Hey, bombing other countries defeated Hitler.
Posted By: nm on 2005-07-07
In Reply to: i'm sorry, but it's going to take more than - yep
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LOL The US is more likely to do the bombing
than any of these countries you name.
The facts show that WE are the new imperialists and that the government has been SCARING its citizens into submission for a very, very long time.
In WW II, Hitler gave male office workers the -
It was to symbolize that because they held a woman's job, they must be gay. A lot of them were gassed - and a lot of them were NOT gay.
What about different countries
You mean the countries of the "irrelevant" UN?
You mean "Old Europe"? You mean the country whose fine wine is poured down the gutters here? You mean that country whose democratically elected leader should be assassinated?
Pop Quiz: In what year did 14,000 French die in a heat wave?
Answer: 2003. Don't you remember all that news coverage we got here and how generous everybody was? Perhaps the freedom fries have affected your memory.
Selling the BOS to MTs in other countries?
Does the AAMT really sell the BOS to MTs in India and Pakistan? Can MTs there belong to the AAMT?
I see the difference, but in other countries...
they consider dogs and cats as food consumption. They were in other countries killing birds over the bird flu which were their pets and some were for food consumption, but they have to kill them all because it travels. They are totally different than we are here in the states when it comes to dogs and cats. I gave up Chinese food for that reason and stick to only Loo mein and hope that it's really a noodle. lol
Outsourcing to other countries
We are the only ones who can do something about this. I wanted to toss around some ideas.
A. We should research and get all the information we need, talk to lawyers and talk to anyone who can help us get started.
B. We should have a new association. American Medical Transcription Association � AMTA. That is just an idea.
C. Picket lines. OFFSHORE NO MORE!! Sorry, I borrowed the phrase from another poster. I hope you don't mind.
D. We should notify news papers, news stations, and talks shows that actually make a difference sometimes (Montel, Oprah��any other ideas for that?)
E. We should notify all clinics, hospitals, doctors, and any/every place in the United States and Canada that need transcription services.
F. We need to notify the general public�refer to D.
G. A specific board, group, or chat room dedicated only to OFFSHORE NO MORE should be created and moderated accordingly.
H. Union? What do we need to do to get this started?
I don't know where to start, but we, collectively, need to do something. I have been wondering we could possibly be (sp?) black balled if our identities are revealed? If so, it won't last forever. Maybe the beginning of all this needs to be the new association and that can be our steppingstone. We can make this better for our future and future MTs. The thing is that we need to do something. We can't just talk about it and complain against it and hope that someone else will do something for us or that someone else will take a stand. We have a voice if do this together. The ball just needs to start rolling�.
We might as well face it, we are being taken over by other countries, thanks to our
government. You have got to read this article at
Domestic workers sue, lobby, organize for workplace rights -THESE ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS PEOPLE!
I just want to crawl in a hole and DIE! I am so worried for my children. Soon, the US of A will be owned, run and operated by other countries totally!
As one of the richest countries in the WORLD, it's not odd
that other countries think we can help ourselves. Makes absolute sense to me that no one is offering help.
Reports are going to third world countries, often with out SS#. nm
unfortunately they send work to other countries
they offshore to other countries from the usa because what's important to most dictators, and again unfortunately, is the cheapest price they will get for transcription......now, I didn't say they would receive good quality MT work back - but they will only be paying 3, 4 or 5 cpl for that offshore work.....so they have chosen to COMPROMISE QUALITY!!!! Blechhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
USA has safeguards that 3rd World Countries DO NOT!
Like your MTSO or ISP company being subpoened to give up your name and address.
Like a city, county, state or federal Attorney General's office who will proceed to charge, prosecute and imprison you for divulging, or worse, blackmailing an institution, like a Pakistani transcriber did, in 2003.
At least we know the American Criminal Justice System can and will prosecute, but what can an American Institution or patient do about violation of privacy or blackmail in India or Pakistan?--VERY LITTLE.
Background checks on MTs fro third world countries?? LoL. Are you serious? nm
All other countries expect newcomers to learn
I wonder if CS is ALSO teaching Coding to India & other countries?
I know they teach MT to India and other countries, the latest one being Jamaica.
Yet they still take money from US students, even though they are training overseas to help them take more jobs away.
donations for the relief coming from 50+ countries, including
-- India is making a $5 million donation to the American Red Cross, Ambassador Ronen Sen said Saturday. In addition, Sen said India was willing to donate essential medicines to the relief effort, noting that India has the largest number of Food and Drug Administration-recognized pharmaceutical companies outside the United States.
You are worried about your home? Most of these records go to third world countries. I would rather
Sadly, I agree that more and more jobs are going to go to 3rd world countries. However, that is not
Ppl are so concerned about HIPAA. Most records, including SS#, go to 3rd world countries!
Dogs are a huge carrier of rabies in developing countries.
I will never work for another company that supports offshoring to overseas countries
As posted above, I have worked for a foreign company. The company had some US MTs working for them and IMO, they were using us to cover up. I think we should personally stick together and stop the nonsense of our US reports going overseas. I do have one question for those who support the Indian companies and any company that offshore overseas...where is your medical information going? Have you thought for one minute that maybe your own SSN and address, etc, might be going overseas?
Maybe nationalist. Everyone else is listing countries of origin. White english speakers at the wor
They like to show off, play with the language. At least the ESLs learn to say it, and always say it the same way, every time. The Caucasian English-speakers are the worst, arrogant, effusive with the language.
HIPAA is a joke, The majority of reports go to 3rd world countries, for pete's sake. nm
We have been supporting other countries for years and years now.
What is the big deal. Look at your clothes, cars, items in your house. You will see mostly China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan etc., etc. We have not supported our own people like we should have for years now!!!!