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Hate to show my ignorance ... what is ME? nm

Posted By: LTMT on 2006-01-24
In Reply to: ME vs MT WHAT DO YOU PREFER - Poll Taker


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I hate to show my incredible ignorance, but how do I sm

find out what type of processor my computer has?  I know it is a Pentium, but I cannot remember if it is a 3 or a 4.  I tried System Tools, but that was of no help at all.  :(


Thanks for your help.

Okay, I am going to show my ignorance, but don't you still have to have a foot pedal and...sm
so have to be connected to an outlet? I know you can have that on your porch/deck, etc. but that does limit the mobility aspect doesn't it or can it be done without a foot pedal? I don't mean to sound stupid, but this is all new to me.
Guess I have to show my ignorance -- what is myspace? TIA nm

love, love, love the show. hate american idol. this show is for real.
the only reason i entertained watching it was because of mark burnett and as usual he has such genious casting and editing. btw, don't know who anything about "metal" music but these performers make me like it. love marty and jd as performers. HATE JESSICA. susie is so nice and so emotional. it seems they all support each other and enjoy each others skills. regarding ty and bob marley, ty was excellent but he also lucked out on the song! bob marley was genious too and his music is very easy to listen to. i don't like 3/4 of what the others are given to sing but their performances make me love the music. dave navarro shines on this show, very gracious for the most part and letting the contestants down easy when they have to leave. he was great last night with brandon (?). sweet, sweet show. i am so impressed with everyone involved.
I hate to admit it, but ME TOO! That is the only TV show I watch.
Gotta keep basic cable so I can watch my one TV show per week.
I love Dog -- Thought I would hate it, but really like it, same goes for that new show Miami Ink, -

don't know which channel --

Love psych notes. HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE,
HATE ER notes.
If you can show proof you did this work for them, they then have to show they paid it in order
I hate DocQSribe, I hate DocQScribe, I hate DocQScrbe, I hate DocQScribe, I hate DocQSribe.
Love cardiology, hate podiatry. Hate discharges, but
You should really keep your mouth shut about the situation here in Florida and elsewhere. These folks have been devastated, homes gone, jobs gone, these are everyday people and NOT WELFARE LINE recipients. Wake up and stop being so self-centered. When one day you slip into a bad situation you will be asking for help too. I all most fell off my chair when I read your ignorant, uninformed post. You should be ashamed and ask forgiveness and apologize to this board for y our inhuman and slanderous insinuations.
MT in Florida ..
Sorry for the ignorance sm
I was using "anon" but not anymore since someone else has posted a nasty remark here. Why the nasty replies on here? I agree, this is supposed to be the helping profession. I think Cobra is only a bridge between jobs to help you with bennies but is only temporary, not sure of time, but this is the law and cannot be changed. I had to have private insurance just for myself as husband had his own on retirement but I was too young. I had to buy from a private Blue Cross through a group plan through the Chamber of Commerce in my area and so expensive. Big $$$ and no other way. I wish you the best, there is no real solution except to get into a job that offers bennies but sometimes you make more on your own and buying your own ins. Again, sorry some others are so mean, there are a few on here, unfortunately, that's why I chose to be "anon" before but never again! I am not  associated with that poster.
Sorry about my ignorance here, but what does EMR really mean for the MT?

Even if the system goes electronic, won't MTs still be needed?  Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question! 

you are showing your IGNORANCE
Apparently that is all you have gained from 'getting out, living and learning'.

Knowledge of God is the beginning of wisdom.

I hope you truly 'get smart' by the time you have to give an account for all you have done and not done to the One that made you.
scuse my ignorance,
but what's an SE?  Thanks
Sometimes, ignorance is bliss....sm
If I had known EVERYTHING about starting a business and listened to all the naysayers, I never would have done it.  Bought a computer, printer, fax, and dictaphone(no on line work then), and sent out letters, flyers, had cards printed, and knocked on dr. office doors to get my own work.  I pretty much knew nothing except how to transcribe and was very good at it, I thought!  Soon learned I was very good at what I knew but just as green as a newbie with new fields.  Ended up with a very successful service and 10-12 employees.  Supported my family and still do.  Big difference in being prepared now is having the capability to do voice files.  Eventually, you need a phone so your name is listed in the phone book and an accountant to do the financial stuff.  You just have to have the basic knowledge that you probably already have, and learn as you go. 
Sorry, then, was showing my ignorance! :) nm
showing my ignorance
I did not know there were services like that, how do you contact them, what are they called?
Pardon my ignorance but sm
When did they start using flash drives and how? Most of mine don't know how to use the computer! Please share. Sorry for your problem, sounds like the office manager is gloating over this - it's their problem, not yours. Charge them for the lines find out how computer literate the staff is. They usually pay peanuts and get monkeys!
I hate those but I hate trauma notes on children even more sm
I used to work for a large hospital that saw a lot of children for various horrible things.

The very last one I did was a 12yo boy who had hung himself while his mother was at work. She thought he was in school. The doctor cried, I cried (as I usually did) and I just couldn't handle that anymore. That was the longest report I swear. Short in lines but the length was almost an hour. The doc didn't pause the machine, she cried, horrible gut wrenching sobs, and I did too, right along with her.
They say ignorance is bliss. You must be a very ingnorantly
scuz my ignorance, whats this about?
Their ignorance doesn't hurt me

as much as the ignorance of people who should know better - like our "supervisors" etc.  The only answer to nurses or anybody else who thinks like them is to give them a test tape and let them "have at it".  That's usually a good eye opener, or mind opener.


Ignore them - pure ignorance on the subject

Your obvious ignorance is not worth responding to, NM
Mensa AND common sense -- prejudice obviously ignorance
Oh bosh.  I am a member of Mensa and a medical transcriptionist.  I think it is VERY narrow minded of the whole bunch who criticize something they no NOTHING about.  Mensa is simply an organization whose qualification is that you test in the top 2 percent on any of a couple of different IQ tests.  High IQ and common sense are not mutually exclusive.  I have two other comments:  Intelligence is matriarchal (look it up) and if you would like the cheapest way of finding out your true IQ Mensa is generally the cheapest way to do it.   It used to consist of 15 bucks and a Saturday morning at a university test -- but I'm sure there are more modern ways now.   Contact American Mensa and find out.  They are a very interesting bunch and have special interest groups which consist of just about any topic you can think of from alcoholics to chocoholics to irish dancing and beyond.... 
Should I chalk your post up to just plain old ignorance, the fact that you can't read or SM
are you just plain stupid!
Pardon me, but your ignorance and obvious lack of class are showing.
get a life, this is extensively documented. Pick up a book some time, ignorance

I don't hate AAMT at all, ks. I don't hate
their book. In fact, I love the BOS2. It is not a regular grammar book at all - there are hundreds of issues in it that are point specific to MTing and medical field. I have dozens of regular grammar books, too, for other purposes, and they are not similar at all. I purchased the BOS2 when out job interviewing for a few months. Every single employer wanted me to have my own company, and they all tested off of it. Several used it in their daily work, and I have found it priceless over all. I think its even on sale now, but $89 is not a lot for a professional tool that we should use if required, or if a newbie. MTs who don't like to buy books are not very wise in the big picture. Its like shooting yourself in the foot.
I think this goes to show you that SM

when a person goes to another place with the proper attitude (respecting the culture already there, appreciating it and being open to new experiences) you can have a wonderful time.

I think sometimes we in the U.S. have such a need to fashion everything into OUR way of doing things it ruins our ability to appreciate different countries/cultures.

I love the show. I think the people learning to dance are very brave. I love George H. too! Looks like a lot of hard work and that it is definitely outside their comfort zone. Good for them!
This just goes to show you that when the
first letters are right and the last couple are right, the mistake is easily missed. No spelling police here, right!?!
It won't show up. it says
1. How much money did you make?
2. Send it to us.

Yes, I know how to show myself as
offline on instant messenger. Sorry, I misunderstood the post. That doesn't make someone stupid because they don't know how to, though. I had never even used instant messenger until about 3-4 months ago. It is a learning process and no one should ever be called stupid because they have not yet learned something.
New to the show
Only recently started watching this show. What is wrong with his leg and why does he pop all those pills?
was that the show with the...
Dumb guy and his *polyfidelity* mumbojumbo??? I just saw bits and pieces of it, but boy if that was my husband...well let's just say he wouldn't be my husband...or anyone's husband...for long! Whatta jerk!
What a show!
That guy was the biggest peice of trash I ever saw. Sometimes it just blows my mind why people as stupid as him want to come on national TV. Does he not realize he is a complete and utter fool? His wife is not much better either. UGH - She is only staying for the children and that is a shame. Honestly, I didn't really see any love between them.
About the show
I think personally that Paula is a little flaky, nevertheless, I can say I didn't notice anything different from her last night. As stated below, Carrie started the show. It was just a regular show I thought. No exciting moments, other than that nasty Brenna going home. She was pouring that "get money" thing on really thick. Kinda came off pathetic IMO. Can't wait until next time!!
There are also MTs that don't have anything to show - sm
that feel they must tear down those that do, whether they ever show it off or not. Like people that feel they must scratch or ding new cars they encounter because they themselves don't have the money to buy such.

There are bad apples on either side of the coin. But regardless of whether we have reason to brag or not, it is best we conduct ourselves so that we care about others in the process.

It should show up now, sorry.
One can never have too many friends.........

She is, it is her show, and...
it is meant to attract viewers.  Which is obviously does.  My son was on her show and she was VERY fair in her decision.  We were all very happy with the outcome, not because he won but because justice was served!! and on a TV show no less!!
She will just show up at the ER and noone will
Just goes to show you, all the

high-falootin' education in the world doesn't give you class.  LOL

This is my new favorite show...
I can't wait to see it every week, big fan of INXS, and the reason why the performances are so good is because these singers were professionals to start with, what a great change from the Teeny Boppers of American Idol.  Love Mig and JD.  The show is like watching a mini concenrt and when Jordis sang that Bowie song last week, I watched it at least 10 times more on line.  Glad to see someone else loves the show.  Sadly it has not gotten good ratings, so much for class acts getting their just deserves in this fickle society we live in.
Not in my office, but just goes to show you that nothing is
especially when there's only bad stuff to show
I noticed that Shepard Smith on Fox (not considered a liberal news outlet) was not especially impressed with the government response to the disaster. He was desperately begging for help for people stranded for days on a bridge.
His policies seem to show that,

Great show!

Jerry Rice is good but cannot match Drew.  What's up with the gangsta rapper?  He should have gone first. He doesn't really care.  I think he should have gone first.

Rock on Drew.

If you saw the first show, it was sorta sad...
she was talking about how she's tired of men just looking at her like a hunk of meat, and that she may have actually let herself "go" so that people might look at her as something more than a body.  She says at 45 she only wants to be at a more healthy weight.  She was actually really sweet.