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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Here in Cherokee County Alabama August 8 is first student day.

Posted By: mtathome on 2006-08-03
In Reply to: In North Alabama, school starts back August 4th. We get out the end of May. - Kim

My DH works at the local school and he has been getting ready.

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Cherokee County
In Cherokee County, north of Atlanta
In North Alabama, school starts back August 4th. We get out the end of May.
2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

I think August 9th -
Will be 29 in August here.. nm
Not till August 30 here
This August will be 35 years. sm

More recently multispecialty clinic, previous to that hospital.

Not until August 31st! Heeeeelp!! :)

Heart cath in August - $14K+ !!! nm
August 28th :-( no message
Houston...August 16th. NM
I don't know the particular MD, but I had plastic surgery in August. sm
What I did was talk to nurses. Nurses are a wealth of info, and they really know the docs. In my talking to nurses, I even found a few who had chosen the surgeon for themselves. I'm not shy, so I'll tell you that I had breast reduction surgery. Aside from my talking to nurses who worked in anesthesia, surgery, and oncology departments, I also spent a good amount of time with the doc. I made sure he was board certified, asked lots of detailed questions, and he also showed me photos of previous patients and the results of the surgery. He showed me photos of both good and bad results, which was a really good thing. There are risks to any surgery, and it's good to actually see what can go wrong.
It took a while, but it really paid off on the end. My surgeon and I communicated well, and I'm very happy with the results of my surgery.
I just did the same thing back in August - sm
upgraded my "old" phone and bought a new flip phone for $20 at Dollar General (they wanted $50 on-line for the same phone. Called and had my minutes transfered, now all calls are 1 "unit" a call no matter where I am (was most 2 on my old one as I was usually roaming when I used it). I also got the double minutes for life plan, so all I have to do now is the yearly connection fee ($99), still a lot cheaper than buying and signing up for a 2-year contract anywhere else. The only difference I see with my new phone is it does not work as well as the old one did (it seems to work in more areas); but it works very well at home (the old one barely worked here if at all), just cuts out around the kids school and south of there (very remote there). Great phone to have for anyone who only uses it for emergencies or quick calls like, "oh, do we need milk, I am at the store." type stuff.
I asked in early August to change
accounts and was told NO. I also have a very difficult account with mostly ESL docs and residents, who ask you to go back and correct a million things or stay on there saying umm, umm, umm.

Would love to switch accounts or offices - something. I don't want to quit.
Well I DID have bleeding with my ectopic pregnancy in August, so it is possible.
An early ultrasound at the hospital was incorrectly read at the hospital as intrauterine, but when my OB/GYN did another ultrasound, it was ectopic.
Sept 5 - have a calm August up ahead - sm
the last 2 months have been nuts with Dr. appts (eye, dentist, oncologist, regular checkups); only have 2 scheduled this month, yeah, and only 1 weekend trip. Try to do some local stuff in the remaining month we have though if we don't fry first. Hit 100 today here in VA (NE of Richmond); it's 99 now and 5:30 p.m. NUTS!!!
40 degrees in August? Where do you live? Even Alaska is warm now.
It slows down every August and January on both ER accounts that I have. This time sm
of year is the worst. I forget about it every year until it happens again. It usually picks up again at the end of August and then is really busy until the end of the year. It slows down a bit (not much) in the beginning of January and then is really, really busy until mid to late July into August.

I have been doing this for 13 years and the only year ever that it did not happen to me was last summer. Not sure why, but both hospitals stayed busy the entire 2006.

I'm in Alabama! nm

2.16 to 2.19 in Alabama. nm
If you don't mind me asking, what was the name of the small company in Alabama?
44 Y/O in Alabama
Several of us in Alabama.
Do most of you work for companies or have your own accounts?
Alabama MT
I am in central Alabama - Bibb County - have only worked at home for about 4 months now and absolutely love it!
You have to work in their Harrison office. I contacted them in August, but I live across the
Carroll County, GA
It's waaayyy too early, but it helps me as far as working! I just have to get up so much earlier but not as many interruptions! They are trying to get the kids going to school year-round here.
OMG, I'm in Douglas County
I grew up in Cobb! Wow, whatta small world! You can e/m me if you wanna talk!
3 hrs away from you in Dutchess county. nm
I used to transcribe for a county (sm)
agency where they interview sexually abused children. I can't describe all the emotions that ran through me while listening to them try to bare their little souls to complete strangers.
It varies by county in NC
I live in Randolph County, NC and the high school kids here can miss no more than 10 days of school per year before they have to start making up time. The elementary kids can miss 20. If this kid has missed that much school, the school should be contacting social services or someone to get involved. In NC parents can be held responsible and even be put in jail for their children not attending school like they are supposed to. It is truancy and it is illegal.
Not me. Live in Alabama and it's hot here. nm
Auburn, Alabama
Thanks so much for your help here.  We're retired,  my husband is a retired truck driver and THANK GOD we have the ability to help others in need.   If we can just find out who, what, when and where, we're prepared to rent a truck, do a drive here locally and bring the stuff but we've made phone call on top of phone call and no one seems to know how we can help except to donate to the Red Cross but we want specifically to help the forgotten people.
$15.00 an hour for MT in Alabama
I work prn for a hospital in Alabama.  I make $15.00 an hour.  This is with no benefits and no insurance.  When I worked full-time for them, I made $12.00 an hour and had benefits and insurance. 
45 yof, MT 10+ yrs, med field 20 yrs Alabama nm
I think so (Alabama doc with accent!)
I have to admit I'm flipping here a bit.  My son took my headphones to school somehow and I'm having to do this without headphones!  Thank you so much!
I filed for an extension and paid nothing until August 15th. No penalty for that, just interest. nm
Started yesterday, August 1st...balance calender year in Tennessee..nm
I'm in Cobb County. We were originally....sm

supposed to have started Monday but so many parents beat up on the school board that they delayed it a "whopping" 2 days.  

At least our school board didn't get by with spending the $100 million on laptops for students!   It's a shame it took a judge to block them and put an end to that nonsense.   Speaking of which, I would expect that Apple will be having a huge sale on laptops soon since they've been blocked from selling the 63,000 laptops to the school system!  

State of California...LA County is...nm
Westchester County work


Yorktown isn't that far away from you and if you don't mind being an independent contractor, Phoenix is a good place.  Nice people who will treat you right.  They pay high line rates for well experienced people on an internet platform.  They have a lot of hospitals from Orange County down throughout MH and into Conn too.  You can earn enough as an IC to afford your own health insurance.  There are also a couple of other companies on the West bank of the Hudson where you could work from home with hospitals on both sides of the river.

email me if you like.


Pike County, Georgia. nm
County mental health
If she is on state or county aid she might find something available.  But I am not being mean but how can you expect to receive "free services" - would you do your work for free?   Again, unless she is on welfare or something like that or perhaps through your church you might find some help but even then you usually have to pay on a sliding scale and don't get it completely "free".  If she is suicidal or there is a chance she will do harm to self or kids, she can go to ER and they will set her up with something but again it would only be so many visits.  Does she work?  Does her husband work?  Do they have medical benefits?  Again, don't mean to sound mean or cruel but not much in this life is free as if everyone gave it away "free" how would they pay their bills.  But look through your county/state directory or go to your church and see if they can help. 
Katrina in Mississippi/Alabama

Does anyone know of contacts in Mississippi/Alabama that are needing help for their people who have lost everything?  We chose to donate cash to the Salvation Army.  By the time I got around to cleaning out my closets, neither the SA or ARC were taking clothing donations and I'm one of those people who is very bad about buying things and then never wearing them so much of the stuff has tags still attached, not exactly junk.  Now that it's gathered up, I'll just donate it to our local Helping Hands but would like do whatever we can do to help the people of Miss/AL in particular.   It seems they are the "forgotten refugees."  At least in our area, we see very little about them but did see a news clip last night that looked like they were as devastated as NO, if not more so.  Surely they need help too?  TIA for any info.

RE: Katrina in Mississippi/Alabama
We had the same problem. All kinds of good stuff and no one had room left for donations of clothing, etc. Our community came up with the idea of a gigantic garage sale and donate the proceeds to the Red Cross. So that is exactly what is happening next weekend. Sorry if this is a double post, my cat ran over my keyboard. He feels so good every morning!!
Alabama here - Huntsville area

I'm also from Alabama, in the Huntsville area.  If you're an IC in this area, you're lucky to get .12 per line.  Huntsville is supposed to be so high tech with all the NASA, Boeing and Marshall Space Flight Center stuff; unfortunately, the doctors in the area still have the 1975 price mentality! 

I know there is a large transcription service in your area that handles some physicians in this area and they're only charging .12 per line, so it may be a bit much for B'ham.  If you would like to know who I'm referring to, please e-mail me at tow46@aol.com and note this in the subject so I won't delete it.

North Alabama Transcriptionists
Are there any hospitals based in North Alabama who use at-home Radiology Transcriptionists?
Huntsville, Alabama Hospital

Does anyone have any experiences to share about Huntsville Hospital in north Alabama?  I put in an application thinking it was only sports medicine (I have PT experience mostly), but their Medical Secretaries probably transcribe for the full range of hospital services. I'm supposed to get in touch with them tomorrow to talk.


50-year-old female Alabama
Broomtown, Alabama, near Summerville, Georgia.
Back off Alabama, Jack!
them-thar' fags????

You know...I came on here to rip you up but I think you did that to yourself...I just would like other people to know that at least ONE person in Alabama isn't emotionally/mentally/morally challenged as this poster.

And if you have a problem with that, I'll let Carlos Mencia do the talking for me! Du-du-doh!!!!