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I've 2 children and live in TN. LOL

Posted By: DP on 2005-09-11
In Reply to: 1,000 as a single person with no exemptions - ...for DP

I can see that it bothers you very much for anyone to be anything less than employee, but frankly it is a CHOICE for us!! We do it for a reason!!!

You sound very much like a recuiter! LOL

Thank you for your advice but I've been there and done that and I will not go back. Thanks though! Just don't worry - we all have options in case we change our minds!!!

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Close to where I live, several children molested
at night and get this, the molester was entering by a) an unlocked door or b) a window that was left open. You hit the nail on the head saying don't help a criminal out. Oh, years ago I used to read the true crime books and I would scare myself silly. Been years since I read any of those.
Internet. And I've never been more in love. Been together almost 9 years and have 3 children
also, he was already established and owned his own home when we met. He had been out of college for 2 years when a buddy suggested the internet. I was going through a divorce (he's 4 years older than me) and lived 5 states away from each other.
Some said I was insane, but now they envy our relationship and the life we've built together. God is good.
oops should've have read "older children"...n/m

Same with me. I've had to learn to live with much less money.
I don't know! I've heard people live longer with a healthy sex life.
I do this job with young children around and neither my job nor children have suffered...
It can be done...
why no, i don't live in snobville. did you think you knew me? i live in heritage hills a suburb
it takes a little longer to get to work and shopping but thank god i have some privacy and am away from the congestion.  lovely trees and lakes all around.  maybe about 20 minutes to a large shopping mall.  but no, i don't even know where snobville is.
why yes the quality of air where i live is quite different than where the city people live.
Lots of pollution.  That's why everyone is moving away from the city and areas zoned for multiple housing units and low income housing and trailer parks.  Population is dense and near manufacturing.  So yes, the air is different but millions of people pay a little extra for the quality, the space and privacy afforded to those who move out of polluted crowded areas such as you defend.  There is always a reason why some areas and housing is cheaper than others.  Maybe it is the air and maybe it's something you can't quite put your finger on but you know you would prefer not to live in certain areas.  You know what I mean or are you living in one of those areas?  They tell after awhile you block out the sounds, the smells and get used to the pollution.  I don't know.  I didn't stay long enough to test the theory.  My mental and physical health is way too important to me. 
I know they live a long time, so if there is a chance they will out live you - sm
make sure you make provisions for them in your will. I have only had cockatiels and some finches, so don't really know anything about the bigger birds. I love African Grey's but they are very expensive.
Live and let live. Don't force your lifestyle on me.
I used to live in MN now I live in MS and they were both cold last night!
Will take MS cold over MN cold any day, and I don't miss the snow. I miss the Mall of America, though!
I live in PA, can I help? If they are close to where I live, I would go check them out for ya!
Where in PA is this company?
I use EXText with my current job and I've used at a couple of other jobs I've had. I've ne

used DocQscribe, but I have used Meditech, Cerner, Vianeta, the Precyse platform (I can't remember the name), Dolbey, and  Lanier platform I think was called Cequence (?). 

Out of all the different platforms I have typed on, I have liked EXText the best.  In my opinion, it's very user friendly, easy to learn, and I really like ESP which is the built in abbreviation expander.  Plus it is very easy to create your own normals which I love.  My fingers literally never leave the keyboard because there are macro keys for everything.  You can use your mouse if you prefer or learn the function macros.  I love it.  I think I'm more productive on EXText than with any other platform.

You must live where I live. I ran into the same sort of SM
situation when I was the president-elect of the local chapter and the VP-elect of the state chapter. I bailed out. There was no fighting it.
LOL! Don't live in NH. Live in ConnectiTAX. LOL NM
Can you live on 7.75 cpl or do you need 9.5 cpl. If I could live at the lower, that is what I
Both of my children, now 23 and 24,
bought their own cars and neither of them had a new car. I don't think it hurt them, either. They both were proud of the fact that they did buy their own cars and I was proud of them, too.
Wow that's a lot! We have 4 children and
we probably will not spend that much on all 4 of them. Glad you can afford it.
May you and your children have the
Merriest Christmas ever!  As the Christmas carol sings "God is NOT dead nor doth He sleep."  I am so happy your children will have Santa Claus this Christmas, and that you feel loved!! That's what Christmas is all about. I thank you...  Merry Blessed Christmas to ALL!
I have 5 children and have had many a
I agree, something for myself would have been neat. My absolute favorite thing was when someone brought me something special, like something they made or had made for my baby. Those are really the things I remember when thinking back on my showers, and the things I still have today.
32/F, three children
And what did your children get?
I definitely think having children has something

Does she have other children who can help
relieve some of the care? Does her insurance pay for ANY nursing care? I know what you mean. We were all on shifts as well. Is there a GOOD home she could go to? Even one that isn't a nursing home per se, but adult foster care? My grandmother lived in one. It was very nice and had less than 10 residents and people with various types of needs lived there. My aunts and uncles decided to do this (it was self pay) because they figured if she lived with any one child, that the responsibility probably wouldn't end up being shared by all, and this way they were all responsible for her even though she lived separately from them. Is there a hospice/nursing agency that can offer free or cheap respite care? How about through their church? Even if they could get an evening or a few hours away together, that's a start. They need to preserve their marriage too.
think of your own children if you have any....sm
Would you want them to have to care for you?  All I want for my children is to be happy.  I would never want to put that burden on them and, believe me, it is a burden regardless of how you feel about your parents.  Caring for an ILL elderly parent can be a nightmare.  Caring for an elderly parent is totally different.  I've had to do both and, BTW, so did my parents.  My mother, when in her 50's, now 92, made me promise to never try to have her live with me.  I have done the same with my children.  I do everything I can to help her including bringing her to my home to care for her when she is ill or has had recovery from surgeries.  I don't think the "Waltons" is a realistic plan in this day and age.  If you want to destroy your marriage and stress your children, move your parents into your home. 
If you have children under a certain age...
...you can be excused for years from jury duty by submitting a copy of their birth certificates to the court.

Currently, I'm a single parent with 2 kids in elementary school. I have been excused from jury duty twice now; once when I lived in PA and both kids were just babies and again recently excused from serving or being called to serve here in NY for a few more years by submitting a copy of the birth certificate.

The courts will not force a primary caregiver with minor child(ren) to serve as long as you provide them a copy of the birth certificate.

I would think this also applies to anyone who is a sole caregiver of a chronically ill or elderly family member, but you would have to call your courthouse to find out for sure.
We are not children and by that I mean...

we don't have to go crying to the moderator whenever we feel someone is being mean.  I think MT30+'s biggest sin is she's just blunt.  Personally, I appreciate straight forward people.  I don't have time to pick through all the fat to get to the meat.  And, of course, I am one of the blunt people.

I think some need to simply grow up.  You can't spend your life kissing your perceived boo boos and tattling on the "bullies."  Momma always said the only way to get rid of a bully, is to stand your ground and take your lumps.  And don't hold a grudge.  Just move on. 

Each state has different laws. Where I live, if I have clients in the same state I live in, yes I ne
have clients from another state, no I do not need a license. Every state is different. I checked with my attorney and the State Business offices.
children and nitwits
You still don't get it. No matter how old they get, they are still your children but I no longer have the right to make their decisions for them. If your comprehension was good enough, you would have known that as they left my home and started their own lives, I had no further voice in what they did, but until that day, I did have a voice in what they did as far as consequences of bad decisions is concerned. If I am paying for the roof over your head and the food on the table, I do have a say. And being 18 does not make you an adult, nor does 30 or 80. When your child can make good sound decisions about their life and how their decisions impact on others, then you've done a good job. Your silly little cartoon characters in your messagee show that you do not have a command of the English language and I am done with this discussion because it is too complicated for you to understand. I think you probably had your nose and ears pierced too many times and too deeply.
Not everyone is here to "love" your children. SM

I dont expect day care to "love" my children.  Geez.  I expect them to care for them and watch them when I cannot be there. 

I do have to say, however that the day care my kids are in is a close-knit community.  The staff is very friendly and really get involved with each kid individually to some extent.  Everybody knows everybody, even though it is a fairly large day care.  There is a younger toddler room, an older toddler room, an intermediate room, and a pre-K room.  As well as a big room for before-school and after-school programs for the bigger kids. 

All of the kids in my children's classes are really close.  We all celebrate B-days together and even get invited to Christmas parties and all kinds of nice things.   They throw lots of events around the holidays.  They even have a mom's night out at the day care once a year.  It is like a little community.  They have lots of safety speakers coming in and educated the kids on what to do during an emergency.  I dont see why my kids would not benefit from being a part of something like this. 

It is a great thing to be a part of.  They treat you like family.  I do understand that not all day cares are the same.  I went on a lot of tours of local day cares and I picked this one because I could pick up on the vibe that this was not your oridinary day care.  They are just such great people.  I can honestly say that I love them all.  I love the friends that my kids made and I have grown to love their families and also the teachers.  They are all truly a wonderful bunch. 

So I don't care for my children because I
choose to work my job. Because I choose to be done with work at 5 and not have to work all night as my children play at my feet. Your absolutely right! That makes me a horrible mother. I mean wanting to give them the social graces, the ability to interact with other children and spend the evening with them without my computer in their face--what a bad mommy I am!
I was trying to be nice. Even to children like you

I was only asking an honest question.

I didn't realize there were children posting on this board.

My son is only 15, but he is fortunate enough to have parents that want to help him so that he will not end up being an eternal bitter child, such as those whose parents obviously haven't bothered to realize that there was a possibilty of their child becoming a total waste of time.

And speaking of wasting time, I'm doing just that. And you should be going upstairs to check on your parents.

I believe it is important for children too..
That does still does not mean that since you made a mistake in your life that you are not entitled to the same rights as everyone else. Could've, should've, would've. We can point fingers and tell people what they should have done, but the fact is, they have rights like everyone else. Of course you tend to do better financially when you do things in the right order. Life does not always work like you want it to though. I myself got pregnant while on BC with a man I had been with for 4 years. I had my son before I got married. We got married when he was less than a month old. He was our only witness. We have since had another child. I have never been on assistance, but I am lucky enough that we have been able to work out our problems and keep our marriage intact. If I could do it all over again, I would have waited, of course. We have struggled quite a bit by having kids so young. Life just doesn't always work out how you want it to though. I want my daughter to get married first and then have children, as do all mothers. Those are things I will teach her too.
Sorry, that should be heard Jen did not want children yet. nm
my children are minorities
my children are interracial, black father, white mother.  however, they dont know the first thing about Kwanza.  They are raised to believe that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. 
For children, it's best to let them decide.
It can be healing or traumatic. I do think I'd have her go to the funeral home once, set it up so she only has to be there a short time, help her understand it's time to say goodbye and let go (whether close or not). I've been through a Catholic funeral and don't think I'd force a child to be there. It's good that neither you or DH are forcing one way or the other. Talk with your daughter and help her decide what's really best. Just don't let her hide from the fact that she needs to say goodbye to grandma, close or not.
26 with 2 small children.
GOD BLESS YOU with 5 children!!! *S*...nm
I am 49, two children (ages 26 and 20). nm
I have 5 children, two of which have been babies...
It is not always easy, but you do what you want to do. You will make it work if you try and find out what works best for you. Don't put your baby in daycare just to make it easier on yourself. You can work around the baby!
I smile, say "I don't have children, thanks." nm

I don't think anyone said violence against children was okay...

Maybe our children go to the same college.   


I will start

One daughter goes to Sacred Heart University in Connecticut.  The other daughter will be going to UMass at Amerst in the fall.  

Can I Trade Children - LOL
My daughter is only 12 and it's like pulling teeth to get her to save any money. As soon as she gets some (any amount) it burns a whole in her pocket and boom it's gone. So now I've taken to keeping all the money I give her for her allowance and when she wants something she has to come to me for the money so that way I can make sure she puts some away.
second time. I had 2 children, he had none.
Very good marriage, We have 2 other children now.
I think most people who can't have children
of their own opt for adopting a child from infancy so they too can have the experience of raising a child. Now, if only people who already have children of their own or these celebs with all the money to burn would find room in their hearts for one more and adopt a grown child - wouldn't that be something?
I see mostly celebs getting children from
overseas...that's why they are able to get newborns so easily. A friend of the family recently adopted a baby from overseas. It cost them some money, but they had no problems. Newborns are the most sought after. Unfortunately, it is the older children who are suffering more and need homes. Maybe you should try and find a place for an older child in your home if you want to adopt so badly. Giving up on adoption is giving up on a child, if that is truly something you want to do.
Children with disabilities
I have two children who have mild autism.  My husband and I fought the school system for years.  The special education department told us, "I can't see your son analyzing novels."  He could not multiple, subtract, add, divide, or any simple math that a 9th grader should be able to do.   My oldest son is now in 9th grade and has not learned what he should have in public school.  After doing much research, we came up with a plan to homeschool our son and he can analyze novels!  He is finally learning!  We have our work cut out for us as he is many years behind, but he will catch up.  We have had such great success with him that we are going to home school our younger son as well.  Home schooling is not for everyone.  You will know if and when you are ready to home school when you have had enough.  It was the best decision we ever made!  For us, it was the light at the end of the tunnel!
Actually, many in our area have children
they have sick children all week long, they don't work, so no excuse there. They wait until the weekends to do all their healthcare for ALL their children, sometimes up to 4 to 5 children. They have all week long to get good healthcare at good clinics that do take their insurance or even at the local health department, but they wait until Friday evenings and BOOM....while others sit in the waiting room that are indeed in need of immediate care.
I believe it is, since they are watching your children & (sm)
in the event of an emergency such as an allergy, should you not disclose something it would not benefit anyone. Especially your child. I do ER transcription and have had kids come in to the ER with new onset diabetes, and the nurse knew to check since it was in the family history, so that is something to think about.
My children are grown and now
I am still working at home.  Get to be grandma now.  Don't forget $3 for a gallon of gas also.