Don't forget Marilyn Monroe for being too demanding of the president.
Posted By: And Elvis, too! on 2005-12-08
In Reply to: Exactly why Nixon had him investigated - NJMT
Subversives, all of them! LOL
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Marilyn Monroe??? Jerry Lewis??? You're kidding right?
Sounds like Judge Marilyn Milian is ruling.
.Best Wishes..
Three dogs...Max our mixed, CoCo our chocolate cocker and Monroe our Cavilier King Charles spaniel,
Too physically demanding
That is the reason I put when I quit a standing all day/heavy lifting job in bank operations after a few months. And it was true, too. I was dog tired and not good for anything after my 4-5 hour shift of standing, walking, bending, and heavy lifting, most of which I didn't know was involved when taking the job.
Avoid the "hostile work environment" excuse. Potential employers will think you are the troublemaker. Sad but true.
Well, then I am gonna be more demanding
as some of these posts seem to be. There is not 1 single person that I know of, have ever known of, probably will ever know of that has a company pay them to come into the office to work. If a traveling salesman, I could see that but more likely a company could hire plenty of others who are glad to show up and have a job rather than thinking it was their place to pay for gas. I still find that post AMAZING.
It seems like a lot, but I have demanding clients
who don't telecommute, so I have to drive 44 MI each day to pick up and drop off. I have to print the original note and any copies, print envelopes. If they call and need something ASAP, I am expected to drop everything and type and fax it to them. If I am out sick or on vacation, I am not permitted to subcontract it out to another MT. It sits until I get back and then I am expected to work extra hours to make up the work. There are only a couple of MT's, who work from home, and we are supposd to complete dictation for 9 Drs/NP's in 24 hr turnaround. Also, I am supposed to abbreviate as much as possible to cut down costs.
Do you follow the BOS when you test? Are you demanding too
"Suggesting" is entirely different from demanding a set shift.
You're anonymous and demanding to know? Who cares? We come
to chat and get advice and these boards are made available to us at no charge. Who cares who "owns" it?
Motel housekeeper when I was 16. That was a physically demanding and disgusting
job. The supervisor was always riding us to clean faster, but we made less money if we got the job done in fewer hours. Why on earth would we work faster to clean a room in 20 minutes or less just so they could pay us less?
Anyway, it was a nasty job. The things people do in motel rooms were often immoral and illegal. I had teenaged boys on a soccer team throwing condoms at me. People used to rent rooms to party, get drunk, do drugs, and other things. They left behind pornography and other things an innocent 16 y.o. had never even seen before.
Then this adult male "guest" was wandering down the hallway in just a pair of shorts. We were supposed to help the "guests" so I asked if he had misplaced his room key. He pulled his shorts off and came after me. I grabbed a bottle of acid to spray him in the eyes and called security, but the cops never found him. He had overturned the bed in his room and set up a pup tent in there. What a weirdo. I quit that same week because the housekeeper supervisor was a shrew. She's still there 20 years later. Never had any motivation to do anything else, I guess. That job taught me how to clean thoroughly and quickly, but also taught me that I would never be anyone's grunt.
Well, you're a rare one... mostly I get newbies demanding I hire
for a variety of reasons- because I really-really-really want this job, because I have to work at home to take care of my kids/mother/handicapped sister/old dog, because how can I get experience if you DON'T hire me, etc. etc. Most can't pass a grammar test to show they can use effect/affect effectively, and some even reply with emails riddled with typos and sloppy work. So good for you, but you're about one in a million...sad to say
Send him a certified letter with bill demanding payment within
within five days from receipt (make it RRR). You have your proof that you notified him. If it is not picked up or signed for, you have your proof that occurred to. All these things go in your favor when trying to collect money. that's just a starter. I would never have let him get away with it this long. Once would have been it.
Heck, coding is complex, but definitely FINITE and physically non-demanding. sm
Typing can get to you, physically. And coding has SO many resources, catalogs, books, online resources. Once you understand the concepts and rules, it's kinda like playing a card game, and not that difficult. I think MT is way more demanding, mentally.
President's Day
hopefully our next president will see this
Who was the US president when U first became an MT?
President Clinton for me.
Gerald Ford
US president
That would have been Daddy Bush.
Carter - 1979 - American
Someone should have told our President that...nm
Well, I'm glad YOU are not the president...
The same people who wanted to tar and feather GWB for not piecing together some snippits of information before 9/11 and tried to say that he should have seen it coming are the same people who criticize him for stepping into Iraq to remove a dictator who even Bill Clinton said needed to be removed. If you think terrorists weren't conducting business in Iraq? You are naive. If another attack were traced back to weapons or nukes passed off in Iraq, you would be blaming Bush for ignoring all that was known about Saddam and the danger of leaving him in power. In a post 9/11 world, with all that was before him BEFORE the war as far as intelligence, he did the only thing he could do. I think in the long run it's going to work out in Iraq, but again, that takes us back the patience thing. I've got it, you don't. History shows that Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will a new Iraq.
The president has it in for you, yeah, that's it!
Blaming other people because you refuse to keep up with the world and desperately want to hold on to a job that's clearly on its way down the toilet is the exact attitude that ends up getting nowhere in life, but that's always someone else's fault too, right? What a defeated, running in place attitude you have! See you at Walmart applying for the prestigious greeter job (that will be the president's fault too).
That president is such a wimp.
You would think he'd be as far away as possible. I miss President Palmer.
The individual who is now the president of
the insurance company association (whatever it is called) is Mark Racicot, who was Bush's right hand man and head of the RNC. They do not care about the welfare of people, just their own pockets.
President of AAMT going to
Writing to president sm
It's a good idea but he's been talking about it for a long time and doubt he'd agree, his mind is made up. What has to come across is the confidentiality issue which I believe is another moot point. It's very sad and I think has been in the making by the hierarchy for years. Doctors don't care period. They have families, hate dictating, would love to have it off their backs. I guess what we have to do in response is be discreet and not tell them anything we don't want the world to know. Sad, sad,sad!
My email to the President
I wrote this email to the President this afternoon. I cry each time I read it. I know I may have a few errors in the punctuation but I was very emotional when I wrote it. *Please note I am a newer Transcriptionist hence the money comment.
Dear Mr. President,
I am a medical transcriptionist. I just got laid off this morning from my job due to our largest client taking their work back in-house and sending some offshore. I have worked 3rd shift for a year for not very much money. I have sacrificed family time, personal time, money, and my health. I have rearranged our family schedule and my body clock. I needed to work and did what I had to do. I worked the job I could find. It was not much money but that money paid my mortgage, put food on our table, paid our auto loans, and credit cards. There are very few jobs out there.
What do you suggest I do now? What are you going to do about offshoring? How am I going to tell my husband? I voted for you. How are you going to help me, (Name) the Transcriptionist? Do I now have to work for an overseas transcription company. That seems very un-American to me.
We pay our bills, we are good people, we work hard but it does not seem to matter. I'm a tired American. I'm tired of working so hard for so little. I'm tired of not making ends meet. I'm tired of being told to be patient and it will turn around. I'm tired of the rest of the world taking advantage of our generosity. I'm tired of my husband driving a (Corporate name) truck all day and night and showing very little for his efforts. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired.
Well, I guess I can get some sleep now because I don't have to work tonight.
So Mr. President, my policy questions for you are:
1. When are we going to take our jobs back and take care of our own people?
2. What am I going to do for work now?
Thank you to whoever reads this. It may not be seen by the President but I feel better having told him about yet one more struggle of an American family.
michelle for president!!!! nm
Three words to discribe Mr. HIS President....
"Male Shovenist Pig"!
The nerve of some people amaze me. Anyone know if he is Indian?
Three words to discribe Mr. HIS President
"Male Shovenist Pig"!
If you cannot even take the time to spell correctly what you are describing, how can anyone take your comments seriously. "chauvinist".
"discribe" How about describe?
My kind? The blame goes far beyond our president.
He should have finished his first battle before he started another. He has done nothing to ensure that our safety is any better than it was pre-911. If anything, it is worse.
Our president has even alienated his own base.
I visit a local political board that is primarily conservative (something I am totally not, but it's still fun to go watch the "fireworks") and even the hardcore Republicans are peeved at him. Apparently this immigration "amnesty" bill he's pushing has really not settled very well with his "peeps." I didn't vote for him twice, so my conscience is clear, but I still think he's a tool, president or not. I never had respect for him and never will. I know I am not alone either and I'm sorry if that offends you, but I'm exercising one of the primary freedoms that our poor soldiers are dying and getting wounded for--freedom of speech.
The president himself deserves respect only
when he begins to show respect for the office he holds, the populace he serves, and the constitution.
MQ offshoring - My response to the President
Here's MY letter--below--to our President. Our jobs are going people. But our president has other plans. To the poster below--do you think that lovely older woman who asked the question about offshoring--or any of us lovely people sitting comfortably in our home offices right now working--are cut out for jobs such as (taken from the transcript) building solar panels or wind turbines or the new biofuel -- that involve these higher-value, higher-skill, higher-paying jobs ?? Are you ready to climb a friggen wind turbine and service the propellers?
I was so upset with his answer. First, I called the White House. This is our right. You ALL should do that. Second I wrote the following letter to the President. My own little two cents. Then I copied it to every news agency out there that I could think of. Again, just my two cents. You all should do the same. Let him know that his answer just will not do. What are we all supposed to do, in the meantime, to buy food and pay our bills before we get trained to build turbines, solar panels, or go to the lab to create the next biofuel?
President Obama—
You owe the American displaced workers an apology.
How dare you.
I am shocked at your response to the video question about the offshoring of American jobs. How dare you say to us that we don’t want those jobs that are going offshore anyway. Mr. President, for those of us who have lost or are about to lose our jobs to offshoring, yes we DO want our jobs.
You then went on to blame offshoring on the credit situation. Oh come on! The financial disaster has nothing to do with offshoring. Offshoring is the bastard child of government ineptitude and the corporate greed running rampant in our country. Offshoring means getting the same job done by cheap third-world labor. Offshoring is about not paying decent wages and benefits. Offshoring is about stuffing corporate pockets with more money.
If there was an international symbol for offshoring, it would be a picture of a CEO’s heel grinding into a third-world worker’s back.
These greedy corporations have sold out the American worker and are stepping on the backs of the low-wage third-world workers .
I am outraged. I DID go to school Mr. President. I HAVE a degree. I have invested thousands of dollars into reference materials and equipment to help me perform my job better. I also have invested almost 30 years to my career. My career is very technical. I could rattle off a bunch of words here for you, and I bet you would not know what they mean. But I do. And I have performed my job with pride all these years.
How dare you brush off the offshoring question with such simplicity.
Well, I would rather Americans have jobs, not undereducated or poorly educated third world nations.
A lot of the work from my field goes to India, Phillipines and Pakistan. Didn’t I see a group of Pakistani’s burning the American Flag on TV recently? Do you know that when my company’s work goes offshore, it contains the name, birth date and social security numbers of Americans? This is information, that in the wrong hands, could be used to ruin someone’s life. How can we be sure in countries with unstable governments, with such widespread hatred for America, with the arrogance to burn the American Flag on national TV, that this information will be guarded with care? The sad part is, after the Pakistani’s anti-American demonstration, chances are they all went back to work---doing jobs taken from Americans.
How dare you say we don’t want our jobs. What is your solution? Wait for these “green jobs” to be created some day? Go to school while we are waiting and then hope that we will be hired when we are in our golden years?
How dare you belittle what we all have worked so hard to achieve in our lives. Not all offshored jobs are call center jobs. Many of those jobs are now degreed and highly skilled jobs also.
And—your comment about our children becoming engineers was laughable. With all due respect—get with it sir—those jobs are also being offshored. Also, what are we, the displaced workers, many of us middle age, supposed to do in the meantime before we get trained to build solar panels, wind turbines and create biofuels. How should be pay for our food and our rents and mortgages?
No, Mr. President, you are so very incorrect. We DO want those jobs. They feed us, clothe us, and keep us off the street. Not to mention they help us strengthen the tax base in our own country--America.
Yes, We WANT our jobs, Mr. President.
You owe all the displaced American workers an apology.
You Are Wrong.
Tell that to the President and congressmen/women that should be a requirement sm
and lets see what happen LOL
the president's vacation isn't long enough. needs to be permanent.
as for brain surgeons, they may be making enough money to pay the rent AND take a vacation; I'm not.
My husband is a union president and says we should definitely organize.
But what would then stop them from further outsourcing?
Your opening statement about our President is disrespectful.
Whether or not you like him, he is still the President and that office should be respected. Unfortunately, your statement is reflective of the mindset and mentality of many in our country. And people have to ask why the rest of the world doesn't like us--we don't even like each other.
At the very least you should be respectful of those in positions of authority. It's modeling of appropriate behavior that our children see and emulate themselves.
Interesting Article on eScription President
Interesting interview of eScription's CEO
Still waiting for response to my letter sent to President
Bush about Katrina. I called the White House and later sent in fax and so far have no response. Good luck.
Yeah. They are so fair that they fired their president like they fire everyone else.
Is Monday, Feb 12, President Day? Brain dead this morning. nm
Once President-Elect Obama is in office, we'll
in the last 15+ years to make our voices heard. He, too, wants to tax the crap out of companies that offshore American work, which is as it SHOULD BE! Why should America be ENCOURAGING companies to offshore?
India was one of the few (if any) countries in the world who was not happy to see Obama get elected, and precisely because of his views on offshoring , and taxing the companies that do it. He will be getting his ducks in a row and formulating his agenda in the first months of office, and that is the time to be sure that all members of our government who can be reached by phone, letter, or email, should be given specific feedback on how offshoring medical records is hurting US, as well as patients, and the rest of the country.
Voice Your Concern about Offshoring - E mail the President - see here
Go to or ehow, etc. I did just that today. They invited me to e mail the president - so I did. Not sure he will ever get it but it was a nice friendly letter. I asked him to find out and report how many jobs are being offshored every single day, faster than he can create them. I asked him to try to get specific figures on tax implications and our social security system. No one has ever given out this information, which would probably be a difficult task since the offshoring companies will not fess up to how many jobs really leave the U.S. I figured if any one could find out it would be President Obama himself. As an aside I asked him could it be true that the big banks who received approximately $150 billion dollars of our money actually applied for 20,000 new visas for foreign workers (up 1/3). With our own money?
I asked him how his stimulus package was supposed to work. I have always stimulated the economy, worked, and paid taxes. Now my job has been given to a foreign worker who does not pay taxes. What gives? If that is not on a drain on the system, then the lines for unemployment income are. I mentioned that the stimulus checks handed out were never going to trickle down to the average American citizen. Look what they are doing with it. The best stimulus he could give us is to save our jobs. We can't spend what we don't have. I also congratulated him on his new job, financial security, the American people keeping the mortgage up to date on the White House, and that his kids certainly seem to have everything they need. Keep up the good work and get back to me on those huge figures. Oh, and I gave him my figures, unemployment at 50% of your earnings for 6 months.
Your e mail can be one sentence or up to 5,000 words. Can you imagine the President receiving e mails from 300-500 MTs in one week. Do it.
Gack! Is nursing your idea or his? Nursing is highly demanding and long hours.
I'd check with a college counselor/advisor on programs they have for women over 30 to return to academia and enter new careers. Then I'd ask to take some career tests to see what your interests are and what you'd be be suited for. Also, there is scholarship money available for women over 30. Ask about it.
Since I've already raised my kids, I'd also like to state that jr. high and high school are the years our kids need us at home the most. Those are the years they can get into the most trouble if left to themselves. If he's already 9, why not just enter college part-time to finish in about 6 to 7 years? But definitely go talk to a college counselor.
Brain surgeons and the U.S. President take vacations; so can you. The world won't stop if you do!
MTStars is following the same directions that has been asked by the President of the United States.
MTStars is following the same directions that has been asked by the President of the United States regarding donations to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
If you would like to make monetary donations, please make them to the American Red Cross or the Salvation Army. Banners are running above on the Main board that link directly to those sites.
Thank you!
Administrator MTStars
I just sent Bill O'Reilly a copy of letter I sent to President Obama. Anyone who can, email him
while the topic is fresh from his recent show. I do think Bill O'Reilly can at least get this offshoring debate out there, and right now we need publicity and basic facts to reach the viewers.
Kids are demanding and so is MT work. My question is how CAN you do this with kids, rather than how
When you have two young kids, 11 months apart, (like I stated they are now 4 and 5) and have been doing this since they were born with no help from their father and no family around, YES, the kids get neglected. Part time might work but living on one salary, part time, is not an option. How can you possible tell me that anyone with two young kids can stay at home and work a full-time, 8-hour shift, and still give their kids the attention they NEED. I dont care how good you are at multitasking and how great your organizational skills are. It is a very difficult thing to do. And I am offended by your post making it sound as if it is easy to do.
I do agree that it can depend on how well your kids behave and how well they are able to play on their own. But my kids were not able to play well on their own. They needed constant attention.
So please take the time to realize that there are people out there in different situations than your own.
Reading our posts should help you to understand that everyone has a different situation. I believe everyone should have the right to shares their experiences as it might benefit the original poster in her questions and concerns.
I dont think anyone should be bashed for taking the time out to write about their experiences. I dont usually come on here to argue but you really ticked me off with your post. And try reading the post correctly. I said next time around I would have put them in day care. What I DID do with them was set them up to an activity like art or put on a movie for them. Geez.
Don't forget to ask...
What types of accounts you will have and whether you will have backups if your primary runs out of work. Do they pay for spaces and use of expansions or normals? Are hours flexible if you need it? Is there any charge for equipment? software? Is tech support available all the time? How soon do the bennies such as health insurance kick in? How often do you get paid and when can you expect your first paycheck? Do they give pay raises, incentives or anything else that can increase your income? What kind of training will you get until you are comfortable with the accounts? Are there a lot of ESLs?
Whether they answer any questions honestly or not you will find out when you get started. Probably best to run the company name on MTStars and see what you get. Good luck!
Will never forget