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How about joining a gym?....sm

Posted By: AllieCat on 2007-04-19
In Reply to: Working at home... - Lori

You can go at various times, and there area a variety of people there....working, nonworking, retired, semi-retired, or whatever.  Also, how about volunteering at a local hospital?  

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How would I go about joining the
lawsuit? Is it possible if I still work there?
Do you know anyone you could talk into joining under you?
From what I've read, the program pays when you get down to the 8th level. So, you need to sell someone who can also sell someone 8 times before you'll see any real money.

You may make a few bucks at first but compare that to the joining expense, what things you have to buy, I understand 2 or 3 things, and something about a $20 monthly site fee (just what I've read, remember).

Personally, I wouldn't waste my money on it.
Having compassion is not the same as joining
Don't get sucked into joining AHDI (formerly AAMT)

I got a discount by joining a study group...I think they still offer that. nm
It'll be the most expensive magazine subscription you'll ever get! No point in joining. nm