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Ergonomics for upper back pain?

Posted By: Ouch on 2006-01-05
In Reply to:

I have been having tremendous problems with upper back pain right between my shoulder blades and up into my neck and right shoulder for weeks now.  It makes typing just miserable.

Doc said I had brachial plexopathy, and gave me narcotics and told me to quit transcription.  Since that isn't an option -- any ideas as to how to keep from getting this excruciating pain after an hour of typing?  It goes away on weekends when I don't sit at the computer, so I'm sure it's largely related to my positioning.  I've tried to fix my posture, but sitting up completely straight hurts worse than slouching.

Share any stretches, techniques for arm positioning, etc.  I will be extremely grateful.



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Ergonomics for upper back pain
I find that it helps to get up and do a few stretch exercises. I have a 3-minute workout and microbreaks pamphlet that my husband got from his work that shows and explains some exercises including neck and back stretches. It does help when you get stiff from sitting and typing for so long. If you want me to type it up for you, just let me know and I will.
Upper back pain

In the past I have had the same problem, but I found that when I lowered my chair it was greatly improved.  It seems I can type faster with my chair higher, but when I lower my chair I have much less pain.  It is something to do with the angle in which my arms are..  When they are pretty much level with the keyboard that is a great improvement in the pain, although I have to sacrifice a little bit of speed it is well worth it.  I also use a split keyboard which also seems to make an improvement in my pain.  I have been at this work for 30 years and believe me I have had pain in all parts of my body related to sitting in this chair in the same position for many hours at a time.  I wish you well.


neck and upper back sm
Swimming helps some. Massage definitely helps. I have asked the massage therapist just to focus on my neck and upper back and to work deeply. Rates for massage depend on where you live. I pay about $60 for an hour. Sometimes you can get a half hour. Definitely ask for what you want with massage, and give feedback about what feels helpful. A chiropractor has helped and a strong vibrator has helped. Good luck! I know the pain.
neck/upper back problems
Anyone else out there with neck and upper back problems.  I am having problems with neck spasms and it makes my head feel funny with pain into my jaw etc.  Another downfall to our jobs I guess.    Any tips from anyone that has had these and gotten relief would be much appreciated I do not like taking muscle relaxers. 
No leg or back pain here

I do try to sit up straight and hold in my abs, which helps the back.  I also try to remember to breathe deeply once in awhile - raise up your rib cage and take in a good deep breath.  I also switch the pedal foot, sometimes use the left and other times the right.  I started doing that long ago when I got to thinking - what if I had a cast on my right foot, how would I work? Started using both feet - solved that problem.

My problem is my shoulders.  I do shoulder rolls at my desk and also do stretching.  They still get tight though.

And my RIGHT THUMB!  From hitting the spacebar so often.  When that gets bad, I pad it with a Band-Aid.

back pain
This is probably more info than you want, but I had the same problem a few years ago. I'm soon to be 52. Had to see a chiropractor after a while. He told me it is called "tailor's seat" and the best thing to do at home is ice 20 minutes at a time, do not sit in a recliner, take ibuprofen and if you can afford it, get chiropractic treatments; if not, I would suggest using a massage therapist. I actually have done both. The ice worked the best for me. I still do it sometimes. I also bought a spine cushion for my desk chair. That helps, too. Good luck.
Back pain sm
Have had this problem for years. Tried everything. The best cure for me is one of those microwaveable heat packs you can pick up from a mall kiosk, is made of cotton with rice-like material inside and perhaps some fragrance. You can make your own but would suggest you buy one, as wouldn't want it to be flammable. After all I have tried, a few Tylenol and the hot pack, lying flat on my back for perhaps 15 min., gently relieves the spasm/pain. Believe me, I have tried every gadget, PT (works for the session, then back to pain), have everything ever made for back pain and you have to be your own therapist. Try heat, rest, lie flat and at night, instead of Tylenol PM I use plain Tylenol and a Benadryl (sometimes 50 mg (2) help me to sleep. Getting the stress off your back is the only way in our profession. It hurts!
Back/neck pain
If anyone responds to the post about upper back/neck pain, please let me know - I have the exact same problem, and it makes long hours just miserable sometimes! Thanks in advance!!
Posture/back pain
Or, try this link.
Back pain and chairs.
Go for the pillows. I tried to splurge a while ago and get a new chair, took it back and got a new pillow. I use a thin pillow for my bottom and a nice orthopedic pillow for my back. I'm tempted to try the keyboard on my lap like I've seen suggested here but my husband just brought me a new keyboard tray from a teardown job he was doing that sells for almost 200.00. I think he'd be hurt if I didn't try it.
Any knee/back pain sufferers out there? sm
What are your favorite shoes to wear that don't make your knees hurt?   My back doesn't hurt if I wear Birkenstocks but my knees hurt if I do.  I've tried countless types of arch supports and the ones that help my knees don't help my back.  I have arthritis in both areas and the cartilage in my knees are shot due to degeneration.   Yesterday I wore my Birkenstock inserts I recently got in my sneakers while I ran around Wal-Mart and boy am I ever paying for that today - my knees are killing me!   Any advice would be appreciated. 
positioning footpedal; leg and back pain
Does anyone else have problems with back or leg tingling they feel is due to using a foot pedal?  I switch feet but have low back pain and leg tingling I feel is due to depressing and letting up on the footpedal, etc.  I have read some use a foot rest but I assume one would have to be custom built so that you could place the foot pedal on it plus your other foot.  I wonder if sitting all day with your feet on a foot rest since they are built at an angle would cause problems, too.  I read somewhere about an MT using a recliner which sounded comfortable but I wonder how in the world you could use a foot pedal placed on the foot rest of a recliner.  If anyone has any suggestions for me I would truly appreciate it.  If I don't find something soon, I am afraid I am going to have to go part-time or maybe even find a different profession. 
foot pedal back pain
I had the same problem and had my honey make me a ramp for my pedals. one rectangle pice of wood with a 2 inch strip to give it a "lean." I have one for each pedal so it looks like I drive a stick while working. LOL not only helped the back pain, but my thighs don't swell as much either.
Know of any good chairs for back pain?
I have been using a $20 task chair from Wal-Mart for the past three years, I am sitting her now six months pregnant about ready to die from upper and lower back pain.  Anyone have suggestions for a good quality chair they like, right now money is not an option,  I would pay big $$$ for just a little relief. 
back/shoulder/neck pain
last year I started out like that and so I checked the ergonomics of my keyboard, etc. I wound up moving my mouse to my left hand and that helped somewhat but later developed symptoms of a frozen shoulder. Do you get an extreme burning sensation? It took me a year to recover. I feel your pain.
I had back pain for an entire year. They did a trigger point
injection and it's gone. I couldn't believe it. I wish I'd found it sooner.
Hand pain - needing to cut back lines per week. Anyone else done this?
I have so much hand and wrist pain from all this typing.  I only do 5000-6000 lines per week and that is torture.  By the end of the week I have slowed down so badly it is ridiculous.  I think I am going to have to cut way back before I trash my hands and wrists for good.  Has anyone else had this problem and cut back on MT work?  I'm trying to think of other jobs I could do for a few hours a day to make up the difference ($$)that don't involve typing. 
Does anyone have any good ideas for back and hip pain from sitting all day? Anything on the market?
Upper case is lower, lower case is upper. Using InstaText. Anyone know how to fix this?

Aargh.  It happened all day yesterday.  When I brought in text that was all caps


and had lower case on keyboard (as always do), it reverses keyboard commands.  This is driving me c-r-a-z-y.

I feel your pain. If at teaching hospital, great pain. SM
Some doctors do give standard discharge summaries, so you could just make copy and then pull it up. It is not easy, especially when they give 20 lines of lab results.

I have recently returned to transcription after several years of editing.  My left wrist has become very sore while transcribing.  Can anyone recommend a good keyboard or any other devices you have found useful in combating this problem?


I had serious issues with my fingers and hands hurting too. I invested in an ergonomic keyboard. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. My hands and wrists do not hurt at all. It takes a little getting used to, but in the long run it is worth it.

Also, my legs have a tendency to fall asleep or my ankle hurts when going up and down on that pedal for two long. I have trained myself to switch feet every three or four notes. I stretch one while the other is "working", and I never wear shoes while working.

Your hubby may be right!  Probably you're under significant amount of stress lately, from work.  Try some exercises for relaxation and take frequent breaks in-between.  Make sure you get 8 hours of continuous deep sleep.

I had a professional ergonomic evaluation a couple years back and was actually told that for my body structure it is best to have the keyboard as close to me as possible, including close to my legs and not up above. I have to switch it around to be comfortable for hours at a time but I often put it in my lap too. A piece of non-skid drawer liner works great to keep it from slipping off and not be uncomfortable or bulky. This is why I think an adjustable drawer type tray would be great for me so I can have it rest just above my legs and still be able to move my legs without moving the keyboard. Expense is the problem on an MTs budget! :)

I started using a split keyboard years ago.  I love them.  The first one I had was PC Concepts, I believe.  When I finally wore that one out and went to get another, I couldn't find that brand.  I got Microsoft's keyboard next.  It's okay, although the #6 key is on the left, which I found to be true of all the split keyboards.  My PC Concepts KB had the #6 on the right, which made more sense to me.  I was never able to adjust to this, so I constructed a "bridge" for the #6 key.  I have never been able to find a split keyboard with the #6 on the right.  Does anyone know of one?

Also, I use my mouse too much and I'm starting to get pains.  Yea!!  So, I'm wondering, does anyone use a split keyboard with a built-in mousepad-thingy on the bottom of the keyboard?  I was thinking about trying one of these next, but I hate to spend the $ w/o getting some opinions first.  If you use one, what brand; do you like it; does it really work; any suggestions? 



Please see above post about ergonomics

Not fussy about ergonomics?

I love the idea of being portable, and I've never tried it. But I'm SUCH a stickler about having the right physical setup -- desk, chair, sitting in EXACTLY the way I need to sit, the keyboard in EXACTLY the right position under my fingers... I just don't see how I can be happy without my desk and chair. Suggestions? Thoughts?


ergonomics question

Hi all...

For those of you who have been doing this awhile, what have you found to be the best practice for avoiding back pain while sitting? Should your arms be resting while you type, or should they dangle by your sides?

Also, can anyone recommend a good chair for sitting for long periods of time?





problem with laptops is ergonomics...sm
o.k. to do a little here and a little there but can't imagine putting in 6-8 hour days routinely. The keyboards are just too small and set too far back. Plus are you balancing it on your knees at Starbucks or what? For heavy production, you need a good chair and desk set up. Tempting to have one to carry around though and jump on line now and then while at the football game...
Pedal Placement/Ergonomics
This is a really interesting post!

I'm curious to know what y'all use for your pedal, or anything to change things up a bit in the feet dept! I couldn't figure out how you rigged your pedal on this one, either! Do tell!
I wear wrist bands made by Chase Ergonomics, Inc. (sm)

They were given to me from a friend. He got them from work.  I also wear a Smart Glove at night. It has a brace on the top of the glove and beaded cushioning on the palm.

I also have a kinesis keyboard but haven't used it much yet. Too busy working to practice with it.

You can probably find all the above on ebay. That's where I found both the gloves and the keyboard.


Upper Michigan 18 cpl
Where in upper MI if you don't mind
me asking.  I'm in upper MI and everyone around here and surrounding areas balks at anything over 8 cpl.  I've never heard of anyone in our state paying anywhere near that high, so I'm really curious.  Thanks!
Upper and lower lid blepharoplasty.

Was setting up a surveillance camera because I am a single woman who lives alone. 


 As I was programming it, I could a glimpse of myself and nearly fell off the chair!   I loook old and tired (47). 

Have been so busy and so stressed for the last six months, I haven't really taken care of myself.  I just joined gym, quit smoking, am cleaning up my act.

But, nothing is going to take the bags away from my eyes.  Am thinking of plastic surgery.  If anyone has had this done, can you tell me whether it was worth the money to you?

As you know, I am far from rich but have few bills other than the general overhead (no credit cards).

thanks!  I work very hard and it would be a gift to myself.

Have ya'll ever had it really help your belly, esp your upper abdomen?nm
No surprise companies have the upper hand....sm
With a law that says an employer can "fire at will"...I have a hard time thinking the unfairness is NOT supposed to be that way. I could bore you with my past experience but I won't..lets just say after 28 years working in one hospital,an employee file with every yearly evaluation saying "exceeds standards"..the number that was done on me by an HIM director who i later was to learn found out I knew she was "playing doctor" with one of our married OB/GYN physicians and must have felt a bit threatened by that... is a story straight out of a "Fatal Attraction" spoof. On seeing my file in the end.. there was entry after entry of documentation that was literally untrue and fabricated.... when asking a lawyer what I could do.. the answer was nothing... they can fire at will... Some employers... and more specifically HIM directors...are bad people too...
Yikes! He had the "saggiest" upper arms I
I have consistently made in the upper $40s to mid $50s in this business.
I have not been chained to the computer. I have even worked just 3 days a week to make that. Long days, mind you, but still only 3 days a week.

I have a talent and great aptitude for this work. I also am fiercely protective of my work time/environment. I work very hard while I'm working. Thus, I do not have to work more than 40 hours a week.

Sit in disbelief all you want. Just remember, you are the one not making the money while many of us are.

If you go to "EXText " in the upper left corner....sm
while in a document, all the shortcuts are listed there. Hope this helps.
Upper righthand side of this page

I'm in southern NY, 2hrs. north of NYC. One of the helpers on MTD is from upper NY, too. nm
Nair for upper lip/face works great
Might be meaning the 3 boxes left upper corner??
the 3 little square boxed in the right hand corner, see them. The middle one makes a bigger screen. Unclick it and it goes back to regular size. This this what you meant.
Hey Pockets. Just click "CHAT now" in the upper right hand corner, and it will take you there.
If Word, Shift + F3 cycles thru upper/lower/title case.
Or: in the right upper corner you have the minimize, the restore/maximize and the close button. Cl
Does your program change lower case to upper? If so, type all in lower and
it will change the ones it is supposed to.
I wouldn't use lower case. I'd use upper case. Don't worry about it. nm
With short arms, I need chair with shallow seat, good back support and high back. Want arm rests
OK! I'm glad you're back down here. Now don't go back up there and read those evil posts ag
Okay? But I have to leave you now, sadly. Thousands of noble dictating doctors are anxiously awaiting my help with their "dictations"....They're all loading up on chips, drinking lots of soda so they can burp, and then have to go to the bathroom...You know the routine! Off I go to earn some pennies!! But, truly, I am thankful that I have a job!
PS.. It apparently worked..I heard back and already submitted the paperwork back.

I'm not sure how many people they are hiring but you shouldn't stress too hard over it. Do the best you can.