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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I'm not wasting 45 minutes of my time for a 2 minute voice file.

Posted By: Enjoy the crap that comes your way then. on 2006-12-23
In Reply to: If you don't want to "waste" your time, - then get out of the business.

I'm not wasting my time on a physician who can't or won't speak half way decently, English born or not. I don't have to work for crappy doctors. I found ones who are willing to make an effort if they can't speak English, they try and spell things as do my English docs. I've been an MT for a VERY long time. I'm an excellent MT and have nothing to prove to you. Have a wonderful holiday season filled with KINDNESS. Try being a little less judgmental. Sounds like you ride atop a very high horse.

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So it doesn't matter if you got a 30 minute file and only 3 minutes of it is actually dictation,
Right with you but you are wasting your time here. sm
Some of this thinking is too twisted for words.
oh please - stop wasting my time
you sound like a child
I think you'd be wasting your time and energy and
If you're hanging around waiting on work, you're the one deciding to do so.

When you run out of work, go file unemployment if you are working as an employee. Tell them immediately you are filing for unemployment since they are out of work and also looking for another position ... and then go do it.

You can't force companies to provide you with work if they don't have any. I don't think your argument holds any water at all. You're the one sitting around waiting on it.

a break as in wasting our time witht the BS and tell the truth.
blah, blah, blah, it's so hard with lying MTs and picking up the extra work and loads of e-mails and not much pay blah, blah, blah. You read the posts. You need a break from BS?
that is pretty much how I feel, just wondered if I was wasting time. nm
Two jobs don't equal one when it comes to making money and not wasting time. sm
Recommend looking for one good job.
I had a 21 minute file today that
took me around 1-3/4 hours.  I had to search high and low for a doctor's name and an NPs address, the doctor switched between chart notes and letters and DEXAs, and in general he is a crappy dictator.  I have to clean up a lot of what he says so he doesn't sound like a blithering id*ot.  Another doctor I can routinely do 20 minutes of dictation in one hour - all the same letter format and I rarely have to look up doctor names, his sentences are intelligent and coherent and I don't have to fix them.  It depends on what kind of dictator you get.  I hope you get a good one. 
USATasp charges 10 cents per minute for voice & 1/2 cent per line
email to info@usatasp.com and we'll get back to you.
You can also tell from the name on the voice file. sm
The files are named sequentially, lowest to highest. That should also help you to detemine which ones are the "oldest".
D/l them onto zip file and take with you. Voice
an .exe file is not a voice file
I'm no techie, but it sounds like they might've sent the wrong file by mistake. Or could it be a program you need for testing/working for them that they sent? What is the name of the file (if it is something you can say here)?
can't play voice file
I was sent a voice file to transcribe (test) and I can play it but not at the same time that I am in MS Word.  What am I doing wrong?  TIA
upload voice file
A good way to upload a voice file is to send it by FTP to an in-house computer. This keeps it off email and the web.

It wasn't on a voice file. It was on an old Lanier, but (sm)

my friend transferred it to a tape (she had the dictation) and I listened to it.  Gross.

free voice file software

I am in need of a software that plays .dvf files.  I currently use Gear Player, and although it plays a multitude of different files, I can't get it to play .dvf.  Does anyone know of a free one online I can try?  Thanks!! 

Do you have the voice file type checked for
Download the voice file to your computer.
Then open ES and load it in. If it's not a supported file format, you can get a program like Switch to convert it to a supported format.
Way to increase/decrease voice file.
I highly doubt that an itune voice file --sm
would be compatible with your software footpedal. my footpedal software recognizes certain types of voice fils like WAV or DSS, etc. but I seriously doubt if itunes uses those types of files. you can try though, but don't count on it. Save the file to a location where your digital voice player will locate it and try to open it. if your digital voice player will open it, your footpedal should work. but again, don't count on it.
Right click the voice file and save it to your computer.

Works great for me. Fave voice file player is an
Download Express Scribe (free player) and see if you can pull the voice file into it. nm
Start Stop voice file player and conflicts with Spyware Doctor

I was having problems with StartStop and talked to one of their techs this morning.  One of the bugs it was having was fixed when I turned off Spyware Doctor so I need a new anti-spyware program. 


I’m thinking of trying Spyware Blaster.  I called to see if there were any conflicts with that one but had to leave a message.  In the meantime, does anyone use StartStop voice file player and also use Spyware Doctor without any buggy conflict problems between the two softwares? 

I use a APC ES-500 with 30 minute battery time - sm
I think it was about $60. Best money I ever spent. We don't have a lot of power outages here but every now and them have a lot of flickers which noramlly would kick off the computer. I no longer have to worry about that, and lost work if I had not saved recently.
OMG! I was in shock for about 10 minutes first time I saw that!
Weird, but funny
How much time does it take you to do 60 minutes of dictation?
I talked to a newbie just the other day who has taken a course but has just started his first job and he blows my time clear out of the water!  I may  not be the fastest typer but 60 minutes in a couple of hours!  Does that seem real?
OMG!!! Why do ESL's sit there not dictating for 5 minutes at a time????
Geez, as if they're not annoying enough when they actually ARE talking! 
Daily minutes - time per tape

I have two Internal Medicine docs that average 25 to 35 minutes per day which equals about 500 to 600 lines each.  (time to do each tape 1 to 1.25 hours per tape)     Monthly line count is about 15,000 to 16,000 per month average .

Two oncology surgeons that dictate three days per week -- one is 25 to 30 minutes per day which can equal up to 1000 lines as a  lot of letters and consults the other surgeon is shorter about 10 to 15 minutes and equals about 300 to 400 per day. (time to do tape -- long ones about 1.5 hours and short about 20 to 30 minutes -- good money maker)  Monthly line count is about 11,000 to 12,000 per month

Plastic surgeon -- short chart notes only 10 minutes = 100 lines per day - 3 days per week.  Only get about 1000 lines per month if he has some letters.

Hand surgeon - some IME's, chart notes - 2 days per week depends but usually about 30 to 40 minutes per day.    About 4500 to 5000 lines per month.

Psychologist -- 3 to 5 psych consults - ADHD children - 35 to 40 minutes per report with accompanying letter about 600 to 700 lines per report/letter.  (takes me about 1.25 hours per report/letter)  About 4500 lines per month.

I have been doing these for so long I can type them in my sleep. 

But, if you don't need a lot of minutes per month it costs BIG TIME.
My UPS has an estimated battery time of 19 minutes
which gives me enough power to finish the report I'm working on and shut down my computer correctly.
Well, collectively it probably took 20 minutes of my time to post today.
My kids are out and about. I did all my work. I'm a good girl, you see! I don't really get your perceived "jab" at me at all.  Why do you think that because I am in favor of someone being an MT and keeping their precious baby at home as opposed to in day care, that somehow that means I say I spend every minute of my life focused on my kids? I really think when you respond like this, its because you are not confident in your own life - I won't delve deeper, but you feel guilty. Guilty enough to have to make fun of me and put imaginary words in my mouth.  I never said a whisper or innuendo that MT mothers with kids at home have to focus every second of their lives on their kids. That's ridiculous! We all know that!  And I assume you're the same poster above about camp? You use the same SM.  I am sorry to disappoint you that I don't understand your "revelation" about my identity! I never said a word here about camp, and don't follow that thought at all.  The OP asked if she could do it - be an MT and have a baby at home. I recognize another poster from below, childfree by choice. She and I have had some wonderful debates in the past, and I think we usually agree to disagree! But certainly nice meeting you, I think??
5 minutes tops; if not tend to waste too much time - sm
google what you think it may be, or key terms in the phrase and usually you can figure it out that way pretty quickly.

Question on what the average time is to transcribe 1 minute of dictation?

I know this is going to vary widely but any sort of general idea would be helpful.  I know this is a tough question!

Thanks for your help!

I also lost my sex drive the minute I got pregnant the first time....never got it back....that was 8
Am doing voice recognition for the first time (sm)
and thankfully being paid an hourly rate - but want to be sure I am doing enough work - could someone please give me some kind of an idea of how many of lines I should be doing per hour?  It's a pretty tough template - lots of bolding and jumping around and much of it has to be cut and pasted or deleted altogether. I was told between 100 and 200 by someone else - and I'm almost there - is this reasonable?   Thanks so much!
Voice Recognition wont take over in that amount of time.
Ask him next time to start a new file and not make it so large.

You might have to do a system restore to the time before she sent file. Vista is still too buggy
Paid by the minute... new to me... does $1.14/minute sound reasonable?
You would just be wasting money SM
My advice, adjust the line rate you are charging to accommodate their line counting method.  Be prepared to lose the client, though.  The problem you are having now is one the MTs working for large services fought and lost 7 or 8 years ago...just be glad you had a good run as far as money and welcome to our club.
If I were going to Honolulu, I sure wouldn't be wasting my
Can anyone say worthless?
you're wasting your life being an MT
Get that monkey outta there.
you're the one wasting bandwidth.
I used to say he nursed for 30 minutes every 30 minutes. I was trying to figure
out a way to strap him across my chest so he could help himself while I went about whatever it was I had to do.    I really miss those days too.  
Rename your normal.dot file to something else then restart Word. It will create a new file.
I think it is the same type of file, so rename it and replace your autocorrect file with your DQS us
Help..I lost my word file. How can I retreive a file that has been changed? sm

I was working on a large file and had saved it in Word. I then went back to work on the file and hit a key that made the page go blank.  When I went to close the document it asked me to save any changes on the document. I answered yes, and now when I click on that document it is all blank! Shouldnt the previous info saved be there, even if the current stuff is not? Please help me!! Thank you

Depends on the file format of the Short Cuts file.
ShortHand comes with a utility file that can import various formats. You can get that file with the trial download of SH.
Depends on the file format of the Short Cuts file.
ShortHand comes with a utility file that can import various formats. You can get that file with the trial download of SH.
Should be voice to voice (talking), not transcribing. nm