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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Go to collagevideo.com. Huge selection & you can listen to clips from all the videos/DVDs. Great

Posted By: selection. Walking music, too. nm on 2006-07-03
In Reply to: Exercise - IndianaMT


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  • Exercise - IndianaMT
    • Go to collagevideo.com. Huge selection & you can listen to clips from all the videos/DVDs. Great - selection. Walking music, too. nm

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I only have mine to listen to music. I don't give a toot about videos, so I have
Agree! This company is great! Fast service. Big selection. Willing to help, too. nm
Walmart has a great selection of sugar-free candies.
Check out transcriptiongear.com. Large selection, great service. nm
Great site...thanx for sharing :) I'm a huge Thomas Kinkade fan, so I may have to get something
myself, too
You want a great songwriter? Listen to Lucinda Williams, sm
Her voice is different than Babs and Celine, but Lucinda can paint a picture with words like no one I've ever heard.
EMR voice clips are empty on over 20

files.  The lead MT at the clinic where I worked verified that it was not a technical problem and that the doctor most likely pushed the mute button.  Now, I am told to go into each file and type "***" on the page.  Over 30 files.  It is quite laborious

Download the voice file, open up MS Word, transfer voice film from one file to another, close it, type document, exit voice file, exit Word, save document.  Then, onto the next.

Well, ya know, I am paid by the line and three asterisks are going to give me about 2 cents.  What do you think of this?  The in-house lead is paid by the hour.  I think she should go into each file and do this.  If she comes upon one he miraculously managed to dictate on, she could send it to me.  I am IC.

I am seething!

I watch the season DVDs through Netflix.
If I start watching a series, I really get frustrated when I have to miss, and I cannot be certain I will be able to watch it straight through.  My life is so hectic I am not certain I could watch a whole show without interruption.  I watch the season DVDs through Netflix.  I get to watch them commercial free.  Yes, I watch them later than everyone else, but it is less frustrating for me this way. 
Advisory selection
A short form containing a digit always has priority over the line number selection.

As mentioned you can eliminate the digits from your short forms either manually, or automatically with the "No Digits in Shorts" button under Importer/Workshop.

You can also select the entry on line 3 by using the Shift key which moves the higlight down each time you press it.

hallmark.com is free. Big selection of b'day cards. NM

I watched the videos....I am an animal lover, but the truth is...the way the beef and pigs are killed is the norm.  It's been going on for generations. When I was growing up, there was a slaughter house in my town and if you would walk past there during the day, you could hear the cattle cry. 

Even your local farmers still use the method of slitting throats and/or shooting them in the head, or  using an electric prod to the brain to put them down....but at least you know they are healthy.  It's sad but what would someone suggest as a more humane way? I have no idea.

If PETA had their way, there would be no animals for food. Then they would start on the veggies. PETA is an out of control, radical bunch of freaks. I know someone who was part of that group and he was absolutely nuts. He would steal your dog, let your pet rabbits loose, etc. if he saw them in pens. I have no use for PETA. If you look at the end of the video, it it telling you to become a vegetarian and we all know that you need the protein and iron from meat in our diet.

But, on the other hand, I sure don't want to eat any of those animals seen in the video. I guess I will start going to my local farmer from now on. I don't believe in growth hormones for animals either. It's not natural.

 Sorry. I'm sure some will disagree with me and that's why I signed myself annomymous.


Most larger drug stores carry a selection of OTC braces and will order others, too. nm
WATB, I'm another fan of her videos.
I do her 3 mile abs one every other day and walk on treadmil for 30 minutes every other day. Do you think every other day is enough to get results?
MT videos on you tube

If you guys need a laugh (or maybe a good cry, depends on how you look at it), check out the videos on you tube about medical transcription, the schools, etc. Check out the one on the Azimuth academy.  I watch other things on you tube, never thought to key in "medical transcription." 

News videos.....thanks for the info. nm
Yes, I looked up his music videos for the kids because they
wanted to know why he was famous.
news videos and Rader sentencing

Go to MSN.com.  On the left three quarters down the page it says news videos.  When you click on that a box comes up with all little boxes of the days news videos and the past week.  There was a box to click for sentencing hearings for Rader live.  When I clicked the whole page was the court room.  Yesterday it lasted eight hours.  Today it lasted about six hours.  Check out MSN.com and the news videos.  They have today show videos, Meet the Press videos, news videos, MSNBC videos, music videos, funny videos, INXS weekly videos from the show. 

Here's link to her videos on Leno's page.sm
go to Gofish.com and look under recently uploaded videos, or
search by name and you can watch the song he sung last night on AI.  In fact you can watch MOST of Taylor's performances and some of the others.
Leslie's WATP videos are fabulous (sm)
I use these and when I do them faithfully...WOW! What a difference in that tummy fat and overall toning is incredibly fast! Yoga is also a gentle and wonderful way to tone up, destress, and get in touch with your body/mind self. Good luck!!
Have you checked YouTube for typing videos?
There are probably some there.
LOTS and LOTS of video tapes and DVDs.
Leslie's walking videos might be good, or just get out and walk in general. Or do TaeBo at half
YUP, huge fan!!!!
OMG, thanks!! That would be a huge (sm)
mistake personally for me, as I do not know how I would make out with the kids, and then to go through all that, train, and not have it work. Will look elsewhere. Thanks for the input!!
Huge, I think it's small on my end (NM)
:::huge applause for you::: nm
DH is a HUGE fan! I watch only for him.
the SEP IRA is a huge deduction...
but I can't say that I've seen people frequently posting they take $10K in deductions. That also means they spent $10K. You may be imagining that. Maybe do an archive search and then try to repost and contact them?  As has been frequently said on this post, the only difference between IC and SE is an IC pays another 7.5% self employment tax but then takes deductions. Don't see how that adds up to 10 grand.
I smell a huge rat
Is your husband up to no-good with this loser? First of all any "my baby's daddy" situation has scumbag written all over it. Second of all, if your husband doesn't mind being used by this lazy bum for a free place to live, he has to be getting something out of the bargain. I'd be doing some serious checking around if I were you.

Meanwhile, you're right to keep this piece of crap away from your kids. If your husband likes him so much let him live with this waste of oxygen alone.

Good luck.
So what if it's with huge templates....
600 lines an hour is 600 lines an hour whether it's straight typing or using templates. I WISH I had huge templates.
Anyone here Bayscribe? Have a huge ?

  for you.  When you hit SUBMIT and go into the spell check, and say there's a spelling error it picks up (for example, it's a medicine that I need to look up and verify), is there ANY WAY I can do this without having to completely close down the spell check, go to another window, look up the word, and then re-hit SUBMIT and spell check again?

I've still new to Bayscribe, but so far this has been a huge time eater-upper.  For some reason it won't let me do anything but close up the spell checker, look up the word, and then re-spell check (and of course it doesn't remember any of the fixes I've already made so I need to go back through them again). 


Ideas??????????? THANK YOU!!  

Well there is already a huge thread...
Why keep it going and going?  If you all are just now realizing that AHDI is against the MT, then have you had your head in the sand the past few years or what?  Get a grip!  Life is what you make it!  This OP obviously wants to keep bringing it up and bringing it up blocking the entire board with this crap.
I got rid of my HUGE desk...sm
i use a 20 inch widescreen laptop and i just ordered a very small rolling desk.  i use wireless keyboard, mouse, and headphones. that way, I can roll my office outdoors when the weather is nice or in my bedroom or any place I will be comfortable as I suffer from chronic back problems.
You can't. It's a huge ripoff.
It sucks plain and simple.  If you're not terribly interested in making enough money to pay the bills it might be okay for you.  Not for me.
We have a huge 4 day celebration in our little town

There is something going on from tonight right through until the fireworks on the 4th.  There is a street dance, a bean hole bean supper, a lobster bake and just tons of stuff going on.

Our town is only population 7500, but the celebration has grown to over 30,000 attendees for the 2 hour parade, followed by fun, games, entertainment and music in the park and then fireworks that start at 9:00 and last for hours. It's great fun!

I'm lucky too.  I live just a mile from the festivities, so I'm home for a long time while people are still waiting in traffic. The traffic goes smoothly though.  The events have always been very well organized with our school bus drivers giving free shuttle bus rides.

Happy 4th everyone!

I have never been SO embarassed, but I called, and its A HUGE NO!! Oh well!
Thanks! My friend's kid is a huge fan & will love this :)
NO. We have committed to huge OT today
and all weekend.
Whatever, but it would be a huge meal and take me months to eat it. nm
Huge room in a very old house.
Walls are a dark greenish gold with hardwood floors. Standard Office Max computer table where I do all my work. Bookshelves all around the room. Only other furniture is an old desk that is covered with all the stuff I don't have room for on the computer table. Four large windows facing south and east. When working I have all the important stuff like reference books, printer, etc within reach.
To all ICs claiming huge deductions...(sm)

I just met with my accountant yesterday.  I am so sick I cannot think straight.  I asked alot of people before moving ahead with an IC position and leaving employee status.  EVERYONE stated that the deductions you can write off are more than worth paying the extra SS taxes that you no longer have an employer to pay.  I even saw several people specifically state they lowered their taxable income by $10,000 or more so the IC status was well worth the headache of paying the extra taxes. 

Well, I would sure love to know how in the world you ladies come up with these deductions.  The accountant said my total deductions for my home office came to about $2400.  But then my SS taxes I owed ate up that plus about another $1500.  Are those of you reaping in huge deductions working strictly via the internet?  I have no gas, mileage, vehicle wear/tear deductions because I'm strictly internet based.  But even with considering those deductions, if I had them, I still cannot see where in the world you all are coming out so much better.  Someone please offer suggestions/comments....have I just completely screwed myself over here or do I need a new accountant??

Well ok then!! ENTER NOW!!!! HUGE PRIZE!!!


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Hey everyone, I have a huge amount of strawberries from my
want to make a different kind of dessert with them. Every year I always wind up making strawberry shortcake or strawberry ice cream and well those are great but I'm such a creature of habit that I really want to make something completely different. If you have any great ideas, PLEASE let me know!


once I went to a huge outdoor Colorado BBQ..

Wow, I'm getting a huge break compared to others...sm
Through Cincinnati Bell, I have to have their broadband, which is also the ISP.  As part of the bundle, I get Complete Connections which includes call waiting, caller ID, call block, etc.  This whole package comes to around $44 and gives you 200 minutes of long distance.  I recently asked to have unlimited added to my phone line, but it automatically goes on both lines.  The additional charge for unlimited is $10.  So I basically pay $10 for unlimited! 
I have a huge pile of laundry

But I want to buy more clothes because they are having a buy one get the next for $1 at the shopping bug.  They I can have more clothes to wash


Isn't that silly

Yes you can do huge blocks of text...
I do the same thing, whole entire procedures, combined ROS and PE sections, whole reports in some cases, and I have never come across a block of text that it said was too big. I use mine in conjunction with DQS and I even incorporate the @@ sign so that I can just move from jump code to jump code and fill in the different information that needs to be changed.

Another cool feature of IT is that you can not only make expansions for words and phrases, you can make up your own commands. Like I have one that will go up in my report and find DIAGNOSIS and change it to DIAGNOSES if there winds up being more than 1. I also have one that will delete the 1. if the doctor dictates a 1. and doesn't dictate a 2. as well as I made one that will go to the beginning of a paragraph if they dictate a 2 without dictating a 1 and it will put a 1. and 2 spaces, then go to the end of the paragraph and put a 2. and 2 spaces and then my cursor is right where I need it to start #2. It has saved me a lot of muttering and cursing under my breath about doctors who don't know how to count LOL.
I think mismanagement is a HUGE factor, here!
No way. It's a huge wave that's just going to keep growing
So right about the Huge Health Systems - sm
in fact, that was 99.9% of the problem at my hospital. Once it got gobbled by a greedy HMO, everything went downhill fast. They got their fancy new campus at the expense of quality medical care and ethical treatment of its employees.

The run-'em-in and run-'em-out style of practicing medicine puts a lot of pressure on the MDs to see patients quickly, but it's SO not thorough! I saw this not only in the rushed, often mistake-filled reports they dictated, but in my own care as well. They lost a lot of their top-notch MDs because they refused to practice that superficial style of 'Mc Medicine'.

When I see all the greed in the HMOs, and the overspending on upper management and not enough on the nuts-and-bolts of what makes a good hospital, it's easy to see that although they're high-on-the-hog right now, alot of those pompous U-no-whats are riding for a BIG fall someday. I hope I'm still around to see it - it'll make my day.