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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Does anyone know of places

Posted By: anon on 2007-04-15
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that hire people offshore to do data entry work.  I work as an MT, but am thinking about moving to another country in the next 5 years.  I do not believe in offshoring medical records, so I do not consider continuing with MT as an option.  I tried doing a search on Google, but have not found much after trying different queries.  Thanks in advance for all help!

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seems to me a lot of places would let you sm
work just weekends as that is the hardest spot to fill.
I think a lot of places are going through this right now
It's been the same here. No work or very very slow. I'm the complainer when the work is low though, but I don't usually complain on message boards. I'm the one that's calling the company looking for more work. I'm flexible and they're good to me and keep me going. I have to appreciate that!
places have always been
doing that.  I really don't think its just starting now.  they save bucks that way. 
Some places still use it, I use WP5.1 every day - sm
for 1 job, though they do want to convert over, but it is what the hospital uses. It is not hard to use and I have Stedmans's spellcheck and Smartype (the original) for it and you can macro your butt off with it; and very easy to use.
Do you even have to do this? Most places just
Other places to try







I think most places
want somewhat of a set schedule or a certain # of hours per week, be it FT or PT. However, a lot of companies offer split shifts and very flexible scheduling. Also, all work as a TAT - turn around time, so it has to be done in a timely manner. I suppose if you work for someone locally, this could be more flexible.
Yes there are still places sm

that give I raises.  If you are dependable, do what is asked and more, don't pick and choose your work types, learn how to do everything that comes across the board and don't complain (at least to your employer-haha), there are companies that reward you accordingly. 

I realize there are companies that do not reward and you have the choice to stay or go depending on your situation.  But there still are places that will pay for good, experienced MTs and pay very well!

Yes, there are a lot of places worse off, but

there are a lot of places that are a lot better too. For the money and the resources that this country has, we do not nearly take care of business the way we should. Do you know that there are countries that do not have as much money as we do or resources, yet every citizen is entitled to healthcare by way of government paid insurance. Do you know how many people we have in the US that are uninsured? Do you know how many countries offer paid maternity leave for mothers? I could go on, but I won't. The US is a lot better than a lot of places, but we should be ashamed at how we handle things a lot of the times. America is full of a lot of greedy people, and we wonder why other countries hate us. Do you know that the cost of the president's inauguration party would have been way more than enough to armor every single vehicle that our military had? Do you know how many lives or injuries could have been saved if only the vehicles were armored better? Where are our priorities there?

Most places, you betchya
While you may have had one person train you, depending on the work you do and number of QA staff that support that work, yes. QA is usually hired as supervisory staff, which means they do QA, train, feedback, report quality issues, nonworking issues, etc. as well as being a source for you to ask for help, report issues, conflicts, etc. Usually when QA is done, all QA staff are polled for each person for any quality issues, complaints from clients, etc. to get the whole picture. While you may not view the QA staff as "bosses" per se, their word carries weight...do not be too quick to burn bridges.
Many places, google them
Ebay is probably the cheapest, that is where I got mine 8 years ago at $600, I am sure they have come down some since then.
I know of two places, but I can't remember the name of the second one.
emediamillworks.com is one of them.  I'll search my hard drive to see if I saved the address of the other company.
Probably true a lot of places
Well, things will be totally different with the new generation since it is an accepted standard that women just do everything a man does for the most part now. I unfortunately was on the cusp of this changeover and will be too old to benefit.

I don't think too many of today's kids think that "male body parts" qualify as superior in the workforce. And if you do, you need to look around, because today women even fly fighter jets.
manufacturing places in TN and KY in USA..nm
Do wi-fi places let you plug your lap top into


Some places use the SS# as the patient ID #. (nm)
It varies. 65 is not always the # used. Some places
Some places will pay extra for

longer to transcribe. My company does. It does help.
Not that many places pay extra for CMT (nm)
of all the places to put a typo!
Places to work...

I can certainly sympathize with your plight.  Am forced to leave MQ because of the pay and now because of the uncertainty of having a job in a few years has come into play.  I searched and found that no one really wants to pay more than 7-9 cpl anymore.  I did find one place that will pay more.  I think it is based on experience, multiple specialties and the account itself.  I start in a week and they are starting me out at 9.5 with a review in 90 days to possibly go to 10.  There may be even 11 in my future, if I do well with this company.  So far, everything seems to be working out with this company.  They have a very strict QA period to start, but I think it will be okay once I start actually typing.  It is also strictly typing, no editing.  So real money for real pay.  I know that I did not find anyplace that paid better on the internet.  This will bring me back to what I was making with MQ before the editing came around, which will be good for me.


So, it takes a lot of searching and a lot of hard work to find the right fit for you.  If you would like more info on the company I found, e-mail me and I will let you know.  I have a feeling they will be getting loaded with resumes in the coming months from people from MQ.  Glad, I started before all this started.


Good Luck.

If Dell or places like that do not have it,
try a local computer store/repair service.
The same features are all there but in different places because
of the new ribbon. If you were productive in an older version, you would be just as productive in 2007 once you learn your way around the new layout. Almost all of my old keyboard shortcuts still work in 2007 so I don't fool with the ribbon all that much. I toggle it off most of the time because it's so huge and takes up too much room on my screen.

Are you sure your trial version isn't fully functional? Maybe your trial time has expired?

Most places can tell who has edited
a report, whether the MT, QA, or other personnel. I had a physician actually go in and change something on mine which was not correct. I saw that it had been changed and contacted my supervisor and she was able to tell the physician had changed it, not QA. So there are things in place most programs that can tell who made what changes.
If you google it, there are places you can
Your sister hasn't been looking in the right places. (sm)
There are companies that hire coders to work at home. Tell her to try www.aviacode.com, www.lexicode.com, www.amphionmedical.com, www.btcworldwide.com, and www.peakhs.com. Tell her to subscribe to the AHIMA jobs board. They have plenty of jobs (some are in-house and some are work at home). Hope this helps.
I know what you mean. I remember when Elance and all those other places
first came out. People were bidding less than minimum wage. Really, how bored or desperate do you have to be to work for free? A legitimate business cannot compete with that. I had a virtual assistant business back then. People didn't care about quality and experience, only cost. That's why I went back to working for someone else.

The same thing with eBay. I used to sell collectibles there. People sell things so cheap that you wonder how they even cover their packaging materials and gasoline to the post office, not to mention the wholesale purchase price of the inventory.

Makes you wonder if these people have ever heard of a profit and loss statement....
Yes, I am aware but there are other places he expresses himself
on this board. I could be wrong, though, it wouldn't be the first time.
It's surprising how many places are paying 6-8 cpl
even though I know some people make more, cpl is dropping in MT, not rising. If you are not a fast typist, may want to consider doing something else.
There are real people at these places? lol nm
Yes there are many places without leash laws.
It can be bought from a number of places.
I bought it for an older computer of mine from an online company. I know this can be risky, but the company had good reviews (do not remember the name). I bought Microsoft Office from Dell.
Most places pay per audio hour
Unless it is paying $60+ per audio/recorded hour, it is not worth it. I did this for awhile. It is tedious and hard to make a decent wage.
I have worked for a couple places sm
one company (national - they took out taxes, so i was considered an employee) paid between $1.10 to $1.35 a report, depending on the difficulty of the account/doctors.  i currently work for a company (considered statutory employee) and they pay is $1.25 a report.  hope that helps.  i think i like being paid by the line, because you have your nit pickers out there that will skip the long jobs and do the short ones if you get paid per report.  if you get paid by line, to me it doesn't matter. 
Hyphens in the wrong places
Thank you! This is why I am so upset. I know this is wrong and my hands are tied. Not all of the QA where I am change this, but a few do. The bad part is that it is fate which determines which QA checks the work each day. Wish only the good QA people were in control.
Are there any places that rent C-phones? sm

I don't mean companies that you work for, but some independent company that you could rent one from.   I had one for a long time, but then the company I work for went to wav files, and foolishly, I got rid of my C-phone.  Now I have an opportunity at another company that requires a C-phone, but they don't supply them or rent them.  Before buying something and then finding out the company stinks, I thought it would be nice to rent one.  Maybe this is a farfetched idea, but thought I'd ask.


This is a slow period most places

Beginning of summer, everybody on vacation.

I have two part-time jobs, one for an MT company, one for a local radiology group doing their overflow work. Maybe something like that would work for you - when one isn't busy, the other might be.

There ARE good places to work for out there

Congratulations! I'm glad you found a job that works for you.

I, too, have found my niche. It's pretty unique and probably wouldn't work for anybody else, but it works for me. 

Especially their interest in CHINA, of all places. -sm
Look at what's been coming out of there already - poison pet food, poison people food, badly made and dangerous children's toys, flimsy everything else, etc. They try to bend the rules on just about everything they make & export.

Imagine the quality of their medical transcription.....

[* SHUDDER! *] :/
voted; said the other 2 are grooming places. I'd like to have a...
compared to what most places offer
This is very good. I would just clarify that time isn't rounded down to the nearest minute on each dictation. This is a good rate even if ESL as long as it is not one of those impossible-to-hear people. :)
Could you not put like "the patient" in most places rather than he/she? nm
Most places do not use word 2007
If you choose to upgrade. I have both 2003 and 2007 (yes you can run both at the same time on Vista) and never use 2007 anymore. It says you can save the document as 97-2003 but a lot gets changed in trasmission anyway.
I work for 2 places that both use Extext
You should be able to use pedal for both places as long as they both use Extext.
Has anybody heard about which places on Tx coast have
This occurred after the local news was done and all national outlets are still saturated with McCain's ad and lipstick on pigs. would appreciate reliable info.  I live on the Texas coast.   
1200 is the minimum at most places for
full-time. Personally I transcribe anywhere from 1700 to 2000 lines in an 8-hour day.
Theft $400 and above is a felony in most places
Did you call the police where they live/where you sent the equipment? Threaten them with it in email (go to readnotify.com and sign up for the trial and you can see if and when they open your email). After that, do it. Call the police and file charges. That is BS and they need to pay the consequences.
Thanks. I have already sent out like 11 resumes and tested with three of the places. I have only he
the woman told me she had just hired and to check back in 6 months.  I have also e-mailed five other companies to see if they were hiring.  I assume since I have heard nothing back from them they are not.  Thankfully the one I heard from was not a defnite no but I can't wait 6 months for a job either.  With times as they are I could use some extra income right now.  I guess I will keep looking and hope someone calls me soon.    
Not fired but at 2 places I worked
First place worked on something called units. I would usually go over 50 a day and was told 1 day if anyone got over 50 then would stop and do paper work. Told the boss that would be discrimination against me as I was the only 1 doing over 50. So much for that. The second place was 2 transcriptions only for a fairly good sized hospital. No work sent out, no need for extra people. I was told 1 day by human resources- well look how much you make at 60 thous plus and I said, yes but take the place of 2-3 people. Your pay can and has played into my work in the past. People used to offer incentive, but don’t make too much. Could be the same now with making $$$$.
And some places DO keep tabs on who keeps rejecting jobs. Best to just do what comes along.
Did they register for gifts at cerain places? That