Hands down, if I had to pick one, my best
Posted By: MTtoQAtoMT? on 2006-07-22
In Reply to: Poll: If you could only pick one..... - flutterby
resource for medical terms is The Surgical Word Book. Boy that book is awesome. For meds, Quick Look Drug Book is The One! Online, the only site I really frequent is Dr. 411. Now, most of my coworkers are going to know who I am, as I am always singing the praises of these!! Oh well. It won't be any surprise to them how miserable I am at work - we all are.
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let's do it, pick a day, nobody works, pick a busy day
My Pick
Sade's "By Your Side".
Its a very unique sounding and lovely song.
Pick up
LOL! Good for you!
Thank you so much! I will pick up one of these. nm
Which would you pick?
Forty-five minutes was or were spent with the patient.
The patient is a 46-year-old patient of Dr. Smith or Smith's with stage IV breast carcinoma
Unless you have a job where you can pick
and choose, I would never presume to ask to be off an account or a particular doctor because I can't understand him. I personally have a doctor that when I see his name I cringe, because I absolutely have a horrific time with. He is just one of the hundreds of doctors at this facility though. I just do the best I can and the more I have him, the easier (although slow) he is getting. That is all part of the job in my opinion, you take the good with the bad.
hands down by the....
I am currently getting paid per report on one acct and per line on another and hands down...per line always adds up to more money.
From years of experience, there is at least one MT that will tend to skip the longer reports when being paid by the report - if this weren't the case then it might be about the same but just from years of experience it seems there is always one bad apple in the bunch that spoils it for the rest.
When being paid per line, at least when they skip reports they don't want to do - it just means more lines for me and more $$$.
Does anyone else have problems with puffy, stiff hands during the hot weather. Never bother me in the cold but this heat kills my speed and accuracy. Anybody have any home remedies that helps. I feel like the Pillsbury Dough boy with regards to my fingers and hands. Please don't tell me it is old age setting in.
I tried Glucosamine with chondtritin and it did not help with any of my aches. But then I was told by a chiropractor to try MSM Glucosamine after I was T-boned and had terrible hip and buttock problems. Tried 2 to 4 did not help much and gave up -- I give up easily. But the past several months tried again at 2 twice a day and after a couple of days it helped not only with my hip but my hands have not ached all summer/fall now. Really helped and I now take only 2 or so and not every day. Vioxx also helped but they took that off the market. But this helps tremendously. But you should check to see if by chance you have Raynaud's or something in your hands or low thyroid. Good luck.
is there something i can use to help my hands....
to be smoother. i have been using baby powder, but have already went through 2 keyboards...is there a transcription something i can buy? also, how about my hands freezing....what can i do about that?
How can you cherry pick on MQ DQS?
How do you get info on whether hospital complains or not about cherry picking? How do you figure an office is closed because of cherry picking. My office is far away from where I live. My managers are just names. I don't know them. They live in other parts of the country also, far away from the home office. I know nothing about who is doing what nor correspondence from the hospital to the manager or why MQ closes offices (I was told this is an economical measure since most managers are working out of their homes as well.) How do you come across all of your information regarding the inner workings of MQ and who is cherry picking and how?
you can't cherry pick....
Well you see, you stated right in your post that you can't possibly cherry pick...so what do you know about what is going on with the rest of us out here who DO have to deal with cherry pickers.
Don't know what you make per line but getting about 666 lines per hour is quite astounding. I'm sure you must be quite happy where you are and with no cherry pickers! Good for you. I've been an acute care MT for over 30 years and am rated as one of the best as far as QA and quantity and have NEVER, EVER in my life been able to come close to your line count. Maybe you are from another planet and have powers beyond us or maybe you have some special secret you could share. Or maybe, we should just ignore your statement of getting that kind of line count, especially when you are not dealing with cherry pickers.
Pick Transcend
You'll like it. Great company. Great platform designed for us specifically. Pay is good, always on time. No problems. I love it!
Yes, I do cherry pick...
but very infrequently and only if I think somebody else would do a better job of transcribing a particular dictator - all of us on my account do it to a minimal extent and no one is bothered by it - sometimes U feel like a nut, sometimes U don't...
dropping everything you pick up...
and my favorite, the old juggling act: and now folks for my next trick, I will type for 15 minutes, answer the phone, fold a load of laundry, run to the bathroom, do up a coupla dishes on the way back, sit back down to type another 15 minutes, only to be interrupted as you just get going again...
gotta love it!
Oh, no way, after this I'm done for this year. It's a lot to go and pick and buy for
Christmas Angels, pack and ship, shooey, I'm POOPED!
Sometimes I wish I could cherry pick
I work with a program that will not allow you to cherry pick. If you try to dump the job, it comes right back to you.
It's a good thing though. I have learned a lot of foreign accents and have put up with mumblers, pausers, stutterers and horrid background noises, but I can do it all.
When the companies the cherry pickers work for downsize or go to VR (voice recognition) the good MTs will be working and the cherry pickers will be saying, "Do you want fries with that?
me too.. nit pick it so that it is hiliarious
Seems its a no-win situation with my QA...and I think they know I have 30+ yrs experience, so they are out to prove "something or anything" on my reports. It's absolutely ridiculous. And you call them on it, then you get "the account wants it that way"... oh boy!
It's my birthday, DH says I get to pick where I want to eat.
Ohhhh, the possibilities!!!
Poll: If you could only pick one.....
If you could only pick one each of a medical book and an online reference, which would you choose? Mine would be Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the book and onelook.com for my online reference.
I get one check DD. The other I have to pick up. sm
If that's not bad enough (even though the office is only 1 mile away), I have to drive another mile to my bank and they don't even have a drive thru teller. They're located on the main street in town so I have to find a parking place. Then I have to get out of the car. Then I have to walk to the bank. Then I have to walk inside and stand in line.
With my other employer I get up in the morning on pay day, log on to my online banking and there it is!
BUT. . . .there is nobody there to say hello and call me by my fist name and ask me how the kids are doing and whether or not I was having a good week, etc., which is nice even though I do have to change out of my jammies on pay day.
I was on my way to pick up tapes. nm
ppl but in it more for money. Pick one or the other.
Huh? I don't pick and choose and I certainly...
am not putting myself up on a pedestal. I don't think a little pride in one's work is too much to ask.
And yes, right now I do have job security, but these horrible American MTs keep giving MTSOs directly and hospitals/physicians indirectly an excuse for offshoring because they can simply use the argument that it doesn't make much difference regarding quality. So how much job security can I have and for how much longer?
I need to pick brains
from anyone who uses Express Scribe. I am trying to find ways to maneuver around in Express Scribe more efficiently, such as learning where how to set the back up for one or two words, etc. TIA
yes, you're right, many do pick
but just keep in the back of your head this little nugget: 5 years in acute care is worth its weight in gold. Someone else on this board said that, so I can't lay claim to it, but he/she is definitely right! A lot of the companies nowadays want you to have anywhere from 3-5 years acute care experience, so those biddies who won't do acute care will have a hard time finding a new job if they ever lose the one they have now.
Good luck, and I didn't mean to infer that you were cherry picking, just that no one has the luxury to choose whether or not to do crappy dictators no matter how long you've been at it.
In my book, if you can't pick up SM
the format and the software fast enough to get off the initial QA period in 3 or possibly 4 days, you need to re-evalute your skills and possibly work for a company like Spheris-they have a mentoring program.
The work you show a company in the first 3 days pretty much says whether you can handle what they have to offer or not. I see people come through my company who claim to have never typed an ESL in their lives, are still using abbreviations like q.d. and h.s., expanding everything else like it's 20 years ago and more. It's appalling.
pick your tool
I am a slow-medium typer, and I do quite well straight typing, using a word Expander program and LOTS of expansions. With VR I found less opportunity to take advantage of expansions. Expander programs and VR are both tools we can use to increase our productivity. Because the VR pay is so low, I choose to straight type and use the expander tool.
Female..hands down !
I swear, every account I've ever worked had one problem dictator.. always female ! One REFUSED to use macros, even on normals.. and she would always make sure she made every report unique, so that we couldn't sneak away with using a macro for her. Another one spoke a hundred miles a minute. I remember my first day with her. She said something several times in her reports and I went crazy trying to figure it out.... lumbar spine ?? supine ?? Turns out she was saying "skip a line" !!
Obviously not for his face, but maybe his hands?
Hands On Transcription
Does anyone have any info on Hands On Transcription? They say they pay daily. Thanks
not sure what you are looking for exactly but for my aching hands sm
i have a mixture i make. it leaves your hands for soft and smooth and feels great too. take table salt and mix in essential oil. i love to use peppermint as it leaves a "cooling sensation" afterwards. just mix it until the salt is moist, not drowned. rub it is (preferably over the sink as it will make a mess), rub deeply or massage and it feels great. then rinse hands with warm water and it leaves your hands so soft and feeling great as the oil is left on your hands.
hang on with both hands - and don't let go
some swear by, but I think my hands are too big.
Voc. Rehab. let me try one out when they were helping me get my ergonomics together, and I knew right away I could never get used to it. I have rather "fat" fingers, though, and I think that was part of it. If you have longer, thinner fingers, it might be right up your alley.
You can rent one (which can then be applied to the purchase price, I think?) for awhile from this site to try it out, rather than outright buying it.
hands down..hourly
I am MT/ME and ME is easier on the hands...
I love ASR (automated speech recognition) aka editing as it's easier on the hands for some (me!!). It does pay 20% less per line but I'm very fast with editing. I like it a lot but to each his/her own opinion on it.
Good luck!!
Insuring hands??
I apologize if this sounds foolish but has anyone ever heard of a Transcriptionist insuring their hands in case they were in an auto accident, etc?? Is it even possible??
Cold hands
Does anyone else have freezing hands as they type? It's worse of course in the colder weather. Are there any gloves or similar products out there that we can wear while we type? Any ideas are appreciated! I freeze all the time, in warm weather or cold, but my hands are what I need to be warm to keep transcribing. I need a space heater that doesn't cause my electric bill to go sky high, but haven't found one of those either.
My hands are always cold too.
I have seen gloves with the fingertips cut out, but do not know how comfy they would be to type with.
I sit with a heating pad on my back cause I have arthritis in my hip and when my hands get cold I just put them behind my back to warm them up.
There are also those heat packs you can squeeze or rub together to warm up your hands.
You would think after typing and typing our hands would stay warm with all this exercise, but NO.
Keep Warm.
Warm Hands
Or how about a heated wrist pad for in front of your keyboard?
Vonage the best hands down! I never
have trouble with them, either service or billing. No hidden charges, no monthly surprises. My bill is $32 every month for unlimited LD, plus I love their voice mail features, being able to access calls and messagers on line, their privacy settings - all calls can go right to voice mail if you want, etc. They are a miracle to me. Verizon, on the other hand, were skunks to me - my bill was always a nightmare each month, and though I had every Freedom Plan available, it was always a 3-digit bill. Service was great - billing was not.
When your hands feel like they are
going to fall off and your arms are killing you, what do you do/use to keep them going full speed for another 8 hours?
Nothing pill-wise though...that has already been done.
I'd like them for when I have cold hands
wonder if they would work for that...
I have had cold hands lately
and I tried buying some little stretch gloves and cut the fingers out, but I found in the Sunday paper an add for Miracle Therapy Gloves that supposedly reflect body heat. I was going to order them and try them. They do have a web site it's called www.DreamProductsCatalog.com
cold hands
My hands get so cold in my office that it's difficult to type. They're stiff from being cold. Any suggestions for a type of warming glove that wouldn't be cumbersome while typing?
what I did for my cold hands
I bought a duel-headed lamp with adjustable necks (kind of like the 50's space-age atomic style). I have it on my desk in front of the keyboard with a lamp head bent over and trained on each hand as I type. The warmth is wonderful, and it doesn't get in my way at all. And you can move them up a little if your hands get too warm. No cumbersome gloves that will slow your speed and accuracy down.
stiffness in hands
At 40, you could be premenopausal. I know it sounds early but some women are. You might try getting some progesterone cream OTC and rubbing it into your hands. It's touted to help just about all that ails bones, joints, tiredness or anxiety. Just a thought.
Radiology, hands down.
Have any of you used the free disk that you can pick up at
Just wondering how you liked the service. It is $9.94 month. TIA
Looking to pick up some prn work, about 10 hours per
week. I have Word 2000 and Transnet or can use FTP. Acute care or clinic. Email me for details if interested.
If neighbors have DSL, can pick up signal with that same