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I'd very much appreciate it if someone could tell me how I can go about changing a word or phrase

Posted By: cai on 2008-07-21
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I am doing a long legal dictation of conversation and I need to change someone's name throughout the report.  I don't want to have to take the time to go through 100 pages changing the name everywhere and I'm worried I might miss some too.  Thanks so much in advance.

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I would say the most used word or phrase
used on this board is

Word/phrase Autocompletion

Does anyone use any of the word/phrase autocompletion software programs for MT work?  Which ones work productively?


Compiling a phrase and word list
The software that does this is Instant Text.

IT can make a list of the most frequently used words and phrases in your transcription. You select the folder of files you want Instant Text to "read" through and in a few seconds your list is done.

Instant Text also includes a number of glossaries ready to be used. See link:

I guess that is what you are looking for. If you have any questions you can email me.

Textware Solutions
Type whatever word/phrase, bold, highlight, sm--
select Autocorrect, add.
Only one word or phrase at a time with Find & Replace.
you need to find someone who can write (not record) a macro that can find more than one word.
ABCZ word/phrase list for Autotext?
Does anyone know where an ABCZ word/phrase list for Autotext (not autocorrect) can be found? 
Stedman's phrase book vs. Medical Phrase Index? sm
I'm debating between the newest edition of the MPI versus the Stedman's phrase book. Have had experience with the MPI, but not the Stedman's one. Is Stedman's worth it?
You can set Word to not count blank lines by changing your paragraph style
to automatically double space after the paragraph.
Changing Excel 2003 Addresses Into Word 2003 Addresses

Hello !

I have a large amount of addresses listed on an Excel 2003 spreadsheet.  I need these addresses for Word 2003 letters.  I end up copying the address from Excel and pasting it into Word, but as you can imagine, the pasted address is in a straight line and I end up having to type the address so it displays correctly for a letter.  Does anyone know if there is a simple way to change the Excel address format to a Word letter address format?  Thank you for your help.

Help w/phrase

Very thick- Latin accent.  Under THROAT:  s/l Injected post-pharyngeal streaking.

makes no sense to me, any guesses?



new phrase
Yeah, I know you've heard the term "go postal". I think we can start using "going Sheila" or "going Kikki". I dunno, there are so many names she uses it would hard to pick a name. Seems like the name "Red" starting showing up today spouting the same anger this morning. Now it is Sheila. Such a shame.
I just add an *s* on the end of the phrase..
so I leave TWWI for the wound was irrigated, and make it TWWIS for the wounds were irrigated. They both come up on the advisory as you start typing, so I don't have to remember anything. I have found IT to be the most valuable thing I have ever come across in terms of productivity, simply because of the fact that I don't have to remember much at all. My system is if for example I have several 3-word phrases that start with the same letter, I just add an additional letter to the end, whatever the next letter in the last word is. For example I have CAD as coronary artery disease and CADI as carotid artery disease, and CADR as cleaned and dressed. Also I like that I don't have to worry about what they are named, because they don't expand with the space bar, so no worries of accidentally getting paroxysmal atrial tachychardia when I ony meant Pat.

Also, maybe it's because I play the piano but I don't find it that difficult to look from the screen to the advisory. I equate it to what I do with my eyes while I'm driving!! I also don't stress about typing things out..if I have to stop and think about an entry I probably don't use it enough to need an expansion for it anyway. I like the consistency of the *naming* part of IT, always the first letter of each word for the phrase, and I have gained a lot of speed by utilizing the word side too, I enter all of those big long single medical words (nonmedical ones too) and it's great only having to type 3-4 letters of a 12-13 letter word. Plus I enter drug names in one time and then I don't have to look up their spellings ever again. Didn't mean for this to be so long but as you can tell I am a huge IT fan. This program changed my life and doubled my income in the past year!!!
help with english phrase
permitted to don and dos his TSLO, I know it means to put on and take off, but how do you spell it?  Thanks.
What is triggering is the phrase it must be
"voice to voice", not a recording playing over the line. There is no way to make it go away. Also, dialing into the same number day after day triggers the system on all plans, even if you are under 3000 minutes.
It will save the phrase but not
the bold, does not come out bolded.  What else can I do?
I didn't mean to phrase it quite that way - sm
I didn't mean it was a bad thing for MTs to get the help they need. What I meant to say was that it's sad that the MT profession, which used to make us a decent, comfortable living, has deteriorated into one where even working as hard as we can all week long, we still often can't make ends meet. I've been siphoning grocery money out of my savings for the past few years, as wages continued to fall. Won't be able to do that much longer - my savings are almost gone.
google the following phrase
"9-pin to USB adapter"

& take your pick.
Medical Phrase Index. nm
let me re-phrase my question: How will the MT know what is ASR and what is regular transcription?sm
How will we be able to verify that what MQ is calling/paying as ASR was actually ASR and not regular transcription?
Anyone have a med phrase index book for sale?
I'm signed up with Andrews and am quite a ways into it but they still haven't sent the Lorenzini Medical Phrase Index, and I'm tired of waiting.  Tired of them not sending back tests, too.  Wish I had gone to M-Tec now.
Medical Phrase Index by Lorenzini...nm
I like the phrase "Never quit quitting" as
it took me a few times to finally do it.  So you can still quit, don't give up.  It did wonders for my self esteem, not to mention health.  I quit in 98 in my late 40s. 
Medical Phrase Index - priceless
PMIC Medical Phrase Index by (sm)

Jean A. Lorenzini & Laura Lorenzini Ley.  The fifth edition is a burgundy hardback.  It used to be navy blue years ago.  See link for a pic.  I have this and love it!!!!! 


Medical Phrase Index is a necessity. sm
It is the easiest to use, covers many many words from many specialities, and I use mine every day.
As far as specialties, Stedman's makes reference books for pretty much every speciality.
Also, I use my Stedman's Medical&Surgical words a lot even though I'm not doing surgery charts; you'd be amazed how much you need to know just for a patient's past history!
I prefer the Drake&Drake Pharmaceutical Word Book, but everybody has their own preferences for drug references.
Single words on the phrase side
I watch and expand from the phrase side as much as possible so I'm mainly hitting one marker key. I have a separate glossary for single words that uses the entire word for the short form, then I include that glossary second in line so it does not interfere with my phrases.
That's the magic phrase. It shows that they're
If they keep looking, eventually they're going to find someone else. Hmmm -- maybe her uppity attitude is something they're growing weary of.
a. fib. no capital letters. That is a truncated phrase, should expand. nm
I forgot to include my hint of sarcasm phrase! nm
Hey, I think you coined a new phrase, green grapes. Love it!!
Happy New Year!!
I second the Medical Phrase Index, best reference I had when I started out, NM
They are newbies! They can built a Medical Phrase book
buy entering the answers given on the word help board into the
'Medical Phrase Index.'

They will learn.

Isn't it the goal, last not least to facilitate the job?

Why do we use calculators, computers, kitchen appliances that facilitate out work?

This is called evolution!
If you google the phrase "Letterman sign" it is the fifth result listed ... sm
It seems to be the same thing as the Terry-Thomas sign. It was new to me, too.
query is an Indian phrase. This is an American board isnt it?
holy cow.
My number 1 recommendation is the Medical Phrase Index by Lorenzini sm
and would also recommend Stedman's Abbreviations and Labs - these are all more generic since you are doing a variety. It would be best if you could eventually get Stedman's Cardio and other specialities...but I highly recommend Medical Phrase Index for newer transcriptionists - it helped me tremendously in the beginning
Not to change the subject.. but in Medical Phrase Index, debride doesn't have an accent mark. nm
How do they think that changing their name....sm
would matter diddly squat in the industry?  If their rationale for considering it is because no one knows who they are then changing the name isn't going to change that.  Seems silly that members and supports would be asked to pay for the costs of changing instead of focusing on marketing.

Well, after the reading and research I have done, I think I agree with one writer that stated that at the rate things are going now in the transcription world that in 5 years 80% of us will be out of jobs!!  Either through technology and/or offshoring!!

So, instead of waiting for another axe to fall on me...I have been chopped up enough by the MTSOs...... I am hoping to decorating cakes for a living!!!

I am waiting to hear back from a local bakery where I just interviewed. 

I have taken all the Wilton cake decorating courses and have done quite a few birthday, wedding, and mother's day cakes in the past...I definitely am not Duff or anyone at Charm City Cakes, but it is something I truly enjoy doing and it was my "therapy" that got me through a divorce about 10 years ago. 

So, I will be working 8 hours a day only, get immediate feed back, paid hourly and not production, and hopefully will be able to transition into this job permanently....

So, I hope and pray that I am wrong about the future of this profession for which I have worked so long and hard....but the stress now is almost unbearable and ain't worth it no more!!!        

Changing Course
That is a great idea. You might work into doing some on the side and go into business for weddings, etc. I had a friend who did that and make good money. She was in great demand too. If you get a business of your own, you would make a lot more and could probably do a lot of it sitting.
Probably not...just changing
I work on a VR account, and trust me, there will always need to be people behind it checking what the computer types.  There are just certain things that need an actual brain to decipher that a computer just cannot pick up. 
Oh, I am not changing what I said
because again, have not seen it ever used with lung.
Oncology because of the always changing...sm
meds. And I have to admit, though I have done ortho a lot in the past and know it well, I just don't like it.
Anyone know anything about changing sim on cell?
Can you remove sim card on Sprint phone and put in a T-mobile?  Please help if you can for I am a "technically challenged MT."
We are changing the company.
Watch and see.  And all your rage and CAPS can't change that.  The lawsuits, the SEC, the shareholders, the clients.  We are all changing the company. 
Changing Careers
I absolutely LOVE medical transcription work. It is the best kind of work for me. I have always, up until five years ago, made plenty of money to support my family (I am a single 45 year old mom).

However, I have become very scared. So, I have 80% decided that I have to go back to school and start over. It makes me sick, but I can't watch my pay decrease every year like this.

I really, really, really want to continue MT work, but it just doesn't feel secure for me anymore.

AND - changing careers at my age is also scary, but I have a friend who did it at 50-something years old, so I guess I can, too.
Who's changing the subject?
and so am I.

Try to keep up.
This is changing the subject a bit, but.....

What about birds?  If people had a bird that they had in a cage, and not let FLY for exercise, is that a bad pet-owner?  Most bird owners that I know of, have birds in a cage and they let their birds poo in a cage on the paper in the bottom of the cage. 

What about cats?  Cats are domesticated animals just like dogs and some people NEVER let their cats go outside.  They let their cats do their business in a litter box. 

I just don't see any difference in this and using the potty pads, and like I said, I have used potty pads with previous dogs I have had.  They do not smell if you pick up the dirty pad right away, which I do when at all possible.  It's the dog hiking his leg on the furniture which is NOT acceptable to me and I agree--it stinks and I have a terrible problem going on with this---I try to clean it up as soon as I can, but he is definitely ruining my floors and thus why I was asking for advice on the hiking of the leg. We need new floors (carpet) in our house anyway and we are planning on replacing them soon but I need to get the dog re-trained somehow before we get the new flooring or else I'll still be in the same boat I'm in now.  I've just got to figure out how to retrain him back to the potty pads.  Wish me luck!

Have a nice day!

Jen, seriously, the face of MT is changing. sm
Get that degree.  Trust me on this.  Yes, it's nice sitting home in jammies with the kids.  I did it a lot of years, but I made way more money then than now.  Things are changing drastically and fast in this field.  Get the degree.
You are changing your position.
I breed Yorkies and was in the pet care business for over 30 years.  Of course, you love your pets and they have a place in your family but you do not let a dog growl at you, as you stated.  One of your original posts you said if a dog growled or bit, oh well, dogs have bad days, too.  That gives a very different impression than the one you are trying to make now.
changing the subject a bit . . .

Does anyone know of a really good hair product for the "frizzies" ?

With summer coming, I'm dreading my hair curling and frizzing with the heat and humidity, have tried a lot of products without success.  Any tried and true methods? thank you  in advance ! 

So what are they changing it to? The Anal