeschooling mom for 7 years now. I work from 5:30am-9am and then from 7-10pm. We school from 9-12:30. I actually sit with my kids the whole time. They will do reading and some independent work in the evening(homework). From 1-5 is our park time, ballet, karate, etc. Fridays we have off for co-ops, field trips, and errands. This works great for us. Try finding a homeschool support group in your area so that you can get more involved. Your kids need it also. I am in Florida and here kids are allowed to participate in public and private school extracurricular activities. If you have older kids this may be a good option for them as well. But by finding a support group it will give you some interaction.
Please, just for my own sake, what money
do you think you would make as opposed to what you make per week now? Give me a ball park figure on your salary, do you work full or part and I will get back with you on this and let you know what I make doing VR, ok?
For Pete's sake!!!
English is our official language. People should speak English fluently before even being hired for a job here unless it is of course labor, but even those people should be required to be in school learning English before being promoted to anything that has any level of responsibility!! I agree with the original poster and that does not make me a bigot. I am married to a Mexican and have half Mexican children but my husband was in school learning English when we were dating and I could type his dictations all day long if he were a doctor because he learned it fluently or I wouldn't have married him!! It gripes the heck out of me when I hear MTs make excuses for these people, and I am not talking about all foreigners. I am talking about the ones who speak such horrible English that it does not even sound like English and I would say after 9 years of doing this that equals about 2/3rds of them!! They should not even be allowed to practice medicine here. Would you want one of them operating on you?? Come on let's get real here!! Even my husband agrees so don't be calling anyone bigots when we are just being honest and real!! Also, if I were a business owner which I have been in the past I would never hire someone who did not speak English that is unintelligable and then I would probably be sued for discrimination, what a joke!! Don't you people realize that they are also affecting our business community, our economy??? Businesses cannot operate when there is bad communication or miscommunication, etc. Haven't you had things messed up because of getting an Indian on the phone from New Delhi and having to force them to put someone else on the line that can understand what you are even saying?? I had a plane reservation messed up for my 15 year old daughter flying across country because of a man screwing it all up because he did not speak well enough English to understand what I was saying. I won't name the airline but you never reach an English as a FIRST language speaking person and I will NEVER fly with them again!! People this is not just about our jobs, this actually can be dangerous!! I ALSO have discontinued all business with any of the other companies I did business with previously who when I call are Indian. That is a whole different issue though, the outsourcing, but they both gripe the heck out of me and it has nothing to do with them personally. I love everyone equally. I don't care what nationality they are, but you have to look at this practically not emotionally......
Oh for pity's sake
How about Americans get used to the fact that their country is a mixture of different peoples/culture/languages and try just a little harder to understand and be understood?

Or would that interfere too much with the American Arrogance factor? :)
For Pete's sake, let it go

Seriously.  Let it go.  See my post above re paranoid nuts.

I use that phrase all the time and my African American girlfriends call me Casper I'm so white.


Glad you have your own space for your sake SM
Lots to discuss and now you can do it without us peering over your shoulder and commenting right and left. :) Good luck to all of you!
Oh, for Pete's sake, just hire another MT...sm
to cover the account if you want to take a vacation. If you are working as an IC, you should be able to pay more than enough to make it worth her while. Ideally, you get enough work to hire one more person to work with you, and the two of you work together to cover off times and sick days. Honestly, can't anyone think their way out of a paper bag?