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I'm no computer genius but my monitor does it all the time sm

Posted By: Another KSMT on 2007-08-02
In Reply to: Emergency question for brilliant computers techs. sm - searching

When??  When my cell phone is near by and something goes on with it, like a message comes through via email (I have a BlackBerry now).  However, it did it before with my regular cell phone too - so I came to the conclusion that someone nearby was getting a phone call or something.  Nothing has ever happened to my monitor...

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Buying a new computer and cant decide on LCD monitor or regular monitor. Any opinions out there. The
LCD is 325.00 with 1 year warranty.
computer/monitor question
I would like to switch out my CRT monitor for a flat screen LCD monitor, any advice?  My hard drive works fine, just looking to clear up some space on my desk, and be a little kinder to my eyes.  Will I need to get any special adapters?  I do not want to purchase anything that is not a necessity.  TIA
How to measure a computer monitor?
Do you measure from 1 side to the other or inside only. Thanks.
Can anyone tell me an environmentally safe way to dispose of old computer monitor? TIA


I just had Hot Wheels bounced off my head and computer monitor.
My kids are older and shouldn't need to be entertained.  We do things with them in the afternoons, evenings and weekends, just like any other two parent working family.  The kids know better than to throw things in the house.  However, it's too hot to go outside so they're bored.  They also know I work until noon.  So why am I being struck by flying objects?    I think it's chore time.
Is there a reason does anyone know that you are to unplug your LCD computer monitor to clean it. Why
would they tell you to do that.
What is good to clean an LCD computer screen that wont harm the black plastic monitor itself.
I keep it on 24/7 but turn off monitor when I'm away any length of time.

I actually do turn if off every week or 2 but very seldom.  I've been told it's much better for computer longevity to leave it on.  Hope that is correct!

5 yrs is a long time for monitor life......n/m

Pure genius!
Yep, it doesn't take a genius.
90-100 is average. Above 145 is genius.

Take your IQ test!
Maybe in the recycling bin? Or you could restore your computer to an earlier time?
DUH - that was the whole point of my posting, genius!
To repeat from my original posting, my mom and I both own new homes. However, hers is in a development that has a homeowners association and mine is in one that does not. Hers is a better situation because she doesn't have to worry about someone junking up the neighborhood with their hillbilly awnings, awful fences, and putting a car up on blocks in the driveway. It's not a matter of a "regular house" or a "non-regular house" - it's a matter of having an organization in place in your development for the purpose of keeping "the Bumpuses" from making the place look like a trailer park. Get it now?
Must be genius, cause if I had common sense, I would have
I like your theory though and have often in truth considered it as an explanation myself.
Genius IQ scores are not the issue!
I know, and apparently you do as well; life and the decisions we make are what makes us what we are, not our IQ score! There are lower scoring IQ docs and lawyers out there that worked their tails off to be what they are. IQ scores didn't do it for them. My problem is not with the IQ score, it is with the PERSON having a genius IQ score who thinks they are "something" because of a number.
I'm by no means a techical genius
but I think I had that happen just before a monitor went out on me.
Is there a setting on the computer that causes your internet connect to time out - I cannot stay
My "techies" come to the house and most of the time get it fixed here. They built the computer
It's always the first thing a computer person asks me...lol! And it works a lot of the time. nm
What is going on when every time you start computer - there are numerous empty folders, cannot find
A computer's OS (operating system) is only meant for a 1 time install on 1 pc. People like yours

who abuse this are just looking for a cheap break, jack up the price (theoretically speaking) for the rest of us, and are asking for a myriad of problems on their pcs.  To deter this behavior, about 1 year ago, many computer companies ceased to include all software when packaging the pc for shipment.  It is because of software abuse/misuse, computers that are delivered with a pre-installed OS are delivered without the OS + other necessary software, due to behaviors such as yours and many others.  However, if you call the company and verbally request all software: OS (installation CD), as well as other necessary software (tools systems, drivers, diagnostics, utilities, print driver, internet security, and WP/Word/Excel, et al), they will gladly send it to you free of charge.

sitting in my computer room, typing away when my boyfriend at the time, called me from work. nm
My oldest brother is a genius at above 140 - was in Scott's Hi-Q in high school - sm
and my other brother is very smart....don't know what his IQ is but he designs computer systems for large corporations, building control systems, bridges, etc. So he's pretty sharp, and my dad worked a chemical engineer with a Master's degree. My mom was a secretary but could type 100 wpm....wish I had gotten her typing speed, at best I am 60 wpm.
Is it their computer? Why are they installing a firewall and autocorrect on your computer? That sm
is usually the responsibility of the transcriptionist, especially if an IC or SE.  Which company?
Question about transfering computer into to another computer.. sm

I have a dumb question - Just bought a new computer and someone told me to get a flash drive to transfer all my info.  But I'm assuming that ExText that I work off of and Escription will have to be downloaded again by the tech people onto my new computer.  I can tranfer these can I?


How does one find out the computer specs on my computer?

I should know this, but I just don't remember how to do this.  I am hoping I have enough RAM, or whatever, to load work platform on my own computer and begin working on it, rather than paying *rent* on the company-furnished computer.  Thanks so much.

A computer is a computer, whether it be laptop or desktop.
I have both and use both and I bought both of mine...most companies do not provide computers...
Are you a monitor here?
I luv my LCD monitor
Not much to assemble. It's really a matter of popping the two cords into the back of the monitor. It'll take you about 15 minutes from start to finish ... that includes opening the box, taking out everything, reading the directions, connecting the monitor, installing the software), and throwing the box out.

If you use your computer a lot, plan on buying a lot of batteries or having a backup for a wireless with a charger.

As for monitors, you can get them on pricewatch pretty cheap now.  I actually bought my son a 21 inch Sony on ebay for 200 including shipping.  For my own 19 inch, I bought it at a rent-to-own furniture store.  Once they have them a few months, they sell them and I bought it for 40. and it's like new. 


Yes! Yes! Yes! I recently got a flat-screen and I love,love, love it. I have a Sceptre which I bought at Wal-Mart for about $150.00. Best thing I ever did. It really cut down on my headaches. Get a flat-screen. You will not be sorry. I promise. :)
Well I DO need a big monitor...
these days. After hitting 40, my eyesight definitely isn't what it used to be, LOL!
i used to have this happen, and with mine, it was not a precursor to going out. But i can't remember what supposedly caused it -- power surge, interference?? but in my case, led to no other problems.
Buy a shield or screen for the monitor that minimizes glare from the lightsource.
Need help with monitor

I recently had a monitor conk out, so I got the one out that came with my personal computer (a couple years old but never used). 

Everything was fine for a few weeks but lately, out of the blue, my page will shift to the right for no apparent reason (leaving 1-1/2 inch of black on the left and the right edge of the page not in view) and then it will shift back at some point.

When I press on the monitor menu button, nothing happens at all.  I know when I first set it up, the menu and selections worked fine.

Any idea what is happening here? 

Do you use more than one monitor?...

My husband and I "built" our new computer on Dell's website last night, and they are offering a second monitor for a very reasonable rate.  My question is, does anyone have this set-up using 2 monitors to work?  I didn't quite see the use for 2, but maybe to have one just for typing, and the other for my references? 

Apparently, it is set up that you just have to move your mouse and it will move over to the other screen....seems easy enough.  But, I don't know if it would be worth the extra space it would take up on my desk and work area.  So,does anyone have this set-up and consider it a must?

Thanks very much for your help! 

What monitor do you have?

This has nothing to do with the monitor...sm
It's about how the page will be printed:

Portrait or Landscape.

Click on 'File'
Click on 'Page Set Up'

Then you have the option: Portrait or Landscape, click how you want it printed.

Portrait prints it vertical
Landscape horizontal (for longer lines)

Cat sits on monitor.
Holter monitor

Does anybody know where to find a good example of a Holter monitor report?


Holter monitor ...........

Click on second link under Q and A.   I know there is a report in there.  Check the whole site.  Lots of info. 


holter monitor
halter monitor.
who are we to monitor what they do with their money?
What is the *proper manner*?  What you think they should do with money?  These are grown men and women with families.  They can decide what to do with the money.  There but for the grace of God go I.
Software with monitor
You install the software that comes with the monitor. It's very straight forward. Insert disk. Install software. Enjoy monitor.
Need to get a new PC monitor, need opinions
Anyone with flat panels, how do you like them?  Any problems with them? 
Monitor/Admin - sm
Please see message on Monitor board.
How often is the monitor board
Thank you Monitor/Admin !! nm
Try moving your monitor up or down, too. sm
When my monitor is not positioned correctly, I get terrible neck aches and headaches. Sometimes just a half inch really makes a difference. Or even move your keyboard up or down. When I worked at the hospital, maintenance had to move my whole desk up onto 2 x 4's to give me that little bit of extra I needed and then I was comfortable. They had a desk made for kids that I had to sit at. It was really cramped.
guy got me a Hyundai monitor.....sm
Believe it or not, Hyundai sells monitors for around $140.  It was compatible with the Dell.  Hope that helps :)