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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: greenjeans on 2009-06-17
In Reply to: What word expanders work best with MS word? Or.. - NEMT

I too use ShortHand and find it user friendly.

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What is S/H? Are we allowed to run these programs with DQS? If so, where do you purchase them? I would be more than happy to spend $120 if I could get my quota.

Thanks for the tips.

I have worked in Meditech for about a year and a half and find that Shorthand does work just fine with it.


Also, Abbreviate works well.

I keep seeing people say get an Expander you will get more lines.  I currently just use what is provided on the DQS (the Ctrl+E function).  Forgive my ignorance, but is this a separate program that you can use with DQS?  If so, tell me what it is and where to get it, PLEASE.  I am to the point of throwing my hands up and working at McDonald's.  I am so frustrated.  I normally typed close to 2,000 lines per shift before DQS, now I am getting no where near that.  I have been on this for over a year.   

if i didn't have instant text, i'd be an unhappy person; i use it for probably 40% of my stuff; i also use autocorrect for words and small phrases.
The only Expander I have ever used is InstantText. I can add really long entries in there with bold, underline, etc..... you add the entry into InstantText and then there is a "formatting" button that you click on and it will keep the original formatting from when it was copied/cut and pasted from Word or your report. I really like InstantText.

Looking to get an Expander and curious which expander most use.  TIA

I was very interested in trying to get Smartype but I think from what I am reading it is not compatible with Word Perfect which is my main account and then I use Microsoft Works Suite.   I was wondering if there are any other Expanders out that could particularly be used with Word Perfect.  I thought I remembered talk about Fast Type that could be downloaded here from MTStars but I'm not able to locate that and I don't know if it can be used with Word Perfect or not.   Any suggestions or help??
They should expand the text in whatever font your document is currently using.

Actually, I use auto correct specifically for those instances when the the font, formatting, and size cannot be changed...if that makes any sense.
Expanders. sm
How do you use such abbreviations without going into your autotext you already have running.  I.E. I think if I tried to abbreviate Webster's words, It would clash with my medical words I have.  Any suggestions appreciated.
Which is the best Expander program?
ROI of expanders

An Expander pays for itself within weeks as your productivity goes up and you will make more lines per day.

What you need to consider is which expander provides the best productivity features as well as the best comfort level for you.

Looking at expanders and

I have been working as an employee with the EXText system/Wordclient by Dictaphone.  I really love the "esp" system that is part of this program as I find it very quick and easy to use.

Years ago I tried IT and didn't really care for it, but I don't know if I didn't become familiar enough with it. 

I guess it comes down to an Expander that works with just hitting the spacebar and entering the shortcut I know I am getting with that abbreviation.  Really mastering the shortcuts without having a list to choose from.

If anyone out there has any recommendations for a similar expander as the Dictaphone esps, I would love to hear what you have to say.


Thank you for your input.

Hi Robbie,

I was told that Instant Text V Pro works well with Meditech. I just received the program yesterday and installed it, but haven't had a chance to see how well it works.

I keep seeing everyone uses expanders.  Those of you that use them are you on set accounts?  I can't figure out how I would use them when I do a whole pool of about 20 different doctors.  I have some things in my quick correct but I just find it easier to type it then to remember to turn on the correct as you type option and then remember the abbreviations...everyone keeps saying that you are more productive with the use of expanders...I guess my question is how do you incorporate this with different doctors?
My goodness - EVERY doctor uses the same words i.e.the patient, blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, etc.  also "the" that' those" Every op report states the patient tolerated the procedure well, usually, and the patient  was extubated.  You make up Expanders for common english stuff plus most of the medicine names and dosage times amd acceptable abbreviations like LAD, MI, CAD, CHF, etc. and headings in a physical exam, and body parts/anatomy. Expanders increase your speed greatly plus cuts spell check time also.  I currently work an account with 40+ docs on staff and I'm using the same expanders I used for my 200+ account. 
Which system are you on?

Believe it or not, I have been transcribing for 20 years, and have never used an Expander such as Instant Text.  Is it truly worth investing in.  Does it really increase your production more than the expander that is in the Dictaphone program?

If I produce approx 200 lines an hour, would it be worth the investment?
I just started using Instant Text after 18 years transcribing. I think it slows me down sometimes because I am still getting used to it, but I feel it is worth it because there is less wear and tear on my hands/wrists. Even if I only equal my production with it, I feel in the long run I am better off if it helps me avoid carpal tunnel, etc.
Expanders/ASR or VR
ASR takes just as long as straight typing. You might save 5 to 10 minutes, especially if you are dealing with an accent or a doctor who mumbles (which I run into a lot). Eventually everybody will move to ASR because they will go out of business if they don't. Who wants to pay 10 cents a line when you can pay 5 cents per line? Then soon we will be competing with the Phillipine's wages...God help us! We are headed nowhere and FAST if we don't do something quick. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I am speaking the truth.
Of course I use Expanders - most companies that you work for supply an expansion program and if you are an IC you can still get one that would make your money back for you quickly... regardless of whether I type the lines or I use an Expander program to do it, I am still producing those lines and it makes me more than minimum wage.
Expanders?? SM
Please tell me what the names of them are, where to get them, easy to install or learn?? TIA Doing this for 14 years and almost on welfare now.

As to your first question, Smartype only works with Word. whereas Shorthand, Speedtype, and Instant Text work with mostly all transcription platforms.

As to your second question, each Expander is different except for Speedtype and ShortHand which, as mentioned, are the same.

Smartype comes with quite a substantial vocabulary file and uses a word completion feature.

Instant Text includes a large number of glossaries with medical words, phrases, and drug names, and IT has some unique features described on the Textware website.

Marianne Kleen
Textware Solutions


No, I never thought to get one.  I would though if there are less bugs.  Which do you recommend?
Hey Carla I've got over 2000 Expanders in my list, and I can remember almost all of them at any given time because of the logic I used to create them.

Anyone is welcome to a copy in Excel format, if they'd like. Just drop me an e-mail!
RE: expanders
I just got the book Saving Keystrokes. It is wonderful. For anybody out there that needs shortcuts, get that book. I can't just sit and think them up. This gives me good stuff to go by.
I used Smartype when I worked on a word program, but now I am using meditech.  How do you use Expanders with other programs?  An old MT asking for help. 
How much do expanders help you?
I have never used an Expander since I started transcribing which was a little over a year ago.  How valuable are they?  Do they really help you with your line count?  Does anyone know of a good free one?  I do not have a lot of money to spend on expensive software.  Thanks!
Ah, NO!!!!!!! Expanders are the only way to go, until
What exactly do you mean by the word Expander in word? I am computer illiterate. Would that be the same expander I use in Extext where I put a phrase or word in, and make a shortcut for it? Is that any different than an expander you can purchase? I have been an MT for 21 years, and currently do 200-250 lph on average. Would another expander benefit me? TIA
You definitely want to use some kind of word/text expander, whether it's Word's Auto-Correct or Auto-Text utilities or some other retail product. They're especially useful for alphanumeric terms and phrases that are dictated frequently but not so consistently that using a macro is possible every time that situation arises. Once you get the hang of it and figure out how your brain best remembers expansion clues, you can create your shortcuts quickly and they won't be difficult to remember as you're typing.

If you're like me, I hate having to type out -year-old after every age, so although it took a little time, I created an entry for every age from 1 to 99 that I key in as the age followed by yo, e.g., 43yo, which then expands to 43-year-old. For phrases or multiple-word terms, some MTs like to create a shortcut using just the first letter of each word. That works for a lot of things but not everything because of accepted abbreviations. I create shortcuts based on what my brain knows it will remember and how it feels when I type it. I experiment with it a little bit until I come up with a shortcut that will fly off my fingertips. I use lapchole for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, but avh for auditory or visual hallucinations. Be creative!

You can also create custom toolbars for various accounts and/or speakers, then create toolbar buttons out of Auto-Text entries for longer passages or pain-in-the-neck stuff like inside addresses you type frequently, and drag and drop them to those custom toolbars. It takes a couple of minutes to set up a toolbar button, but it's worth it for certain kinds of text expansion data.

Another tip: Create a toolbar on your desktop for your work-related programs and resources. To do it, right click on your system tray, select Toolbars, and give your new toolbar a name. I call mine My MT. Then create a folder on your desktop with the same name you gave your new toolbar. Drag and drop or copy links to the items you want in your toolbar to the new desktop folder, and voila, they immediately show up on your toolbar. Customize your icons so you can easily find the one you want, and keep your link names short to maximize how many links your toolbar can hold and use the space efficiently. The kinds of links I have on my My MT toolbar include Google, One-Look, Word, Excel, My Documents (shortened to Docs), platform links, Volume and Audio controls...anything you know you use a lot and don't like having to minimize windows for to find on your desktop.

Have fun!
An Expander (or macro)program allows you to save keystrokes. There are many different Expanders out there; in the jobs I've worked they've been built into the platform. You can also purchase ones like Instant Text and many others. You create your own expansions in a way that makes sense to you. I think of it as typing in shorthand. So instead of typing "the patient tolerated the procedure well" over and over, I just type tpttpw and it spits the whole phrase out. It is the absolute best way to increase your speed. A great book I could recommend is "When the Name of the Game is Saving Keystrokes" by Diana Rolland.
Thank you very  much.  I will check into this.  anything to make my life easier, right!
expanders and such
Thank you VERY much. What Expander programs do you recommend? Also, I wanted to ask you something else. I had started my MT training several years ago, ended up stopping halfway through to work for a company that does medical conferences. It's a lot different, easier, I think. You get paid by the word, not the line. So my question is, in your opinion, do you think the traditional kind of MT work would be better? In other words, is the field a good one to get into? I see a lot of mixed thinking on that in here, so I would like to get your opinion. Thank you, again, in advance.
Never used expanders
I actually did start when we were on typewriters and no expanders. I don't use one now, but would like to are they hard to learn??? Is there one you all would recommend???
I've been using Smartype since 1996 when I was still using WP 5.1.  I would fell like the fingers of my right hand were gone if I didn't have it to work with.  Love it!
How are they using their expanders

I use my Expander and still cannot get a line count at 7 cpl.  Specifically tell us what they are putting in those Expanders please




I use Instant Text and absolutely love it!  However, I did check out the websites you listed here.  The first one, vsisystems, I would not go with for sure, as there are typos and incorrect grammar on their website.  I mean, that is not good advertisement at all - - lol!  The second one in the list, soft411, doesn't sound as if it is for Word, it sounds as if it has more to do with getting around on the Internet, but I may be wrong.  The third one in the list, thinkabdul, is a little confusing to me; so, I don't know about that one.  Just my thoughts on the matter.

Instant Text does take a little bit of time to get used to, but once you do, it is wonderful. 




I have some expanders for
some common numbers, sxy for 60, tymg for 20 mg, etc., so just was wondering if there was a "system" that has been tried and proved. I know I was looking for a needle in a haystack , so guess I just need to start training myself on my number keys a bit better instead of the going over to the key pad :-)
Try productivitytalk.com
Top 3 expanders

I am in the market for an expander.  I have never used one and am ready to.  Just wondering what people's favorite 3 Expanders are so I can research about them and pick one.

Thank you!


I also use Expanders extensively and I'm pretty sure I don't use my Expander to its greatest efficiency. I use ShortHand and it keeps track of how efficiently you are using the program and I'm at about 40%, so I have much more room for improvement. Once you get to know your account(s) really well, you quickly learn which doctors have standard setups, pet phrases, etc. For some doctors, I have whole reports set up and only have to press 3-4 Keystrokes to get it. Huge time saver as I just read along and edit. This means I can get some reports done faster than real time. Since I work on 3 accounts (2 acute care and 1 radiology), Shorthand allows multiple dictionaries and I can copy my original dictationary to the "radiology" dictationary so I get all my stuff without having to re-enter it, but then edit to fit with the radiological terms, phrases and reports.

You can also set up typing drills for yourself. The more you drill your typing for accurate keystrokes, the smoother the keystrokes come and then you apply this to your transcription, although really, listening-typing-reading simultaneously is a different skill set. But the point is, concentrate on typing accuracy. Accuracy = higher counts and errors are nonpaid keystrokes.

And knowledge is key. Take every opportunity you can to increase your medical knowledge, whether it is television programs or videos featuring new procedures or breakthroughs, or on the Internet through researching. Watch operation videos so you can actually see what the doctor is doing and then it seems to click while your typing it. I struggled with cataract surgery until I watched 3 surgeries and now it clicks because I had a visual in my head. Learn, learn, learn. If you don't have to spend your time researching terms or equipment every 2 minutes, then it's time spent putting lines on the reports!

And give yourself patience to improve. Sometimes you get stuck at 600 lines for a while, then suddenly it pops up a notch, then plateaus before popping up again.

I also keep a little address book and new terms that were particularly difficult to find, I write them in there under the appropriate tab.

That's the only way I know of to improve your line counts.

You are very welcome! I know how frustrating it can be, not being able to use YOUR expander. I now use both SH and IT. I also make backups CONSTANTLY! FYI, there are lots of great forums with tons of info on expanders, macros, production, etc. Here are a few more that I have found very useful. Good Luck!

http://www.productivitytalk.com/   Not as good as the IT forum, lots of "advertising" but worth a look.

http://www.microsoft.com/office/community/en-us/FlyoutOverview.mspx#13    Microsoft Word forum. Very helpful for macros, toolbars, anything Microsoft related beyond the basics.

as many expanders as possible

single words, phrases, whole reports (or sections of reports). For example, many doctors say something very similar each time they dictate an informed consent statement. I make ShortHand entries for all of those. Also physical exams, review of systems, and closing statements such as "Thank you for allowing me to participate in the care of this patient."   VR has cut into my abbreviation system, but I still insert them when the VR is too word-salady.

Years ago we called them abbreviation expanders. Different software/platforms have different names for them but they all do essentially the same thing. I can't live w/o them. I have made hundreds to save time. I think each of us has our own system, e.g., I use kofx for comminuted fracture and cofx for compression fracture. On my account,they also work if I'm editing VR and need to replace a garbled word/phrase.
I agree, I will not use Expanders and not get paid for them and just give away my work. You can bet the company trying that is charging for them. Totally dishonest.
They want you to use expanders

They just don't intend to pay you for them, only pay you for the Keystrokes it takes to expand them.  I heard of this a long time ago, but don't think it has been successful for anyone.  No one in their right mind would work for someone like that.  They would of course charge the client full price.  That would be a racket, and no one who is a real Transcriptionist would just go for being paid like that.  I have personally paid several hundreds of dollars for my expanders, have Smartype, IT, Flash Forward, and the original one, can't think of its name right now.  Also have over 30,000 expanders, though VR is murdering that.  I invested much in my Expanders and no one can have them for free.  I'm sure everyone else feels the same.  We have worked so hard for our jobs, investing in education, books, expanders, etc., and on every side someone is trying to cheat us, let them do the job then, they would be out of business in a week!!  I agree with above.



They want you to use expanders, just

don't intend to pay for the keystrokes.  They want you to type the patient with tp, and they will pay you for tp and they will charge the client for the patient.  I heard a few years back of some place trying this, sure it did not work out, no Transcriptionist is going to stand for this.  I have over the years invested hundreds of dollars in IT, Smartype, Flash Forward, and have the original one, can't remember its name right now.  I also have over 30,000 Expanders built up, though VR is murdering that.  We all have invested much in education, books, expanders, etc., and these people just come along and say, I'll take that, give ME the money. 

Hospitals used to handle this quite well without the middle man and we were able to make a living and we transcriptionists cared, we still care about the patient.  Don't know how they figure this is cheaper by the time the middle man is paid, especially the corporate giants who have inserted themselves, Indians being QAd, etc. 

No transcriptionist could make a living being paid only for the Expander keystroke.  Let those businesses that try that do their own work, they will be gone in no time. 

Do you have any examples in particular? I know transcriptionists who refuse to "use" Expanders but they do know about them. I personally can't imagine anyone wanting to transcribe without expanders, but it happens. My fastest Transcriptionist was one who used only a smattering of expanders. I like to think he would have been even faster had he used more...but he was never comfortable with them.