Every K-Mart around me folded and died. No such stores here. Walmart is thriving.
Posted By: K-mart stores were junky. on 2006-01-04
In Reply to: Our Wal Mart moved. Built a Superstore behind Kmart! - Mainer
I was glad to see the K-mart stores close. They were so dirty and junky and staff just stood around existing only for a paycheck. Hope your K-Mart is better but I wonder how long they can last with Superstore Walmart.
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Walmart opened up 15 stores in CHINA....nm
In my town Walmart is the way to go...local grocery stores are outrageous!!! sm
There is no way to feed a family of five at any of the stores in our town! My grocery bill was cut in half when Walmart moved in!
I have never been asked to show a receipt at Walmart. Is the Walmart you shop in a bad neighborhood
And the expensive stuff has an alarm on it for the cashier to take off. No receipt check. Just a greeter saying good-bye.
I neatly folded all of his things...
boxed and bagged them -- even the obscure things like photographs he had forgotten, his GED diploma, etc. I placed into his old briefcase and posted a note on the outside that they were his personal effects. I think he was feeling kinda crappy that I wasn't being nasty because he called the police up here and asked them to tell me that he had cancelled the truck insurance on me. I had actually called early yesterday and found that out. I opened a new policy in only my name. I just don't feel angry or miserable anymore. I don't have any feeling about him whatsoever. It's very surreal. I'm enjoying it though. Church for the first time tomorrow. My kids are sooo excited to be going somewhere. I'm thrilled for all of us. I will update if something new happens. Keep smiling! Jodi
ER died when Mark Green died. The 'new'
the same oomph as the originals. Not as exciting as it used to be. I had watched since the very first episode and loved every episode until then. Now it's BORING!
OMG, you FORGIVE Walmart shoppers? Are you nutz. Did Walmart
put an over-priced small business owner out of business. What is your PROBLEM?
I see old people who would otherwise not have a job smiling and happy with Walmart. I see undereducated people who do not look employable working at Walmart. Walmart employs millions of Americans who may otherwise be on public assistance.
America likes reality shows or they wouldn't be thriving like they are.
Love the reality. Hate B actors or hasbeens on TV drama.
Add me too!!! I appreciate it. About stores that
say "Merry Christmas" - I figure I don't need to do my CHRISTMAS shopping in those stores!
I think these stores pay minimum wage. Walmart is known to be a very bad employer so try the other one first.
thrift stores
When I first left my ex, I moved in with a coworker and her two sons. About twice a week, she would hit the thrift stores and antique stores. I started going with her. What a blast. I could not believe all the really good stuff you could buy for just a little bit of money. I usually check out thrift/resale stores about twice a month. One lady I used to work with at a local hospital, dressed so nice, so chic..She always looked so put together. One day at lunch she told us all of her clothes are bought at the local thrift store.
mom pop stores being squeezed
I agree 100%. If the little mom and pop stores were charging close to the prices of Wal-Mart, you bet I would shop there exclusively, however, I have to think about my family first and providing for them as I am the only one bringing in a measley Transcriptionist paycheck and I dont have enough hours in the day or enough energy to go back to school..So, I truly am sorry about the whole situation but isnt that what this administration and others have tried to brain wash us about..its all capitalism..so if a big company comes in and squeezes out the smaller ones, it is still capitalism? I dont agree with it but it is happening all over America and the little guy and working guy are being squeezed. I mean, it is even happening with us and outsourcing..This administration says outsourcing is a good thing yet it is taking middle class jobs. Oh, geez..truly sorry for the rant.
some of the dollar stores where everything
is a dollar carry them, that way you can afford as many as you want
If you PC stores any reports then...sm
you wouldn't be HIPAA compliant to allow them access to your PC for any reason. Tell them that you use your PC for work and cannot allow others to use it. Also think of it this way - what if they downloaded something that screwed up your system and you couldn't work for a while? Not worth the risk!
Are you talking about our stores
Piggly-Wiggly here in Georgia as well as Alabama? Yes, we do have those.
dead town-ban WM stores
A little over 20 years ago WM opened in our town even though they had a Howard's at that time and put them out of business. Our nice town also had a sporting goods store, fabric store, several pharmacies, several local clothing stores and pool supply place. The only one that survived were the pharmacies. WM moved out a little over a year ago. Now we have to go 30 miles to find anything that we can't find in a dollar store. Not only do we have a big empty building that they left, now we will have another empty building that a chain grocery store is leaving because WM built super stores in the surrounding towns that use to shop in our nice little town. I suspect it will take years, if ever, to recover. Our only hope is that we have good leadership in our community.
There are TONS of stores that I see every place I go.
I agree, best out there in the grocery stores.
We have Publix - MAJOR stores all over....sm
Publix says tipping is not allowed. I do not agree with that. They are loading TONS of stuff into cars, why shouldn't they get a tip? I tip, their bosses are not outside watching anyway and I don't know that anyone ever lost a job with Publix (one of the largest employers in the SE) due to this
to each his/her own I suppose
How and where did you get it for free? Online you have to pay for it, and in stores you have to pay
We've used it the past 3 years and it could not be processed and sent w/o paying. Now, we could go through the motions, answer all the questions, and get the final result without paying, but to actually electronically file and receive our refund, that is when it asks for payment. So how'd you get yours free?
check out the junk stores
like Salvation Army. I paid $40 for a few at Office Depot type store and then found a few for $1.99 at our alcoholism junk store. They are Dell and great, and when they wear out, don't feel bad about just trashing them.
saving money/thrift stores
I first hit our local thrift store when my dear mom was in a nursing facility with Alzheimer's. She'd just forget where she "folded and put her clothes away" or the laundry would lose some. So, I was able to buy mom many beautiful blouses/tops, dresses for way too cheap. Usually walked out of there with 5-6 complete outfits under $20.00.
She's gone now, but in her memory, I still do my shopping stints there, then haul it over to the nursing home for those residents who don't have family, it truly helps me more than it helps them.
Exactly! The newspapers all say that the grocery stores are open.
Why are people in expensive cars waiting in line for free stuff then? There are 2,800 people staying in shelters that NEED to be helped for truly being victims of the storm rather than for being "victims" of lack of planning or preparedness. Believe me, we're not without compassion. We do care. However, people 50 or 100 years ago didn't sit back on their laurels waiting for others to do for them.
Barnes and Noble or any other book stores where you
can sit and have a cup of coffee and look at the books. I am single too right now but not really looking but if I were, Barnes and Noble or the library. Also, I have found that when I am not looking at all, I meet somebody. Good look!!!
Rexall Drug Stores all had jukeboxes sm
at each table.
The ice cream truck came around and you got a cone for a nickel.
You could play flashlight tag at night without fear.
Drive-in movies were a blast.
Sunday afternoon movies were 75 cents to get in--mom and dad would send us there for the afternoon for a break (there were 5 of us).
The A&P store had green stamps. I still have the dinnerware set mom bought with them.
By the way, my '65 Mustang only costs me $2.00 a week to drive. I just don't take it out of town for fear of wrecking it.
Let's write to our local grocery stores
now and let them know we do not want to buy food from China, including produce. Please don't start taking apples from China. We trust apples from AMERICA and perhaps Australia and New Zealand, but China can keep their apples.
Who died?
and left you boss?
I used to have one of those (died on me too).
If you really like the mechanical keyswitch feel (which I sure do) and don't need a split/ergo keyboard, then you might want to think about trying one of the old Model M IBM keyboards ... very similar in feel (actually, better, IMO) to the NMB. I, unfortunately, have to use a totally split keyboard now, otherwise I'd be using a Model M myself.
You can sometimes find vintage ones cheap in local little computer stores too (I got one for $5 once that way).
I guess Healthfood stores would carry these items.
I LOVE shopping for clothes at resale stores
I find fashionable, barely worn, name brand clothes. It really is fun!! I couldn't imagine paying for new clothes anymore!
It's a little harder to find good kids' clothes at the second hand stores, but I have found some really nice ones that are real bargains.
The card should have been given as gift cards for grocery stores, etc.
I have a sister who we call the "Queen of the Dollar Stores."
Bless her heart, she buys all her Christmas at dollar stores (decorations and all) and even gives me makeup or hair products that she has tried and doesn't like. She doesn't know that I know this, though. I just smile, hug her and go on. It's not that she can't afford any better, she just sweeps the dollar stores, gets everyone's gifts in about 30 minutes, and she is through for the season. I guess it's not supposed to be about the presents, but the thought (but sometimes I wonder what that thought was, LOL)! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Yeah, but are these other companies trying to put stores in every market in the country?
I think that is what makes Wal-Mart so "evil" and scares me so badly. Soon we won't have ANYONE left to buy our goods from because they force all the other competitors out of business (particularly the small business owners) and then we are FORCED to buy everything from overseas countries/Wal-Mart.
Publix stores are starting to look like Super Wal-Marts! Have you seen that?
What news channel? I have to use my debit as a credit at stores and such. NM
Garage sales, consignment stores, coupons
If your income for the prior year is below 24,000 in Calif., you are eligible for 20% discount on gas/elec. Also, if your income is less than 12,000/yr, you are eligible for food bank visits once a month which total about $120.00. It has been six years since I went down this road, so the figure may have changed.
After a divorce, major surgery and no job, I found myself penniless. I had yard sales daily. Went to swap meets and sold my things there. Also, took my finer clothes to a consignment shop. Used coupons to determine what I would be eating. Thank God, I had no children.
I think when you have kids, you really need a nest egg of some sort that is absolutely untouchable.
This sounds like a temporary situation if you price your home to sell.
He died because of his fame. Not enough for you? SM
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They do different things that make them heroes to different people. What you really meant to say was that John Lennon was not a hero to you, right?
died today at age 83...........nm
he died almost a year ago (sm)
He had hypertension, diabetes, and had had a stroke in 2003. He was only 54.
No, it's not bad. I cried more when my cat died than when
Some of the craft stores like Michael's carry them in funky colors, too. nm
No more Wal-Mart for me
Did you read the article on how they are going to save money by cutting out full time employees for part-timers, going to hire younger people who don't look sick to save on health insurance costs, etc., making the job requirements include a lot more physical activity to exclude the retirees, etc. I refuse to shop there any more. Wait until all the younger ones turn up pregnant, are on drugs or alcohol and don't show up for work because they were out all night partying the night before. I am so sick of the corporate mentality! They don't give a rip about people any more-- just the almighty dollar so they can buy a new yacht every year.
Point Is???? Walmart/Medquist….Sound The Same To Me….lol. It’s Called ‘Corporate America’…..Get Use To It Ladies, It’s Here To Stay And Growing Like A Giant….(Corporate America That Is; And Wal-Mart Also). I’m Afraid They Are Just Like Every Other Business In America At The Moment. Think It Will Get Better: Dream On!
I Don’t Care What Wal-Mart Does. They Can Hire Children And Beat Them With Wet Grape Vines & Feed Them Vinegar And Piss, I Will Still Shop There. At This Day & Time You Have To Go Where You Get The Most For Your Dollar. If I Were To Boycott Everything That I Had A Problem With, I’m Afraid I Wouldn’t Be Able To Buy Gas, Food, Cigarettes (Right & Left-Handed), Liquor For The ‘Social-Functions’ I Must Put On….Or Attend. Oh, also I Wouldn’t Be Able To Finance Anything…Ever. So In Short, I Must ‘Turn The Other Cheek’ & Suck It Up & In Short I’ll Show The Other Cheek, Through In The Finger From Time To Time And As For Sucking It Up…Use 2 It….No Worries…LOL.
*No Worries
Here in the deep south, our Wal-Mart is definitely cheaper than our grocery stores. Winn-Dixie or Sav-A-Center do not hold a candle when comparing prices and I have done this with receipts. Wal-Mart definitely is cheaper on all products here and even though I do not like the hours it takes me, my pocketbook is better off. Had to shop around because DH is disabled and I need all the help I can get.
My two cents for what it is worth. Wal-Mart (like all other companies) offer insurance benefits to all of their full time employees. They do not offer to part time employees. This is just regular business practice. Also the statement made about selling insurance through Sam's is just a business decision. And people that do not work at Wal-Mart and do not have insurance, can now buy that insurance at a better price.
Get the facts before you post please. I happen to have family members that work at Wal-Mart and they all have insurance but they are full time employees.
Just saw some in Wal*Mart the other day
But that's one aroma that may be hard to capture!
I think the qualifications to work at the Wal-Mart in our town is that you need to have 1 tooth, dirty bra straps hanging down your arm, a tattoo on your neck. That's for the women. It might be different for the men.
Most larger drug stores carry a selection of OTC braces and will order others, too. nm
Check all the brands in other stores. It's all outsourced. Nike, Rebok, Liz Claiborne.
It leaves our country in the hands of the politicians who sold us out in the first place.
Led Zeppelin is so old they're ready for a nursing home. And the grocery stores
They make darn good money at most large grocery stores
No, I don't tip them. If I thought they weren't getting paid hourly, then I might. I might tip someone who gave extra great service, like coming home and carrying them in the house for me, (j/k!) but most places where you are expected to tip, people just expect the tip and take it for granted anymore and don't always treat you well enough to deserve one!
rice, bakery outlets, loss leader at the grocery stores,
My favorite cheap meal is cooking chicken leg quarters in a crock pot with an 1/4 onion and tumeric. Serve them with rice and lentils.
Here is a list of cheap foods: PB&J, bacon (cook two 2 slices at a time to put in eggs and beans), carrots, potatoes, beans (lentils are the easiest to cook IMHO), pasta, rice (use oil instead of butter to save $), eggs, Totinos pizza, and frozen mixed veggies.
www.stretcher.com under groceries has some good ideas.
www.hillbillyhousewfie.com has good ideas too. She has a good list called Everyday Bargains.
Do you have a bakery outlet close by? They usually have great deals on bread and bakery junk food. For $4 you can walk away with a big bag of bread, bagles, cake, ect.
I'm a single mom so I can't do this but if you can go grocery shopping without children that will help. Most stores have a loss leader for meat on sale each week. I would buy that meat and make mix it with rice or ramen noodles for dinner.
Most churches have food pantries. If you call one that does not have one, ask where there is a food bank. Church secretaries get so many calls for help they are usually experts at what the organizations available. Some Catholic Churches have St. Vincent DE Paul societies, they will either give you food or a gift card to a grocery store. Call the parish office and ask if the is one. We recieve food stamps now but I have been to food banks. They usually give canned food, pasta, and bread.