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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I've bought Allegra from Canada on-line

Posted By: joanm on 2008-03-12
In Reply to: Has anyone bought Rx drugs from Canada online? (sm) - Rambling Rose

sites for years and have never had a problem. I usually get the generic of Allergra. Try progressiverx.com. Prices are great!

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Has anyone bought Rx drugs from Canada online? (sm)
Was your experience favorable?  Were the drugs compatible with USA drugs.   Allegra is an OTC in Canada and I can get it for 67 cents per pill as compared to $2.50 per pill in the USA.   Lot of difference when you don’t have insurance!
Canada? When did Canada become a third world country?


I'm studying coding too. I've been looking at different courses plus I bought SM

Step by Step Medical Coding by Carol J. Buck along with the workbook that goes along with it.  So while I'm trying to decide on a school, I can be studying on my own.  According to the AHIMA website though with my years of experience as an MT, I am eligible to take the certification exam without having to complete a formal coding course.  Transcription is considered part of the HIM department and thus if you have worked in any position in HIM, you are qualified to take the test.

So, I may find that studying on my own will benefit me better than paying money for a course I'm not sure about.  I also have the benefit of tuition reimbursement with my employer and I may take advantage of that if I find a program I like.

So, I'm with you!  Let me know what school you decide on or what avenue you decide to take.  Might help me make the decision in the long run!

I've always verified every line I've typed (I have my ways) -sm
If you're supposed to be paid a certain $/line, that's what you should be getting no matter how they do billing unless of course it's specified in YOUR contract with THEM.

BTW, I've never caught a company cheating me ever.
I did it girls. I tossed my old headset in the trash and bought Bose. I've got a long
I've seen anywhere from 2 cents/line up to
I've given up on a decent line count. SM
I'm just waiting to be let go and hope I can get unemployment. I don't know how people get a decent line count on DQS.
I bought a wedge at Michael's for about 59 cents. Bought one for my SM
Lanier station so I could see the display and one for my keyboard.
OMG--4 cents/line? I've never heard of rates that low (SM)
Please, Gaile, you are worth so much more than that. My first job with MQ in 2001 I earned 7.7 cents per line. Since that at other jobs I have earned 8 cpl, 10 cpl, and now about 9 cpl. Please do not sell yourself short. Two years experience is enough to get much better than that. Good luck to you whatever you decide to do.

I've had low line counts for about a month, but for other reasons
I've just been in a general "funk" after losing a close family member in November. I find my mind wandering while I work. But it's getting better. Occasionally, though, there are days when I'm going along really great, and then I just seem to get a gang of bad dictators, ESL and Non-ESL. That's very frustrating -- having a good day and then BAM! Mush mouths and speed talkers. Part of the job, tho.

I've been screwed over by the big phone companies too, but once you switch to a business line,
a lot more options are opened up to you. Talk America has an unlimited long distance business line for $49.95. I've been with them for over a year now. I also tried calling cards, which are an even bigger rip off.
The above poster is right. Sadly, I've been on Escription for four years and my line counts
were going down. Apparently, the hospital decided we were being overpaid so they manipulated the way were paid i.e. footers, headers etc. They could change it to whatever they wanted and the MTSO did nothing as they wanted to keep the contract.  So we had to suck up and take the reduction, along with the fact that all of our work was/is being sent to India so it's slim pickens most days unless you want the crappy accounts.  I would ask a lot of questions, but as a whole, Escription accounts and the companies who have it rarely like to pay a decent livable cpl. JMO
I've been seeing a lot on this board about fonts and font size affecting line counts and I was...

wondering how this is possible?  I mean if your lines are based on a 65 character line then what difference does the font type or size make?  I mean, a character is a character whether it's type in Arial, Times New Roman, or Courier.

I use MP Count to count my lines and I decided to do a little test.  I typed a document and saved in Arial 10 and 12 font type and size, Times New Roman 10 and 12 font type and size, and Courier 10 and 12 font type and size.  And then I ran a line report on each individual document counting lines by 65 characters per line strict (no spaces) and came up with 24 lines each time in each font type and size.

There was an MT below who was saying she types in Arial for her client, but bills them for Courier like it made a difference in the lines.  Maybe I'm missing something, but I just don't see how it makes any difference at all.

Canada Day
I know this is late, but Happy Canada Day to you too!! :)
I wonder if she was from Canada. sm
Used to have a doc from Canada who talked like that. It was hilarious to see how it printed out from voice recognition.
Where in Canada was this??
Did you go to private school in the U.S.?
MQ has offices in Canada, have you tried them??
MT in Canada
There don't seem to be any large companies like in the States. It seems most jobs are in-house with the hospitals. I consider myself very lucky to have found steady work at home with a Canadian company.
Hey what about canada
I live in canada and I would love to edit reports from home. If you know of any jobs, let me know okay.! It is desperate up here for jobs!! Hubby out of work and so am i!!


offered overflow work from Canadian company at 9 cpl. Don't know if this is good or not. Can anyone help advise me, I really need it. Thanks.


Hi Janett, could you provide the company name that is offering this job?  I live in Canada and was just curious......

You can email me privately if you want to.  Thanks so much.

What does Canada
have to do with the price of tea in China?

Hi Molly - I'm currently taking the Canscribe course and it is excellent.  From everything that I've read they are the best school in Canada.  I would certainly look into it further.  The course is very thorough, well layed out and very user friendly!  I'm pretty sure employers are happy to hire Canscribe graduates.
So where will the MDs run if both Canada and

So, the issue is because all the MDs in Canada left and came to the USA because they did not agree with the government run health care?

So if USA goes to the same thing, where will all the MDs run to?  Don't they have the same thing in Europe, too? 

I just don't understand.  Will they all leave the profession?  It is because they want more money than the government will pay? 

It just all does not make sense to me.  Reading this, I am more apt to blame the doctors than the government.  They are the ones protesting the system and running away, all because they want more money. 

Please tell me if I am understanding this wrong. 

Maybe at the very least, we will get younger doctors getting into medicine for the right reasons and not so much for the big paycheck. 

But I am probably understanding this whole thing wrong.

Thanks for your reply.  I will probably read it again a couple times because it takes me a while to register things.  Thanks. 

MT Companies in Canada
What part of Canada are you from?
Canada drugs
I used them. Did not seem to have any problems. I figure you do not hear of Canadians dropping dead left and right from using the medication. Saved some money.
Hello there Canada :) Here is an idea.
Spheris offers training for a price and then will place you in a position. They hire Canadian MTs.
offshoring to Canada sm
My supervisor said offshoring includes what MQ does which is "offshoring" to Canada.  Are they saving money there?
$2.73 here on Vancouver Island, BC Canada
Its $1.05 a litre and with the conversion, about $2.70 a gallon. Yikes, when will it stop going up??
Ditto on that, just did a report on a guy from Canada who came to the U.S.
surgery....would have actually died if he had waited for the doc's in Canada to operate (obstructing adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder)...he'd been told he would have to wait 3-4 weeks to even get it dealt with in Canada...so it had the brains to come here to get it done....granted he's fighting with Canadian insurance now but at least he is alive.
Your welcome, Canada :) You snowbirds keep warm up there.
Errr...should be ~You're welcome, Canada."
C*H*E*C*K in America! Eh? Don't like it? Go back to Canada!
Enjoying the slaughter Canada?
They ought to ship a video of the baby seal slaughter with every piece of seal skin attire they sell.

And don't forget to catch a glimpse of the seal mothers going nearly insane with fear and pain as they watch their babies being clubbed to death in front of them.

Please write to the Canadian prime minister (or whatever they call the leader of that sick country) to express your outrage. That is, if you feel any at all.
Canada pharmacy recommendation

I've personally used this pharmacy in Canada by mail and they have been great.


I was wondering the same thing about Canada.....
My line including spaces is 65 characters. I've heard that not counting spaces
takes away over 35% of your line count. I believe it too because you have at least 15 or so spaces on each line that you type. Use your first sentence up top as an example; you had 77 char and 21 spaces - in that line that would be a little less than 30% of your characters that you didn't get paid for. I don't think it's worth it and wouldn't want to work without getting credit for my spaces.
A gross line is anything on a line is a line. A line set at 65 characters means it sm
has 1-inch margins on each side. The maximum number of characters on that line would be 65 and that includes spaces. If there is 1 character on that line it is a line.

A standard 65-character line usually consists of 65 characters with spaces unless, of course, the employer does not pay for spaces and then it would be 65-characters without spaces.
I will take canada's health care in a nanosecond
Well, I gotta tell ya, I would love to have Canada's health care, as I dont have health care..You see, if you are an SE, MQ does not offer health care.  So, universal health care through the govt, IMHO, is better than paying out of my pocket.
My experience was the opposite living in Canada.
I found their schoolwork to be remedial compared to what I learned in the U.S.  In Canada, they used to have me work in the library and clean the teachers' lounge because the work didn't challenge me.  In the U.S., I was able to take advanced and college prep classes so I didn't get bored with school.
Seeking home-based MT job from Canada!!!

Hello, I am seeking a full-time MT job from home (in Canada). I want to work for a great company that pays well. I also want my computer and all required supplies paid by the company. I will pay for high speed internet!! Where I reside, we have fibreoptic telephone lines - therefore it is the best place to do medical transcription, the quickest speed of voice data and the clearest in north america!! We also rarely have storms here! I live in New Brunswick, 1 hour for calais, Maine.

I have 5+ years of experience and I am also a coder trained in Toronto. HOpe to hear from you soon. Thanks!






Can't remember but someone hiring in Canada on Job Board.
How do you folks feel about work going to Canada?
Yes... I heard on another forum out of Canada that they don't always pay on time...nm
In Canada, my relatives waited months for an
Many co. use Canadian MTs. There are also many accounts in Canada held by U.S. MTSOs
Scribes Data Canada Independent Contractors out there???

I have been working at home as an independent contractor for Scribes Data out of Ontario, Canada for the past three years and have loved working for them. I have worked my way to the top of the pay scale and am currently earning between $38-$40/hour. Recently I have been contacted twice by management asking me to consider becoming a full-time employee with benefits rather than an independent contractor. This would mean a dramatic decrease in pay... a $17,000/year base salary plus 60-70 cents/minute of dictation. For the last year I had been paid $1.60/minute of dictation, but just this past month they decreased that to $1.50/minute, stating that was more in line with their pay structure and that I would only be earing $1.60/minute on the radiology dictation I typed. And then a couple of weeks later they contacted me again statingn that I was no longer going to type any radiology dictation unless I was needed and then I would still only be paid the $1.50/minute.

This decrease in pay of 10 cents/minute does not really concern me, it just means I may have to work a littel longer than my normal 5 1/2 hours per day and I do not have a problem with that. My concern is that they are really going to push me to become an employee and just keep taking accounts away from me until I do just that.

Just wondering if there is anybody else out there who may be worried about the same thing.


Not many. A lot of Indians use Canada as a crutch to gain US business and
for processing.  You'd probably do better at MTGab since it is a Canadian MT site.
A big reason is because offshore (India, etc.) have flooded Canada & try
to pass themselves off as "Canadians" to get transcription business in the US.  It's really sad because good Canadian MTs ultimately get the shaft.
How would you like to go to Canada and be on a months-long waiting list
just to get a CT scan? Or cardiac bypass done? That is exactly what happens over there as we have friends over there who have given us first-hand accounts of their struggles with Canada's medical system. My daughter has shunted hydrocephalus. If I have any question about how she's acting, if she may be experiencing shunt failure, I take her in to her neurosurgeon and she is in for an MRI or CT immediately... that day. When she had a shunt failure a couple of years ago when she was 5, while we were out of town, she was taken to the emergency room, had a CT, had helicopter ride back to our home hospital 1-1/2 hours away, was in surgery, and home the next day. I would be scared to death to be living in another country.