From an MTSOs standpoint
Posted By: Snow Bunny on 2005-09-14
In Reply to: I have the feeling they may eliminate SE because they are starting this new plan in January. Quite - MQ2
no, I'm not one ... just throwing a coin into the playing field ...
Wouldn't having only ICs working "for" a company mean less liability. IOW, if MQ phased out the SE status, could that take a potential monkey off their back?
OTOH, they can hire all the ICs they want, but if those ICs only work for MQ, they're still considered SEs ... correct?
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Just from a courtesy standpoint, if they are
used to you being there and available for stats, then I would let them know.
From an MTSO's standpoint, I would tell them what happened and ask for time off. sm
If one of my MTs came to me with that, I would be happy for them! I am sure if you explain what happened, they will be happy for you and will leave the door open for you. If you can give two weeks' notice, that would be best and you could take a leave of absence rather than quitting. Just talk to them. You might be surprised that we're human too :)
Yup ... smaller MTSOs, local MTSOs (sm)
local doctor's offices or clinics! Don't get discouraged!! :)
You are not wrong but in my opinion, you are giving them too much credit. The reason why they don't do what you ask is because most of them are not concerned with making your life easier; rather, they are more concerned with figuring out more ways to cheat you and to make your life more difficult. Then when you get disgusted and quit, they will just get somebody else in a very short time to replace you because you are very expendable. And it goes on and on in the same vicious cycle.
You know, there has to be a market between the dastardly corporate MTSOs and small transcription companies. It seems to me that if a talented, aggressive MT with a good business sense could find a way to create a "team" approach to the transcription business, perhaps one could find that niche and sell "team transcription" to good accounts that the MTSOs screw up and have cheated. After all, you have to believe that with the scandals in the transcription corporations - over billing, sending work over seas without informing the client, a lot of trust is lost by some of these unsatisfied accounts. I say, find a way to market to those clients in a "team group" and find the right price, somewhere a little lower than the MTSO charges and go after those accounts aggressively in a group. There is a market there you know.
more than most other MTSOs pay.
it is not kosher to share on public forums what a company pays.
I would not think many MTSOs would want to
No, it's not just the MTSOs (sm)
The actual doctors don't want to pay more than minimum wage for transcription either. As an independent, I've had doctors balk at 12 cpl (which is BELOW what the MTSOs are getting, believe me) and I've lost business because I wouldn't take $6 an hour or what equated to 7 cents a line.
So where am I at? Making peanuts working for MTSOs who are getting 15+ cents per line as a middleman for these same kinds of physician while I'm making a paltry 7-8 cpl. It's a no-win situation.
Help for new MTSOs? sm
I have questions about proposals, equipment, and what to charge in order to get started. Are there any web sites out there to help me in this? I have books that I have read, but they go over the basics of start-up MT services.
You should run this by the MTSOs and
see what they think.
This is why the MTSOs have gone so low
single mom, does not want to work away from home. I bet they love reading postings like yours. They have women where they want them, just lower the rates because these people are saying they cannot leave the house.
When MTSOs overhire, this is what happens:
There are actually MTs who work to support their family or supplement their income to meet the customary lifestyle. When MTSOs overhire, leaving the MT with very little work, I have observed this - Jobs are done hurriedly. When extra foot work is required (due to discrepancy in report, incomplete info provided, etc.), the MT who is desperately trying to meet their bills will skip the job or disregard the need to research and go on to the next job. This is extremely dangerous for everyone concerned. At times, it is weeks before the incomplete report is realized.
I do not fault the MT entirely. When the MTSO overhires, they are setting themselves up for this. I do believe 98% of us want to do a really good job, especially those who have been at this for years. But, I have noticed this more and more, and it will, MTSOs, come back and bite YOU.
When you have a dependable employee who can be counted on for production of a certain amount of work, provide that to them.
MTSO - When you get a new account and hire top shelf MTs initially to get the ball rolling and make a splashing impression, do not replace them with lower rate MTs afterwards - it is obvious when the company is hiring nonstop and they already have MTs sitting at home idle for hours at a time. And this creates, MTSO, the "disgruntled employee" who may make every attempt to ruin your reputation each time they can.
I have just come home after being in house for a few years and after three months, I see this happening with my company and, according to the board, it is widespread. It is an issue that needs addressed before someone, namely the patient, is hurt by it.
Unfortunately MTSOs now do good
they collect 15 cpl. With the pressures from overseas vendors the pricing has dropped to 12-14 cpl. In the "old" days (prior to say 5 years ago) the going rate was 20-25 cpl and of course companies could afford to pay 10-12 cpl easily.
Wellll, I don't know about MTSOs, but JLG -- Please SM
was helping with our hospital transcription.
We got paid $1.50 a minute if we did 2500 minutes a month ($1.75 a minute for all minutes over 2500).
JLG got $3.25 a minute. I saw the bill. I saw it with my own eyes. I nearly fell over. And to boot, it was horrible transcription, FULL of ridiculous errors, blanks. And we had to convert the text files. It was such a bunged up mess.
I lost all my trust at all in the hospital since they were paying us HALF of what they paid a service. I even contacted JLG to see if I could hired to work on MY hospital's account. They were going to pay me 7 cpl. What a joke.
Any Medikin using MTSOs out there?
I am in the process of opening my own mid-sized transcription company. I am still in the process of deciding what TASP to go with as I do not want the hassle of maintaining my own equipment. I have been looking at Medikin's website and am very impressed with what they have to offer for the price. If anyone is currently using or has used them in the past, could you please post your experience here.
Good MTSOs are even
more difficult to find than good MTs. Many of them have negative attitudes and expect indentured servitude in exchange for peanut wages. Many of them have limited, at best, technical or MT knowledge. We get tired of the ranting emails that don't even apply to us from a PMSing or menopausal females. Disorganized, poor communication skills, cheap, selfish, zero management skills, lack of a formal education, lousy platform, personal life issues conflicting with job performance. You'd be able to find good MTs if you were a good MTSO.
small MTSOs
There's a great online resource for MTSOs of all sizes, varying benefits and pay, and variety of work. It's called Sign up to be on their mailing list. There are usually at least 50 companies listed on each newsletter, which comes out twice a month. Good luck in your search, and prayers for God's healing of your medical problems. :)
To MTSOs or QA Managers
I recently took over QA for a small company just purchased. Previously there had been essentially no QA rules. If any of you could send me examples of how your QA is set up, the percentages you deduct for errors - common, critical, etc., it would be most appreciated. Any rewards given for high QA or deductions would be appreciated as well.
Patti or other MTSOs...
Need to get my own account/s instead of relying solely on the national (guess who). Getting a client in my area is probably the easy part. The hard part is the logistics of software, paper, etc. Not having dealt with this stuff working with a national, it is the *simple* things that are a mystery to me (and others, I suppose). I hate to even inquire about transcribing for someone, not knowing what equipment I will need, what software, kinds of paper. I am sure I would come across as an idiot (like right now, maybe?)
OKay, well, I looked online at Dictaphone and it looks like there are mini, micro, and standard cassette units (not to mention digital online programs), so I guess you WOULD have to find out which the client prefers before investing in one, and I know you can get them on EBay, but what else? Does the software come with the transcriber? I don't suppose you can type them out in Word? I suppose one can buy a medical spellchecker. Then you need paper if you are going to print them out...what kind? Anything else? There are so many variables. I suppose I should first contact the two MTSOs that I know locally and ask for overflow work. That way, they could help me learn about this stuff.
No slamming, please. Very sensitive tonight as I just received a call from my Supervisor, very nicely hinting that I need to bring my line count up but, as we talked and now, hours later, I have *no jobs* on my screen. Pretty hard to get that line count up with no jobs!
Thanks for any tutoring and/or advice.
As a recruiter, it is nice to have the references already listed in the resume.
To all MTSOs. please help with
I have been a Transcriptionist for 14 years and I am looking to become an Editor. I have experience in many specialties. The problem I have is most places want an experienced Editor to fill their positions - how do I get a chance to become an Editor without any experience. I have asked my company that I work with now about a position but they too want an experienced Editor. Please help! My poor hands need a break. I love transcription field and want to stay in it. I am just wondering how long my hands will hold out. I have every resource that I need for the position - last year I bought the COMPLETE set of Stedman's reference materials because I know how important it is to have good, reliable reference materials.
Any and all information would GREATLY be appreciated! I am just looking for a company that will be honest with me as I will be with him. I am easy to get along with but would really like a chance to go in this direction.
Thanks and hope you all are having a great weekend!
don't feel sorry for MTSOs sm
the person I work for is making hundreds of thousands profit off all of us and I'm being paid higher than 8 cpl. Don't feel sorry for MTSOs
MTSOs...What, if any, TASP do you use?
I don't like the one I'm currently with and am looking for some other options. What do you like about yours? You may email me if you prefer.
Ungrateful MTSOs
I know how you feel. I worked this way for years. Just Friday night as I was at the end of a report, I got a call that my son had been in an accident and was being transported by ambulance to the hospital. I signed off the report and shot a quick email to my supervisor that I had to leave to go to the ER. I had a nice email the next day from both my supervisor, as well as our QA person inquiring as to how he was doing and not asking at all - "when are you going to be able to work again" that note was so very appreciated, as most that I have worked for would have only inquired as to when I would be up and running on "their" work again - their only thought being on how I wasn't producing during a bad personal time and how they couldn't afford for me to take too much time off. I appreciate you, for what that is worth, and I hope that you will one day find a compassionate MTSO to work with. There are some out there, but they are very few and far between. By the way - my son is going to have to have surgery, but his life is intact and we will get through this setback.
small MTSOs
Ditto. I am not at all happy with the nationals.
An exception to MTSOs
I see that my post has been removed. Perhaps it was too inflammatory. . In all my "trying out" of companies across the board, I can say that there are a couple of exceptions to my post about MTSO's. One of them is the owner of Keystrokes. I do appreciate this company for being above-board, line count appears to be accurate and pay is always correct and on time. There are still a few good ones out there.
Any in-house MTs or MTSOs...
...or MTs who used to work in-house, have doctors/clients who want you to call them by their first name and insist on it. I'm in California, so I'm used to the first name stuff - though I was raised by "formal" parents who insisted that I call everyone by Mr. or Mrs. or Dr., saying I should do so even when I became an adult, particularly with customers or clients. But I still want to keep it professional...just my pet peeve I guess.
IC is just a ruse that MTSOs use so they don't have to
pay employment taxes, etc. I've never worked an IC job where I was truly an IC. They tell you there's 24 hour turnaround, but they really mean 8 hours or less. The MTSOs tell us how to do the work and with what equipment/software, when to work, etc. That is NOT an independent contractor! They expect you to sit there doing nothing if there's no work, but have a conniption fit if you need a day off. I went three years working six days a week without a day off.
The IRS definition of an IC is "Who is an Independent Contractor? A general rule is that you, the payer, have the right to control or direct only the result of the work done by an independent contractor, and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result."
MTSOs - Need hep with new account please....SM
I had my meeting with the office manager of my new account. With the system I use now for my other account (Word-based), the front desk receives my completed transcription via a secure transfer program, downloads it, and prints it.
The problem I have is the new office wants eight computers to have access to the dictation. With the way things are now that would mean all eight would have to download the transcription in order to have access to it. This would work, but I do not feel it is the easiest thing for them to do and I want to retain this account, so I want to find something that is easier that would allow all eight to have access to the dictation.
I believe what I�m looking for is something more like a web-based program where I could upload the dictation and then the eight people could have access to the dictation that way. I�m not familiar with FTP sites or what other options are out there. What I need is a way to transfer my files to the office where all eight people/computers could have access to it, make any changes if needed to the dictation where all eight people would then have access to the final dictation. Does anyone have any ideas? I�m totally willing to put a little money into this, but I just don�t know where to begin. Are there any MTSOs out there who use a program that sounds like it fits my needs or any ideas to guide me in the right direction.
Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated. TIA
You sound like most MTSOs who don't
Experienced MTs are worth their weight in gold because they can produce and produce fast.
An inexperienced MT needs to be molded and shaped and in no way can produce the amount of work an experienced MT.
Just in those two sentences I've summed up my opinion of this industry at this stage in the game with formal training way before AAMT came about and producing quality documents.
It's do or die!
It's sink or swim!
All of this hogwash you've typed is a waste of time. Offshoring is going on because it's cheap labor and not because they're good or put forth effort.
The amount of knowledge and skill comes from transcribing real documents by real dictators and not by books or prefab practice sets.
This is all, of course, JUST MY OPINION! I'm making loads of money in this field because I have the skill set and the only feedback I want is from the physician himself! Thanks and have a nice day!
Yes, like why do MTSOs allow padding to
Question for ICs or MTSOs
I'm curious (for those of you who wouldn't mind posting anonymously) what do you charge for various types of transcription services?
Hospitals vs. MTSOs
I am applying at both a hospital for a prn position and with an MT company for part time work. I have the option to work in-house with the hospital, which I may do because I have to drive 25 miles to the city to bring my kids to their preschool anyway. My question is, what are some of the differences between working for a hospital and working for a company? (Pros and cons for each) I have less than 2 years experience, and some of that time was spent doing chiropractic transcription, so I am concerned that I might need more experience or training for the hospital work. Is it more difficult to work for a hospital? Thanks in advance for any comments.
sorry- we love our MTSOs
I was questioning how MTs say that they can type 1200+ lines a day thinking they must get spaces.
I love the company I work for and would never trade the owner for her job. I know she is available 24/7 and I wouldn't wish that on anyone-not worth any amount of money to me.
Yes, I do love the freedom of being an IC. I would like to know if my counts are in the ball park if they are 100-110 lph/no spaces or if that is low. I use a lot of Expanders and have always felt the amount of work I do is adequate but sometimes not so much when others are saying they do so much more.
Are there really MTSOs out there that pay .12 to .14 a line?
I am maxed out at .095 a line for incentive pay at 18,000-20,000 lines per pay period. TIA for any information!!
the same is true for MTSOs as MTs
If you are not getting compensation, why are you staying in the business? Quit griping and do something constructive. The MTSOs are losing ground just like the MTs so get over yourself.
Most MTSOs have not updated their
platforms, programs, etc. That is why so many also do not use Vista.
that's where the MTSOs should ALL get backbones and
tell these accounts to get their Docs in a row or pay a percentage for difficulty and increase the turnaround time by 2 hours for for quality.
Some MTSOs pay a CMT premium.
I mad at the MTSOs
that are looking for ways to increase their profits.
With some MTSOs, Vista is not
compatible and therefore you have to have XP to work.
And the MTSOs say there's a shortage of
But yet they can't understand why. Go figure.
no its the MTSOs and "production pay" sm
that have turned this into an assembly line business. The MTs are just doing what the MTSOs demand and these so-called schools keep pushing.
An Open Letter to MTSOs
Don't be upset if we decline your offer of employment after being hired when...
1. Your server is down the entire afternoon of our first day of training.
2. You don't pay for headers, yet there are 4 different screens of demographic information we have to enter information into.
3. Your recruiter tells us we are paid for headers and/or spaces and we find we are not.
4. Your tech support can't seem to get your software up and running for us.
5. You quote us a line rate and then tell us you didn't get the account we were supposed to be working on so we will have to accept a lower line rate.
6. Calls and/or emails to support/supervisors/QA go unanswered.
7. Your software is nowhere near as MT friendly as your recruiter and/or trainer portrayed it to be.
8. The "more than enough work to keep you busy" fails to materialize.
I wish all MTSOs thought as sensibly as you
To MTSOs who think we should be willing to wait patiently for out checks to come in the mail....what if we held the reports we typed until you were ready to swap them for our pay. I bet you'd find a way to do direct deposit then.
We are providing a service that affords you the luxury of running and MTSO. Without MTs all of you are dead in the water. Period. You guys send us dozens of emails a day about getting the work done, yet when payday comes, we hear crickets....nothing from you.
True...providing direct deposit may cost you a little more each month...can you AFFORD to lose good MTs because you don't offer direct deposit. There are many MTSOs who find a way to offer it. Sounds to me like MTSOs need to get their priorities straight. Why don't you consider dropping your membership in some of those useless MTSO organizations you belong to and put that money into something that is helpful to your MTs.
How do MTSOs pick favorites out of
I work as requested, I complete my work, I never complain about the work they send me, I've even been complimented on my quality. So what makes a favorite?... if ANYONE with this company is getting worse than I am, I'd hate to be them!
"they" are MTs, MTSOs, and the AMA. If you can do better for cheaper..go for it..let us know w
Nonprofit MTSOs! The new Wave!! LOL! nm
Excellent question. I'm sure the MTSOs
Question for MTSOs about resumes
Just curious... what is the preference of an MTSO when it comes to references..... would you prefer to have them listed in the resume or is it acceptable to have "Available upon request" on a resume.
Thank you
I need opinions from experienced MTSOs
My mother-in-law owns her own business and I'm an IC for her along with two other companies. She just lost a pretty good size account to India. In the last two months, she has had two phone calls from offices inquiring about her transcription. They were referred by word of mouth from other doctors. In the past 20 years that my MIL has been doing this accounts have always been dropped into her lap (so to speak) and there was no effort involved on her part. I keep strongly encouraging her to follow up with the doctor or office manager and then drop by with some samples of work and just to introduce herself. I feel that she is not aggressive enough and has lost two accounts due to this. It could be rates too I'm not totally sure.
Let me give you the scenerio from the last couple days. Two days ago the doctor herself called and spoke to my MIL. Unfortunately, her grandson was screaming in the background, but besides that the conversation went well. The doc is very behind and needs someone right away. My MIL called yesterday to fu and the doctor was with a patient but the woman on the phone sounded glad to hear from her. There was no return call yesteray and my MIL feels she should drop it that she didn't get the account. I feel she should go to the office this morning and introduce herself and bring a few samples of her work and even pick up the tapes if it were to go that well.
I need help convincing her to follow through with this. Over the last 20 years things have changed and that MTSOs need to be a little more aggressive or the accounts will go to the next MTSO that is.
Please give me some ideas that I can share with her. Thanks so much!