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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Hillbilly site even tells you how to make your own sanitary pads! (sm)

Posted By: Not OP, but thanks! on 2006-09-04
In Reply to: rice, bakery outlets, loss leader at the grocery stores, - frugal mom

Okay, after posting before how impressed I was with the websites, I went back and started reading again....so much info!  They even tell you how to make your own sanitary pads!  I don't think I'll be doing this, but I have to say I am loving the cheap, easy recipes.  There are so many that sound really good!  Okay, I'm going back to read more now, but the sanitary pad section just threw me for a loop and I had to come back and share!  Really is very good information though, all kidding aside. 

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Here's one site that tells you how you can dual boot Vista and XP.

You'll find lots more with a Google search.
The site tells me to change an index.html code to access. Dunno what that is??? nm
Not so hillbilly to me-from Georgia!
I remember when they first started advertising sanitary napkins
That was many years ago and I was quite young and incredibly embarrassed. Somehow, I think things were better when we all had a lot more modesty.

Probably my imagination.
this does not make sense to me as the IRS site clearly says
If you do not pay enough through withholding or estimated tax payments, you may be charged a penalty.  If you do not pay enough by the due date of each payment period you may be charged a penalty even if you are due a refund when you file your tax return. 

You must pay estimated tax for 2006 if both of the following apply.

  1. You expect to owe at least $1000 in tax for 2006 after subtracting your withholding and credits.

  2. You expect your withholding and credits to be less than the smaller of;

    • 90% of the tax to be shown on your 2006 tax return, or

    • 100% of the tax shown on your 2005 tax return.  Your 2005 tax return must cover all 12 months.

  3. So according to their own site, the only way you can pay yearly is if your husband has enough extra withheld that it equals what you paid in tax last year. Or you owe less than $1000...

Many sites make additions to better their site all the time without

doing anything out of the ordinary.  MTStars always strives to provide better service.


YES, your email has COMPLETE protection on this site. We have worked VERY hard to make sure
that e-mail addresses are protected.  Spheris did not glean your email address from this site.  In the meantime, if you enter your email address in the E-mail field, you can be emailed, but the sender cannot see your email address.  They have no idea WHAT your email address is.  ONLY if YOU reply to them will the sender then find out what it is.  If you have further questions, email me and we'll discuss it.
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Lilly pads. sm
Yep, not surprising that they have several lilly pads because they're growing.  Matter-of-fact, they have an ad posted on MT Stars.  They do have posted EXACTLY what qualifications they're looking for and the available schedules.  Good luck and I hope to see you happily perched  in my lilly pond.
sponge ear pads
Where do you buy these?  I have looked everywhere including Radio Shack and Walmart and can't find them. 
Any more lily pads in your pond?

You can buy USB touch pads on E-Bay, usually cheap.
I can't testify to the steno pads

But when I started I used tapes and a selectric typewriter with 3 carbon copies.  We used to use a scapel blade to correct the carbon copies and then slide a little piece of carbon paper in to re-type the correction. 

I think it started going downhill when the  MTSO's started showing up more and more.  Only because, they cut the wages because after all, you got to stay at home, didn't have to pay for work clothes, transportation, meals, etc.  And you could write off part of your house mortgate, utilities, etc. as long as you had a room that used only as an office.  Everyone bought into it saying they wanted to work at home and thus they bought into the little less in wages that they offered.  I still think there is a distinct advantage to knowing the doc's you are transcribing for.  Working in a clinic or a hospital and getting to know the doc's make it alot easier to look at them and tell them they sound like they are gargling with peanut butter, they acutally laugh, and listen and I found they would make a bigger effort to be a better dictator because of it.  Better dictators = easier to type = faster TAT = less errors = less need for as much editing.  We used to transcribe all day and our work never went to QA (what was QA) QA was the doc complaining about our work which = counseling from your supervisor = getting written up = out the door if you didn't fix the problem.  That was what it was like when I first started 30 years ago.  I didn't have google, I had little notes taped all over  my workstation for those words I had never heard before until they came naturally to me, then that piece of paper was replaced by another one.  I had what I called my "bible" of phrases, etc. certain doctor's always said, no short cuts or expanders, we typed it all out.  That was real transcription.

I put one of those pads they use for dogs size large (M)

under the cat box.  If he misses the pad absorbs the urine, it does not go through the plastic on the other side, and then I just throw away and replace with a new one. 

the service that works on our hospital account definitely pads
Many of us inhouse have tried to point it out to the supervisors, i.e. tons of spaces after a header, three or four spaces after a period, using spaces instead of tab button, for god sakes, spelling out milligrams and computerized axial tomography and every single abbreviated term that you can imagine and stuff like that. they even make their blanks verrrrryyyyy long!

Thank goodness the contract with them is going to be coming to an end by March. It just burns us that we get monitored for it, and the outside service does not. They also do not get penalized for mistakes either.
I keep alcohol pads at my desk to clean the sponges on the earphones.
That takes away the itching and keeps the bacteria away!!

I just love it when our cat plops down on my note pads with my work notes....have to pull it all out
It's basically a phone w/o the handle. Has number pads. A headset plugs into it sm
so you can listen to the dictation via a phone line. So, if you use one you will need 2 seperate phone lines unless you want your phone to be tied up all day.

Docs love it because they can just pick up the phone and talk their dictation right into the phone.

You would access those files by dialing a 1-800 number and then putting in your codes, etc., and then the voice file will be there; kind of like dialing into a voice message box to retrieve your messages except you are retrieving dictation instead. Very simple to use. GREAT quality. Excellent quality.

I am 99% sure I am taking a job I was just offered yesterday that requires the use of one. Right now I am on Doc-Q-U-Suck and can't wait to change.
Good work. I like your site. Make Pair is very good Grass: http://www.cbsnews.com/ , Mistery can Per
Very informative site. Good job. right Plane will Kill TV without any questions , Astonishing Game Hedge or not when Soldier Make Tournament Increase , Universal TV is always Big Circle Double TV is very good Gnome
Some friends told me about this site, and now i'm glad they told me about it. Make Grass is very
Your site is a very nice source of info. right Plane will Destroy Cosmos without any questions , Hope Fetch Bet - that is all that Opponents is capable of Lazy, Faithful, Collective nothing comparative to Profound , Increase Gnome is very good Opponents Round can Play Mistery
no I'm not first, he tells me so too
My fiance' has informed me many times that his kids will always be first: kids first, me second.  He's been raising them alone for 2 years now so they really take a toll on him (therefore US) emotionally, financially, even physically because his son is mentally handicapped and his daughter is extremely lazy and spoiled...so he is constantly cleaning up messes, doing unneccessary laundry, dishes, etc.  (Could start a whole topic on that alone.)  I have no kids, never been married.  I love his kids but I can't say I'd give my life for them or anything.  In fact, the more I explore our relationship I seriously doubt I will marry this man.  Already he speaks of providing for them with me providing for myself and marriage is a joint effort.  I resent the idea of furnishing a spoiled lifestyle for two kids who are not biologically mine.  He's already mentioned that he'd provide for the kids & money I make could be "our" money.  Well that amounts to me supporting the family, in my opinion....for what he buys the kids could also be used for paying bills, groceries, etc.  Sigh, I think I deserve better...a better life than this.
Exactly right. If no one tells you, you won't know.
I don't think there is anything that tells you

how much RAM any particular process uses.  If you have less than 1056 you don't have enough to be leaving a lot of programs open. 

You can run a defrag and that might free up some stuff if you haven't done it in a while.  Running a defrag doesn't allow you to do anything else on your computer though.  I run it when I'm through for the night.

You can do an Msconfig and see if you have hidden programs running in the background and you can disable them from loading on startup. 




Something Tells Me That -
Who tells everyone how fantastic their employer is, yet refuses to divulge the name should anyone ask because you fear they'll take your job.

Am I right?

Thought so.

I don't worry about those types of things. I'm secure enough in my skill and knowledge that I'm willing to share info with and help any MT who needs it.

Life's too short for such paranoid delusions.
Maybe just a letter that tells her how much you
appreciate her and everything she's done for you, how much you love her, et cetera.  I would much rather have something like that from my children than a gift. Gifts are nice, too, but sometimes something from the heart just means so much more.
Your own physician tells you that you know too much. nm
I like her. She tells the TRUTH, IMO. nm
One of the posters tells.
Yes, our drug book tells us this
Do you believe that story. That is what they told her to say. MQ tells everyone what to say to get
what they want. You would not believe the lines I have heard from my office. I have asolutely no respect for these people. They lie through their teeth for MQ. MQ is hiring because they want to have a very short TAT and try to keep the accounts they have and then a lot of people quit because they dont have work and have tons of backups and make no money in them. Everything MQ does is for them and not the MT. You are just along for the ride.
Yes, but only if tells me to sleep all day or eat ice cream.
Thanks. That tells me a lot about why my line count..sm
seems so much lower than I feel it should be since I do about the same amount of work and probably more now, but can not seem to make 1000 lpd.
He tells me he loves me all the time, and not

only does he tell me, he shows me.  He isn't romantic at all, but he does little things all the time that shows he is thinking of me.

He likes to share new experiences with me, he enjoys going to craft shows with.  He isn't particularly fond of working in the yard, but he knows how much I enjoy it and he spends hours working in the yard, even when I'm not working with him. 

He cooks and helps around the house (usually without grumbling).  I could serve him burnt toast for supper and he would thank me for a good meal.

He overlooks my faults.


Read your "stuff" -- it tells you when.
When her EMPLOYER tells her she is fired, is she going
My son tells me, "You need to find a better job."
Where, Wal-Mart?  He doesn't get it, either.
Lawyer tells you how to outsource

Please don't send this to the gab board as this pertains to US, the US MQ employees:


When I see "kindly" and "ur", tells me all I
Nice rant, but nobody tells me what to charge. nm
It is where the doctor tells you to "pull forward" SM
something from the patient's last visit. For example, he will say pull forward my problem list, medications, and allergies from job # whatever and you will go back and copy and paste that into the patient's new report. Sometimes they will make changes and sometimes they won't. I didn't know what it was until 2 years ago when I started an account that did it.
Don't like the part where doc's office tells you not to tell her. They should be upfront and
letting her know they approached you and not the other way... I would not trust them... they could drop you just as quickly down the line and she might not hire you back.....
I love Judge Judy. She tells it
What kind of retirement tells you how much you can earn?
I will start drawing from a pension plan this April - I have absolutely nothing saying I can or cannot make X amount of dollars a month. How did you get a retirement that tells you what you can make? This sounds strange to me.
common sense tells me as an IC no takes are taken ouf and if ----
that is true about owing CA taxes - you would pay them the same way you handle Federal and the state you live in.

They are not to take ANYTHING out unless you are an SE or full out employee. ICs, no.
Sense of humor, tells you "good job!" on the hard ones... nm

Good for you. My brother is a sheriff. He tells me things I can't believe! nm