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Hilarious name for a gay movie. Broke back mounting.

Posted By: Very suggestive. on 2006-01-16
In Reply to: Brokeback Mountain - Romey

Gays love it. A play on words.

Can't wait to take my family.

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Office Space is hilarious! It's an older movie, but sooo funny! The attitude Peter

has (the main character) reminds me of me!  Gotta see if you haven't already.  I watch it over and over and I still laugh.  

My favorite lines:

"Can't you just zonk me out so that I don't know that I'm at work, in here?  Can't I just come home and think that I've been fishing all day or something?" 

"I don't really like my job and I'm not gonna go anymore." 



another one is Broke Back Mountain
I already knew what was going to happen ahead of time.  I think they must have been going for the *shock factor* of two gay men in a film, which has never been done, because the rest of the movie was at a standstill.  Altogether nonconvincing!
The STRAW that broke the CAMEL'S back!!

Can you believe there is trainee from India, living here in the U.S., who has been training on my primary account for the past TWO months at least....the problem is all she wants to do are the good American dictators and she is ALLOWED to skip, pass over, cherry pick past her own countrymen's bad dictations. 

I've watched my line counts go down now for quite awhile wondering if all the decent dictators on my account were hijacked somewhere, now I know why!!  How long should it take a person to get used to transcribing ALL the dictations??? 

This, to me, just adds insult to injury....first all we seem to be getting are the terrible dictators from India....now even if we are "lucky" enough to have a transcriptionist from India living here in the US transcribing on our accounts, all they want to transcribe are the good American dictators.  I've turned my cheek more than once but am beginning to think enough is enough!!  What say you???? 

I don't think mounting to the bottom of

the drawer would work.  If the bottom is sturdy enough to support the mounting you would be putting stress on the drawer and after a period of time something would give.

They do have trays that clip onto the desk and maybe you could find one long enough that you could open the drawer if you take the keyboard off the tray.  They do have a tiered thing where you can set your monitor on top and the keyboard slides up underneath, but I don't know if it drops down or not and then you could just push it back up to get in your drawer.

Go to a website for Staples or Office Depot and look around for keyboard trays and see what they have. 

broke huh?
as landlords, you give notice, after that, you put lock on door, with all their stuff inside, if they don't pay up, sell their stuff. get rid of the gas hog suv, do much 4-wheelin? or why do you need that thing in the first place, cause everyone else has one? being 1/2 mexican and 1/2 italian, you eat pasta, 60 different ways, or you eat tortillas and beans. cheap. I remember having 2 teenagers, no income whatsoever, found a can of V-8, and a box of pasta, made sauce from the V-8, my kids later asked me to make it again. had a dollar to last me for 2 weeks, lost the dollar and cried like a baby, FOR A DOLLAR! and last but not least, things can always be worse. buck-up and do what ya gotta do.
You have it write Broke!!!
You are exactly right. Ooooh let me buy that huge TV or put a brand new Lexus in the driveway. please. Christmas is about giving not about receiving and it is not about giving presents. It is our time and our love that is needed most, especially this time of year. We do the same here. Make presents for each other, make the decorations for the tree, donate our time and our money to those who need it. Soup kitchens, Salvation Army, local homeless shelters, etc, etc. We have never "not" been able to afford going crazy on Christmas presents for our own families, but really just never wanted. Our entire family feels it is much more important to spend on those who most need our help. Kudos for you and a very merry Christmas!!!!!!
First co went broke, so went to second, which sold
tape broke
Did you hear me scream? I guess I'll cut and tape and try it from there.
Not yet. Broke too and need to file. nm


Several MT companies are going broke SM
and I anticipate them either folding or being merged into several other companies.

There is not enough of the pie to go around.

I do think there will always be some work for young mothers, who want to earn extra money, while working at home. Just not enough money to be made by the rest of us.

I broke into the field with a 9-mo baby....
I quit my office job (not MT related) to be at home with my daughter when she was born.  I had left nursing several years before, but because of that had medical knowledge and had taken terminology.  I began working for a small service ran by a friend of my mother (a definite break) and since my mother was an MT too, I had her AND my mother's friend to call any time I was stuck.  I spent 2 solid years calling on the phone about 50 times a day.  Fortunately I was married and didn't have the stress of being the only one making an income.  That took the stress off.  That baby is almost 18 now and I'm still here, having working my way through 2 more babies.  I've worked in-house a couple different times for short periods, but I never enjoyed it.  I've been home so long now that I don't know anything else.  I love it.  It's almost more crucial to be "hands on" with your kids as they get older and into their late school age and teen years, than it is when their needs are more simple.  With all that's out there to corrupt our kids, I think they're better off spending as much time with family as reality will allow. 
I tried the Wellbutrin and broke out in massive hives
Oh, my MT's aren't going broke -they are very happy with their accounts...sm
I haven't had an MT leave me yet because they found better work at a better price even though I come right out and tell them: if they can make more money working for someone else, please take it. (so sorry to ruin your pity party :) though). I have also taken on newbies and trained them into the business. I have worked with my MT's when they found an account that they wanted to get for themselves. I've talked them through proposals, sent them some of my paperwork, and even some of my advertising. I've always told them I feel there's enough work in this business for all of us and I can always find someone to work on my accounts to replace them if they get their own work- so if I can help them land an account of their own- more power to 'em!  You know, you can do the same thing I did...just go out, get your own accounts, buy equipment, set up a file transfer system, bid a good price and get the doc to take it, find some good MT's, train them on the account, then go out and get another account and do the same thing. And then get more accounts. As was said before, anyone can do it -- it's just that most people won't.
I have an HP and the power jack broke in less than a year
I had to buy a battery charger and an extra battery and run it off batteries. Seems to be a problem with HP. Don't want to get it repaired because local guys will not guarantee motherboard won't get damaged and it is cheaper at this point to buy a new one than send out.
Mother fell and broke hip Sat, sent home by ER doctor

who said it was only bruised.  Hospital calls Tuesday afternoon and says she actually had a broken hip and needed surgery.  In the 3 days before the nursing home found out it was broken, she fell again.  Has anyone ever heard of the radiology dept taking 3 days to read films?  It was Memorial Day weekend, but even so I don't think it should have taken so long. 

Can anywone recommend a good vacuum cleaner? My old one broke and has to be replaced. Thanks. NM
That is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am rolling on the floor with that one.
I saw that, and it's hilarious!!!

Ha!  That is the funniest thing I've heard all day!  I remember way back when I first started as an MT, the surgeon had dictated what sounded like "slap reconstruction," so that's what I typed.  It was "flap reconstruction!"  Gosh, I'm sure glad the surgeon had a sense of humor and he read the document before signing it...hee-hee!
Those are hilarious! (nm)
That's hilarious!

You'd elect Bush all over again!   God help you!  And you probably thought, and still do think, that Iraq has WMD.  Hahahahaha!  

Have fun shelling it out at the pumps honey. Bush and his oil buddies count on people like you.  

you think everything is hilarious

LOL, I didn't think of the fact people are named Ed...


OMG hilarious NM
Hilarious!!! nm
OMG that is hilarious! My DH's is too! sm
It never fails, he will start talking as soon as I step on the pedal. As soon as I lift my foot to try to catch what he said, he stops. Then when I think he was just making a rhetorical comment or something I didn't need to respond to, I will step on the pedal and he will start talking AGAIN!! This will go on for a couple of minutes, listening to the same little bit of dictation over and over, until I finally tell him to either SPEAK OR SHUT UP!
That is hilarious even though

EVERYTHING you said is true and very very frustrating, it was still sooo funny...especially, and I forget what number...the yawning issue...I always love to try and figure out what they are saying in the middle of a yawn.

You also forgot number 11...spell the word "the" but don't spell physicains names, names of other doctor's office or words that THEY can't even pronounce!

thanks for the laugh...I definitely needed a good on! 

that's hilarious! No offense, of course!
Sounds like something I would do... I actually did LOL!
?it's individualized to us? - that's hilarious. They

have quit and have sent them 3 resignation letters!!!!

It still surprises them when we tell them I DON'T WORK FOR YOU ANYMORE~!


OMG...these are hilarious...I think it's safe to say we all have

Hilarious! I know a few Earls. nm
Kathy is hilarious nm
This is Hilarious, ROFL. Sm.

This is rofl, for real



ah, seniors can be hilarious!!
You guys are hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!
quit being facetious - it WAS hilarious!!!..sm

get over it.....

even a huge percentage of the republicans are SO_OVER_BUSH!!! 

OMG I can't see through the tears!!! Absolutely hilarious! Made my day...thanks!!!

This is hilarious! I'll be very careful submitting
HAhahahahaha, that is hilarious! Thanks for sharing. I'm in stitches here!
Hilarious! Your post makes it buzz! nm
That's hilarious, hiring bonus. Everyone jumping ship?
LOL...you're hilarious! It's mindless (harmless) fun, that's all. No biggie. NM
Hilarious, must have missed that episode, love Jim - he's a cutie nm
It's hilarious! Shows your stellar sense of humor.
Hilarious! First time I've burst out laughing all week! Thanks. nm
have ya'll seen this movie sm
called Napolean Dynamite? If you have teens, maybe you have heard of it.  If you wanna rent a movie this weekend that is totally mindless and just plain funny, rent this one! OMG, my 14 YOD has watched it four times since we've had it.  It's just funny!
So are you saying you actually saw the movie?
If you did, then you would know they would never have gotten married if society had accepted their lifestyle and they did not have to fear for their lives.
It was a TV movie, first
After getting work at Universal (legend is he sorta snuck in), Spielberg was given Duel as his first directing job. It was a TV movie (I remember seeing it way back then). It was later released to theatres in 1983, most likely due to Spielberg's success with ET and other films at the time.

It's remarkable how simple a film it was (i.e., low budget). Only about 3 actors, with Weaver in every scene. It reminds me of a Stephen King type suspense, although none of the movies made of King's work has done nearly as well.

Some interesting comments about the film can be found at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067023/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnx0dD0xfGZiPXV8cG49MHxrdz0xfHE9ZHVlbHxmdD0xfG14PTIwfGxtPTUwMHxjbz0xfGh0bWw9MXxubT0x;fc=1;ft=206;fm=1

any movie must see and
I highly recommend The Machinist, it kept me interested as to whats going on until the very end, and I had to watch it again to catch the little hints.  I just rented and saw Red Eye, HORRIBLE...some parts were predictable and others were ridiculous.  Don't tell me other passengers don't notice when someone gets head-butted hard enough to draw blood.  Big disappointment.  Anyone else?
probably his best movie!
It showed the insurance companies for what they are; money-grubbing killers.

I think anyone here who thinks this is a good system should try to put herself (or himself) in place of those denied a claim for a procedure to save a life.

It is callous and disgusting. As I said before, health care should not be a for-profit business.
War of the worlds movie.
Has anyone seen the new War of the Worlds movie and did the big, mechanical monster remind you of a giant colonoscopy at times?  Just wondered if anyone else saw it and thought the same thing. ');>