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Hot French bread with real butter, rasberries

Posted By: Pokey on 2006-01-17
In Reply to: What's your favorite food. Favorite in that you could only have one last meal what would it be? - Qsters killing time R US

with real cream, Belgian sweet dark chocolate and Fritos.  It would have to be my last supper, because it would probably kill me!   Yummmmmmm.

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you are lucky...they were my bread-and-butter at my past job...
very difficult at first, and I did NOT want to do them; then found out they were pretty much 'standardized' once you got used to the dictators, they say the same thing. Make templates, normals, whatever.

They are interesting, and I could make tons of lines in no time.

Then, I must have gotten 'bumped' when new managers came in and brought in other MTs, because they took them away from me. Never saw them again after that.

Ended up leaving that sorry job, anyway. Very bad experience...

BUT, those ERs paid my bills for 1 full year until then...

Best of luck.
eat bread. it will stick to the bread and go down.
I had this happen a lot.

Try butter or margarine. sm
Believe it or not, it works for tar, just might work for food coloring.  You never know. Dang kids, do the craziest things. You could always wait until picture retakes.
I need to lose 160 sticks of butter
so I joined dance class. Willing to share my butter for christmas baking.
Hungrily, with lots of butter.
Cook it real slow at real low heat; simmer, don't boil.
they tried, but he kept eating peanut butter crackers after he swallowed them, so it was too hard to
Now that sounds good. With lots of lemon and butter and a baked potato.
Can't just have crab.
haddock fillet fried in butter, Rice-a-roni, green peas
we make more than we can consume so he can bring the leftover for his dinner the next day.
I think French just might be
my least favorite accent. Despite my French teacher bragging about what excellent speakers the French are, never saying um, just having fast flowing speech, when dictating in English, the ones I've done have had some serious stammering, poor enunciation, extra words, and many unexplained word choice changes, and it's all I can do not to scream and grind my teeth the moment I hear that accent.

I'd love to tell my snotty French teacher that, too.

French for me too.
You must be French or something because it is

▸ noun: the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
▸ adjective: grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit


▸ noun: the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
▸ adjective: grammatical number category referring to two or more items or units

pleural is a medical term, regarding the lungs....

Bread around 2.00...

per loaf, milk was $2.90 last night (gallon).  Our home cost $171,000, we paid $1450.00 per month for mtg payment.  Not totally clear on the taxes and other things.  My son goes to a private school, but have heard wonderful things about the public schools in the area.

Hope I helped you out!

French Ed. major
with English Ed minor and Music minor. No jobs around here in Northern Indiana, and extended family is here, so once started having kids, kind of just fell into this work. Love it, though, love using the Latin I had years ago.
Bob for French fries!!
Don't get it......what does French sounding name
also had a French Canadian
very difficult...  now if I ever hear a doctor with a New Zealand accent  I think I will recognize it  - very distinctive - have heard it only in a few movies.
Canadian Dollars- probably French ESL nm
"Faux" is French for false. - nm
The French sounding name in other words
it was not like I was a Jones or Smith, you know, simple sounding every day names and if you have worked as long as I have in this business, I have seen dictators get a chart mixed up with another, not that it happens often. That was the reason for my saying it - he could not have mistaken my dictation for a Ms. Smith or Ms. Jones....
French 1st Language dictators

My take is that you are both correct and mistaken.  People with French as their mother tongue can be both challenging and reliable to transcribe in English. The challenging part is the omission of certain sounds that are normal to the English-attuned ear.  The reliable part is that the differences one hears are usually SO predictable.  I belive that with more info I can help you even with your specific problem.   

I think Spanish and French are the worst, (sm)
and I even took French. But they have an annoying way of dropping out all recordable sound and just doing something with their lips that a recorder can't pick up at the end of some words that is very annoying.

I have enjoyed British, but every newbie should be warned about their "stop" and "full stop" for punctuation, LOL.
Autocorrect turned french!

Out of no where my autocorrect is french!  Anyone know how to turn this off??

maybe she means 'pissoir', it's French, look it up!...nm
All you need is a nice salad and bread. :)
Put your bread in a food processor and

tip for banana bread lovers. sm
I just disovered (thru a friend) that very ripe bananas can be frozen (in their skin) no freezer bag required to make banana bread on a future date.  I tried this, and it does work!  It is great!.  I love making banana bread for my family, but find that many times, the bananas are ripening too quick for my busy schedule.
tip for banana bread lovers. sm
I just disovered (thru a friend) that very ripe bananas can be frozen (in their skin) no freezer bag required to make banana bread on a future date.  I tried this, and it does work!  It is great!.  I love making banana bread for my family, but find that many times, the bananas are ripening too quick for my busy schedule.
Aside from the old favorite zucchini bread, sm
I love zucchini sliced and sauteed with onions, Rotel tomatoes, and crumbled cooked bacon (saute the zucchini in some of the bacon drippings if you can afford the fat/calories).
Been there - could not even afford a loaf of bread once sm
I mean really had not a penny for 2 weeks. We just emptied the cabinets and whatever was in there, we made do. Personally, I know what a terrible feeling that is, downright awful! Remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. If you have anyone close to you who can help you out - that is one thing, but if not - you will have to make do with what you have.

Try the really cheap stores - the ones where usually you wouldn't even look at before. They have great deals, like Aldi, or the dollar stores, the outlet stores like Wonder, Hostess, etc.

I have to say that experience has humbled me and my family significantly.

Good luck - things will work out. Sometimes, we get wake up calls, and this might be yours. I think I have had quite a few already.
Hot dogs and homemade french fries.
Spanish, French do celebrate Christmas in USA
Middle Eastern Arabic people do not celebrate Christmas nor the Jewish people (and Chanukah comes early 12/3 this year so they should be working.  Russian Christmas is in January.  The Hispanic community as well as the French communities here in the USA, as I know it, certainly do celebrate Christmas.  Happy Holidays To All....
even our coffee, French Vanilla creamer,
Okay, what is Jerk BBQ and the bread? sounds good!

lasagna, salad, and garlic bread

Din tonight...garlic bread, artichokes..yum..nm

Can I actually just buy sliced bread and line the bottom?...
white bread - not a good thing to eat but...nm

We had homemade spaghetti and garlic bread.-nm
I thought the French, Germans, and Russians were hairy.
Would that make them hirsutian?
International Delight French Vanilla liquid nm

make that garlic bread and it'll be perfect
Love the serrated bread knife! Cuts everything!! nm
I recently lost 20 pounds. That means I lost 80 sticks of butter.

I found that oatmeal works better than bread crumbs - moister
Happy cooking.
That's what I was thinking, Eat bread or drink something nice and warm to help dissolve.
Toast the bread and then either grate in blender or on a manual cheese grater.
My hubby will always be the bread winner - I am close, but his salary tops mine. sm
My hubby works for one of the top Oil Companies in USA - with overtime - $150K a year for him. He has all the bennies, pension, 401K, profit sharing, etc. I am about 50K shy of his salary.
Tuna mac, green beans, bread slices. Very cheap and good.
All in the world tuna mac is, is a can or two of tuna drained and mixed in with the box kind of mac n' cheese. Serve with a can of green beans and a slice of bread.
Not much different than eating French toast with a side of bacon and scrambled eggs w/cheese. nm