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Gold touch keyboards

Posted By: Happy MT on 2006-02-20
In Reply to: I bought mine off Ebay and love it! This is probably the keyboard I will always use now. - nm

I have had mine for about a year now and I will never use any other kind.  The touch on these keyboards are wonderful!  You can't go wrong with a Gold touch.

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Something else about the Gold Touch.(Should I be getting a kick back from them?)
Something else about the Gold Touch.  I have my chair positioned so hands do not point up or down. I try to keep them as neutral as possible.  I also make sure my arms are resting on the armrests, so I am not using any strain/tension to keep them in place and even. I rest one arm on a little pillow wedged at my side since my short little arms don't rest on the arm rests in a comfortable position for me.  Then I fly.  I hardly have to move my hands at all, the fingers do the typing, so to speak. lol. 
Didn't take long at all, maybe a day or two. I love my Gold Touch.
I use Gold Touch tented up. LOVE it!!! Adjust seat to right height and hands stay in
There are keyboards that have a touch pad incorporated
in them.  I think I've seen them with a tracker ball too.  
Gold touch makes a keyboard without number pad. Also the evoluent keyboard has the number pad on th
It is a very small keyboard and has laptop keys which are very quiet and light to the touch.  Almost no noise.
Anyone know what OEM means? Looking at keyboards to buy & there are some MS 4000 keyboards advertise
anyone have a clue?
How soft is the touch, is it a muffled sound (microsoft used to make a very soft touch keyboard.
You can't buy it anymore and I hate the clacky ones. I think a really soft one sounds muffled when you hit the key. Thanks
These keyboards are designed after the original IBM keyboards that
have the "clicky, audible sound" when pressing the keys - not the hushed, soft, nonexistent touch & feel of the newer keyboards.
Think it depends on what you've learned on & "typed" on as to your preference regarding touch, sound feedback, etc.
When my original IBM keyboard was going on the blitz(1995),I searched far & wide for a company to repair such and/or replace it. This company has repaired such - several times. This company does offer clones of the original IBM that are very comparable to the original. They also have other keyboards available made by their company, but I have no personal knowledge as to their touch, etc.
As a side note, this company will repair most model keyboards for a very nomimal fee if you have a favorite you don't want to part with - ask for Jim Owens - he's a doll-babe !!
I know this company makes several of their own keyboards, but what I believe mdlfcrs is referring to is not known to the newer transcriptionists. In other words, the keyboard she/he and I are talking about is not ergonomic, soft-touch or mushy feeling. It goes back to the days of the typewriter - you heard it, you felt the keys - a totally different feeling compared to most "computer keyboards" -
Laplink Gold?
Did you have to buy Laplink Gold?
Whirlpool Gold
I have the stove, refrigerator and dishwaher all.  They have a good warranty and a high consumer satisfaction rating.  If you have a Lowe's or Best Buy in your area, try those two.  Either will match the other price and beat it by 10%.
You are 100% correct - It's the GOLD one...sm
I thought it was 85 pages long *L* and I thought the one I bought not 2 years ago was the ONLY second edition....it came with a CD also.  *S*  Thanks for clearing that up for me. 
Solid Gold . . . nm
I 2nd that. Slycount Gold.

If they use Sylvan Gold, you can ..sm
www.sylvansoft.com - You can get a 30-day free trial and you can count your documents there to get your line counts. You will have to check with the MTSO to find out the counting parameters to set it up, like whether they count any formatting changes, headers/footers, etc., but it's real easy to set up and use. I've used it for years. I tried other line counting programs, but Sylvan always gave me higher count than others. It's user friendly, too, so I just stuck with it.

Once you download the free trial (find out which version they use before downloading), then when you get their subscriber info (assuming they are letting you use their subscription), you can just put in the authorization no. and all, and you should be good to go.
Maybe that's it. Mine is SylCount Gold and relatively new.
Gold in them thar' hills!
If you keep your word books handy, and build up your skills, one day you will see the light bulb go on! The surgeons say pretty much the same thing every time. The longer the report the better, because you don't have to worry about medication names and dosages. You don't have to take so much time with setting up the demographics. I have always loved the operative notes. You can almost see the procedure taking place in your mind. You can save every other sentence in your expander. Remember, that the human anatomy stays the same, only the names of the instruments change. Once you have taught yourself (or abbreviated) the anatomy, you can just "get in the groove." While it may seem awful tonight, please take my word for it, it can be a real money-maker. Good luck to you. See you on the Word Board!
I use Sylvan Gold for my invoices, it sm
pulls from my reports done in word and counts the lines and tacks my line rate onto it. You can customize it to fit your invoicing/tallying needs. You can check it out at Sylvans website. They also offer a free 90-day trial on their product.
Now, now,. No gold stars for little girls and boys
who have an ugly attitude. You might have to sit in the corner.


I have that too, I call it liquid gold, it is SO expensive.
My pharmacy charges $65 for a 2 inch tube of it, but it does work well. 
I did my office is yellow-gold with brown
tones and then with thinned brown craft paint ragged on using an old T-shirt.  Turned out great and elegant.   I also did my bathroom in green tones. People think its wall paper. This technique also hides any flaws you may have in your wall because it sort of gives it a 2D effect.
Well, give Minnie a gold star. SM

Like or not, Minnie, some of us got into this profession because it allows us to be at home, run our households, and work at the same time. 

Every MT who is a professional is worth their weight in gold.

Lately, there has been a lot of grumbling on these boards about new versus older MT, less experience, more experience, this, that and the other.  The best and most accurate statement I have heard was from a hospital MT director when she told us (those who were students all of the way up to those who were there to retirement) that ALL of her medical transcriptionists, were worth their weight in GOLD.

Each step of the way most of us, or at least those who consider themselves professional,and who act in accordance of being a professional (Professional in my mind are those who remember patient care while striving for the line count, those who appreciate the importance of our job as we serve others, while we bring home the bacon) act as professionals and our nature will not change  When new we may appear eager and more flexible, but as we grow in the business and gain years of experience we as professionals must daily recognize the value of staying flexible while we are challenged with more difficult work than those less experienced. Just as diamonds in the rough smooth out and have a different kind of worth, so do new MTs and more experienced MTs have different worth. 

What is important is that together they both contribute to a diamond mine of great value to those who they serve (the MTSO, the hospital, finally and most importantly the patient).

I say that we boost each other up instead of putting each other down.  I say one bad apple does not spoil the bunch. And to the boss like mine I had and other MTSO owners who agree with that statement, I say keep your team's self-esteem growing by a thank you for a good job every now and then.  To the MT, please appreciate your boss and MTSO if they show you the respect you deserve and when times are tough and tempers flare realize that a difficult situation has not changed your professionalism or your value, and that tomorrow is another day. 

Bravo to the professionals who remember why they came to this career to begin with, what it was like,and appreciate young and old. Bravo to the supervisors and MTSOs who do not kick the legs out from under themselves by forgetting to appreciate and treat with respect the MTs who hold them up.

Merry Christmas to my friends here who have cheered me this holiday season.  I think no matter who you are or where you are at in your career, if you remember all your blessings when times are difficult or when they are fantastic, when you remain your professional "self", you will indeed continue to  shine in this New Year. Thanks for listening. Peace and prosperity this 2008!

Sterling Silver and Niobium mainly, some gold -- mainly earrings....
but I want to get back into it, more in silver though as niobium was more of a fad, but I do like to mix the 2 for the contrast and color. That is probably what I will concentrate on, that and hand made chains (complex but I enjoy doing them a lot). If my husband made 10-15K more a year I could probably concentrate on it FT....but he is already at the cap pretty much for his job, so now IF he gets a raise its basically just cost of living. His company sucks for raises, does not give on merit, just gives everyone the same regardless of how good or bad they are at their job (service engineer for electron microscopes). Well maybe in 5-7 years when the mortgage is paid off .......
To me, Dorlands will always be the gold standard. I have one, and use their online source also. nm
WOW! Productivity Talk is a gold mine of info!
i don't need gold stars like you and dano and your alter egos. i need to be paid.
seems like you would want to be paid so you could continue your goal to be a doctor. bwaaaaahaaaaaaaa. a doctor posting endlessly on podunk MT board. that's rich.
try OTC cortisone anti-itch or Gold Bond cream first?
How does one get in touch with you?nm

MD in Touch
Anyone familiar with this platform who would care to share pros and cons of it.  Are you able to produce a good line count, is it easy to learn, can you use PC ShortHand Expander with it?  Thanks for your input.
It's the only thing I will touch. :) nm
If other have "dull" touch, do you mean this has a ...sm
soft, easy touch?  Old lexmark keyboards were extremely soft to the touch which I loved.  Just can't find that anymore.  Is that how this one is?
touch screens
Yes, they do exist. I bought an HP Touchsmart (computer/touch screen monitor in one) for the same reason you are interested in touch screens, and my pain then moved from my wrist/hand to my shoulder, so I don't really recommend this myself.

What has helped me is the input device I purchased at about the same time. It is called an AlphaGrip (link below), and what drew me to it is the fact that the mouse is right at the tip of your thumbs while you're typing. It took a little getting used to, but has been well worth it and fairly easy to transition. I now transcribe from my easychair, reclined the entire time.

Check it out!


Proof of how out of touch they are with the average MT

If ever there was proof of how out of touch AAMT is with the everyday life of the average MT, the annual meeting in Honolulu is it.  First of all, the economy is pretty much in the toilet and airfare has gone up, as has everything else.  Well, every has gone up except our wages.  My employer, a hospital, has very little money in the budget to share with everyone in medical records for educational activities.  The hospital sure wouldn't pay the $3000 bucks, or whatever the total cost is, to send any of us to Honolulu.  If I were to pay out of pocket to go, why go to the tropics in September and spend the time in windowless hotel ballrooms, attending educational sessions?

How much farther out of the way for the average MT could the meeting be?  Bangalore or Bombay?

If keyboard is old, a new one might not be as stiff to touch. nm
Yes-- I have an Adesso with a built-in touch pad
It works very well for me-- you don't have to move your hand that far to use it. It is strange at first, but once you get used to it, you will love it.
My feet don't touch the ground so I
When I sit in my chair, my feet don't even touch the ground, because I need my chair height to be such that I am not looking up at the screen.

I have big platform sandals that I use. They are great. One on each foot. You can move your feet around, but they are nice and high from the ground, like a movable foot stool.

GOODCO could you tell me how to get in touch with GTN and keystrokes. sm
I also am looking for a good company to go with for IC status. Thank you I would really appreciate it. Have a good day.
Not ONE of my 3 kids would touch that stuff.
Yes, good luck getting in touch with
anyone at MQ. I never got my W2 from them. The IRS sent them a notice to respond in 10 days and a possible fine but still nothing.
My Yorkie would not touch Iams
I bought my 5.5 lb yorkie Iams and he would not eat it. At one year old he got hemorhagic gastritis a few weeks ago and almost died so now he eats Purina vet formula for GI problems.
oh you guys are so far out of touch with nature...

you think the whole world is Disneyized. You think the male buck stands over the baby deer and protects it, on his wife's behalf. You think Simba's daddy looks for him when lost. Nature is nasty and completely insensitive to feelings. The law is survival of the fittest. Even daddy seals come in and slaughter babies when they find out a rival fathered them. But go on...dream on your pretty little dreams. I notice the only babies ever really championed for are the cute fuzzy ones...go cuddle a rattlesnake, why doncha!

oh and ps I was not original poster who put this controversy on the board, now was I?


I'm 48. I use to blog, to stay in touch with
others with similar interests, to share pictures, to keep an eye on what my older teens and their friends are doing (yes, they know and comment me all the time). Try it. You might just discover that you might gain an appreciation for something new.
The Best, Soft, Air-touch Keyboard Around
is there a super-light touch
keyboard that is also split and (hope upon hope) with a rise in the middle like the MS ones?
than trying to use laptop keyboard and touch pad.
Kinesis has a good touch.
How to get in touch with social security?
Went by the office this morning, unbelievable, just wanted to set up an appt but too many waiting. I tried to find the web site but had no luck therel. I have heard you can set up an appt that way, just need to know where to look. TIA.
light touch keyboard
I have a logitech DiNovo.l  It is pretty expensive but it is small, flat and makes hardly any noise.  The only draw back is that it comes with a separate number key pad.  The key pad is not connected to the keyboard.  I love this keyboard with my laptap. It is the same size as my laptop and fits flat in my laptop case so I can take it with me anywhere. 
You can buy USB touch pads on E-Bay, usually cheap.
And, speaking of the personal touch,
since I was a legal secretary, I type his business and personal letters and get paid the same line count. There is a chair in the doctor's office where we make the exchange everyday - I pick up the tapes and patient list from that chair and he picks up the transcribed reports from that same chair. We have been doing it this way since the beginning and it works very well. We are just comfortable with each other. And, yes, I count my blessings everyday.
I'm with you, Peg. I hated EMDAT. I will never touch
Demographics weren't filled in and had to look up every doctor name/address, and sorry, but the spellcheck was horrid. Even with the "setup" the company gave me that was supposed to correct it, it was the worst I've ever seen. Please, Rosey, do not make such broad statements and expect everyone to love something merely because you do. A lot depends on how the company maintains their platform. Have you ever worked on any other platforms? EMDAT is one of the most cumbersome programs out there so I doubt you've had much experience with more sophisticated platforms.