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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Here's the image of myself

Posted By: Tired of being an MT on 2005-09-21
In Reply to: well, can't see your image, but... - sick of MTing2


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Computer Generated Image or Computer graphic image

well, can't see your image, but...
if it is of someone pulling her hair out, thoroughly disgusted  and considering taking a job at Wal-Mart, yep that's me!  
AOL allows you to see web cam image while in IM with person
Can't image the manager cant see what a
I'd like to see me trying that sober -- can't image I would have enough coordination to do it
any length of time!
It is like night and day having an expander. I cannot image...sm
anyone not using one. You can make expansions for almost every phrase imaginable and cut your Keystrokes by at least half. Even whole paragraphs can be expanded for the docs who say the same thing all the time. You will get your money back on your investment in a month I'll bet.
I can image that once we train the VR reports by our expert
editing and corrections, the VR software will start producing more accurate reports. Unfortunately, when that time does arrive, there will not be a need for as many medical editors/transcriptionists as there are now. I suspect at that point we will be competing for MT jobs, and our rates will go even lower than they are now. I hate to paint a somber picture here, but this is what the hospitals have been striving to accomplish since the mid-1980s, when they decided to outsource the transcription to MTSOs to avoid paying hourly rates and benefits.
P.S. - Sharper Image also sells this same headphone for much more.sm
I should also mention that I recommended this headset to my team when I was supervising because the company-issued headsets were basically garbage. I had a lot of good reactions, but a few people didn't like "over-the-head" style because it smooshed their hair or it just wasn't the best one for them. Hearing is a very individual thing and what works for one might not work for another, but quite a few of my crew got these and most seemed to like them.

These Kensingtons fold for travel (a lot of people use them on airplanes), by the way, and you can use them with any other portable audio like a Walkman or iPod, so I think all my folks kept theirs even if they decided to use them for other things than transcribing due to the fact that it's so inexpensive.
Anyone have success in using a website to project a more professional image?
Katie - spitting image of the Joker on Batman! LOL!
This board's image problem is the result of complaining MTs.

--should become the new logo.

Sharper image has top of the line with massage control. It might be worth it
It's a great chair and I didn't want to get out of it.
No, Priscilla Presley after face work, is the spitting image of the Joker.