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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I'm sure India, Pakistan, Philippines...

Posted By: UTMT on 2006-10-11
In Reply to: You're looking for a union. That's a different ballgame. - BTW...the world recognizes the AAMT, not just the

and perhaps a few others.  But the WORLD...no....not even most healthcare providers in the U.S.A.  If you really believe what you said, you've have been misled.

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Peoplesupport is philippines and lartech is india but they don't
operate out of a house.
Aim the missles at India & Pakistan
One way to get rid of some of our nuclear arsenal....
Advertise in India & Pakistan, not the U.S.

Six Cents is an excellent income if you live in India or Pakistan!
If a client told me that was the rate of pay they're offering, you'd be amazed just how quickly that conversation would come to an abrupt end. 
So what, they're still in the Philippines, it right on

Our country sucks when it comes to teamwork.  My experience is in hospital transcription and 95% foreign dictators.  Most of my dictators are from India and surrounding countries.  Give up you all, India is already way ahead of us!
Used to think we were using India, but now realize India is using us for our med. info, jobs,
They answered. Said he was from Pakistan and that all MTs
ID being stolen in Pakistan
There is probably less chance of your ID being stolen in Pakistan than the United States, where I had my stolen.
Yes, he's from Pakistan. He didn't hire himself though.
The quality I see coming out of Pakistan and Egypt still bites the big one.
how do you know for certain that Sheri is not an honest person? and Dr. Ahmed is from Pakistan, the
or is there any owner here. No one answers any of my questions. I have been posting all day.
It is owned by Zeshan Ahmed from Pakistan. It is no longer
Zeshan Ahmed from Pakistan. He posted it right here. I have zero comfort
this website. I can't believe you would be.
18,000+ have perished in Pakistan. A terrible tragedy has occured in the world, we should
whether offshore services can't work.  Any way you look at it, people are people.  To the original poster, have some respect.
Death toll in Pakistan rises up to 30,000. Whatever your belief system is please think of the
Strike in Pakistan slowing down offshored work here. Just another example of offshore
Remember that Pakistan co who threatened to post medical records on the Net?

REMEMBER WHEN THIS STORY BROKE? Finally, somebody is dealing with the issue. Check this out!


VA IT security gaps extend to contractors
06/14/06 -- 04:15 PM
By Mary Mosquera,

Rep. Buyer: Department CIO needs IT security enforcement authority
[b]The Veterans Affairs Department said today that it has been investigating allegations that an offshore medical transcription subcontractor last year threatened to expose 30,000 veterans’ electronic health records on the Internet in a payment dispute with a VA contractor. [/b]
The VA assistant inspector general referred to the investigation during questioning in a congressional hearing on VA’s data security environment in the wake of the theft of sensitive data of 26.5 million veterans, active duty military and reserves officers.

The medical transcription incident highlights how gaps in information security also extend to contractors, said Michael Staley, VA’s assistant inspector general for auditing. Some VA medical transcription contractors have used offshore subcontractors in India and Pakistan without VA’s approval and without adequate controls to ensure veterans’ health information was secure under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, according to an audit released today.

“Contracts do not specify criteria for how to protect information,” Staley told the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

Staley enumerated audits of information management security under the Federal Information Security Management Act, the Consolidated Financial Statement and Combined Assessment Program that revealed significant vulnerabilities. These include VA not controlling and monitoring employee access, not restricting users to only the data they need and not terminating accounts of departing employees in a timely manner.

In last year’s FISMA review, the IG provided 16 recommendations, including addressing security vulnerabilities of unauthorized access and misuse of sensitive information and data throughout VA demonstrated during its field testing. All 16 recommendations remain open, he said.

Audits also found instances where out-based employees send veterans’ medical information to the VA regional office through unencrypted e-mail; monitoring remote network access and usage does not routinely occur; and off-duty users’ access to VA computer systems and sensitive information is not restricted.

“VA has implemented some recommendations for specific locations identified but has not made corrections VA-wide,” he said.

From fiscal years 2000 to 2005, the IG identified IT and security deficiencies in 141, or 78 percent, of 181 Veterans Health Administration facilities reviewed, and 37, or 67 percent, of the 55 Veterans Benefits Administration facilities reviewed.

“We recommended that VA pursue a more centralized approach, apply appropriate resources and establish a clear chain of command and accountability structure to implement and enforce IT internal controls,” Staley said.

The underlying situation is the VA’s department CIO does not have authority to enforce compliance with data security and information management and recommendations from GAO, said Veterans Affairs Committee chairman Steve Buyer (R-Ind.).

Buyer traced problems in security enforcement to a memo dated April 2004 from the general counsel that said the department CIO did not have enforcement authority.

The CIO, undersecretaries who lead VA’s benefits, health and burial administrations, and the VA secretary share responsibility for enforcement, said Gregory Wilshusen, director of information security issues for the Government Accountability Office.

“Information security is a governmentwide problem, and we have talked with OMB about that,” said Linda Koontz, director of GAO’s information management issues.

Buyer expressed frustration that there are no consequences for “recalcitrant” agencies that do not correct problems that GAO has repeatedly highlighted. He cited the Privacy Act, which has been strengthened with consequences.

“If you have a bureaucracy so strong in the department that the secretary or political bodies are unable to act, don’t you think the president or vice president or OMB needs to know that because there are monetary consequences behind that inaction? I’m bothered that GAO doesn’t have the higher authority to which they can turn,” Buyer said after the hearing.

After several more hearings this month, Buyer and his committee will make recommendations or craft legislation. He suggested that Congress consider looking at strengthening FISMA.

“We can even come up with that in our language, but we’re not going to have jurisdiction over that. We’ll have to work with Mr. Davis [House Government Reform Committee chairman Tom Davis (R-Va.)] and his committee. I’d be more than happy to do that,” he said.

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So then this board is now owned by Dr. Zeshan Ahmed from Pakistan? Do I understand you correctly?
If it is in India next
india ads
You are right ... and I cannot imagine that these are even remotely sanctioned by MTStars mgmt. Will await their input before jumping to conclusions.
How about it is all going to India???
Why yes! It's very hot in India. (nm)
not sure, but if you were on the national do not call list maybe this would help?? since you do not know where they got your name from it might help. I am on that list and have not received any calls solicitating, selling, etc. thought this might help.

I am sorry to hear of your loss.  We might as well  face it, this industry is going to the birds.  I have lost four Docs because of outsourcing to India.  It is a shame that the Docs have to find a cheap way out because of all the overhead, malpractice, etc. that they have to pay.  I have been in this for four years and I thank God that I have 12 years doing medical billing, for which I am going back to school to do coding.  There is no job security in this industry, you are treated like dirt, you do not get paid on time and not treated like an employee should be and now EMR.  What is next?  Robots to do patient care?  Good luck to you, but I feel this is just a little wakening up call to all of us that things are changing and not for the good.

India MTs
Where did you get this info that there are more CMTs in India than here in the US? Just curious. Thanks
Most of these people, at least at a company I worked for, work 2 shifts every day - company paid for them to get their CMT.

One of the reasons there is still such poverty there is that India still has the caste system.  While becoming more westernized has improved the quality of living for the majority of Indians, those in the lower caste are not allowed the same opportunities.  They live in squalor without running water, food, education, etc.

This is very disgusting! How are we to compete with $500 a year. If India is so great why is it that they hire Americans to edit this crap all the time??? These companies do not understand you get what you pay for just like everything else in life. It's all about saving the allmighty buck. This is exactly why I and I'm sure others out there do not work for any company who offshores!!
Why India?

Interesting article in "The Record".  Would love to hear opinions on this. 


I believe Jax is in India, right?
India and CMT

Please tell me they are not only undercutting us in pricing, but they are also getting  a break on the CMT exam?  I am "saving up" to take it! – see below from MT India


"Moreover, with an aim to encourage experienced medical transcriptionists in India to align with global standards and broaden their career avenues, Prometric & AAMT have also announced a special price for the Certified Medical Transcription (CMT) certification exam, which will be available for USD 150 (reduced from previous available price of USD 275)."
I agree, the India thing may be part of some of the problems I have noticed lately. Things are in a bit of an upheaval. Certain accounts that were said to have been largely off-shored now seem to be back here and always going out of TAT. The one I'm working on now is like that, and I wish it would stay here because I like it a lot.
no - that's how they say it in India

Probably the one in India.
From India
Me too, about a year ago, but mine was from India, what nerve.
From India, of course! SM
 What I can't figure out, if WE can't understand the lot of them, how did they ever get through the recruiting/hiring interview and application process, and how to they communicate with their peers and patients?  Via interpreter??
Me neither whether that be here or in India..

I'm not real sure I see your point. 

I'm not being difficult.  I just don't understand how a fire would cause companies to not outsource.

There were fires in California.  There was a hurricane in Texas.  I am quite sure these two disasters did not spare places where medical records are kept. 

He/She is probably QA in India
If this were an Indian MT, all they'd have to do is send it to their several layers of QA. This is likely an Indian QA person who has nobody else to ask.
Are you in India?
Just curious, as the way you express yourself does not appear to be the usual English seen on the board.
Are you in India?
No offense, just wondering.
are you from India or some other sm
country? Schools give instructions on Expanders and macros! Oh that is funny! Goes right back to experience! You are not going to have high line counts without extensive experience and learning, learning, learning! MT schools don't have any business (IMO) teaching about expanders and short cuts. They nee to teach medical transcription.

Experienced MTs have worked without expanders and macros before that ever came about and made excellent money. Sometimes I cannot believe what I read on here.
India!! LOL

AAMT in India
LOL, that's a good one. Maybe next year!
Stay there in India.
And the companies want to outsource their work to these freaks. They spell careers as "carriers". LOL. I guess they don't care about quality transcriptionists that's for sure.
If you are really in India, which I doubt, but is entirely
possible, you may be interested to know that legislation is in the works to STOP all offshoring of any/all work which might "compromise the security" of U.S. "entities."  This includes, of course, healthcare records. 
They don't use camels in India
They use elephants-- sorry.
Surgery in India
I saw a clip on TV a while back about this.  It followed an American woman who had a hip replacement.  She was very pleased with her care and the outcome, and the price.
They outsource to India
They are funded by George Soros (look him up-- he has big bucks, is very "global", and has bankrupted a lot of foreign countries). Look at the two articles on the MT News board about Spheris. If you like all the new MQ rules and regulations, you will love Spheris, as they have all the same ones. I checked into them about 6 months ago and said, "No, thanks".
caution on SPI (India)
From their website: SPI has India facilities.

....Would you like India with your order sir?
I can understand how incredible it seems that fast food chains are outsourcing BPO services, BUT IT IS TRUE.