File a suit i Small Claims Court! -nm
Posted By: Sk8Girl on 2008-10-10
In Reply to: MTs who "steal" equipment - Margo
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I would definitely file in small claims court
against her. Not sure about the subpoena part - I do not know how that works. Believe once you file it is up to the court to notify her. You may not get your money even if you win the judgement but you can then let the credit bureaus know, etc., and eventually it will catch up with her. Best of luck and so sorry you are experiencing this!
could you at least file in you local small claims court?
where the employer is located. My local county charges $50 for serving out of state notices on small claim issues. You would stand a greater chance of obtaining a judgement as the chances of the owner coming to your state would be small. Once you get a judgement and failure to pay, you can file a lien against the company. If they ever want to buy anything on credit, it would show up and they would be denied until they paid you, then another 7 years to roll off the credit report.
Small claims court
Write a final demand letter, registered, signed receipt requested and tell them that you are seeking legal action against them and will be seeing them in small claims court. Whatever state their business name is registred, go online and see who are the registered owners and their addresses, etc. and send copies of letters to all. Give then 14 days (10 working days) to respond and if they don't file in small claims court. Hopefully you have a copy or can get a copy from your back of the checks you deposited so that you can put a lein on their checking accounts when you win in court. Check on line with your state for small claims court as if they are located in another state -- I don't know if that makes a difference. But check it all out. If you can't afford an attorney -- seek legal aide in your city. Good luck.
Try Small Claims Court.
Agree with Small Claims Court.
Small Claims Court - it's easy sm
a few years back, i worked part-time for a one-woman company who had a psych hospital account. All was great until she went through a mid-life crises, kicked her husband out, got a tattoo, changed everything about her, and then had me doing all the work... the last month i worked for her, she owed me $3,300 and refused to pay... wouldn't answer my calls or her door... so i took she and her company to small claims court... she didn't show up for that either and i was awarded the judgment via default. I filed a wage garnishment with the psych hospital and they promptly terminated her contract... so then i filed a lien against her house and 3 years later when she sold it, i got paid... I did all of this without any help from an attorney - piece o' cake...I had the sheriff's department serve her, which was like $25 or so, and then whatever filing fees, which were minimal... good luck to you!
Got pictures? If so, take 'em to small claims court!
I took my pics and the signed walk-through with me. They were smug throughout, but I won and they had to return a BUNCH of my deposit! It pays to have a rather suspicious minds these days, I guess!
Sue him in small claims court for breach of contract
Anyone with experience with small claims court in NJ??? I guess I am going to have to go that route
to try and get money that is owed me and to complicate things I don't live in that State. If anyone has any info to offer I would greatly appreciate it. I know times have been tough for some of us but after 9+ years I can't believe it has come to this. Thanks in advance for any help or words of wisdom you can offer.
Thank you both! I am going to file in small claims. nm
Why not sue in small claims (sm)
You have a business contract with them. It's not a paycheck we are talking about. It's payment for services rendered. Are they going to send someone to your state to defend it? Probably not!
Small Claims
If you go down to the courthouse they will help you step by step. Or perhaps by now it is on line in your state. If she is an MSW or LCSW the state will have a copy of her license and you can also get her address that way. You make out the papers, at least I did, and provide the address to serve her at and they will mail them to her place of employment if that is the only address you have. But the courts are helpful, at least they were in Oregon, and showed me how to do the business as well as personal. Good luck. May I ask why she said she wasn't going to pay you? Just curious.
Small claims
You have a right to be paid for services rendered. If I were you, I'd go ahead and work until the date that you have already told them and then take them to small claims court for the amount they owe you. Of course, this is assuming that you have kept accurate records. You would need those in court. And, I'd also tell your other clients ahead of time what is going on to reassure them that you are doing this as a last resort.
Small claims does not mean anything
in Atlanta. I do not know how it is in your town but I filed 1 and told right up front it was up to me to collect, even if I won. I think it was a complete waste of my time- the fellow had no checking acct, no home in his name, nothing that I could go after.
Small Claims
Don't forget to ask for filing fees and court costs. The judge can't give them to you if you don't ask for them. And you will win.
Small claims will not help you sm
I've wasted my time with that - after you win nobody makes them pay you.
small claims SM
Don't waste your time and hope. No one makes anyone pay anything from small claims.
If proven fraud, will you file suit against her?
Unless local, and can pursue in small claims, then she will end up sm
spending more money that she will ever get back. Write if off. Move on. Learn from the experience.
Question regarding small claims and ex-employer.TIA
Has anybody ever filed a small claims suit against an employer that was in a different state? I need to file small claims suit for wages that are owed, but I am in a different state as the company. Does anybody know how to go about this?
You could take him to small claims to get expenses and pain and suffering.
Has anyone had court reporter training or looked into court reporting?
I am thinking about taking a distance learning course in court reporting and I was just wondering if anyone has tried it, done it, looked into it and what they have found out. If you have gone to school for it or are going to school for it or know anything about court reporting could you share what you know with me? I have been in the transcription field for 15 years and I thought that might be something that I could bridge over to pretty easily, but not sure. Any comments on this idea? Thanks everyone for your help!
last time I was in court -- no court reporter
I have taken my ex back to court a few times in the past couple of years and there was no court reporter in the room... In fact it was mentioned that they make a recording of the proceedings and then it is transcribed... I just asked a simple question if anybody knew if this job could be done at home and based on my experience it would make sense that it could be. No need to get nasty.
Rename your file to something else then restart Word. It will create a new file.
small mentality usually means small pocketbook
Still make more than you and I but that is deserved. They've put the effort forward and educated themselves.
I think it is the same type of file, so rename it and replace your autocorrect file with your DQS us
Help..I lost my word file. How can I retreive a file that has been changed? sm
I was working on a large file and had saved it in Word. I then went back to work on the file and hit a key that made the page go blank. When I went to close the document it asked me to save any changes on the document. I answered yes, and now when I click on that document it is all blank! Shouldnt the previous info saved be there, even if the current stuff is not? Please help me!! Thank you
Depends on the file format of the Short Cuts file.
ShortHand comes with a utility file that can import various formats. You can get that file with the trial download of SH.
Depends on the file format of the Short Cuts file.
ShortHand comes with a utility file that can import various formats. You can get that file with the trial download of SH.
We are not threatening a suit,
These people stole our lines, we earned way less than the federal minimum wage, and we want our money. I could have earned more money at McDonald's!!! Just FYI, not meant to be rude to you.
No suit here, sad sack...
Hey, ME (how original...)- if it's been awhile since you've been there, who could you know anything? I like where I work, and many of my friends do as well. We could all stand to make more money, but I know for a fact I'm making more bank than 90% of you out there, just based on my speed and accuracy and the amount of lines I average. I used to work a FT job AND a PT job and didn't make combined what I make here! You just have to know your stuff, be disciplined at home and good at what you do. Sounds like you were lacking all the way around. Let me guess- you are now an IC, riight? Why- no one would have you? Oh, you like your FREEDOM, riiight...while you are enjoying your freedom, which is just saying you don't have enough work to keep you off the boards all day, I'm putting out about 2K lines a day at a top line rate too. The few times I call in they've been nice (never met any of them though), and they are always sending me thank you notes and stuff. You enjoy your "time off"- I got vacations to pay for! If you want to come back, email me. I'll get a referral bonus!
...with your file. Save your autocorrect file to somewhere else. nm
You can save the SH file in a text file and import to IT that way. sm
You may have to do some cleanup in the SH text file, but it sure would be faster than re-entering them all manually.
File taxes under the name on file w Social Security....
Name on W2 doesn't have to match, but your tax return has to match SS records. They don't want your marriage license or anything else. Did that for 13 years as instructed by IRS. Didn't have to change it with SS until state changed rules requiring drivers license to match SS records. Still use my maiden name in some limited circumstances.
Sorry we cant be Ayran and hairless enough to suit you.
It is not a class action suit as of yet
It is not certified class action because MQ filed for the proceedings to be held in NJ with all the other law suits. Therefore, this is stalling the certification of the suit to class action. They have received numerous calls over the checks.
Of course they cannot offer legal advise as they are not representing all MQ MTs as of yet, it is still the original 3 that filed, but I don't think it would be wise to cash it. That is just me. I know there are those that will disagree and call me names, but thats my two cents.
You can customize IT to suit your typing needs
You can customize IT to better suit your needs.
For marker selection, you can select what marker keys you would like to use from a list of options in Instant Text. Right-click on the phrases advisory and go to Options and Marker Selection. There, you can select what word marker and phrase markers you would like to use.
You can also adjust the visual feedback. If you find the advisory lines difficult, you may want to start off with using just a few advisory lines. To change the advisory lines temporarily, right-click on the words advisory and select the number of lines you wish to have. To set up the number of advisory lines to a permanent number, you can do so in the Linking Options.
You can also work with zero visual feedback if you like. Simply hit "Alt-" (that�s ALT and the "-" hyphen key) to hide IT's visual feedback.
You may want to try to do straight typing for X amount of hours per day and just use IT for an hour or two and slowly build-up your time each day.
You can always email the Instant Text tech support if you need any help.
I was in a class action suit once & got $600
I'd hit mine just getting in my bathing suit. nm
For that amt of $, I'd be filing suit. I can't believe you're going to
I do not know how he claims everything, but
I just know he does. He is also a great accountant that has been doing some of my family members' taxes for years as well. I trust him. He gives a guarantee he will back you if you get audited, so I cannot see him doing anything illegal.
Someone there who claims to be a
CMT and she is not either. Scary place.
I was involved in a class action suit
against PayPal, probably 2 years ago, haven't seen a penny. I was in a class action suit another time, can't remember who, and I did get some $$, I think about $15.00. I don't initiate anything, just get e-mails or letters about them.
If you want to sue, you MUST have damages to sue for. GO to the DOCTOR or a suit is worthless.
I've seen enough Judge Judy (I love her, too!) to know this. If you have no damages, you get no money. With no PROOF of damages, you basically have no damages.
You would need to take pictures of any scrapes and bruises that you have as a result of being dragged, falling, the leash pulling you, etc. You also need a doctor's report. A judge won't just take your word that you were hurt. Good luck!
pufting on flarme retardant suit sm
Professionalism is an attitude, not a particular vocation.
The collective bantering on this board is the kind of thing that, to me, denigrates MT just as much as low wages and newbies coming in undercutting the rest of us.
I don't see very many MTs with a good attitude. I am no different, and, therefore, I'm getting out. Big old red flag when I can't even talk nicely to others in my profession. Plain and simple. Do I have a ton of resources? NO. Do I make a ton of money that I can pull this off? NO. I am trying to be smart and patient about it.
What I read on this board truly depresses me. I see a bunch of negative, defensive, downtrodden, burned out people.
I know PLENTY of professionals in PLENTY of other fields who have made the decision to work at home, or work part time, because their family is EQUAL priority to their careers. They do not appear to have a priority problem to me, nor do I think they care any less about what they do. They have made tough decisions, made some challenging sacrifices, and have a LOT of discipline.
Hhhmm, and what color suit are you wearing
changing verbs to suit nouns
I do, I do !!!
I think they will see these newbies run faster and harder than we ever did if something doesnt suit.
Okay, I hate to be the one to scream law suit, but this reeks of discrimination.
I would seriously check out the descirmination laws in your state because that is exactly what this is.... Oh as a Large and Lovely girl myself, I am furious along with you. Okay not that I would ever want to work for a company who had the moral ethics of a flea, but they need to learn that they cannot treat people like this. Man the nerve..
Who gets tired of changing verbs to suit the noun?
If I hear this one more time, I will scream. "There is no masses."
It claims to be used for tapes, can this be used for wav files also? nm