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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Great information Christine. Thanks.

Posted By: giddy pc guru on 2008-06-02
In Reply to: Here is my understanding of conversions of time dictated to transcribed - cai


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Thank you for the great information!!
I really appreciate it!!
Thank you! This information is great! sm

I realize that I probably have been giving him mixed messages about going back and forth with pull-ups and underwear.  I guess I will just cut the pull-ups out altogether and do what you suggested, timer, being constent and praise, praise, praise!  Thank you so much!

That one looks great too! Thanks so much for the information everyone! nm
Great post with VERY useful information. nm
Great information. Maybe you need a productivity forum?
Google is a great source of information
on Internet terminology and abbreviations. Try it. You'll be amazed at what you can learn for yourself.
You all are such great support and full of useful information. nm
thank you, christine, that follows
what they used to say 30+ years ago of 1:3, which sort of makes sense when you think that was in the day of the selectric and a piece of paper, see how many more Keystrokes we do now with all the functions we have to go through!
Jan, it has been great exchanging information with you - thanks and I hope your ship comes in soon
Lynn has great information. I "went digital" a while back
with trying to use a digital system at my house that recorded the docs as they called in. But the phone lines were too expensive so I switched to FTP. I got a bit overwhelemd by the time I spent routing files (a bunch of different doctors and different subcontractors) and so I finally settled on a TASP, MetroScript.

So to answer your question, in my case with the TASP, my doc records all day with the digital recorder. At the end of the day he logs into my website (at MetroScript) and uploads the files. I can then log into the website and download the files whenever I want.

I travel quite a bit and I use a couple of different computers and so the Internet interface works really well for me. But everyone is different! Good luck!
New Adventures of Old Christine one of the best new shows, I think
Saw him on CMT show with John Fogarty. Great, great singer with a neat personality and drop dead
gorgeous without seeming to know it. 
Great post. I swear by both Advantage and Frontline Plus-- both work great! - sm
I don't know about "natural" approaches for the house. I have always used flea bombs in the past before the miracle of Advantage and Frontline changed my life. Have not had a flea problem at all since I began using those products about 10 years ago, dose all the dogs religiously once a month with the Frontline Plus except in Dec.-Feb. to save a few bucks and because the ground is generally frozen by then and no fleas are scurring about. -- Hope you get flea free soon.
Thanks to all. Got some great feedback and ecouragement. This board is great.
My rant passed, ate a late lunch, now back to the trenches.
GREAT GREAT SHOW! I still think Ellen Pompeo
should have gotten the Emmy/Golden Globe whatever it was for the show. I like Sandra Ho, her character just needs more depth... Next week looks AWESOME!! Maybe there is still a chance for McDreamy!! First season DVD coming out with deleted scenes! Can't wait to get it & watch it!!
It is a GREAT company and great deal! I've had
Vonage about 6 months now and I love it. The only mistake I made was trying to keep my original phone # - I wouldn't recommend that. You have a temp # for a while, and the other provider can fight for the old #, etc. Go to vonage. com. They have new features all the time! There is even a new soft phone that is a phone on your screen. You don't need a real phone when working - just headset. It has 800 #s you can have very inexpensively - great voice mail. You get emails when you have new messages, etc. I only wish I had used them a year ago! Nothing but good things to say, and I complain about everything!
Sounds like he will do great then. Again, best wishes for great success!
That's great Patti. Thanks. Have a great time at the beach.
You should feel great as a transcriptionist if they think your work is that great!!!
It is not your fault they approached you. I think it would be a different storey if you were the one searching for the job to take away from a company. They obviously want to get rid of the company and if you didn't take the job they would probably ask someone else. You should enjoy the better position and not feel guilty!!
Great post -great job of wording your answer! (sm)
Original poster - I completely agree with this answer, especially the part about finding yourself and using all that you have learned intellectually and connecting that to something that you will also enjoy with your heart!! You have so many wonderful options for your future - much more than many of us.
IT - great program, great support system. nm
Thanks for all the great advice! You guys are great!
Thank you. I appreciate the information ...
sounds like a way to reward those whose production and quality are at the top.

but, with a much better company and I smell management. Take that and smoke it.
Perhaps this information might help:
If you would post a clear statement of the change that is happening and what its expected results will be BEFORE you make such changes, then it wouldn't be viewed so suspiciously.
rec'd no such information
and my count has been 'below production' different times and my benefits didn't change. My supe told me way back when that only if a person "consistently" didn't make production would it affect their benefits.
Where did you get your information? nm.
i mentioned something to my supervisor a couple of weeks ago that I "heard" that MQ was offering extra on the line rates to new hires, which upset me, and of course, her response was you can't trust what you hear or see and I know that, but it seems like what i'm seeing on this website seems to be more reliable in some respects than what i get from MQ and like you said, that's really sad. I'm not signed up for IPay so i can't check to see if there's anything there -- guess i could check my bank to see if there's more there.
For your information,
I am not at all overweight. I would really like to know why someone who is as beautiful as you say you are is a transcriptionist?
Information (SM)
If you want to know why your posts are deleted, leave a valid e-mail address. I e-mail the poster why and a copy of their deleted post.

It is not because you have "MQ" in your moniker as a name. Otherwise, take this gripe over your posts being removed to e-mail or it will be deleted.
Don't know where you got your information-
Although a CMA is definitely not a PA, I do not know anywhere you get get what you need in 4-6 weeks.  I took the CMA exam after years working in a physician's office, but the programs that I know about in this area are 1-2 years.
Any information on this anyone?

My husband came home from work hearing about something called EDTA (Ethylene~Diamine~Tetra-acetic~Acid).  It is suppose to break down the minerals and heavy metals out of your body and make your risk of heart disease a lot lower.  Does anyone have an information on this.  He would like to take it if it true because of heart disease in his family, although I am not certain he should, as I always worry about the things they don't tell you about the stuff your taking.   

Any information would be great.


Thanks for the information!!!

Thanks to all for the information.

Thanks for the information.

Thanks so much for the information...sm
Final question - I checked out the website that you told me about and that explains it all.  One final question - do you have connection problems with this and I guess one more question, and the true final question is the quality of the voice good on the file?  Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
I appreciate the information. nm
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the information
Thanks to all of you for the helpful information!
Thanks for that information

That is very interesting about the files not being there at all. May be I am not getting the files downloaded correctly.    Thanks so much for your help!

Thanks so much for the information!!
where does that information come from?
please give links. I found nothing to substantiate that on my search
Thanks, that is quite useful information, but
you do not continue to believe that air conditioning will kill mold . . . it will not, and nowhere in the document you linked to does it even suggest that. It does provide information about air conditioning lowering the relative humidity of a home, and also that it aids in drying out wet areas (because it lowers the relative humidity).

You are not only misinformed, but also are misinforming others by posting segments of the document that are not connected in any other way than being a part of the same document.

For anyone who is interested, and perhaps does not want to go to the link or read the full text, this is what it actually says.

PREVENTING MOLD GROWTH (begins on page 2)

Page 3, paragraphs 4 and 5

Increase the air flow in problem areas. Move furniture
a few inches away from outside walls so that air
flow will decrease the problem of condensation on
the walls.

If mold is growing in closets, keep closet doors
open to promote air flow. Closets should not be overfilled,as this will reduce air circulation in the closet. Louvered closet doors aid in ventilation. Circulating fans may help with air flow in problem areas.


Page 4, paragraph 3

For many hard surfaces, disinfecting with a solution
of one cup of bleach to one gallon of water is effective.
The area must be kept wet with the bleach for 10 to 15
minutes to kill the mold. If the surface is porous like
wood, the bleach solution may need to be reapplied to
keep the surface wet for the required time. If large areas
of a basement need to be disinfected, a garden sprayer
can be used to apply the bleach solution to the walls. If the walls have been contaminated with sewage, increase the proportion of bleach to water.

MT Information
Hello, I am looking to start working as an MT in order to enable me to homeschool.  Can you please share any tips, job openings etc?? I would really appreciate it.  I am newly relocated to Lawrenceville GA from NJ.  Thanks!!
Need som information..

I would like to start doing things in my own area, get my accounts, etc.  I just do not know where to start.  Do I type up an "introductory" letter and send them to doc offices?  What kind of equipment is the easiest to do this "internet based?"  I have A LOT of questions.  If someone could email me, I would really appreciate it!! 



More information....SM

I don't mean a financial deduction.  I'm just trying to figure out a percentage score.  Here's the details.

The document is 40,178 characters.

There were two critical errors (word left out and wrong dose) and seven noncritical errors (like his instead of has, a instead of an, etc.)

How could I figure a percentage?

thank you for this information
I have been struggling with this decision and your info makes it easier for me to stick with XP. Why mess with a good thing?
Too much information
The doctor just dictated the patient became pregnant on her wedding night.  Not something I really needed to know.  LOL.
Where did this information come from?? nm
More information.

This program can be set to automatically download files from FTP sites or folders on the computer's hard drive; it's just that you have to do it manually, whereas some of the "more automated programs" came with these things already set up. I use ES for all transcription playback and haven't needed the pricer automation.

As with most opinions, they are subjective, but happy for the discourse.

Just for your information....
There was no lack of willingness to fill anybody in about anything. I was going to tell her everything from top to bottom about the account, what I was looking for and find out what she was looking for so as to make a perfect fit. She was not "signing her life away" either. I am only looking for 2-3 hours per day and the time you complete the work is totally up to you. As far as being miserable to work for, I haven't had anyone work for me before because I have been the only person in my business, doing hospital account along with IC positions. I don't have to offer more cpl to get anyone to work for me. In fact, I could just keep all of it for myself, but because I try to keep my clients happy I am needing to get another person on-board so as to keep TAT within reason. As far as I'm concerned this discussion can be locked. I can't believe the hateful and bitchy remarks made to a totally innocent inquiry. As I haven't had to go through the hiring process before, I was wondering if this was the norm, that you get people like this when you interview. After all of this, I think I will just continue to do all the work myself. There will be less headaches for all involved and more money for me in the long-run. So all of you who had a problem with a simple inquiry, go back to your little holes and be happy. I've got work to do!
Thanks for the information...nm