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First name Bonita? I got ripped off. Feel like a fool. sm

Posted By: Me 2 on 2006-05-08
In Reply to: She was from Texas. May be the same person. Initials BF? - KYMT

She said she had been burned before and needed the money upfront. Then she never sent the Lanier. I think was should be able to post identifiers on things like this to protect each other.

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acting a fool or fool? semantics. are you a bill clinton fan?

it depends on what is is? or acting a fool or being a fool.  because we have fun with MQ.  who died and left you boss or arbitrator of what mqmts should or should not do or who is acting a fool or is a fool?  frank?

I hate being ripped off by anyone...sm
I would be knocking on their door really hard. but if that is not an option, I would be calling your local police just to report it as a fraud, and getting a lawyer really really quickly. trust me, they would be returning my money pronto and would remember my name for a long time to come. Don't stand still for it. Let them see your anger. Not all MT schools treat their clients this way! good luck to you!
Add me to your list. BF in Texas ripped me off too.

Never heard back from her until we got a RESUME from her looking for work.  The rip off was 3 months ago, the resume a week ago.  Called the number on there, left a message, emailed her.  Now the number is disconnected, the email is invalid.  I am so ticked off that I feel for this !!


MY GOSH, I am getting ripped off! Those are some excellent line rates...
I don't think I'd fool around with it, I'd see a doc.
If it is your heart and you wait you could die.  If it's not your heart, you'll at least know that.  I don't think the heart is anything to fool around with.  Too many younger people are dying from heart disease. 
not a fool, but
how foolish would a woman feel if she found out later that they were at social gatherings where everyone knew what was going on.

Most MATURE men don't stick to the code. They tell their wives. They want their wives to stay out of it of course, but I think they also realize that in telling their wives that it is KNOWN that the wives will probably blab it to the point that it will become public knowledge (blabbing is the female unwritten code, LOL).

I don't really think the OP should contact this *woman*; however, I think she should ask her husband to tell his friend to inform her to not involve him AND to not give out his number or involve him in friends affairs ever again. If OPs hubby won't do that then there are already existing problems.
You are NO fool...
Don't let that fool ya'...

And, here I sit after my job was outsourced to C-Bay even though my "manager" claimed she did not want to outsource.

You need to consider the fact that your manager probably does not make those decisions, but the higher ups that are above him/her do!  This is the very first signs of outsourcing (new system) to comply with the outsourcing company.

The best way to get a new system set up for outsourcing is by using the staff on hand.  No, I doubt you'll get a raise, but you may get a big surprise once you set that system all up for that outsourced company. 

It happened to me, and I had a manager just like you are stating.  If I were you, I wouldn't make any waves regarding a raise right now.  If you are hourly, then I wouldn't worry too much about the line count and when asked why your line count isn't up to par, then reiterate the fact that you've been instituting a new system.

The hospital I worked at also asked the MTs to help because the managers had no clue.  So sad...

Oh, and they did all of this after hiring a very older lady (partially retired) from a hospital that was outsourced so she had to quit.  That lady lost her job at the hospital I worked at about a month after I left.  I left before the outsource because I refused to help outsource the work I had done for the past 17 years. 

P/S:  Just keep your eyes and ears open very wide!!!!!! 


Honey, I am NOT the one being a FOOL
You are on her ranting and raving about something you have absolutely NO control over. I am living my life with a good job and paying my bills without problems. That is not foolish, that is life.
He's a damn fool. That's what I say. nm
You are a fool..so shut up
Why do I work two jobs?  Do you have the need to know?  Because I like to live well and have money in my pocket.  Why dont you work two jobs?  Because you are the lazy one and most likely no other trans company would hire you except MQ, who it is well known will hire newbies and transcriptionists that other companies would not give their 2 cents to.
Call me a fool
but I guess I don't understand what you're saying.  I went to a hearing and just didnt receive any paperwork from my lawyer, had to go get it myself from the courthouse.  I hope that's what you mean. 
Don't fool with Vista yet
My son beta tests these programs and this one is not ready yet.  It conflicts with other programs at present, especially any older programs (pre XP).  Better to wait until it has been out for quite a few months and the bugs are worked out. 
No, but then the fool doesn't have my email ads so how could he?

You mean he has figured out a way to lower my income even more?

Why doesn't he just send me a bill for the opportunity to sign in to type the

junk they have now?  And it is junk.  There's not a decent hospital left.  Have you noticed how many accounts are g-o-n-e? disappeared, vamoosed, gone poof.

I'm sitting here thinking it is way past time to leave this business.  It is too complicated.  It has not become more standardized.  If anything it is more loopy - each place has a different platform, hospital rules they want you to follow for each thing.  Used to you could turn on a typewriter, put paper in the machine, type, put a sticker on it, and you were done.  Now it takes sometimes 3 months to get up to speed - NOT because you don't know medical terminology - you have to learn a specific platform (go buy special parts to use it), figure out new expanders, get special internet thingys, get wave pedals, throw away $$$ super stations and C-phones.  It's a joke.  They want us to cover all that just for the right to make squat for money.


Nope, I think it's time to pursue something else. 



She didn't want to look like a fool on national TV
Trust me as soon as the cameras stopped rolling she was calling him on the sly.  As for all those fake crying pretty boys,  I couldn't stop laughing , does everyone want to be an actor now?  sheesh
He's a jerk and I'm an intermittent fool.

When was the last time you linked to a website link and got the response "too many hits?"  It just looks all too contrived.  I have to admit that I did link there, but won't try it again.  Maybe he's just getting a big kick out of the attention this is bringing, and our resultant frustration.  Now, I will be running my Spyware and deleting any new cookies that are found.


Exactly true. And you don't have to fool with new drugs and stuff, either. nm
When you play Balderdash and can fool everyone with your definitions.

MTs at my hospital tried to say 20 cpl was average. The director is no fool.
Working fool, Thank you for your wonderful post!

God bless you for telling your story as it gives insight into how we all have to be our own advocates. 

My aunt "trusted" the trusted old surgeon who told her not to worry, we'll deal with it IF it becomes an issue.  Well, it did but to late to treat and she died within 3 years. 

That had to be hard to post this, again, thank you! 

hold that thought. also known as fool's paradise. nm
Then you are an absolute FOOL. Down the road, you'll wish you were never involved


Tell 'em typing fool, because I tend to agree with you. nm

if you feel like that after 12 years, and I feel like that after six months
what hope is there?
I feel people who feel like this post
needs to a) either be a stay at home mother and not work or b) realize that she is no queen bee and I could care less about a degree. What company out here that you know of compensates for having a degree? Means nothing to them. Your working and being there when they assign/need/require/whatever is what you should do IF YOU WANT A JOB in this field, otherwise get out and do something else or become that babysitter.
No need to feel badly for me - feel badly for an adult who has no control of his/her own life!
I hope these people didn't produce any daughters! Bad, bad example!
I know how sad you must feel
Yes, you will love her forever, and someday you will be able to think of the good times you had with her, and you will be able to laugh.  
I know how you feel. :)
Don't feel bad!
It took me nearly a year to even find out if I had passed just before they went to the instant results system.
Don't feel bad...
When you take a position with any company, up front ask them if you will be working on a "ver batim" account. If so, don't take the position. Keep looking. Someone will appreciate your intelligence and knowledge somewhere! Good luck, and please know that you're not alone!!!
I feel the same as you...
My account does not allow me any normals. I am to leave a blank and they fill in the standard. I'm also a CMT and been at this for 30 years. I feel I'm doing something wrong when I hear all these 300-400 counts. I average maybe 200 per hour on a good day. I know some of my problem is having to look up referring doctors, but I can't imaging doing 300-400 lines on a consistent basis per hour! Thank you for your post. At least I know I'm not alone!
I feel for you
Last November I fell from a ladder, grabbed it with my right hand and severed nerves in 2 fingers, since I was at home, had home owner's which paid me a little and had AFLAC thru my job which helped, finally about to get back to normal but the last 6 months have been pure heck, good luck.
I feel that way every day. sm

I just take a break every 2-3 hours and take the dog for a walk or exercise or something.  Sometimes, I run up and down the stairs or just go and sit out on my deck for a few minutes to get some fresh air.


Not sure it is menopausal symptoms as I am younger than the age.  For me, it is my personality trait.  I am a type A personality.


I feel like...
I am just having the very life sucked out of me!
Now I don't feel so alone
Well, at least none of us are alone in the work all the time boat. I guess that is some consolation.
Enough so we don't feel

like a hooker on the street paying our "pimp"!  All the MTSOs need to review their overhead and cut out unnecessary expenses and overpaying their CEOs.  It is like the government spending $6,000.00 for a toilet.  Look at the UN who is wanting to borrow the money from the U.S. to refurbish the UN building.  Donald Trump has been in meetings with Congress and it is a very, very interesting thing to watch.  The UN wants to set aside $431 million dollars just in contingencies; Trump said that the contingencies should be no more than $1 million to $2 million at most. 

Basically, if the MTSOs had to live like many of us live, I'm sure they would be able to cut their waste and extravagance, don't you think?

Okay now I feel bad. I know I sit here in
my own little world with my family of 8 not having much time for the news and such. But really cannot believe I haven't heard this. How sad. He was a great man. When I did get to watch the news he was the one I watched. May God bless him and his family!
I feel sorry for you
This too shall pass.  Tomorrow will be a better day.
you have every right to feel anyway you want...
this is just the way I feel. My life has been changed with this knowledge I just acquired, and I wanted to share it.

growing up on a farm, in the country, I am also aware of the local slaughterhouse, and even in the bible (old testament) how God commanded the slaughter of tens of thousands of cattle/ox, or whatever they were, DAILY - never could figure that one out (said the smell of burning flesh was pleasing to him or something ??)

BUT, just me, I cannot bear the thought of eating meat from a stressed animal dying in agony...I would think that has to be passed on to us, somehow, and also as you mentioned the growth hormones and antibiotics, and who knows what (some cows are fed other dead cows cut up), ick.

In my humble opinion, as far as peta, I do not think animals have 'rights' and I am just not the 'fanatic' type I guess. I do think as a member of the human race, there has to be a more humane way to kill these animals.

It is disturbing how easy it is for us to 'ignore' it.

Like in the video, it mentions how schizophrenic it all is, and how it goes on all day, every day, not far from where we live...
Anybody else feel this way?
I am so tired any more and I think I hate my job.  Every day same thing.  Between the lack of money for doing this thankless job, the way this company I work for treats me, the constant cherry-picking that I have to go through on a daily basis, I need a break.  Can someone tell me ONE company that appreciates hard working MTs and is good to work for PLEASE.  Thanks.
I am so sorry you feel this way
there are companies out there that are fair and good to work for.
Anyone else feel that when they have to
drive anywhere on the roads it's like driving in a Nascar race? I had 3 close calls today because of people not looking or seeing me in my lane and trying to merge into my vehicle. They try and zip in and out of traffic. They drive like maniacs yet I still see the same cars at the next stop light when I get there. Waiting for the flag to come down and yell "we have a winner" some days.
I know how you feel ...
My son's best friend was killed Monday in a motorcycle accident. He was only 16. Of course, we are extremely close - our families.

I haven't taken anything to any of their homes yet. I have sent a plant for the service tomorrow. I will make a nice memorial to his youth group. I plan to wait about 2-3 weeks, when things have settled down and all the items brought have disappeared. I'm sure his mother won't feel like cooking for a while -- then I'm taking a complete dinner over, maybe once a week until I know they are doing better.

I have also written a letter to my state legislators in his memory, asking for some changes in legislation that may have prevented this death.

My oldest son is 20 and his best friend was killed a year ago on a motorcycle as well. I'm handling this situation the same as the other with a plant, memorial to the youth group, and a few meals afterwards.
I know how you feel..
I am so discouraged. I am considering cutting my losses and moving on. This had turned into a cut throat operation. The employee is no longer treated like a human, just take the crap and keep your mouth should attitude. It is pretty sad that this company has turned into this type of operation. What is really sad is any company that would push the issue of line count quota and not quality....MTs will be so worried about getting quota that there will be no time for proofreading. SAD SITUATION.
I know how you feel
I took several tests like that. Actually the company that I now work for gave me a foreign dictator (very hard)for my test, and I have never typed for a foreign dictator and I have been there almost four months.
I feel so sorry for everyone there and wish there was
more I can do, but I think the schools are doing all they can. If the students don't have phone service, then the school can't call them either so that doesn't solve the issue. At least if they post a number, then hopefully the kids are out of the places now that are still out of power and have made it to family's home or a shelter and can call them.
I feel the same way
Only I'm really pathetic...my youngest just started half-day kindergarten and I'm missing her! I have a 21-year-old, and 18-year-old who just started college..and then I have my 5-year-old.  She was born with hydrocephalus and is shunted. Doing great though..just like a normal kid except that we did have a rapid and no-warning shunt failure a month ago which involved a Medflight and surgery, etc.  I've spent every day with her since the day she was born..and even though she's only going half days right now, I'm really missing her during that time. I know that I'll adjust..and I am happy that she is growing up and able to go and spend the time with the other kids which she just loves. I'm just really sad, too..and missing my baby girl.
I know how you feel
I can't go to the bathroom or into the kitchen (that part is probably a good thing)
I know how you feel...sm
I have felt that way on a number of occasions. I probably would have tagged it and made the office look it up, just because I could...but sounds like you did the right thing.  I mean, is it our job to read their minds, make them look like freakin' geniuses, please! They should have enough respect for us, the transcriptionist, to at least give accurate information, as much as they can, and do what they can to spell correctly, especially doctor names.  But, most docs think they are God or something, I don't know, anyways, sorry about the rant... (jumping off now)!
I feel for you..sm
I have a cat that is going on 20 years.  I call her the Ancient One.  She is in no pain, eats well, etc... She is just old and rickety.  But she still sits under my chair when I type.  I pray the day never comes that I have to end her life.  Just let her not wake up one morning is all I ask.  My sympathy to you.
I feel for you.

Listen to you gut instinct.  Your experience and know how will be appreciated when you find the right company.

As far as the other QA person not being very nice....it is a fact that women can be very difficult to work with.  Statistics have proven that women have a need to feel equal and when threatened they tend to fall into behaviors such as those you described.

It happens on this board quite often.  The nicest women in person can be very mean spirited when not face to face.  Try not to take it personally and just keep doing the best job you can. 

Unless you are getting paid very well for working that many hours, decide if it is really work sacrificing your life.  Good luck...you are not alone.