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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Home Depot far more reliable than Lowes...sm

Posted By: Home Depot stable company on 2006-05-09
In Reply to: I bought flooring from Lowes and used their - my experience

and as I know it, Home Depot does not use *subcontractors*..........

Home Depot all the way!!! 

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home depot
Hi there! I used them about 4 years ago. They did a good job. Still intact!!
Home Depot or bust
well, you expressed my sentiments exactly. I just hate to see those ads that are pulling in people to take transcription classes by saying that they will be makings lots of money -- not these days!! I do the same as you do -- tell anyone who asks my opinion about becoming a MT that it's not worth the time and money and very stressful.
You could go to Home Depot and start out
Home Depot carpeting sm

Has anybody purchased carpeting from Home Depot and had it installed by their subcontractors?  Wondering if I should take a chance using their services. 

Thanks for any comments.

Another good idea is Home Depot
My friend used to work in the travel industry, which has also gone down the tubes pretty much as a result of technology.

She's a very talented Martha Stewart type of person and always has a yard that's the envy of the neighborhood. She's seriously thinking of applying at Home Depot's home and garden department to give people advice about their yards. She said it pays well and the same with the benefits.

If you're talented in any type of home decorating, home repair, or horticulture I'd say apply at the Home Depot or maybe Lowe's!
Answer is get out of the house. Gym, dances, Home Depot.
I worked at Home Depot awhile back
for 3 years in the paint department. I have done them all and also taught the classes on Sundays. You might want to call your local Home Depot and ask when they have their paint classes. Lots of information, and they should let you try out the techniques as well.
Try Home Depot. Got it in 2 days. Great computer with XP too!
I bought flooring from Lowes and used their
subcontractors and there were HORRIBLE.   Believe it or not, it took nearly 1 year to get the flooring in, the trim put down and all the screw-ups fixed, only here were are 3 years later and the floor is buckling where it shifted and they cut it too short, the trim is popping up off the floor.  The guys would come 2-1/2 hours later than they said they would and stay until 9:00 at night.    I had 8 scheduled appointments for them to come that they didn't show up for.  I was calling the company direct, I was calling Lowes.    I would ask who their subcontractors are and try to get references about them, check BBB, etc. before having Home Depot do it.  
I got mine at Office Depot for $100 sm
It does have armrests, but I'm sure they have models without armrests. As a matter of fact, this chair can be adjusted in about every way imagineable, including raising and lowering the armrests. You can lower them to the point that you can't reach them while you're working.

There are chairs out there that don't cost a whole paycheck! Keep searching!
I had a very similar experinece with Office Depot. NM
Office Depot has chairs on display U can try before you buy. sm
Got mine there over 5 years ago, fully adjustable, I think it was $129, still good.
Are the $30 lumbar supports from Office Depot
In our area, Office Depot has the largest number of
Check out the back-up batteries at Office Depot -
I have very short power interruptions every single day, so having a back-up power supply is a must.  I have two now, hooked to different pieces of equipment.  I can work for nearly an hour without external power if need be.  I can hear it beep and click on and then off when power is restored again, which is literally just maybe 10 seconds or so.  As far as a generator goes, I have no idea, sorry.
They can say that, but I have gotten more reliable
information here than from my CSC, so what does that tell you?
I am a reliable IC, but I can say

where the MTSO promises work anywhere from p.r.n. to asking how much can you take on?  I understand this business waxes and wanes, but sometimes it is just easier to give one IC one particular dictator to be responsible for and then if more help is needed ask if that IC has the time to help.

Another option is to make sure the IC is aware of how many minutes she/he will be receiving.  I have had that happen as well where I thought I was getting say 15 minutes, and then was given 60 minutes.  By the way, your higher pay rate is great because most small MTSOs only are willing to pay 7 cpl. 

I like to learn accounts sometimes just to offer vacation, illnesses, etc.  Please feel free to e-mail me if you are in a bind, and I can provide you with my resume.  I have many, many years of experience in a lot of different specialties and am also flexible in regard to volume.  I also tend to offer Sundays as an option since my work week runs Sunday to Thursday. 

An IC needs to be reliable.
I had an IC who would have situations crop up throughout her day that kept her from doing the work that she accepted. I had to find someone else because she just didn't understand that accepting the work was her committment to doing it. A simple, "I'm not available..." is the correct way to handle the situation than just not doing the work and thinking an excuse would be make everything better.
I have Compaq which is very reliable, but
I wish I had gone with the Toshiba. The only reason is that it was much lighter and easier on the hands when lifting and carrying. Other than that no problems with the Compaq.

The main thing is virus protection software and Spyware protection to protect the new laptop once you go online.

reliable LD service

I am feeling totally frustrated. 

I was using Vonage with little problems, but switched back to AT&T Call Vantage 'cause is was $20 less and I was supposed to get a second phone line. Well, never got the second line and I've had problem after problem. The main problem is with the Express Enterprise system that I call into "communicating" with my C-phone. Sometimes the call is disconnected. Sometimes it doesn't "hear" the key pad when I press the numbers (i.e. to sign off on a report). Sometimes it will suddenly rewind to the beginning of a report.

I thought the problem was on my end, so I shelled out $$$ to replace the foot pedal, headset, and C-phone ... nope, that didn't solve the problem. Called AT&T and they said the problem was with the DSL line. Had that tested and was told it was working correctly. Purchased another DSL modem (another $100) and that didn't solve the problem.

Called AT&T for tech support and they said "The C-phone is not supported." Well, gee, it was before!!!

Anyway, you can see why I'm grumping.

Is there *ANY* service out there which won't kill my wallet but won't give me the problems I'm having. Again, Vonage was pretty good, but it still was quirkly, and it cost $65/month. A dial-up service (www.onesuite.com) is terrific (no problems), but it's 2.9 cents per minute, which will be $200-300 per month. Don't want to spend that. And AT&T .... yuk!!!

I'm open to any and all suggestions. What's reliable without breaking the budget?

Reliable Source Jobsite
WORDS OF WARNING:  If you receive an email from The reliable Source Jobsite asking you to register for their site - DON'T DO IT.  This is supposed to be a job database for all types of clerical work.  However, I recently registered, realized I had registered at an incorrect job databased and asked for  a refund.  They stated I was not allowed a refund and that I was trying to get something for nothing.  I then filed a complaint with PayPal.  Later that same day, I received an email and also a telepone call stating that if I removed my complaint from PayPal, they would refund my money.  I did remove my complaint.  However, after my emailing them numerous times inquiring as to why I had not received my refund yet, they basically stated, "Ha, ha.  We're not giving you a refund, never had any intention of doing so, and you cannot reopen the complaint with PayPal."  I did contact PayPal and I could NOT reopen this complaint.  After resigning myself to the fact that I'm a member of this database, I decided to use it.  However, even though I have paid for this membership, I still cannot use it.  The User ID and the Password they issued me are incorrect and will not work.  I have made several attempts to email them regarding this matter, however I receive no reply.  It is for the reasons above I thought everyone should be made aware of this - UNRELIABLE SOURCE JOBSITE
Reliable Source Jobsite
gnat is right. Tell us the URL and perhaps we can all band together (for once) and help a fellow MT. Hey, it's worth a shot.
Reliable Source Jobsite
For those of you that wanted there website it is:
www.freewebs.com/wahtelecommuteemploymentservices - I hope you guys get this okay. If you can't get it off of here, feel free to email me. My email is: tousuns@rochester.rr.com
I want to thank all of you. You would not believe how they acted on the telephone with me. Since tricking me into cancelling my complaint they lifted my user priviliges. I emailed them four different times and they do not even extend the courtesy of a return email. However, they still have my money and will NOT return it. Thanks for all of your help.
anyone know if this is a reliable source for this information? thanks...

taken from their site (I especially like about the outsourcing and 'robot transcriptionist' : 

Allied Health Profession of the Month - March 2005
Medical Transcriptionist contributed by Paul D. Mason, Oxford, NJ

What is Medical Transcription?

Medical transcriptionists (MTs) are the miracle workers of the medical records! They turn doctors’ daily dictation tapes - rough, hurried, harried, mumbled, muttered, highly technical, and always absolutely crucial - into clear, concise, polished gems of documentation. They work this amazing transformation every day under tight deadlines using just a simple tape or digital audio player, a computer, and a stack of medical books and online reference sources.

Jobs Outlook – “Boom”ing?

Remember all those “baby boomers”? According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job opportunities for MT’s will be good - growing faster than the national average for occupations through 2012, with the demand fueled by the increased healthcare demands of a growing and aging population.

It’s not hard to see that lots more senior citizens needing lots more doctor visits means tons of new medical records to be generated! There’s going to be plenty of work out there to go around.

Then there’s the big “O”: Outsourcing…

There has been a steady stream of news lately about various US industries improving their bottom lines by replacing American workers with low-wage overseas labor – skilled jobs like computer programming, telephone help desks - almost any job that can be performed remotely.

In medical transcription, however, issues such as little or no foreign enforcement of US privacy laws, instability of foreign labor, lack of English fluency, expense and uncertainty of adequately training foreign labor, etc. can greatly complicate foreign outsourcing and offset the initially perceived cost savings.

Legal questions have even begun: The California legislature has discussed prohibiting all California industries from using foreign outsourcing involving confidential data, mainly because it is simply not possible to guarantee privacy outside of the country.

The BLS states that foreign outsourcing should not significantly impact the medical transcription profession in the US.

Robot Transcriptionists?

Another MT industry buzz involves new technologies such as speech recognition technologies (SRT’s), computerized “smart” data entry forms (EMR’s, CPR’s), etc. that promise to automate or eliminate traditional transcription work. Several software vendors have been very successfully selling tools of this nature to various industries and have been making noise to promote their use for medical transcription.

It is becoming apparent, however, that the complexity of medical diagnosis and terminology combined with the life-and-death importance of accuracy will prevent large-scale acceptance of these technologies in the medical field for the foreseeable future.

According to the Medical Records Institute (an organization that promotes the adoption of computerized medical records systems), most current research shows that penetration into the medical field by EMR’s is only 5-8%, with SRT’s at less than 1%.

I use it and have for years. It's reliable and cheap
at least in my area. I can call anywhere in the country and talk for as long as I want for around $50 a month. I have two phones and just forward calls from one phone to the other when I'm typing an account that uses the phone.
Reliable Internet Service
I also used Earthlink for a year with problems like yours, switched to Verizon DSL with worse problems, looked into Comcast, also in my area, which was highly recommended. I had to get rid of Verizon as I kept losing service, they actually blamed it on electrical appliances in my house (not true), so I switched to my town's local cable company, have no problems with that. I would try Comcast before Verizon DSL. It is really aggravating when you keep losing internet connections and after many calls they still cannot figure out why. Good luck.
Why not? There are plenty of reliable resources
There are also other search engines. I am not trying to be rude, I really don't understand why you cannot work without Google.
Magic Jack - is it reliable? SM

I have seen discussions about this on these boards and I was wondering just how reliable is it.  I currently have Vonage which is costing me 30 bucks a month.  I've heard a lot about Magic Jack and unlimited long distance and it would save me a bundle in the long run; however, I don't want to ditch Vonage because it works great.

Mind you, I don't use my Vonage line for transcribing.  It is strictly my business/personal telephone voice calls only.  I found there is a lag when using my C-phone with Vonage that drives me nuts.  I have DSL through the local phone company and so have an analog phone line through them.  That is the phone line I use for my fax machine, transcribing, etc. 

I'm looking for a way to trim some of the fat off my home office budget.  I need/want two phone lines period.  I won't have it any other way.  I didn't sign a new cell phone contract in lieu of a prepaid cell phone.  At this point, I have a new job with a hospital and I won't need to be using a C-phone.  Everything is digital and through the PC. 

So here's the short answer - is Magic Jack reliable and functional?

i have wildblue and connection is very reliable to me with no trees, but sm
especially if you will be going through VPN, it won't be very productive for you cuz the VPN slows down the download rates. i am connected at 100 mbps but that is nothing. download rates are extremely slow, sometimes as slow as dial up.
How reliable can they be if you still have to check their work after all this time? Just getting th
does not make them reliable.
I have a cheapie Netgear--totally reliable for 2+
also bought from them, very reliable and loved the headset NM
Anyone recommend a good, reliable online...sm
pharmacy that they, themselves had used.. with no ripoffs?  I know there are many reputable ones out there but also many scamful, dangerous ones.  I know they are generally not cheap, but I need to know I'm getting what I ordered.
Reliable Internet Service? Currently using Earthlink and very unhappy.
I've been using Earthlink as my ISP but this past year the service has gone downhill.  I've been without service at least four times this year for anywhere between a few hours to a day.  Plus all tech support is out of the country so you spend more time than necessary asking the tech to repeat the instructions.  I'm looking at Verizon right now.  Comcast is not recommended.  Thanks
What is the advantage to having a book over using reliable Internet sources?
and yes I KNOW not to believe everything you google, but there are reliable sources.  Why buy a book every year?  Not arguing at all, just want to know your rationale.  Thanks!
Target, Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, Staples, OfficeMax, Office Depot
no facts. rumor from an MT poster. really reliable huh? who would have access to this info
bet Frank doesn't even know.
I've had Bellsouth for a couple years now. Reliable and no problems. nm
Attn: MTSO - re: your earlier post for a reliable MT that was removed
I replied to your earlier post, as did a couple of other MTs, however, now I see that your message has been removed.
I just wanted to try to touch base with you again.
If you are still looking for help and would like to contact me you can do so via replying via email to this post.

I wonder why your post was removed before?? Moderator, info?
Satellite users for MTing - it your connection fairly reliable- I cannot get DSL and about to give u
I'm horrible with math myself but was told several years back by a pretty reliable source
that w/o spaces is about a 17% reduction in pay - and I would say the figures you gave pretty much leads me to believe this may be true.
My kids have suffered greatly from me working at home with them home. SM
I have been working at home as an MT since my two kids were born. They are now 4 and 5. In the first few years, I had no help whatsoever. Their father was a bum who didnt work or take care of them while I worked. Your children get neglected while you work basically. And babies and young children desperately need your attention while they are home with you.

My kids have so many behavioral problems right now because of their neglect. I would try to set them up with things to occupy themselves, like coloring or a movie, etc.

I finally put them in day care and things have improved, but there are still a lot of issues because of the damage that was done. They still try to seek attention by doing bad things and they dont listen to me because they are so used to me letting them get away with a lot of stuff because I was too busy typing to discipline them in their early years.

If I could do it all over again, I would definitely have put them into day care from the very beginning.

My advice would be to seek PT care for your baby. Maybe you can do some work around her schedule a little when she is home, like when she takes a nap, and then bang out a bunch of work while she is in day care.

I enjoy being alone at home, but I've got one home sick from school already.

One on one with a kid is nice, too.

This summer has been absolutely crazy.  I haven't had a moment to myself for three months because all of my kids were home traipsing their friends through the house and yard.  My husband switched his work schedule, too, so he's around more than usual.  However, I like not having to do two loads of dishes and four loads of laundry a day.  There are no toys or clutter dragged out everywhere.  I can clean the house first thing in the morning, and it stays clean until everyone gets home at night.

I even got to relax with a cup of coffee and watch TV for half an hour this morning, something I liked for a change instead of cartoons or kids' movies.  I signed up for an online class that I've been wanting to take.  I can exercise without being interrupted.  Yesterday, I went to the mall and spent all my saved up gift cards.  I got some clothes, books, bath stuff, and a new coffee mug.  My work gets done a lot faster, too.  Call me nuts, but I've never had the luxury of being alone in the house for 14 years.  It's kinda nice.  I love my family with all my heart, but I love having a few hours to myself each week, too.

Except now the cat and dogs have been acting weird since the kids went back to school.  They must think that I need someone or something to clean up after and correct behavior on.  They're getting into everything and racing around the house behind me.

my take is that she worked inhouse, not at home, and now wants to find out how to work at home. nm
Forget "per line." Your take-home pay should be taking home SM
roughly what it was before. If it is not, is it because your current pay rate for editing (which in many companies keeps changing as the VR system is developed) is too low or is it because your talents and skills are more for speed typing than speed editing?

If the first, discuss it with higherups, and go get a new job if you don't get the response you need. My last MTSO was secretly refiguring how production was counted to pay us less. I can accept hard reality, it was the secrecy that burned. Sometimes, though, it's just that the learning curves of individual editors and that of the system aren't in sync, and you end up temporarily making less.

If the second, though, recognize it as soon as possible and change to straight transcription work, in your company or a new one, for as long as you can find it.

As for why we aren't paid more for a higher skill, that's just the way the labor supply ball bounces. Best wishes.
I think she means she has wireless TO her home, not IN her home..nm
hospital at-home -vs- national at home

I have an interview today with a hospital...work in-house for 3 months, then go home, paid on production. I don't know as of yet what they pay production, so my question is to anyone who works for a hospital at home AND has also worked for a national at home...

Which would be the best to choose? The hospital offers great benefits, but the national I work for now also has benefits, not as good as the hospital, though.  Any input would be most appreciated!

Ditto for me. Have done both outside the home and in the home. We all have
bad days, but I sure would not want to trade working at home for anything. Just being here for my kids is worth every bad day!
Does anyone use VR at home? nm
yes, I use VR at home
At home may be possible
My husband has sleep apnea (although, since he lost some weight, he no longer has it). Depending on where you live, you may be able to be tested at home. We live in a populated area, and my husband was tested at home. A technician came to our home, showed him how to hook up the wires, and then picked up the machine the next day. He did, indeed, show sleep apnea (interrupted breathing spells many times a night), and was prescribed a sleep apnea machine. The machine is not a big deal, except maybe getting tangled up in the cords. Good luck!!