Guess it depends on how porous his skin is-- try cold cream maybe? - sm
Posted By: Laura E. on 2005-10-05
In Reply to: Dilemma! Tomorrow is picture day and my 5 yo just went wild w/a jug of blue food coloring -- - MadamX
My kids have done all sorts of stuff, usually the face cleans up except for red in my experience...fades over a week or so. But cold cream is good for make up so maybe it will work, if you don't have any handy maybe a thick moisturizer? Obviously the hands are not an issue since they won't be in the picture, you can always try a liquid make-up if it doesn't come off and if the make up does not look weird. Good can always keep him home or arrange for him to do the make-up picture for kids who are sick...they always have a make up picture day...find out when it is and just do it then.
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The good ice cream on the ice cream truck sm
that used to go by my house. We would run out with nickels and buy cones. And yes, I do remember Mickey Mouse ice cream bars. Yum.
I guess it really depends on how much you
enjoy the "freedom" you have and how much you enjoy the job you do right now. I know from experience that sometimes it's better to take less money and be happy in your job than to take more and not be happy. It's a tough decision and I wish the best to you.
I guess it depends. Do you also do
Are you using ICs or hiring as employee status? That makes a difference, too. If IC, the turnover rate can be high with ICs (at least in my experience, even w/ good line rate/decent dictators) so it's quite literally a neverending process for some MTSOs.
Another factor is my first question, do you do some of the work yourself? It's really dependent on your personal goals. Do you want to free up your time to work or are you wanting to add more clients and build up your business? If the former, does having the help afford you the extra time necessary to do QA functions? If the latter, are you able to charge a high enough line rate to bear paying an MT and a QA person a decent rate and still earn enough of a profit to operate? How many ICs do you typically have on QA, how long, and how many QA people would you realistically need to handle the workload? I think those are all legitimate questions to ask yourself.
FWIW, I tried doing QA myself at one time and it was not a winning formula. My theory was pay the MT more of the line rate to attract quality help and they won't be on QA for long, but it didn't play out that way. I had a high turnover for various reasons, ICs going AWOL, not meeting TAT, too many errors, etc., and even with the really good MTs, you run the risk of losing them to bigger services that can pay more and/or offer benefits, or they simply find their own accounts. I was putting in very long hours in order to handle QA plus get my transcription done. It wasn't worth it for me, time wise or financially, so I gave it up. Again, it depends on your situation, your ultimate goal, and if you are able to find good reliable help. I just thought I'd share my personal experience with you, too. YMMV, of course!
depends on what you did I guess sm
Sometimes the less said, the better, but of course, only you know what you did and I don't think you should broadcast any personal info on here or the Web. You will have to decide for yourself, if you have the skills, maybe they will give you a chance; maybe they won't think it matters. Only you can decide. I can't give you advice and doubt anyone else on here would either. We're used to everything being confidential, etc., professional people here, at least most of us anyway! Good luck!
Pay depends on where you work, I guess.
I know if I have a midnight deadline, it's 4:00 a.m. my time because I'm on the east coast and my national is out of California.
Good luck with the 3rd shift. I was thinking of that myself, but my husband has been doing 3rd shift for 7 years and I do first shift and we tell everyone that's why we get along so good.
P.S. He usually tries to keep his all night routine on the weekends, (his shift is 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.M- Th) but sometimes he'll stay up on Friday morning and go to bed at 11:00, but it messes him up sometimes because his week starts Sundays with a 12 hour third shift from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. You'll get used to it. He loves it. No alarm clocks. No morning rush.
That depends on your company. You will need to ask your TL about that one, I guess. nm
Depends on where you live I guess. sm
My cats have been outdoor cats all of their lives. One is 13 and the other is 10. Where we live, they sleep in the street. They're both neutered and up-to-date on shots. They don't wander too far from home anymore as they get older.
We moved here from a farm on a dead end road and I tried to make them stay indoors at first, but they wouldn't have any part of it.
Like I said, it depends.
Everyone in our tiny neighborhood knows them by name and dogs fear them. :)
(They're 15 lbs. each).
Guess it depends where you live. sm
Clerk didn't care if I would lose day(s) pay and also said I wouldn't get the $50 a day reimbursement as I was self-employed and had to pay myself.
No, I guess it depends on where you live (sm)
Like I said above, I have heard it used in a derogatory way many times. I am definitely not the prejudiced one. Anyone can look at the term "ebonics" and see where the root word comes from.
I guess it depends where you live...
Some employers require or "prefer" certification, but I don't know whether that earns you any extra money or not. Most do not require certification, at least where I live, and do not come out and offer extra pay to be certified or encourage you to be certified. My opinion is that it is a waste of your time and money.
Depends on your account, I would guess.
Some accounts want a strict SOAP format, so you would disregard the other headings.
I personally work on verbatim accounts so we put in any headings they dictate.
I guess maybe it depends on who you work for...
All I know is my boss is well aware of every single report that I proof every single day. I have specific accounts that are my sole responsibility, so if an error like this drug mistake got through on one of my docs' reports, it would be easy to know who saw it last.
I guess that depends if it is a verbatim account...
I think even so I would type feces....
I guess it depends where you live. Grocery
I don't know of anyone who shops at Walmart for groceries. Not one. No way I'd buy perishable stuff from Walmart. I was desperate one night a few years ago and bought milk at Walmart and BLECH! It wasn't past the expiration date but it tasted like it was nearing expiration and the coolers were lukewarm.
It depends what type of surgery, I guess. sm
Some are very easy and fast money, others are very detailed and long, nothing "normal" about them.
It all depends....Personally, they are my favorite and I specialize in doing only op reports, all specialties.
I guess that depends on how many hours you work. sm
Do you save yourself 2 hours because of your Expander and then quit for the day? Or do you work more hours because your expansions allow you to = more on the paycheck?
I guess it depends on which office you get switched to now doesnt it.
I guess it depends on what company or client you work for. nm
I guess it all depends on what part of the country you live.
I could not live on $2000 a month. Our house payment is more than that, not including electric, cable, car, etc. One day we will retire down south!!
I guess it depends on if it was a long-term affair or a one-nighter sm
Probably would try to make it work because I love him and want my daughter to have her daddy around.
My hands get cold, and typing with cold muscles is like (sm)
running or other exercise when not warmed up. I wear thin, warm gloves with the fingertips cut out to keep my hands & knuckles warm. For muscle pains in the shoulders, neck, biceps, etc, try Flexall cream - I find it to be VERY effective. Also try slight changes in chair height, keyboard height and angle, and monitor height. I found if I enlarge the print on my screen, it keeps me from hunching forward to try to read it. (CTL + scroll up or down on mouse wheel to make print bigger or smaller. It will not affect the size of the finished product.) Frequent "mini-breaks" to do other chores: filing etc. if in an office, quick household task if working at home, also helps relieve repetitive stress. A few months ago I thought my typing days were numbered due to various pains & arthritis; now I can work pain-free for up to 11 hours in a day. Good luck! :)
Don't use cream of,,,,,,,
Instead of creamy mushroom soup, try the Golden Mushroom soup. I think that is what it is called. It is the dark mushroom soup. Gives a sauce with more depth and flavor. Anymore, I never use the cream of,,,,, alway use the goldren.
I would recommend Oil of Olay. My mom uses it and it has done wonders for her skin. She uses the serum and night cream.
progesterone cream!!!!!!
I liked the progesterone cream, only
read a warning California--(by the way, why do they get to have more warning labels than anywhere else--just noticed that) where they listed something in progesterone creams that is a carcinogen, but please check that out. I was using it and stopped because of that, but I thought the cream was working great on all my symptoms.
then I switched to the wild yam, which you can buy at any health food store, and it works a little differently. you can find all the info on the net (way too long here, sorry).
I hardly have hot/cold flashes anymore. I use a combination of taking 1 Vitex (chasteberry) and 1 to 2 evening oil of primrose each day. was also taking Don Quai, but stopped for a break because it is recommended.
something to keep in mind as well I read the hot/cold flashes and nightsweats are USUSALLY temporary, like mostly just in the beginning and will most likely go away, or at least diminish.
Suzanne Somers has some great info on this, if you purchase her book, which is probably a good investment as she has thoroughly investigated the subject. She is almost 60, and claims even to get a regular period. even tells you how you can lose weight. she is amazing, only I just do not have the kind of money for her products. I listen and get bits of information, then have to put together things I can afford, haha.
do you have people you can ask at the health food store you go to?
I am NOT sure how this all works with having had a TAH/BSO.
wish you the best...
The ice cream truck
The Mister Softee ice cream truck came every evening. You could hear his bell dinging wayyyy before he got to our street. On special occasions (i.e., daddy's payday) we were allowed to go a sundae or milkshake or rootbeer float. I read in the paper just the other day that the man who started Mister Softee recently died.
We saw an ice cream truck the other day (sm)
and my daughter was so excited. But I told her I doubt it if it would come up where we live because there is too much of a spread between houses. We saw it going through a housing development. Which makes sense, but was a disappointment for my daughter (and me!!!!). I remember playing outside and hearing the music way in the distance. I would run to get dimes from my Mom or Dad. That is a VERY pleasant memory. Thanks to OP for starting this topic.
We have an ice cream truck come through
our neighborhood every day. They have all the good stuff from the good ol' days!
analysis, treatment, age prevention, facials, laser, dermabrasion, chemical peels, hair removal, body wraps.
skin: somewhat pale with peering? s/l peering? anyone heard of this before? any help would be greatly appreciated!
Bono and vanilla ice cream.
He can wish for me and Guiness and we'd be set.
Yes, but only if tells me to sleep all day or eat ice cream.
or the denture cream, walker AND sm
hearing aid! Good grief!
I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top!!
Okay interested parties! I'm experiencing some turbulence, but I think I'll be alright. HE has no where to go. No one wants to help him out. He is trying to move back to his hometown, but even his family has turned him away. It's not a nice feeling to have no one to fall back on. He was soooo confident that he'd have a place to live. He is really upset right now because he says I didn't try and I am going to be really happy now without him. Ummmm, yes. That's what the plan is. He says I didn't try to save the marriage. Pfffft! That's all I've done. It's difficult to be nice to someone who is so terrible to be around. I have done all I can do. My sympathy for him is running very very thin, just like my patience. I am going to swallow my pride and beg for help from everyone. I'm networking. That's all I can do. I am from Illinois so I if anyone out there has information to give I'd appreciate it. He's trying to drag me down, but I won't let him. I've come too far to go back now. Be proud of me, it's okay, I won't disappoint. I can't....
Noritate cream which is once a day application...
I take Tetracycline 500 mg twice a week and was put on a cream that had to be applied twice a day. That was impossible for me!! So, my family doctor told me about a cream, Noritate which is applied once a day. The tetracycline is good for breakouts, but I don't have to take it every day. The cream can be put on once a day, at night. So this works out pretty well for me. Good luck!!
correct on cream it is Vanicream.
Milk, Cream and Alcohol...
Oh, that's too funny with the doc prescribing a cycle of beer! There's an old blues song with the lyrics "Your doctor put you on milk, cream and alcohol." Maybe it's the same doc!
Skin infection
Email me. I wasn't able to email you. :0)
Skin infection
What kind of skin infection? I have had good luck with Betadine for certain things.
Look and see if there is a type 2 skin? nm
skin types
It does depend on the skin type and the type of laser machine they used. Many of them do not do darker skin. They all do tend to work better on lighter skins. I have dark hair due to a hormone imbalance my whole life since childhood. Dark hair on my arms, etc. Some laser brands of machine are better than others. Let me know if you decide you want information on the one I work for or I can give you the name of the top selling laser brand out there that I would recommend from what I know.
skin care
I was hooked on Almay skin products (one reason because they have no scent) until about 6 years ago and discovered jafra. It is SO awesome. i use the day cream, night cream, and cleansing cream. My friends always remark on my skin being so soft and clear (and I'm 55 !). I can't stand to ever be dry! Have lotion on my desk, night stand, etc.
skin care
I used Mary Kay for all my skin care/makeup, although for just a natural look I do use the Bare Minerals foundation sometimes.
and your kids skin or anything else that
comes in contact with it. that is a dangerous item.
You need thicker skin. nm
The Good Humor ice cream truck! They still
sell some of the products in the store, but it is nowhere near as good. The vanilla ice cream bars covered with toasted almonds! The half and half popsicles with flavors like rasberry and lime that were SO fruity! The Good Humor man in his white outfit! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It was great!
Maybe a taco bar with an ice cream sundae bar for dessert? nm
s/l "curbiges" for skin infections
it's very drying to the skin, and I can't imagine
making my puppy or dog uncomfortable with dry skin.
Just try it, wash your hair or body in DAWN soap and you will be itching like crazy. It dries your hair out horribly, leaving you with flyaway frizzy hair. But talk about itching, OUCH AND UNCOMFORTABLE.
Sorry, but that's just how I feel.
Goodness! That is just awful. Seems to need a tough skin to
My cocker spaniel has a skin condition.
Her claws are brittle and long, her paw pads are thickened, she's itchy and smelly, and she has dead skin cells built up in the same areas you described. We did the antibiotics, steroids, allergy meds, and everything else without good results. I put a stop to it when the vet wanted to do $1,000 worth of tests and biopsies. (And switched vets!) The first vet called it allergies, seborrhea, keratinitis, and a bunch of other guesses. She also has mattery eyes and frequent ear infections. We rescued her from the pound 10 years ago, so she's an old girl. I have to keep her shaved and wash her with either a prescription shampoo or Neutrogena T-gel.