Hired by new company and started training today.
Posted By: Opinions please! on 2005-08-02
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Should have trained yesterday, but no one contacted me. So of course, I contacted them. During training today, their foot pedal did not work. When their tech put their software into my computer last week, he said he "fixed it" so that their software would work with my firewall turned on and that my autocorrect would work with their software and I wouldn't have to re-enter 3000 shortcuts. Well, you know the rest. No autocorrect and I cannot access their system with my firewall turned on. Plus I can't work because the foot pedal doesn't function. With all that the MTSOs demand of us, you would think that they should have at least some of their act together, no?
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Never had any formal training here and never had a problem getting hired.
The only training I had was on the job. I started in a multi-physician OB practice, then went to the clinic pool when the docs sold out to the hospital clinic management, then into Hospital Radiology and finally acute care.
Today I got hired to hold
I don't have to own a computer, don't have to update a computer, keep paying for equipment upgrades, virus protection, pay for internet.
I will have health insurance, holidays, PTO, retirement,
I have worked for M!Q for 6 years with them never giving
an iota more. I have 20+ years of acute care experience.
What does this say for medical transcription??????????
It says I can be an idiot ...holding a SLOW/STOP sign and otherwise
sitting on my arse and make more money and have benefits than knowing the equivalent
of a first year resident and typing my brains out for a company who is
making zillions off my back. MQ has done this to me....
My head hurts! My pocketbook hurts. You know what is unbelievable, they
don't even try to compromise. They act as if they are the only game in the
world. Frankly I don't think people can survive on the money they are willing to
pay for ANY of the work they are offering any more. Let them eat cake.
buh bye
Me too....just got hired today also. Bye Nationals!
What Company is This? I have been hired by a company that is sending a foot pedal.. Don't want t
Are you hired by a company or is this an independent account you got on your own?
School started here today.....sm
I kissed and hugged my daughter and wished her well as the bus drove off!
Yep, I had to work today, didn't get dinner started until 1:30
So just got done with dinner at 5 pm!! But just thankful to have a job at home where I got to spend the day with my daughter, rather than if I would have had to go out to work today, like some people did! Maybe someday I will get the holiday off, but this is second best!
Oh I forgot to mention what actually started our argument today...sm
What started our argument today is his mom and dad have been living in this house, if that is what you can call it, for about 20 years...they never cleaned it or anything (his mom said because "why bother when it is hopeless). Well I don't care how small of a house it is it can still be clean. Well, they come into some money, a few hundred thousand dollars, and they go out and buy this 150k house. They say since we are having a hard time with our payment, being 2 payments behind, then we can "have" their old house. The house is on lease land and the floors are rotted. Well I felt like it would take a load of our shoulders and actually I felt like that was the only way we were going to get out of this mess.. We go down there, begin to clean one day....over 3 HUGE Flex bags by Glad of trash just from their bathroom - filled to the rim!!!! Flexed to the max....
I get back thinking of how bad it would hurt to walk out my door at my house for the last time and go live there. So I said, "NO, I will fight for my house. I will work what hours needs to be worked, etc. I am saving my house." He gets mad, because his parents say we are going to lose it anyhow. But hey - they had all of that money...we only needed $1,000.00 - could they not have lent it to us????? But he thought I was wrong for asking after I told him I WOULD WORK TO GET US CAUGHT UP....I said, "well, if my son EVER needs anything like that, especially something to save his home, I will do what it takes to help him...And surely if I had came into hundreds of thousands of dollars, I think I could spare or lend 1,000.
Sorry...I am hurt.
My first job was a total cold call to small local company...got hired over the phone- sm
give it a shot. Look in your yellow pages or on-line white and yellow pages and see what you can come up with. MT Daily has a list by state of MT companies to with their contact info. Also test your butt off anywhere and everywhere on line, you will learn a lot during the process. I found it quite enlightening when I was doing it 3+ years ago. Good luck.
20 yrs-6 months training by insurance company
then everything else OTJ
Question on training at a company physically?? sm
The few that I have ever trained for were done through conference calls. Never physically going there. I have check about this company called Silent Type on the board, and read several other posts that say you have to physically train there. That is possible, as I am in NY state, but isn't this sort of out dated in this technology. Does anyone who work for them that reads this can you shed some light on this? I have 3 under the age of 12 and not sure how that would work?? Is it worth it?? javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Does your company pay for mandatory training/conferences?
Not as a new hire, but as a regular employee when they have a mandatory phone conference, or training for new platform, ASR, etc. ??
My company has recently started sm
assigning jobs by the TAT, not by the work type. Again, maybe you need to refresh yourself on the various specialties/work types. The SUM tapes can really help with that. If you are interested, email me. I bought them on ebay, and can make cheap copies if you like.
I just started with a new company this week, so I will let you know how it goes. SM
I am still working for Spheris just in case, but if this new one doesnt work out I will look elsewhere. Kind of fed up.
I started a new company not long ago, too
and they were detail-oriented. Like you, my transcription was great, but I kept forgetting the little things - how they like their dates formatted, when to add headings, when to expand abbreviations. I printed out the emails with the corrections I got and made myself a cheat sheet to keep beside my computer. I reviewed it before each shift and referred to it frequently while transcribing.
Learning the formatting/account specifics is probably the most difficult part of starting a new job, and I'm sure their QA dept is aware of that. I made it and so will you. Just stick with it and double proofread things. I also doublechecked my demographic information prior to submitting just to be sure. One thing to remember, when in doubt, flag it for QA.
I started out working for a company ...sm
that gave you everyone who worked there's IM and then the company who bought them out isn't that way. They don't encourage contacting other MTs working there. Which has not stopped me. I still have managed to get email addresses and then get their IM. It does help tremendously when you are able to talk to others on the same account as you.
I just started with a great company that I had to purchase
Docshuttle and waveplayer. I had contact with them throughout the period of waiting for the software to arrive, etc. If you purchased the disk and not just the download, you can return it.
Just started with a company 4 days ago and having same issues!!
VERY frustrating. I am paid hourly while I work, no work=no hours, so I charged them for the hours anyway. I went from a job with too much to do to nothing to do BORING!! They promise it will pick up and I am just keeping my fingers crossed!!
I started work for 1 company this past
year that was really out in the sticks. They had dial-up because they were not close to anything and that was a company!! What I dislike so much about having my DSL is here in Atlanta with Bellsouth you have to have a land phone if you have the DSL. I am hoping with the take over of Bellsouth with AT&T maybe they will give you the fast access without the land. I spend sooo much on something I rarely use but went with another provider here in town and not satisfied with the service so back to MA Bell. I have to have the fastest. I really don�t want to try any others as that switch was sorta nighmarish!!
Not sure, but I started wtih a new company as an IC and they said they were not compatible
with 2007 and that I had to have 2003 or older to use. I think the majority of companies out there are not using the newest version.
Okay...say Snopes is correct and it's a rumor started by a gas company...
How does the gas company that started the rumor know everyone will flock to them?
I buy my gas from the station that posts the lowest price, and not necessarily twice in a row. I may buy from Kroger, Walmart, or some other company, but they're always selling for several pennies below the big companies.
Just started working as an IC for a company, found out something I had been transcribing for
years was wrong. When I questioned it, they explained it to me, but for 20+ yearse no one else had seemed to care. You learn something every day in this business.
Is company board down? No posts from today. nm
I love my new company. I'm off today and tomorrow
and didn't have to beg anybody or worry about TAT.
I just told my company to take this VR and put where the sun don't shine today sm
I got tired of the promises...Oh I have gals doing 10,500 lines every 2 weeks in 8 hours a day. (I think I choked when I heard this.)
It is NOTHING for me to type 8000 lines or BETTER in a week and I get paid way more for my 8000 lines. I have been looking for another job, either PT to augment the lack of work or FT for the right situation. First question I ask perspective employer? How do you feel about voice. I have talked to about 7 or 8 companies in the past 2 weeks. EVERY ONE OF THEM has said NO WAY, NOT HERE. It is not very good...you can't expect an MT to edit that crapola for half of what they make typing, unless you don't care the least about quality. I had two of them tell me it was unmitigated GREED on the part of these company's owners that they even entertain it.
I will say that the cream of the crop of MTs can transcribe so much faster than they edit, it isn't even funny. Granted, there are plenty of MTs who are stop start, stop start, but when I get into a report, I put the pedal to the floor and TYPE. I am down to about 1.25:1 or better than that a times. A 5-minute report will take me under 6 minutes, as a rule, to transcribe. My accuracy is something above 99.5%. I swear what attracts MTs to editing is the fact that they can't type enough lines to make it work as a career. Either they can't sit still (that is me most days, but my speed makes up for it), they don't know their stuff all that well, or type slower than a 7-year itch...but they are not the cream of the crop.
Just you all wait...one of these companies who has crappy speech program and crappy "editors" is going to be sued and those extremely substandard reports are going to win the case for the plantiff and the hospital is going to be left high and dry, a couple of doctors with them. We are here for a reason. We protect patients and patient care. We also protect the doctors from litigation. I used to go through medical records looking for errors, loop holes and other boo boos for a malpractice lawyer. The better the transcription, the more thorough the dictation, the less I could find proof against a doctor or facility.
We need a national forum for this...newspaper something.
Been interviewing for jobs this week, today a company
confirmed what we have been saying all along, they send the good dictation overseas and leave the crap for us.
Read the company boards, posts about them today.nm
I saw this happen in MQ office while training. Supervisor was supposed to be training but
account was behind so she did transcription while she collected salary for "training" me. Of course I asked others for guidance rather than bother the furiously typing supervisor. I don't know if she cherry picked but she definitely double dipped into the MQ payroll.
Did you look at the company board? Just scroll down the page for posts from yesterday and today!
there is a world of difference between MT training and NP training
honestly, I am in nursing school and have lots of health care experience as a paramedic and medical assistant. I think you can relax and leave your family's health either in your mother's hands or their physician's...
All I know is it caused the company I work for to be unable to do all work due today and the rest
HELP with Shorthand. Suddenly today when I tried to start work today.sm
my ShortHand would type only the first letter of an expansion and then take all the letters away! I checked and the Type It button is grayed out! I have restarted the computer and looked on the Shorthand Help menu but can find nothing that applies. Can anyone please help me ASAP? I am lost without it! TIA
Perhaps you are right. This one is dated today. The original article was on Yahoo today also with
But this article states it would only affect new customers right now. So I am upset over nothing. I went through heck with BellSouth when they charged me a surcharge of an extra 50 a month and then would write a letter saying I had to switch to a long distance service and pay by the minute because of my "excessive" use. They told me the unlimited charge was for an average of an hour a day not somebody who worked out of their home and I needed to switch a business plan at over 200 a month charge. I switched over to cable because of that and then to read that cable was going to charging on a per use fee and not a flat monthly fee it upset me. It is the nature of our work, VR, only paying for VBC, having headers and footers taken away, now being charged for being on line, etc. It just seems that everything is done to keep to insure less money.
Blasted cold out today. It was 104 degrees last week, but it's 40 degrees today with rain.
However, I do like cozy days like today when I don't have to go anywhere. I'm done working, the house is clean, there's chili on the stove for dinner already, and I'm just putzing around. I think I'll go bake some jalapeno cheese bread to go with the chili.
I have been asking for one since the day I was hired.......
I have been on this account for 2 weeks and it has been like this from day 1. My account mgr is telling me everything is low and that there are no secondary accounts to put me on......and I have experience in everything so I'm not limited in what I can do! I know this time is always slower but this is beyond slow. I'm trying to hang in there but getting really frustrated. They are still hiring and we don't have enough work to do. Then, they are rolling out this BeyondText voice recognition thing and while we show no jobs ready to be typed the ones that are at MLS, which means they are in voice recognition, is full......seriously considering going back to school because I see this field getting worse and worse. Harder to make money. I'm trying to stay positive but it's getting hard to do. Sorry everyone has to listen to me complain but my bills are really getting behind.
Same here. I was hired as IC
My company would not hire me as an employee. Never told me to work for other people. I am plenty busy, fulltime with this company working on one account.
The company I work for now has been in business for over 30 years. I have been with them for 1 year now. I do not believe they have had any trouble with the IRS or I think they would have told me I have to work for more than 1 company.
Oh you mean the one that likely hired her? LOL
Good luck. LOL.
Someone like that hired here and is
making slightly a dollar an hour less than me. Now THAT burns me!!! I have 7 years experience but because they upped the minimum starting wage after I was already here people are starting out with almost what I make- but did they raise anyone elses wage to compensate? No, that is not their "policy." I guess we get penalized for longetivity. If I quit and came back and was hired a week later I would make at least 1-2 dollars an hour more than I am making now. Sickening.
I don't think so. I just was hired for them and they were
pretty firm in the schedule. Someone has to work weekends so most companies have gone to a Tu-Sa or Su-Th schedule. After 6 months you can change schedule, but don't know if you can eliminate a weekend or not.
So were you hired?
The test was very easy. I sent it in, but I have not heard back.
They do not need your SS# unless you are hired.
You may think you are being hired for
the morning shift, and then they tell you that only evening shift is available, 2-10 p.m.
They hired you as LPN, so they cannot
all of a sudden change your contract and add also the duties of an MT and not even pay you for it.
But you can do it in the evening at home.
Is the doctor your employer when you do the MTing?
I just was hired with the new SE pay/incentive!!!!!
I must say I am very happy and I think other SE's will be, as well!!
I hired in at 9 cpl and can earn up to 2 cpl in incentive on every line I type! I'm excited! I can hardly wait to get started!! Though I am only obligated to do 6000 lines in a payperiod, if I type 16,000 lines in the payperiod I get my extra 2 cpl and that makes for $1760 just for that! I think that is pretty good.
My training is next week and I hope to be able to reach that with my first check!!
If all would please be calm, I'm sure that the new SE pay/incentive plan will soon get out there!!! You'll be very pleased!
How do these people get hired, if they are so bad. Also...
My QA goes 99-100%; yet, I can still get 'ugly' comments from QA after 14 years on the job (only on certain accounts, because my QA is AWEsome on my primary).
There is constructive criticism, and then there is the attitude I have personally experienced by QA of thinking they are in some elite group and that they are better than everybody...making nasty little digs and extremely unnnecessary comments. Those personal comments are not professional, period.
This does not sound like you, and not even most QA, but there are those few QA people, in my opinion, whose comments can be downright disparaging, condescending, and sometimes even sadistic.
It is like doctors, almost, you know - how they seem to live in a world of their own and forgot how to deal with people as 'people' after a while?
I keep saying this, but rather than degrade people, there should be more education for people whose skills are not up to par, and my biggest complaint, how are these people getting hired. Perhaps recruiters need to get more input from QA, or QA should be involved in hiring.
One more thing: For QA who edit off-shore MTs (my apologies to you up-front, if you do not, but to make a point here), I have seen some pretty hideous reports from overseas; yet, never hear QA complain too much, or make rude comments to or about those MTs individually.
For those 'lazy' MTs you call them, perhaps that is why you have a job. If everyone was perfect, there would be no need for QA. You make more than MTs, right?
Also, it is always easier to read along with a report and see mistakes. Heck, I even find typos QA people make, and even in formal letters I get from MQ, etc. (There is even an error in Dorland's, haha).
This is only my opinion, as I do not see how many of these so-called 'lazy' MTs even get past the testing stage.
As far as being for the ''good of the patient," as I have heard before, if we were doing what was good for the patient, well, I could on about that one (smile). Insurance companies and CEOs of hospitals do not seem to care much about the patients, because if they did, they would not be discharging before they are even well or healed, just to save a buck. They would not be outsourcing overseas, just to save a buck...
Hired by Spheris in May.....sm
All I did was send my resume. Recruiter called within 2 days promising me the moon and the stars. I never tested, never had my credit checked. I have "Equifax Credit Watch" and get notification if there is "any" activity including credit inquiries. They never checked my references...professional or personal. They sent me the whole kit and kaboodle even though I told them I would use their computer as required, but I didn't need a monitor, keyboard, mouse or modem. After my "training week" getting paid at $7.00 an hour, they had the nerve to tell me I would be started at 6.5 cpl after recruiter told me I would make much more because of my experience. I was gone before they had a chance to take a deposit from my paycheck. I was more than happy to send them back all their outdated equipment. So please don't generalize when referring to nationals.
Unless you signed something when you were hired
that says you agree to pay for return shipping when you leave, then the company is responsible. If you don't have your original hire paperwork, ask them for a return shipping label. If they say you agreed to pay for it, ask them to send you a copy of the signed agreement. Make sure you save all correspondence.
I was just recently hired by
Transcend and am receiving the equipment today or tomorrow, will train next week. I would not worry about the interview if I were you. She was very nice and we had a nice talk. I am leaving MQ. Welcome.
I was hired at the same time you were and
there have been a lot of changes. I emailed you and you did not respond so I now wonder if you aren't just trying to flame ETP. With due respect, if you are meeting the guidelines for qualifying for benefits and after 9 months you aren't getting them, it makes me wonder why they wouldn't give them to you especially since you did not get a bonus. They only gave bonuses to people who qualified for them. They gave you the criteria to earn the bonus so you could keep track for yourself of every level that would earn your bonus. You can always call HR. Heck they even have an open door policy so you can email any of the head honchos.
If it were me and I knew honestly that insurance was a benefit I wanted and did not have, I would never wait 9 months to find out what the problem was.
I was hired w/o testing - sm
Started looking for 2nd job when started having low workloads on my primary job; sent out 2 feelers and both asked for tests, then one of them called me and said not to bother with the test, my experience said it all. What a good feeling - to be appreciated!
Have a great day.
Yes, I have been hired before w/o testing. nm