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Posted By: ThankfulMT on 2006-06-14
In Reply to: Thankful MT - MT Veteran

You've have to ask the supervisor.  I'm too busy typing to be running around asking the others how many lines they've type.  I just worry about myself, maybe something you should consider doing eh?

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I dunno

If you are dressed modestly and stone cold sober and have the unfortunate coincidence of  being somewhere where there is a rapist or killer and you become his victim, I guess you were in the wrong place at the wrong time?  No, that's not true.  You would be a victim and that person who be wrong.  That is what everyone would say.  So, because she was drunk, she deserves it more? 

I am not saying it didnt increase her chances of something bad happening. All I am saying is that she is still a murdered young woman, someone's daughter, and she STILL doesnt deserve to have her life taken away from her by some psycho. 


Gee, I dunno...
why don't you ask these heterosexual pedophiles?
dunno - but I get 7.2 CPL for ME.....nm

I dunno
I have no idea, although I was kind of thinking along those same lines. This guy is killing me this week.
Dunno know if you should change. I still
dunno -- WAS considering the offer, but not now.
I dunno... at my old job the doc does peck away at a PC - sm
to put a few things like BP, Wt., Resp., etc. into the EMR, but they also still dictate notes. Some are on templates, others are full-on, long office visit or H&P notes. Depends on the doc's style. Some work is still done in house, and a majority of it is sent out to services. I now work at a service, and my accounts all use an EMR. I still have mostly long, detailed notes from there, and the EMR seems to have only taken over the absolutely most simple & repetetive of standardized notes.
That is weird! I dunno why?
i dunno, maybe 20? it varies depending
on hot topics, mental duldrums, needing breaks from bad dictators, etc. Its usually very momentary.
Gee, I dunno. Maybe the way she tongue kissed
they did that a lot while growing up?
I dunno about that. My books are packed away and SM
I use Google all  the time - then again, I do only one type of work and I have many years' experience. If I got into something new, I'd probably have to dig them out myself.
I dunno...Al-Qaeda is everywhere, so what does it matter?
I dunno know - leave it up to my accountant. That is what I pay him for. nm
I dunno if you're wrong or not...
or even a shrew or not. If it were me, though, and in fact it was me a couple of months ago, I'd not go out to lunch a couple of times to be able to get my keyboard. How much is this ergonomic keyboard you are needing anyway? When my ergonomic keyboard bit the dust a couple of months ago, I got on e-bay and got mine for $8.00 ($1.00 bid, $7.00 S&H). It came right away and my soreness and achiness for those few days went right away! But, even though this keyboard retails $50.00, I am wondering how much the one you want costs; way over $100.00? I guess what I'm getting at is I'd just take my kids to the park with Colonel Sanders AND get my ergomic keyboard too. I am sorry that your husband responded so coldly. My husband would bend over backwards to help find a for me to get the keyboard, but I can't see where I'd even make it his problem. I would just adjust my budget so I could get my keyboard and let my husband know what I was doing to be able to get it (and this is what I did a couple of months ago). I guess I don't see how this is such a huge issue; we're only talking about a couple of weeks, right? Of course your health and well-being is of great importance, and an ergonomic keyboard is a high priority because of your symptoms, but would it be that awful to adjust your budget just one time so you could get the keyboard? I guess I don't get to get out that much anyway, so missing a couple of lunches with friends wouldn't be that bad for me!

I've totally missed something here I am sure, right?

Anyway, I do hope your symptoms get much better soon; take care of yourself, especially regarding CTS.
I dunno about that - do you know what horseshoers make
I dunno. The same woman has done my hair at FS for years. I try to go to

fancier places sometimes, but I always go back there. She's really a good hair cutter.


Dunno.... the QA's who post on here sound pretty
Reading about how perfect they all say they are, how they never make a mistake, and all the rest of us are bastically illiterate, ou'd think they invented medical transcription, and possibly even the English language.
Gee, I dunno. Maybe since you find Americans fat and arrogant is a start
so we're stuck with your nasty ol' hair-ball self
I dunno know about cottage cheese since lasagna has that (or ricotta) already in it??

I dunno...why don't YOU stop acting on your impulse to love men?
Love your *logic*...
I dunno. I sure do miss my Selectric and those onion-skin copies. nm
free site - my computer warned me not to install - dunno about it n/m

The site tells me to change an index.html code to access. Dunno what that is??? nm
I dunno about Word 2007 but Word 2003

has AutoCorrect, which is probably what you're meaning. When you program a macro, it records your Keystrokes and actions and is more complicated than what you're needing.

In Word 2003, type the word/phrase you want (i.e., degenerative disc disease) then highlight it. Go to Tools, AutoCorrect Options, and your highlighted word should be in the "with" box. Type your shortcut (i.e., ddd) in the "replace" box. Click Add then OK. To use the new entry, just type what you put in the replace box (ddd). No other keys necessary. I would guess it should be about the same in Word 2007.

Hope that helps! Feel free to email if you have more questions...